
Unicorn Tears Raspberry Gin Liqueur

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There’s good news and bad news. Bad news first: the guys at the unicorn farm messed up and fed half of our majestic mares a diet of juicy fat raspberries. The good news? Turns out that it made their tears even more delicious. Second only to our Black Unicorn Tears gin. Or possibly the original. ?? This magical gin liqueur is bursting with the tart sweetness of succulent raspberries, expertly teamed up with tangy citrus, spicy juniper berries and subtle notes of liquorice to deepen the flavour and keep gin connoisseurs guessing. Disappointed beyond consolation with their sad succulent raspberry meal plan, our unicorns cried rare extra-potent pink tears teeming with double the iridescent shimmer. We’re not entirely sure how the sadness translates to more sparkles and higher opacity but our team of in-house Unicorn Scientists confirm it’s Legit Science and not something someone made up. As per the original formula, raspberries aside, the unicorns were treated impeccably. Feeding an animal some delicious plump bittersweet berries is not cruelty. That said, the least you could do is buy some for their troubles. Swish it around, unleash a torrent of sparkly glitter, sip, and spare a thought for the unicorns that gave their tears so that you could get crunk.

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