Velvet Elite Wrap 9100 is a self adhesive PVC film with a unique velvet aspect especially designed for Car Wrapping. The product is sold by roll – width 1,52m (60 inches). Different lengths are available :
1,52m x 25m (60in x 27,3yd)
1,52m x 20m (60in x 21,9yd)
1,52m x 15m (60in x 16,4yd)
For your information, a 20m roll will cover a standard size car.
Your car, dressed up by Velvet Cars, resists to rain, snow, mud, intense sunlight, frequent washing, hydrocarbons etc. Moreover, the film provides a better soundproofing of the cabin. Acoustic comfort and enhances the life inside your vehicle. Once dressed up, probably your wheels won’t fit with the wrap, so you can check this cool wheel collection where you will find something that will fit with the new look.