(Part 3) Top products from r/breastfeeding

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Top comments that mention products on r/breastfeeding:

u/klarky7 · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

Sorry for any formatting issues, on my phone.
I was the same way. In fact, when I first found out I was pregnant I was certain I was going to just formula feed from the start. But the more reading I did about breastfeeding, breastmilk and the benefits for both my baby and myself I decided I was going to give it a go. I still stocked some bottles and formula in case things didn't work out for whatever reason. I think having that stuff actually helped me push through the hardest parts of early breastfeeding, because I knew I had backup and was determined to not have to use it unless it was due to a supply issue. I was determined to push through the discomfort! A lot of the stuff you'll read will say if it hurts, you're doing it wrong. That's not always the case! First of all, your nipples aren't used to this kind of work load! Babies nurse A LOT in the early days. It can feel like you don't do much except nurse! So it can take a little bit for them to get used to this. Also, your lo can be born with a pretty small mouth, making it hard to get a deep latch. Mine had a tiny mouth! Our latch and technique were perfect, but she had a shallow latch. By week 3 we were totally on track, it became second nature to nurse her. She had grown, my boobs were used to things and it became a really enjoyable experience. I was obsessed with whether her latch was right those first 3 wks and watched about a million videos on latching, had an appt with the LC I saw during recovery and the hospital and read more stuff. I was assured our latch was great and to try to stop being so worried about everything. It's really hard not to worry! Is this right? Is she getting enough milk? Is this cluster feeding? Whyyyy do my boobs hurt?! But seriously, at 3wks something magical just clicked into place. Cluster feeding is going to suck! But it is necessary to build up your supply! Comfort nursing is real too, and your baby will need lots of comfort in the early days. Things that got me through those first few weeks:
-my husband set up a snack station on my nightstand. He had fiber one bars (trust me, you'll need them lol), fiber one+protein bars, granola bars, nutrigrain bars, pb crackers etc and every time we woke to nurse he got me fresh water. You need to stay hydrated!! And it's easy to get weak, nursing can be really draining! Having a snack nearby that you can eat with one hand is super helpful
-Water. Lots and lots of water.
-When we'd wake up in the night for feedings I'd nurse on one side, then my husband would change her diaper and hand her back to me to finish the other side. The break up would help wake her up and helped make sure I was never TOO engorged. I never had to get out of bed unless absolutely necessary, which was also a huge help.
-Philips Avent thermal gel pads I kept these in the freezer, they are big and bulky but omg they felt wonderful!! You can also warm them.
-Lansinoh Gel Soothies i kept these in the fridge for adding cooling. They were great.
-Lansinoh! Lots of it! I used it at the start and end of every session in the beginning. Let your boobs air dry a little too from time to time. My boobs were constantly out those first few weeks. My husband called this phase "sun's out, guns out!"
It's really hard not to worry or be worried about it. It's hard work! It's a lot more than I ever thought it would be. But here we are at 1yr and almost 2wks still going strong! I wouldn't change a thing. I feel blessed to have had a pretty easy time with this, and to have had a great supply all this time. I am absolutely in awe at how all of this works, and so happy that I stuck with it. You'll need support, but with a good system this can be an amazing experience. I keep saying weaning is going to be harder on me than it will be on my daughter! And always remember, if breastfeeding doesn't work out - you aren't a failure. Formula is there for a reason, it feeds babies and helps them thrive! At the end of the day, a fed baby is the way to go. If breastfeeding is not working, then switch and don't let anyone try to make you feel guilty about it. It's none of their business anyways how you feed your baby. All that matters is your health and happiness and your baby's health and happiness. Best of luck!!!

u/rebekahanne · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

Hey OP, did you happen to catch my reply on your first post a couple days ago? I EP and have struggled with my supply several times and I just want to help in any way I can. Again I'm so so so sorry for your situation. I'll repost what I said just in case, and I do have other ideas as well in regards to pumping if things still aren't changing for your output. It's so important to augment from the inside out, nutritionally and mentally and emotionally. Calories and water are paramount to boosting supply.

One thing I forgot to mention is power pumping. Pump 20 minutes, rest for ten, pump for 15 minutes, rest for 10, pump 10 minutes, rest. This mimics clusterfeeding and you can do it twice a day in place of two normal sessions if you are needing a significant boost. Continue with normal sessions otherwise, which I recommend you do every 2-2.5 hours rather than 3 if you can. Don't forget to keep those nips lubricated to prevent cracking/irritation. Express a couple drops of milk and let that air dry on your nipples and follow with coconut oil or lanolin cream if it's more severe. I've also heard good things about olive oil if you have that on hand but I haven't tried it. Warm showers are not only great for healing, but help with letdown. You could also try hot towels on your breasts right before you pump and keep them there until they are no longer hot.

Oh and one other thing, generally looking at pictures and videos of your baby while you pump is a good thing, and I'm not saying you shouldn't. But if you feel yourself getting stressed or sad when you look at them I wouldn't do it while you're pumping. Definitely whenever else you want to though!!! When you pump try to watch an interesting show, read, play a video game, maybe get your mind off of it more to help your body relax.

I am sooo feeling for you. You are in my thoughts!! ❤

"First, have a huge bowl of oatmeal (real, whole oats) and throw in a bunch of flaxseed.

Try taking the max dose of fenugreek/blessed thistle. You should see a difference in 24-48 hours. Fenugreek Seed Extract & Blessed Thistle Lactation Supplement By Breast & Baby

Make yourself some broth-y soup with good veggies and protein and add in a few generous scoops of this Solgar – Brewer’s Yeast Powder and drink a Guinness or your favorite milk stout with it. You deserve a drink anyways. Eat the soup as much as you want!

You might be able to find these things at a pharmacy or natural grocer if you don't want to wait for them to ship.

Seriously, about 120 oz of water a day or more. And I agree with the massaging your breast tip. Mess around with your pump settings and don't hurt yourself, but sometimes for me I need stronger suction to see good production."

u/[deleted] · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

Alright so, other than the rash is he having trouble? Is he fussy? crying? gas? does he seem to notice he has the rash and it's making him uncomfortable?

you have to realize and tell yourself: YOU ARE NOT MESSING HIM UP!! i mean that. if he has an allergy than that's not your fault and it's not his fault, it just is. and it can be fixed and worked on. if you can last until monday with BF i would say yes, keep going. it's better for your supply to stay up and for him. even with the allergy he's still getting more from your milk as far as other nutrients than he is from formula.

however, if the breast milk really is giving him pain and agony (like i listed above) keep doing formula until you talk to the pediatrician. and i can't say enough that you need to talk to local breastfeeding support groups too. and DO NOT FEEL LIKE YOU FAILED IN ANYWAY if you give him a bottle and formula. it can't be easy and i know it may not be what you want but if it's better for him to be comfortable then you're doing your job as a mom to make sure that happens.

i wish it was monday too so you could have this problem figured out better. and i have a friend that pumps and dumps when she has a couple drinks, it's how it goes sometimes. you needed that wine, you can have it. i wish i could say or do more for you. look into these books too: (library or order them)

u/liamquips · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

Hey, I'm kind of going through the same, not quite as dramatic weight issues (just really slow gain at 4 months), and ptt and upper lip. Our dr appt for clipping isn't until the end of December.

Anyway, the way I keep supply up (even when he's not taking enough) is to pump after every feed and feed him what pump. I also take fenugreek and eat lots of oatmeal.

My son eats at every wake up and nurses to sleep, and eats 1-2x overnight, for a total of 10+ times at the breast each day. When supply is lagging and I need to bolster I add 5x pump sessions (usually after wake up feeds) for 3 days. Otherwise I pump 1-2x per day.

The best and most certain way to increase milk supply is to remove milk from the breast more often, and make sure you remove is as completely as possible per feed. Put him to the breast more often, or try adding pumping. For you, pumping for 10 minutes after every feed with a goal of 6 sessions per day would be good. Feed him whatever you pump at the next time you would supplement (I like to be one pump session ahead so I can feed the previous sessions' milk while pumping). Set a goal to do it for 3/4 days and reevaluate. If you're still not there, add in a couple of pumping sessions for a few more days. Once you've increased to the amount he needs you should be able to sustain it by him removing that milk rather than the pump.

This book has been really helpful (available on kindle!):

u/lignum_anima · 4 pointsr/breastfeeding

Here is a really good example of how a flange should fit. You should have about 1mm or 2 of space left before hitting the side of the flange.

If you are going to buy new sized flanges I would highly recommend getting a set of pumpin pals. They replace your flanges and are angled and molded more comfortably. You can get a set of 3 sizes on Amazon Here and they actually made pumping comfortable! They fit right into any Medela connectors.

u/wehappy3 · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

I have one more suggestion. I quit trying to use milk bags to freeze it in, and instead got Milkies milk trays. That way I could freeze a half ounce or an ounce at a time and it didn't feel as futile as it did trying to fill an entire BM storage bag.

It was a weird psychological trick, but it worked--I saved about 0.5-1 oz/day during the last two months of my leave before going back full-time (I went part-time from 12 weeks until 22 weeks) and was able to store up around 60 oz in the freezer. It was pretty great! Now I use them some for freezing milk, and I also do frozen sticks of baby food and bananas. :-)

u/emrose28 · 3 pointsr/breastfeeding

I have a couple of these : http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003X3IZ4E/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?pc_redir=T1

I'm a 34GG at the moment, and it fits well. They have a pretty good range of sizes. Honestly, I haven't bought a bra that was this inexpensive in a long time! I was very pleasantly surprised.

u/Kacidillaa · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

the medela harmony hand pump

A friend gave me her old one and I love it. It's so much easier than dealing with all the cords and whatnot. I do only pump when I wake up full though but the suction is great!

u/Purplethumb · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

Check if you or your SO gets a discount through work. I was surprised to find both my work and my husbands had signed up for parent hood support groups. I got my Medela Pump in style at half price and I like it. Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump with On the Go Tote However, you should not lend or sell your pump. It would be like sharing used underwear and it is advised against for health reasons.

u/reallovesurvives · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

Bamboobies Nursing Pads for Breastfeeding | Reusable Breast Pads | Perfect Baby Shower Gifts | 4 Overnight Pairs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007X5HU9O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7cZYCbNCT16FT

I love these, the inside is velour so it’s super soft. The blue overnight ones are pretty absorbent. I wear them overnight and my LO sleeps 9 hours.

u/Sleepy_zebra · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

I really hope it helps. I used [these] (http://www.amazon.com/Philips-AVENT-Thermal-Pads-2-Pack/dp/B00643FRUA) too. Not this specific brand but the same kind of thing. It helped a lot. The pain did get better around month 3. Hope it helps and doesn't get too bad.

u/AlmightyWaffles · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

I found it in the vitamin section at Walmart! I called a LC who suggested 3-4 capsules taken throughout the day. I also picked up these nifty microwave gel packs so I could use heat at other times than shower times. I found those at Walmart too, with the baby feeding stuff. Good luck!

u/OrganizedSprinkles · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

Your supply should balance out soon, but so much you just bring too much to the party. These are the only thing I will use.

Bamboobies Super Soft Washable Nursing Pads - Multi-colored https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007D43X82/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_fyERub0MTSJ6B

u/bebebey · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

If you are smaller boobed and past the point of spraying everywhere, I loooooved these easy hipster bra type things from UO:

Calvin Klein Triangle Bralet
Out From Under Deeply Devoted Bra
Tommy Hilfiger Plunging Bralet

Just pull a boob out and go! I’d usually bring along some Bamboobies to catch any leakage, but it was very freeing.

u/sprgtime · 3 pointsr/breastfeeding

Any ice cube tray with a lid will work fine. After you freeze the tray, turn it over and run warm water on the back of it, and then they slide out easy. I panicked the first time I froze my milk that way, because I couldn't get the milk cubes out!

They actually make trays specifically for milk, but I just used ice cube trays with lids.

There's this: http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Food-Storage-Tray-Silicone/dp/B00IYTTO2Y/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1456796414&sr=8-3&keywords=milk+cube+trays

Which gets great reviews.

This one makes them in stick shape:

u/waf_rn · 5 pointsr/breastfeeding

I feel you. I was a tank top kind of a gal before the baby came.

I wear these: Caramel Cantina 4 Pack Nursing... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075DP2ZFP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Which are not too tight and very easy to nurse in
With these inside: Bamboobies Nursing Pads for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007X5HU9O?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
They’re washable nursing pads and the insides are very soft. Don’t bother with the pink heart shaped ones, they’re too thin. The blue round ones are very absorbable.

u/melody-lee · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

I nursed my second all through my third pregnancy and for a year after. It is definitely possible and normal. Adventures in Tandem Nursing is a great book with lots of information including diet recommendations.

u/drunkenpenguin28 · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

I've been at it for 4 weeks and it's just now not hurting. But I did have a bad latch and have been working to fix that. I highly recommend using coconut oil on your nipples (Amazon has coconut oil sticks) and these nipple shells . The shells are amazing!!! Makes it so nothing rubs against your nipples, lets them air dry and collects any leakage!

u/Kaasteen · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

Boppy Nursing Pillow

Some kind of nipple butter. Lansinoh was what I used (and also found it works well for chapped nose during a cold!)

Nipple Gel Pads


Nipple Shield. These can be tricky but they worked wonders for me in the first few weeks while trying to get my nipples used to feeding. It took a little bit of time to get my LO to eat without it but they also saved my nipples.

u/google_intern · 3 pointsr/breastfeeding

The best ones I've used are the Johnson contour pads because they are shaped to fit inside my bra, they aren't too huge and they are soft. I've only found them at one store near me, Walmart I think, but now I've found them on Amazon so I'll probably start buying them there once I'm done with this box of Lasinoh.

u/CupofTia · 3 pointsr/breastfeeding

I use this one and I'm bigger than your wife. It comes in 2 sizes. Sounds like she would need L plus like I do.

u/ba_da_dum · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

Simple Wishes D*LITE Hands Free Breastpump Bra L-PLUS, Pink https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0097GUCYM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Lq7SCb440WP6A

There's an XS-L size too.

u/KegelFairy · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

I found Kellymom a little hard to navigate when I didn't have a specific question. I got this book, and found it easier since I could just read it (mostly) cover-to-cover. There were a few things I disliked (anti-science, anti-mainstream-doctors) but the breastfeeding advice was good.

u/Kelly8313 · 8 pointsr/breastfeeding

Bamboobies worked for me! https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B007X5HU9O/ref=ya_aw_oh_bia_dp?ie=UTF8&psc=1
They would leak overnight but not in an hour or two. Take 2 sets and replace when soaked. :)

u/kendallcorner · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

This is a good book for a plan for going back to work.

Work. Pump. Repeat.: The New Mom's Survival Guide to Breastfeeding and Going Back to Work https://www.amazon.com/dp/1419718703/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_TEC5Bb245CNAK

u/lafillex2 · 1 pointr/breastfeeding


These! They are the most comfortable ones I have found so far, and don't make my boobs look lumpy at all. I absolutely HATED the medela ones personally. I felt the same way, like I looked like I had stuffed my bra with a wad of tissues.

u/maryterra · 4 pointsr/breastfeeding

I tandem nursed two set through pregnancy and a little after. Toddlers can be super aggressive nursers, and pregnancy can make breasts/nipples super sensitive. Add in decreased milk, and it can be aggrevating to painful.

We nightweaned with both sets while I was pregnant. I needed the sleep, and I needed to not be woken to nurse painfully for a few seconds every twenty minutes.

We tried counting down, but that made 'em angry. I did a lot of delaying tactics, "sure, we can nurse in a minute... let' have a sippy of water and cuddle first."

Have you read Adventures in Tandem Nursing yet? I have no idea why it is listed for so much on Amazon; you can borrow from La Leche League or the library for FREE. Eesh.

u/tvandfash · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

Exactly. I used to wait to go to see my LC every week but then I just bought my own scale for $60 on amazon. Now I weigh her whenever I want.

u/emaz88 · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

I’m going back to work soon and I recently came across this book. Quick and easy read that’s got me a lot less nervous about how pumping at work is going to go. And it’s kind of funny, too.

u/wiseco8 · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

No, it's a powder. Kinda yucky stuff, but cinnamon and sugar counteract the flavor nicely. I add it to my oatmeal and bake it into cookies and banana or oat breads along with the flaxseed meal.


u/Vendetti370 · 31 pointsr/breastfeeding

Don't panic, that is totally normal! When your milk first comes in your breast tissue gets incredibly swollen because it just isn't used to being full of milk. Most of that swelling is actually just from your breast tissue being inflamed, not from milk. That's why expressing milk only gives SOME relief, not complete relief. The swelling will go down over the next few days.

As for helping your nipple stick out more so your baby can latch, there's a couple of things you can do. You can use a breast pump(manual or auto) for a minute, that should pop your nipple out.

You can do Reverse-pressure softening with your fingertips. Here's a link to show you how https://kellymom.com/bf/concerns/mother/rev_pressure_soft_cotterman/

You can also get medela therashells to wear in your bra, they will do the reverse pressure softening for you and make your nipples stick out. They are also nice if you have sore nipples because they keep the fabric of your bra from rubbing against them. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0006Q561G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_UlPADbXNNCP28

u/m0llywobbles · 3 pointsr/breastfeeding

I liked Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding but also Breastfeeding Made Simple

u/sir-dis-a-lot · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding


You can buy them from their website too I just like prime shipping. I have similar serious supply issues (my baby is 4 months now). @legendairymilk on Instagram has a bunch of good info, but they are also trying to sell their supplements. I bought some, they didn't work for me :(. The advice unrelated to supplements did though.

Also the pumping pals. They have been able to get the most out of me (~5 oz). I can't build a stash or anything, but I have a night pump that I do while baby sleeps through the night that's about 5 ounces that I can give her during the day when she gets ragey from hunger.

u/LBluth21 · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

I got the Medela pump in style that is built into a tote bag. Everything fits and pack up inside, then you can just zip down the side panel to access the pump/tubes. I comes with a mini cooler bag that I put my bags of milk in at the end of day. My commute is only half an hour so I don't even put an ice pack in it, just go from work fridge to home fridge.

This is it:

u/Samslices · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

Lansinoh TheraPearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Pack: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0070767DU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_.Uj7BbQRTVG1S

I use those but anything like them would work.

My girl hates being on her stomach, I kinda tilt her on her side and lay back on an incline. She normally has her head on my arm.

u/cilucia · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

My LO is only 2.5 weeks and I just ordered this infant scale from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00009KX5U/ref=cm_sw_r_em_api_WatezbGMJV7XW

I can see why your ped would say it could drive you crazy, but I'd rather know his weight than not (I've been using the regular bathroom scale like you, but get a big variation and it's stressing me out more than not knowing!)

u/librarianzrock · 3 pointsr/breastfeeding

I'm tempted to get one of those Harmony pumps for the car for this reason. I got a Medela car adapter for my double electric, but I also forgot flanges on a long car ride (I had one but not two so it took twice as long...).

I also have extra pumping parts EVERYWHERE...little bags of bottles and caps wherever I might pump...and powerbars. I'm like a crazy bag lady and live in fear that I smell like sour milk. Can't wait to go back to work next week...uhh

u/slothcaptain · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

I use an avent electric sterilizer.

The way you sit or even sleep may be the cause. Try to massage them throughout the day. When I was plugged up, I would massage the area constantly and push towards the nipple. It would be painful and it took more than a week, but finally went away.