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u/musicotic ยท 0 pointsr/GCcriticalcynical

>So quote me where I said that. Did I say you're triggered? Did I call you hypersensitive?

I never said that you said these things. Note that in my original comment it specifically states:

>(of course it's just implied)


>Let me get this straight. Gencyn can call GC bitches, cunts, bigots, terfs, delusional, disgusting, subhuman, they can celebrate when we get beaten and tell us we deserved it, advocate for violence against us, they can make fun of us for being autistic, incest survivors, CSA survivors, prostitution survivors, they can smear us as being "on drugs" or "crazy" when we are not, they can report us to the local authorities for completely made up child neglect, and all of that is just fine and dandy, or at worst, isolated events or the odd bad apple - despite to this day people celebrating and continuing to do that on gencyn

  1. I only commented on the usage of the words "b*tch" and "c*nt".

  2. You're going to need to provide citations for each of these claims, and please don't vaguely reference me to /r/terfisaslur.

  3. TERF is a not a slur (although I usually do not use the word to be respectful), so don't include it in that list

  4. I can cite many instances of GC people doing many of the same things

    >but if I call an obviously fragile and ass-mad group of people who have made upwards of 4 different subreddits to try and screech about us doing exactly what they're currently doing, and who are mass brigading, and mass reporting, all of our posts entirely disingenuously, "fragile" - I'm a akin to alt-right neo-nazi racist white supremacist communities.

    Akin is the wrong word, please don't misrepresent what I am saying

    >If I had a dollar for every time we banned one of your lot from GC subs for coming in to call us all cunts and bitches, I'd be able to quit my job and fucking retire lol. But sure. We're the problem.

    And if I had a dollar for every time a GC user dehumanized, denigrated or insulted a trans people, I'd be able to live until 2300 unemployed. This isn't a one-sided thing.

    >Or I'm just saying gencyn participants are such fucking babies that you cannot take what you dish out. Your entire subreddit is dedicated to stalking GC, but the moment we do it to you, you start mass reporting our comments as being sexually explicit, pornographic, abusive, CP, etc, and you make 4 different subreddits dedicated to trying to pick apart our posts of your posts of our posts.

    More examples of infantilization and condescension right here. If you continue with this type of language, I will be forced to ban you from this subreddit and I rather enjoy being able to have discourse with you.

  5. I did not report those comments. The comments were reporting for containing the word "trans activist", which is supposed to satirize the claim that "TERF is a slur"

  6. 2 subreddits lack any posts. At least one of them was intended as a joke. And trans people are not some homogenous blob that coordinates our every actions in some sort of Borg hive mind (this is not to imply that GC users are).

    >I mean for heaven's sake, you made an entire post shitting on Missi for "infantalizing and condescending" language because she said "Off to a great start buddy" to someone who couldn't even spell her name right. Like really????

    Calling out bad behavior =/= "shitting on". Buddy is extremely condescending, along with "hon", "honey" and similar terms.

    >We don't though. You're just massively reaching on that front. I could find as many, if not easily more, parallels between the language of your community and the alt right, but the thing is, if we're all speaking english, we're all going to be using some of the same fucking words.

    I don't think you understood what I meant by parallels in language. There have been a lot of analyses of Nazi-specific phrasing, terminology and language. The way that certain ideological subcommunities utilize language is often unique or characteristic, which means that "not all of us use the same words"

    "TERF is a slur" <-> "Anti-racist is code for anti-white" <-> "Nazi is a slur", which all comes with the "well they called me a _, so I'll just own it" mentality (see flairs on GC that say things like "I was born a TERF")

    Making lists of crimes that a population does (which is exactly the Klan fallacy)

    Vague appeals to free speech

    Accusations of being funded by George Soros

    Fearmongering over a website changing terminology to be more inclusive ("vagina" being used alongside "front hole") <-> the dozens of instances of the alt-right talking about how language changes erase white people

    "IQ science is racist" <-> "Science is a TERF"

    I could go on but I have work in a few minutes

    >This is such a disingenuous post, and given how much you're back peddling, I think you damn well know it.

    I'm not backpedaling. You misunderstanding what I meant is not backpedaling.

    >Sweet ass back peddling. "Thanks for showing your true colors" implies nothing of the sort.

    True colors:

    >the kind of person someone really is rather than what the person seems to be

    Showing your true colors:

    >reveal one's real character or intentions, especially when these are disreputable or dishonorable.

    Using similar language and rhetoric to alt-right groups is a character trait.

    >I'm a akin to alt-right neo-nazi racist white supremacist communities.

    I did not say this.