Top products from r/SugarCoat

We found 1 product mention on r/SugarCoat. We ranked the 1 resulting product by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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u/EggheadDash ยท 2 pointsr/SugarCoat

I'll save it. Honestly I don't know if I'll get around to it. I was bored during Christmas break so that's why I decided to start styling my subs at all. Now I'm back to school and work I have the opposite problem. /r/SunnyFlare still isn't styled. And even though it's Spring Break right now, a) one of my classes assigned me a ton of reading, and b) I've had to deal with not one, but two hard drive failures this week. First the one in my laptop, and then last night the ext4 journal of the drive (it only has one partition) housing my /home folder got corrupted and it seems like that drive is about to physically fail as well.

The laptop drive was completely unrecoverable (I heard clicking sounds in the couple minutes before it completely died so I think it was a head crash but I'd need to open it up to be sure). The /home might still be recoverable, but I'm not sure yet. I fortunately had a spare drive I was planning to use to upgrade my storage but looks I'm having to press it into service now and conveniently it's the same size as the drive I already had (1TB) I booted into a live session and attempted to # dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY bs=64K conv=noerror,sync but the problem was # blkid was having trouble with the drive that was failing and refused to give me any output, other tools had the same problem. So I was forced to essentially put drive letters in blind. I guessed "if" correctly (for some reason reddit doesn't want to be consistent with it's code block formatting) but for "of" the drive I guessed was...the USB my live session was on. I lost no data doing that but the drive was already premade and the files were stored on the /home folder, so I am now redownloading them on the laptop (which is already up and running again).

Speaking of which, do you have any experience or suggestions for a NAS? In order to prevent this from ever happening again I'm planning on getting one that's about 6TB, which will be able to back up my 1TB laptop drive, my 128GB SSD on my desktop (responsible for booting both Arch and Windows and holds some games and commonly used programs and games on Windows), my 2TB drive (responsible for other Windows files and some files I share between both OSes) and my 1TB /home drive, plus some extra space for Plex. Is a 2-drive configuration really necessary for something that's essentially a backup of a backup? I'm looking at the 6TB version of this.