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Top comments that mention products on r/JordanPeterson:

u/flyscan · 28 pointsr/JordanPeterson


I would like to recommend you a book Napoleon the Great. The audio book edition is also really well read.

One of my personal observations from this book was regarding Napoleon's rise following the revolution.

Napoleon was Italian and his father was a minor court administrator in Corsica. At that time Italy was not yet a nation state, just a collect of city states and in order to sure up political influence, all Corsican nobility where allowed to claim admittance to the French court. Napoleon's father saw an opportunity and sent his young son to the French military school.

Fast forward a couple of years and Napoleon is now an officer in the French army. He was very well read and had written a couple of minor essays in support of the revolution. With the majority of the officers coming from French nobility, many fled (or were executed) as the revolution heated up. Napoleon was one of the few people with officer training and experience but was outside of the traditional French aristocracy and could be trusted as a revolutionary. Napoleon was a singlely talented individual, but without the circumstances of his origin, such talent may never have seen the light.

With Napoleon's personal story on your mind (as well as JP's comments about how powerful the ability to write makes you) I would like you to re-consider your stance on the Jews.

The Jews maintained their unique culture and literary traditions while literacy was lacking in the general population. Despite their high level of education they were often excluded from society due to their religious differences. Because of their education (and freedom from leading restrictions) they were often wealthy, and that wealth plus cultural exclusion would often lead to persecution.

It is easy to hypothesis that this tradition of both high education and social exclusion would put them in the perfect position if there was ever some large scale social unrest. Like Napoleon, once the educated ruling class fled (or were killed) they would be the only ones with the skills to lead. Secondly, as they had been ostracised by the ruling classes, it is only natural that they would foment revolutionary thinkers and be trusted by the masses.

There is no Jewish conspiracy. They didn't plot and they certainly didn't benefit from it. Rather, just as Napoleon was an educated individual in rare position to make use of his education, so too certain Jewish individuals, who benefited from their cultural heritage, were in a position to take advantage of the situation of large social change.

u/plasmarob · 1 pointr/JordanPeterson

Yeah, time to find evidence merits serious skepticism. It could be wishful thinking. To be fair life is busy and it's not a topic I would hoard info on, and I already don't recall info well. I think I said I'm LDS - this point isn't one of ours (just mine), but we've got serious interpretation issues that go back to the Nicean Creed, like 300A.D. The orthodox/Catholic split and Protestant fracturing and Martin Luther and you know the rest - it's just a big mess and all have to be partly wrong. A running joke among some lds is that you can argue the trinitarian doctrine more effectively with a misread of the Book of Mormon than with the Bible.

I think what matters to me more is what's true pragmatically. If it works in the long run, it's true. There are a lot of things in my faith that seem crazy externally, but they consistently result in correct predictions (Family Proclamation gave our stance on recent&new issues in 1995) and have the best possible outcomes. (As one piece of evidence, this week Pew Research put us on top in marriage.) http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/03/19/share-of-married-adults-varies-widely-across-u-s-religious-groups/

Maybe I'm wrong on Jesus, but I feel my interpretation works far better pragmatically. That and the idea that there are 2 different Jesus approaches opens you to picking the more convenient one at the time, even if it justifies atrocity. <Insert Petersonian Postmodernism rant> lol.


Ah, I didn't know you were talking about day-to-day shadow integration.

There's a little red book called "Crucial Conversations" I highly recommend to you. Was course material in a college course and it nailed how to handle difficult situations and people fantastically. Link for convenience.


I think proper shadow integration from what i mentioned before and now this communicatively can be summed up by the verse "be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves". I think this book might be one fragment of wisdom on how.

u/JackGetsIt · 2 pointsr/JordanPeterson

> The anti-semitic propaganda clip

LOL. Frame game is a jewish lawyer. He has a 100k if you can prove him wrong.

And it's anti semitic now to walk in a subway and look at every billboard and recognize they are all jewish production staff? lol.

> we can't make a judgement about it without a source for your claim.



You also don't need a source besides IMDB or wikipedia. Just start going through and googling every media company.

Here's just ONE media outlet.


Alternative hypothesis put together a well sourced video on this stuff just yesterday.


Even Ben Shapiro wrote a whole book about this.


Here's him with Hollywood producers talking about this.


How do you not know about any of this?

Also you don't have to be a JQ conspiracist to just acknowledge the overrepresentation as a comparison to population.

Personally I REALLY don't hope jews have an in group bias because if they did they'd be the most powerful force in the world considering their wealth and how important media is in our modern landscape. It would be terrifying actually.

There's also a dude named MacDonald that's done some great scholarship on this stuff as well. If you don't have time to tackle his book series here's a great start video.


edit. Bonus


edit 2. More


u/JarinJove · 0 pointsr/JordanPeterson

Physical edition is finally out.

The views of Nietzsche that I share are his more anti-theistic proclivities. I want to be as upfront and honest as possible, when researching religion I had initially planned to demarcate positive qualities from the negative qualities. I think Judaism and Sanatana Dharma (Hinudism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism are all different denominations of One religion called Sanatana Dharma but many people in the West feel uncomfortable with that and try to separate Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism from what they see as the "backwards" religion of Hinduism); gradually though, I made changes and the research I put into this book helped me to grow my views in ways I hadn't thought would be the result with the more I learned.

The most problematic aspect of contemporary Western society is Religious Tolerance in my view, because Liberals who shout down Free Speech discussion with the term "Islamophobia" aren't just destroying the foundations of Western civilization's Enlightenment values and everything the Enlightenment thinkers and US Founding Fathers fought and bled for (albeit with their own terrible beliefs like slavery which they benefited from), but they're playing into Islam's cultural practice of normalizing the idea that no non-Muslim has any right to criticize Islam. This is actively dangerous because of female genital mutilation being normalized now in the US. This is not a "cultural" issue or "foreign people have their own ways" issue -- it's a barbaric religious practice actively encouraged by Islam. Moreover, Liberals in the West are ignoring the human rights of Ex-Muslims who live in fear of being killed by their own families in the West.

I am all for sharing cultures and people being allowed to practice their beliefs insofar as they don't harm the personal liberty of other people. But Islam needs to be kept in check through peaceful means and that means exposing it and defending Free Speech just as it would mean for any dangerous elements in other religions. Religious Tolerance creates too many problems and I felt that the most effective way of critiquing the problems was a Nietzschean perspective shift, an examination from the psychology texts I've read and applying them to religion, and examining the errors in reasoning that religion creates.

This might not be what many would like to hear, especially if they feel distrustful of people like Sam Harris and feel he is extreme, but there really is the issue of the human rights of Ex-Muslims and if we ignore that, then we ignore the best qualities of Western culture at the expense of people losing their lives for thought crimes. I hope you all can forgive any rudeness or harshness on my part, but I think out of a sense of compassion, that we should push forward this conversation towards a world where religion has less of an impact because there really are people whose lives depend upon Western values of the Enlightenment being defended.

Update: Due to popular feedback, I decided to make split versions of the ebook edition for anyone who found 2554 pages too daunting but are still interested in reading my book. In case any of you are still interested.

Part I Only.

Part II Only.

Explanation on pricing can be read here.

u/greatjasoni · 1 pointr/JordanPeterson

There's not really a good correlation between intelligence and lack of social skills. If you're smart you have the potential to be much more socially aware than those around you, you just have to work at it. Trying to make theories about your intelligence in relation to your lack of social skills is just rationalizing excuses based on empty rhetoric.

You understand your own problems, you just have to work on them. Read the books recommended in the comments, they help a lot. Then set out to practice what they tell you. My favorite one is one called "the charisma myth," but dale carnegie is just as good. Maybe also read stuff like this. This stuff wont come naturally to you if you're already bad at it, but if you work at it for months/years and really internalize it you'll find that you're almost superhuman at reading people. Also try meditation, being "present" helps more than anything.

u/winnie_the_slayer · 2 pointsr/JordanPeterson

You might like Lowen's books about bioenergetic analysis. For example. If you google it and find Elliot Hulse, try to keep in mind he doesn't represent the work very well as he isn't credentialed as a therapist or bioenergetic analyst and only had one year of training.

u/hotend · 1 pointr/JordanPeterson

What you do does not have to be perfect, just good enough for you to achieve your goals. Obviously, if you find yourself with time on your hands, you can stretch yourself and define more goals. However, if you are struggling to get things done, you could look at the Pomodoro Technique. Alternatively, if you feel that you are taking too much on, you could read Necessary Endings by Henry Cloud.

u/ScotchDream · 3 pointsr/JordanPeterson

>Finding work that is meaningful is crucial for me.

The work isn't meaningful. You make it meaningful by the way of doing it. Wanna learn how? Read this.

u/confusedneuron · 3 pointsr/JordanPeterson

As far as the book recommendations go, it would be good if you could qualify what kind of books you're interested in (e.g. philosophy, psychology, history, science, etc.).

Books I recommend:

Psychology (or: On Human Nature)

The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime

Thinking, Fast and Slow (my personal favorite)

The Undiscovered Self

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature


Strategy: A History

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Marxism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism


Economics in One Lesson

Basic Economics


Democracy for Realists: Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government

As always, the list of books to read is too long, so I'll stop here.

u/oceanparallax · 1 pointr/JordanPeterson

You should read this book: https://www.amazon.com/Peoples-Tragedy-Russian-Revolution-1891-1924/dp/014024364X

Further, you should pay more attention to what Peterson has to say. No matter how many Jews were involved in some movement, you should be paying attention to the ideas and values people espouse as individuals, rather than the groups they can be placed in. In the thread above it is the other guy who comes across as more reasonable, more attentive to the actual evidence, and more consistent with the values that Peterson espouses.

u/EnderWiggin1984 · 1 pointr/JordanPeterson

Looking through the rest, I don't think I have much else to add that I haven't already said.

I assume you've read this:

The Last Days of Socrates (Penguin Classics)

And this:


Basically, Christ was killed because He spoke the Truth. The historical Jesus cannot be a lie if we are to consider Him a hero.

Same goes for the historical resserrection. To the extent that other cultures have similar stories suggests that there is some underlying Truth to them. I think Richard Dawkins is about to have his theory updated because religious belief is not a mind virus, but is rather an adaptation of extended phenotype.




u/MGumbley · 5 pointsr/JordanPeterson

It's a goody. See what you think of this


Camus was getting at the same idea I think.

u/Moneo · 11 pointsr/JordanPeterson

This article is a typical hit piece that uses several well known propaganda techniques to instill doubt into people. As someone who actually knew most of the things Peterson is talking about, from other sources, I can vouch for what Jordan Peterson says, the man is not a crank.

Here are some easily accessible materials that will cover many of his ideas:

Everything he says about the impact of biology on behavior:

>Robert Sapolsky's 2011 "Human Behavioral Biology" course from Stanford: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNnIGh9g6fA&list=PL848F2368C90DDC3D

Everything he says about the denial of human nature by ideologues:

>Steven Pinker, "The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature": https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blank-Slate-Modern-Penguin-Science/dp/014027605X (Peterson actually mentions it at one point in his talks). (video of the author: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFey_0cbgeo)

Everything he says about the corruption of the left wing utopians:

>Paul Johnson, "Intellectuals: From Marx and Tolstoy to Sartre and Chomsky" https://www.amazon.com/Intellectuals-Marx-Tolstoy-Sartre-Chomsky/dp/0061253170 (videos of the author: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW-Oc6HoqTE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_6NsFvjm0o)

>Roger Scruton, "Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left": https://www.amazon.com/Fools-Frauds-Firebrands-Thinkers-Left/dp/1408187337 (video of the author: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLfRoO8HwN0)

Everything he says about the virtues of Western Civilization:

>Niall Ferguson, "Civilization: The West and the Rest" https://www.amazon.com/Civilization-West-Rest-Niall-Ferguson/dp/0143122061 (video of the author: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpnFeyMGUs8)

u/2AlephNullAndBeyond · 34 pointsr/JordanPeterson

This comes from the textbook "Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence: A Systems Approach". It's used in a Master's of Education counseling program, regardless of concentration, e.g. School Counseling, Clinical Mental Health, etc. There are more slides, but it just makes me madder to even see them. They are filled with post-modern social constructionist views, the ever-mysterious and ill-defined 'white privilege,' and the ever-favorite 'microagressions' that, apparently, white people dole out to minorities simply by existing.

EDIT: Here's a link to the rest of the slides

u/HereEveryDay · 9 pointsr/JordanPeterson

Stoicism and JBP's teachings go hand-in-hand from what I've seen and read.

Stoic's believe that life is fraught with suffering, which is why they detach themselves from almost everything apart from their thinking mind, including their physical body.

One of the only conflicts that I can see is that traditional stoics (Epictetus' teachings) do not advocate marriage and/or engaging with women. The die-hard stoics would rather be celibate, however they do teach with a lens that their students will have a family. E.G Marcus Aurelius is a famous Stoic who had a wife and plenty of kids.

This is one of my favourite passages from [Discourses and Selected Writings (Penguin Classics)] (https://www.amazon.com/Discourses-Selected-Writings-Penguin-Classics/dp/0140449469) which does a nice job of summing up Stoicism, and there's plenty of links to JBP's teachings:

> In the event that you are haled before someone wielding the reigns of power, remember that there is somebody else looking down from above, and you have to answer first to him. [2] So he examines you: ‘How did you categorize exile, imprisonment, chains, death and disgrace, when you were in school?’

>‘I said they were indifferent.’

>‘And what do you call them now? They haven’t changed, I presume?’


>‘Well, have you changed?’


>‘Then define for me now what the “indifferents” are.’

>‘Whatever things we cannot control.’

> ‘Tell me the upshot.’

> ‘They are nothing to me.’

>‘Remind me what you thought was good.’

>‘The will and the right use of impressions.’

>‘And the goal of life is what?’

>‘To follow God.’

>‘And do you stand by that now?’

>‘I say it even now.’

>‘Go, then, in confidence, holding fast to these convictions. You’ll see what it’s like to be a young person with an education, alongside people who have none. I promise that you will feel somewhat like this: “Why do we serve such a long and difficult apprenticeship – in preparation to face nonentities? Is this what ‘authority’ meant? Are the courtyards, the palace staff, the guards no more than this? Was this why I sat through so many lectures? It all amounts to nothing – and I was expecting to be overwhelmed.” ’