awesome contemporary speaker

Westwood Speaker

Westwood Speaker
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GPO is an English brand that seeks out nostalgia for the good old days and presents objects that could be interesting collectors who like furnishings that can go with any type of environment. The Westwood speaker is an amplifier with a finish available in different colours and silver details, best when connected to a stereo system or a nice turntable. GPO exerts its expertise in the creation and production of retro accessories, which have a clear reference to the past, while maintaining modern functionality with high performance. Westwood is an amplifier that can be connected to any electronic device and can act as a base or speaker. With reference to the placement, thanks to its versatility and, at the same time, the simplicity of the shapes and materials, it can fit into any room of the house. We envision the Westwood speaker as inserted into a corner specially dedicated to music, to support other devices or musical instruments, such as an electric guitar, which serve perfectly as furnishings for the living room area. Or, in the case of a more intimate gathering, the amplifier can be placed in the bedroom, in order to create a soft and relaxing atmosphere that facilitates sleep. In essence, at first glance this seems like a small object found in grandmother’s attic or basement, but the inside is the result of careful analysis that allows you to get maximum performance. In addition, because the GPO Westwood speaker is a piece of modern art with high functionality, it can also be an ideal gift for those who love music, whilst remaining in the field of hi-tech accessories, with this absolutely unusual appearance, it becomes a truly unique gift. It’s often the style details that can best characterize an environment. Info: 25 watt output with Bluetooth sub-woofer – Bluetooth multimedia connection – RCA input – 3.5 mm AUX – treble, volume and bass controls – fabric cover in vintage style, handle for carry and metal angles.

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