(Part 3) Top products from r/Paleo

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Top comments that mention products on r/Paleo:

u/vampire_kitty · 27 pointsr/Paleo

I was doing strict paleo (as in the militantly strict version with the exception of the occasional butter pat for sautéing) for more time than not for about 5ish years before I started finding on r/progresspics that all the awesome results were happening from people eating a keto diet. In January I decided to combine the two.

The first thing I noticed was that ALL depression... obliterated. Within a few days or a week or so. I don't remember precisely as I didn't write it down, but it was pretty gawddamn amazing. But as for the foods...

At first I had a LOT of trouble getting in enough fats and increasing the coconut oil was just giving me the runs (and thusly I wasn't absorbing a lot of what I was eating) so I switched to using only butter as my cooking fat. That solved the runs (and was SOOOOO delicious!) I slowly started adding in some cheese, found I had no issue, so I started eating cheese anytime I was craving it (which was apparently a lot lol) - at which point I was completely blocked up for a couple weeks so that wasn't fun. I eventually found a balance of using butter, cheese and heavy whipping cream that finally allowed me to get all the crazy high fat content while still eating everything else strict paleo ingredients only.

And for a short time I was losing weight and changing body composition but then it just sorta... stopped. For many months. I decided to do some more research and it seemed that removing dairy was going to be a strong part of the solution. Most folks were sharing anecdotes about how, while they weren't gaining weight eating dairy, they were not losing any, either. So I nixed the dairy except for the butter. The weight stayed the same, but my body composition changes resumed (by that I mean I was losing body fat per the tape measuring).

I recently re-did the keto calculator and found that despite my weight staying the same, my body fat had dropped enough that I needed to cut out an additional roughly 250 calories per day. So I started doing that and the weight began dropping again. Pro tip: as your body changes, keep going back to the keto calculator to make sure you are getting the right combination for whatever goals you are seeking. Mine, obviously, are to lose weight and look good as a secondary goal to improving my health. The mental health improvement was unexpected and, in fact, now my A#1 reason for continuing this diet plan.

These days I have maybe one or two ounces of cheese per week (lately often in the form of a cream cheese and egg pancake cooked in butter - sooo good). But I find that a combination of using butter or animal fats (I make bone broth in the crock pot, scrape the fat off after it cools and save it) for cooking and extra virgin olive oil for anytime I don't need heat (it oxidizes readily with heat - try not to cook with it. It's an amazing salad dressing by itself) and when I've not had enough fats for the day adding in however many portions of full fat canned coconut milk (Thai Kitchen brand is the tastiest one for straight drinking out of the can - I use a pet food lid to store the rest in the fridge until I'm ready to have more) is an excellent method of making up the difference in daily fat content. Plus the coconut milk is full of MCTs which help with the fat burning, neurological health, and various other benefits. I don't mess with coconut oil anymore except as a moisturizer if my hands are particularly dry (which is like... once every few months on a day I've done heavy cleaning around the house and the cleaning products dried me out).

Everyone likes to tout fiber and making sure you get x grams of it per day but there's a lot of research out there about how, honestly, it just doesn't really matter and, in fact, can cause more problems than it solves. I, personally, stopped worrying about any fiber and, in fact, I'm more regular and comfortable with bowel movements when I have hardly any fiber for the day than days where I have more. I don't mess around at ALL with adding chia seeds or flax or whatever other stuff everyone else does. Do your own research and experimentation with your body to see what works best for you.

I also don't do fat bombs at all. If you need a fat bomb, you're probably not eating the right cuts of meat or cooking with enough of the right kinds of fat. See above where I mention that I save animal fats for cooking and, really, just always add a tablespoon of butter to ANYthing that you are cooking and you'll be golden.

But seriously, don't forget your dark leafy greens. They are full of vitamins and minerals. Iceberg lettuce and crap like that is insufficient nutrition. Your body will be unhappy with you over time. Stick to low glycemic dark leafy greens (and omfg they taste SOOOO good heated in a fry pan with butter!) and brightly colored all the way through vegetables and berries to make sure you're getting lots of great vitamins. Blackberries and boysenberries tend to be the lowest carbs and blueberries are a good runner up. They taste excellent drenched in coconut milk. :)

Anyway, I could go on and on and on (and already have) but what works for ME is to personally avoid all the cheese-heavy and dairy-based recipes in r/ketorecipes and/or adapt them in such a fashion that I can sub in some coconut milk or turn it more paleo in some fashion. I avoid ALL dessert things in there because they are full of artificial sweeteners and other such things that are not paleo. If I REALLY need a dessert, I'll do the berries in coconut milk thing but, really, I just don't crave sweet things and haven't for a long time now. Keto really does solve that problem quite well when paired with a paleo diet as well.

Lastly, BE MINDFUL OF YOUR ELECTROLYTES. :D That's where I got screwed up the worst. Seriously, eat a teaspoon of salt and chase it with water if you are low on sodium when you first start. Make sure you are getting enough magnesium as well (especially if you are female - this helps with menstrual cramps but if you get leg cramps at all, which I never did, supposedly this helps as well) and using No Salt which is all potassium or "lite" salt (which I don't use but I'm told is roughly 50/50 potassium and sodium) are great to keep up on your electrolytes. Raw pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium and super inexpensive at Trader Joe's if there is one near you. Also, unless you are eating lots of seaweed (either in pill form or nori sheets for paleo/keto sushi without the rice or something like that) on the regular, make sure you are using iodized salt. I personally use iodized sea salt and sprinle No Salt on dishes as well.

All of the above suggestions are strict paleo friendly except for the dairy, of course. You'll find what works best for you. :) If you have more questions, feel free to inquire. I'm obviously FULL of ideas. I also have a hefty list of recipes as well if you are lacking in ideas.

u/utsl · 1 pointr/Paleo

I'm no medical expert either, I'm a computer programmer, but I'm enjoying it.

One thing to keep in mind is that while Taubes does pretty thoroughly debunk the conventional view of things, he would probably be the first to tell you that the carbohydrate/insulin hypothesis he advances isn't proven either. It may be that there's more to it than that, but it does seem to fit the evidence better.

Another one worth looking at: The Great Cholesterol Con. I just got it, but haven't started it yet. (Want to finish GCBC first.)

u/ryanmercer · 1 pointr/Paleo

85% I'll eat but 90% is what I love. Also, try this... take a tbsp or two of raw cacao ( I like this brand http://www.amazon.com/Navitas-Naturals-Organic-Powder-Pouches/dp/B001E5E0Y2/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1420561149&sr=8-3&keywords=raw+cacao ) and add it to a travel mug of hot water... stir it really good and drink that, it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. If you don't drink it relatively quick though the cacao settles to the bottom of the cup. Don't add anything to it either, just the raw cacao (I'll have it before bed sometimes and almost ALWAYS have crazy, in a good way, dreams that night).

u/Bearrrs · 2 pointsr/Paleo

I've recently been trying a bunch of different kind of protein powders after I discovered that whey was giving me headaches. (I know it's not 100% paleo to use protein powder, but for me the benefits outweigh the cons) I have this in my kitchen right now:


It doesn't taste like anything so it goes great with pretty much everything. Also love that the only ingredient is egg whites.

u/glasspenguin · 1 pointr/Paleo

>What do you do when you encounter a vegan who goes after your dietary choices?

I say, well yes, I used to think that, too. I was a vegan for years.

I have zero interest in debating vegans, as it seems like a waste of effort to me. I'd rather find common ground, like the fact that my vegan friend and I both think that the standard North American diet is crap, and we're both against farming practices that shove too many animals into a tiny space.

Convincing people to switch diets or religions is a pain in the ass, and why would you bother?

If my vegan friends browse through my bookshelf and want to borrow anything like Meat: A Benign Extravagance, they are welcome to do that and to consider the content within.

But as for me, I'm going to put my energy into making yummy paleo things to eat, and providing help for those who ask about how to switch to a paleo diet.

u/ua1176 · 4 pointsr/Paleo

this article has very few facts, no real data, etc. the best thing about it is the link at the end to Lierre Keith's book.

something like Simon Fairlie's Meat: A Benign Extravagance would make a similar case in a much better way (and would be a far more interesting read....)

lots of bloggers wanting to cash in on some easy traffic w/ the newfound popularity of the word "paleo"......

u/mizzack · 21 pointsr/Paleo

The basic gist of it is:

Empty a can of curry paste (e.g. http://amzn.com/B000ETLVXC This stuff should be $1-$1.50 at an Asian grocery. There are all sorts of varieties.) into a saute pan over medium heat. Stir it around until it becomes fragrant, about 30s - 1min. Add a sliced onion. Stir for a few seconds. Add a can of coconut milk (13.5oz / 400mL) and stir well to incorporate all of the curry paste into the base.

At this point, lower the heat to a simmer and add your raw protein if it's chicken, pork, or beef. If you're using shrimp or mussels or something that cooks more quickly, hold off for a few mins.

Add whatever veggies you're going to add. Get creative... Literally anything will work. I like adding small cubes of acorn squash, for example.

Splash in some fish sauce for saltiness and umami, lower heat, and simmer until your protein and veggies are done, stirring occasionally. Adjust spiciness as you see fit. Once done, juice a lime into the curry (or do it per-serving when eating)

This is super basic... You can kick it up a notch by adding lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, thai basil, etc. But this will get you 90% of the way there for about $4 + cost of protein + cost of veggies, with enough to feed 3-4. Chock full of good coconut fat and only limited by your creativity. The asian market I go to has probably 10 different varieties of curry paste (they even come with preparation suggestions too)

edit: It'll be pretty saucy, so it's best to serve it over a substrate of some sort. Starch would be good here. Or, you could add broth to the curry to make it into a soup.

u/meltedcoconutoil · 2 pointsr/Paleo

Heather’s Tummy Fiber

From this blog:http://blog.paleohacks.com/8-amazing-gut-healing-supplements/

Personally, I have found Heather’s Tummy Fiber to be a very effective aid in improving digestion. Whether your primary concern is constipation or diarrhea, this gentle fiber supplement can help you. While I’m not typically a huge advocate of fiber supplements because they tend to make symptoms worse, Heather’s Tummy Fiber is different. It uses a very high quality acacia senegal fiber, which is a type of soluble fiber. Many fiber supplements use insoluble fiber, which can cause an increase in bloating, gas, and cramps. This fiber does not contain any IBS triggers, such as psyllium, citric acid, insoluble fiber, artificial sweeteners, gluten, and FODMAP’s. It mixes very easily in water, and it has a prebiotic effect that increases good gut flora.

It's on amazon prime too.

u/Inozz · 3 pointsr/Paleo

This is basically how my 4.5yo eats. A bunch of finger foods/small portions thrown together. I picked up Eat Like a Dinosaur a few weeks ago and love their recipes. My kids were thrilled to flip through it and pick out recipes that look good to them.

u/pumpkin-poodle · 12 pointsr/Paleo

You're not alone. Menstrual problems are extremely common in vegetarians, and so are mental health issues. There's plenty of stories similar to yours over at the WAPF, Let Them Eat Meat, and Beyond Vegetarianism. Personally, I gained a whopping 55lbs, developed B12 deficiency (despite taking 1000mcg of methylcobalamin per day), and ended up with a bunch of other nasty things. I'm proud to say that I've lost all of that weight plus seven pounds. (Who would've known a slice of bambi's mom could be so satisfying?)

So, a lot of people have clearly experienced health problems as a result of a vegn diet. Why does the ADA still insist that a "well-planned vegetarian diet" (a clear oxymoron) is healthy and even beneficial? [Seventh-Day Adventists and vegns have so much influence on the ADA to the point that it's rage-inducing.](http://letthemeatmeat.com/tagged/American-Dietetic-Association)

The Vegetarian Myth, The Mood Cure, The Meat Fix, The Ethical Butcher, The Whole Soy Story, and Defending Beef are all worth giving a read. Were you tested for B12, iron, zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, magnesium, and/or iodine deficiency during your vegn years? If you quit recently, it's very likely that you're still deficient in some of these vitamins and will need to supplement for awhile. DHA and EPA are also very important due to how poorly ALA (such as that found in flaxseeds) converts to these essential nutrients.

I was vegan for nearly six years. No cheats. I always had my doubts about it, but getting to learn what other veg
ns look like was my last call. Just keep in mind that some lifelong meat-eaters will insist that a vegetarian diet is healthier. And some people are really mean.

u/beefsiym · 5 pointsr/Paleo
u/justlildon · 1 pointr/Paleo

First off, I would highly recommend the Tim Ferris book "Four Hour Body"


It's huge and worth every penny. His take on the Paleo lifestyle is a "slow-carb diet" kind of modification. It is not strict Paleo, but he gives you guidelines in the book. His recommendation is for a splurge day once a week. I did this last year and shed about 30 lbs. A friend of mine did it and lost about 100 lbs! Secondly, fasting is a good thing done intermittently. Fasting for up to 48 hours has been shown to increase the natural release of HGH.


Also as a healthcare professional (Paramedic) and a medical student, I would advise against the use of Albuterol for your purposes. (That is unless you have asthma. Even then only using it PRN (as needed))

In short, you are on the right path. You just need to make a few tweaks here and there and I think you're set.

My diet, however, is for the exact opposite purpose. I have always had a bear-like frame and have had no trouble with lean gains. It's those pesky "non-lean" gains that have always plagued me so I'm constantly cutting.

u/jarvolt · 2 pointsr/Paleo

It was $6 for 16 oz, and that's a better price per oz than any I've seen on Amazon (I think this is the best value there).

u/[deleted] · 1 pointr/Paleo

I love the stuff but I've never made it. I've been to dozens of nice restaurants that will have some version of it on a charcuterie plate.

This is basically the cured meat bible, I'm sure it addresses head cheese.

u/ashabanapal · 3 pointsr/Paleo

A decent grater like this could help you prep fresh carrots if you'd like.

u/nerfbomb · 2 pointsr/Paleo

I buy quite a lot from Amazon since I live in a rural area with limited access to paleo friendly stores.

Kelp Noodles

Nogii Bars

Cocconut Oil

Fish Sauce

Cacao Powder

Epic Bars

Almond Flour

Kale Chips


Note: Not all are subscribe and save

u/junglizer · 1 pointr/Paleo

I would recommend The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss. While this may not touch on everything that you mentioned, it's quite the interesting read and he explains a lot of the technical sides of how your muscles and proteins work. I have it and have found it quite interesting, though I have not yet read it entirely.

u/boywbrownhare · 2 pointsr/Paleo

i second this.

also, this book is excellent. here is a fantastic interview with its author.

edit: the book is being re-printed this summer, here is the pre-order at 10 bucks.

u/LittleHelperRobot · 1 pointr/Paleo


u/OutspokenPerson · 2 pointsr/Paleo

Maybe try a book on charcuterie?

I haven't read that one in particular, but that kind of book is quite fascinating in general.

u/realkingannoy · 2 pointsr/Paleo

Please tell me more about this mythical sounding gizmo!

Edit: alright, it seems this is one of the better ones:

I was just in a store that would probably have had a few of these for sale, if only I learned about this a few hours earlier...

u/okatie88 · 4 pointsr/Paleo


Read Primal Mind, Primal Body. It is a very good book. It discusses how food can have an effect on your mind as well as your body.

u/jakek23 · 3 pointsr/Paleo

Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil from Amazon

Stuff is amazing, plus its cheaper than anything that I have found in stores. Seems like a lot but I use it all the time.

They have smaller amounts available but it's cheaper to get a lot of it. Smaller amount

u/lua_x_ia · 1 pointr/Paleo

Some varieties of canned curry paste use nothing but spices and water. You're looking for the little cans, like this:


The ingredients on this one say "sugar", but the nutrition facts indicate there's a total of 12 ± 3 grams of sugar per can, which isn't so bad really. Keep in mind the can will flavor 4-8 servings of food (and is meant to go with coconut milk). See also:


u/Malyi · 1 pointr/Paleo

From some of the research I have done the egg white powders seem to be ok. I have never tried them though. http://amzn.com/B0013OXDBU

u/Gray_Squirrel · 4 pointsr/Paleo

It's not that expensive if you buy it on Amazon: 54oz tub for $24

u/minthrust · 1 pointr/Paleo

Try this:

It's marketed for IBS but it's basically just high grade soluble fiber that also acts a a prebiotic. No gluten or fodmaps either.

u/Wikkedred1 · 2 pointsr/Paleo

Julia Ross talks about this very thing in her book, The Mood Cure.


I'm not done reading it yet, but it's motivated me to go nearly 100% primal/paleo. Every single time I cheat I feel it. I sleep like crap and feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster.

Sometimes I miss my former ignorance. But now, it's mostly just not worth it to cheat.