
TINY 0.7 x 0.8 UNIVERSAL Folding and Reduction Die made of

TINY 0.7 x 0.8 UNIVERSAL Folding and Reduction Die made of
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At CoinRingUSA, we uphold the highest standards by sourcing only the best quality material and highly skilled craftsmanship when making our coin ring tools. Thats why all CoinRingUSA brand of folding/reduction dies are precision-smoothed, buffed, and then hand-polished to a superior finish on the inside die walls using a multi-step process that results in the most consistent and effective folding and reduction of any coin to make into a coin ring on the market. These die even leaves a polished finish to the edges of the ring, (see the last photo in this listing for reference.) 0.7 x 0.8″ universal folding/reduction die description: This reduction die will now give you the option to fold and reduce penny, nickel and dime-sized coins; and can be used to further reduce coins of similar size and slightly larger as well. This die is the perfect complement to the universal Folding/Reduction dies that have inner diameter openings from 1.6, all the way down to 0.9 it’s highly recommended to use the improved stainless steel starter cone with this die, found in the listing below:

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