
Welcome to ThEdible market place, delivering the freshest produce from harvest to the dinner table.

Those whom have been waiting for healthy organic fast-food chains to be as easily accessible as the larger chains, now have a place they can feel is their own.

Our markets distribute fresh fruits and vegetables, most of which are grown by True Garden our local organic green house. The mission and our program go hand-in-hand with quality.

Our desire to provide the best produce and fine ingredients to our customers as well as assist those who are in need of nourishment is the goal of ThEdible marketplace.

Each franchise offering fresh salad bars and organic deli sandwiches, as each sale contributes to funding our very own organic greenhouse. ThEdible organic greenhouse will be the source of our ingredients and the backbone of our program and mission.

By providing fresh, organic ingredients in a fast-pace, fast-food style environment, while paying it forward to food based charities, nursing homes, churches and individuals each month, ThEdible will be the revolution of healthy eating.

Imagine the first of its kind healthy fast-food chain across America, building large vertical farm greenhouses to produce and give away, thousands of pounds of organic fruits and vegetables each year, all while profiting as a franchise owner !

Welcome to ThEdible
