
Tidy Slider bullet journaling stencil helps you make bujo

Tidy Slider bullet journaling stencil helps you make bujo
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The Tidy Slider is just that – a compact stencil that slides along your journal page, allowing you to create layouts quickly and accurately. The Tidy Slider has a vertical slit for you to slip pages into to anchor it in place. The exposed portion of the stencil is wide enough to make the standard three column bullet journal layout, with the edges landing correctly on the grid. The stencil also has notches so you can easily mark out the boxes with a neat one grid gutter between the columns. The small, horizontal marks allow you to perfectly create half columns. Finally, if you want to create half page columns, go ahead and use the full width of the stencil. Once again, there are notches to aide in creating a one box gutter in between the columns. This stencil is sheer engineering genius designed to help you make quicker, more accurate layouts so you can move onto the tasks on your to do list. We’ve even made a movie to show you how the stencil works. Just jump over to our youtube channel:

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