Station Desk Caddy

The Classic Station is a truly universal caddy for anywhere your stuff likes to accumulate. There are tons of phone docks and charging stations out there, so I wanted to create something that was versatile and almost any phone, pair of sunglasses, set of keys etc. could rest neatly inside. It’s not a charging station, it’s a solution to too much clutter on your desk or counter top.

If you get a text message or a phone call, you can easily grab your phone without fussing with cables or plugs. Plus, it’s made from 100% Eco-Friendly Bamboo! ** tablets, phones, electronics, money as pictured are not included in purchase, and are only for display of station versatility and use.

Made of 100% Eco-friendly Bamboo
Size: 11″ × 4″ × .75″ (inches)
Universal caddy
Handcrafted in the USA
