Vegan Junk Food

Fantasise about greasy, juicy, meaty burgers all day long but can’t justify eating animal products? No problem! Just want to casually opt-out of an environmentally-unsustainable meat industry? Come this way! Keen to broaden your culinary horizons and dip a toe into veganism without feeling like you’re being lectured or stereotyped? This is the book you need! Described by the author as the “anti-vegan cookbook for vegans”, Vegan Junk Food is the hardback bible of super delicious, easy-to-follow vegan recipes. No heavy, guilt-laden fluff – just a creative foray into the world of meat-free cooking that will seriously satisfy your cravings. Let’s see now… Deep-fried mac ‘n’ cheese balls, Jalapeno Poppers, Philly faux-steak, Cobb Salad, The Big Zac, Super Salty Bacon Burger, Cheesy Nachos. Salivating yet? Best of all, there are no long lists of absurd specialist ingredients. Just tasty, supermarket-friendly recipes that anyone can get on board with.
