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u/jdh30 · 4 pointsr/fsharp

> My other question is if F# good for some scientific applications?

Yes. I started out using F# for such things. I ended up writing the book on it.

F#'s ML core is extremely simple. I think you would find it very easy to learn. Let me get you started:

There is a type called unit that has a single value in it called () that can be used to convey no information, a bit like void in other languages but you can use the value () of the type unit anywhere.

The bool type has values true and false.

Integers are written 1, 2, 3 and so on. Integer arithmetic is 1+2*3. The int function converts a value (e.g. float or string) into an int.

Floating point numbers are written 1.2, 2.3, 3.4 and so on. Floating point arithmetic is written 1.2+2.3*3.4. The float function converts a value (e.g. int or string) to a float.

Characters are of the type char and are written 'a'. Strings are of the type string and are written "foo". You can append strings with "foo"+"bar". The string function tries to convert a value of another type (e.g. int or float) into a string.

Lists are written [1;2;3]. You can prepend onto the front in constant time with 1::[2;3].

Arrays are written [|1;2;3|]. You can read and write elements with random access in constant time with arr.[i] and arr.[i] <- 3.

ML has sum types and product types. The simplest product type is the tuple. Tuples are written (2, 3) and (2, 3, 4). The types of those tuples are written int * int and int * int * int. Tuples can have as many elements as you like (greater than one, of course). Note F# uses OCaml-style syntax which lets you drop many brackets when dealing with tuples, so you can often just write 1, 2.

F# also has record types which are product types where the fields have names. Record types are defined as type MyRecord = {FirstName: string; LastName: string}. Values of record types are written {FirstName="Jon"; LastName="Harrop"}. Given a value r you can get a field with the syntax r.FirstName. As a product type, a value of type MyRecord must have a FirstName and a LastName.

Algebraic datatypes (ADTs) are a combination of sum types and product types. A sum type allows a value to be one of several different options. The simplest example is to define your own boolean:

type MyBoolean = True | False

The values True and False are then values of the type MyBoolean. Like an enum in other languages. But the really cool thing about ADTs in MLs is that those union cases can have an argument of any type you want. For example, we can define an ADT:

type Glyph =
| Digit of int
| Letter of char

The values Digit 3 and Letter 'x' are values of this type Glyph.

The value () of type unit was a minor diversion from other programming languages. Now comes the first major diversion: pattern matching is the only way to destructure ADTs. So the only way to extract those values 3 and 'x' from the value of type Glyph is using pattern matching. In ML there are patterns all over the place. The most obvious place you see patterns in on the left hand side of the -> in each match case of a match expression. Here is a pattern match that will keep digits the same but redact all letters to 'x':

match Digit 3 with
| Digit n -> Digit n
| Letter c -> Letter 'x'

In this case the Digit n and Letter c are patterns. In particular, these have the effect of binding the variable n to the value conveyed in the Digit case (so it can be used on the right hand side of that match expression) or c to the value conveyed in the Letter case.

You can match int, float, char, string and other types such as tuples, records and ADTs using the same literal syntax that you do in expressions.

When you need to match a value but you don't care about its value you can use _ to match any value of any type and not bind it to any variable name.

If you want your pattern to match either something or something else you can write an or-pattern: patt1 | patt2.

If you want to name part of a value that you're matching you can use patt as myVar to call it myVar. For example, we could have written:

match Digit 3 with
| Digit as glyph -> glyph
| Letter c -> Letter 'x'

You can define variables with let:

let x = 3

This looks mundane but that x is actually a pattern so you can also do:

let (x, (y, z)) = (1, (2, 3))

to destructure the int * (int * int) pair on the right and define x, y and z.

You can also define functions with let:

let redact glyph =
match glyph with
| Digit
-> glyph
| Letter c -> Letter 'x'

In ML, function application is written f x rather than f(x), e.g. redact (Digit 3).

Here we come to our second massive departure from conventional languages: when you have tuples you don't need multi-argument functions so every function in ML accepts one argument and returns one value! Furthermore, like OCaml, F# typically writes functions in Curried form. So a function to add two numbers is written let add x y = x+y which has the type int -> int -> int rather than int * int -> int so this is a function that takes x and returns another function that takes y and returns x+y.

Oh look, you've learned enough F# to understand this computer algebra system that can differentiate any symbolic mathematical expression composed of integers, variables, addition, multiplication, power and logarithm:

type Expr =
| Int of int
| Var of string
| Add of Expr Expr
| Mul of Expr
| Pow of Expr * Expr
| Ln of Expr

let rec d x e =
match e with
| Var y when x=y -> Int 1
| Int | Var -> Int 0
| Add(f, g) -> Add(d x f, d x g)
| Mul(f, g) -> Add(Mul(f, d x g), Mul(g, d x f))
| Pow(f, g) -> Mul(Pow(f, g), Add(Mul(Mul(g, d x f), Pow(f, Int -1)), Mul(Ln f, d x g)))
| Ln f -> Mul(d x f, Pow(f, Int -1))

For example, the symbolic derivative of x^x computed in F# Interactive (e.g. in Visual Studio) is given as:

> d "x" (Pow(Var "x", Var "x"));;
val it : expr =
(Pow (Var "x",Var "x"),
(Mul (Mul (Var "x",Int 1),Pow (Var "x",Int -1)),
Mul (Ln (Var "x"),Int 1)))

Probably the next thing to understand is that map f [a;b;c;...] = [f a; f b; f c; ...] and fold f a [b;c;d;...] = f (f (f a b) c) d) .... For example, if you represent 2D coordinates as a pair you can write:

let translate (x0, y0) ps = (fun (x1, y1) -> x0+x1, y0+y1) ps

To sum a list of integers you can write:

let sum xs = Array.fold (fun x a -> x+a) 0 xs

So given a file containing a list of integers on separate lines you can add them all up with:

Seq.fold (fun total line -> int line + total) 0 (System.IO.File.ReadAllLines @"Data/Numbers.txt")

F# has a handy pipeline operator |> so you can write f x as x |> f instead. For example:

System.IO.File.ReadAllLines @"Data/Numbers.txt"
|> Seq.fold (fun total line -> int line + total) 0

Another mind-blowing thing you'll come to love is purely functional data structures. When you add an element to a list, set or map (dictionary) in F# you get a new collection in O(log n) time but the old collection is still perfectly valid and can be reused.

u/NLeCompte_functional · 5 pointsr/fsharp

\> Would it transpile ALL of my code into JS? Wouldn’t that degrade performance?


If you implemented your numerical computations in the Fable app, yes, most likely. Although JavaScript can be used to write performant desktop applications - for instance, Visual Studio Code - I don't think it would be a good fit for scientific computing. The use case for Fable is in having behaviorally-sophisticated UIs without having to run through the dynamically/weakly-typed mess that is JavaScript. That said, JavaScript is not a terribly slow language - the Node.js JavaScript runtime is typically faster than Python. And Fable has Electron bindings for creating desktop apps. It could be worth trying. But I imagine a transpiled F# program would be noticeably slower than having one run in the .NET Framework or .NET Core runtime.


You really want to think of this as a UI layer on top of a computation layer. For a web application, the UI is typically run client-side in JavaScript (the browser sends .JS code to its JavaScript runtime, or in the very simplest case is only an HTML renderer), while the server code is some other language (F#, C++, PHP, etc) that sends user-facing data to the JavaScript. For a .NET desktop application, it'll all be bundled and run in the same place, but typically with a separate frontend project and a backend project. Unfortunately, either way it'll be a bit of work. And I think we'd need a bit more information about your code to give a good answer - for starters, is this Windows, or Linux? .NET Framework or .NET Core?

  • Honestly, using Windows.Forms or Eto Forms is the easiest way to solve the problem of "add a GUI to my F#." Compile your numerical code to a class library and create a separate project for the UI which references that library, then call the numeric functions you need from the UI.
    • /u/Mischala suggested the standard way F# devs add user interfaces to their desktop applications: in Visual Studio, C# desktop UIs can be built visually using the Forms designer, which is a tool that F# unfortunately lacks. The designer automates what would be extremely ugly and tedious code and lets you drag things around on a screen to build out your UI. Since C# and F# interoperate fairly nicely, you can reference your F# project from C# and call your functions directly. I imagine this would be the fastest way to add pictures and buttons.
    • If you don't want to get your hands dirty with C# - who would blame you :) - then it's really not that hard to write a forms application purely in F#. I am assuming, given your userbase, that aesthetics are a low priority, so you wouldn't need to learn anything fancy or play too much with resizing.etc. Here are some tutorials to get you started:
  • Like /u/Mischala said, turning your existing F# code into a webserver isn't a bad option.
    • Note that it doesn't actually have to be a real webserver hosted externally; an ASP.NET Core app is just a console application, and you can use the (amazing) Fable.Remoting library to have a webpage-based UI talk to the CLI console application.
    • Unfortunately you'll have a lot of useless boilerplate and overhead. Still, I think this would be the easiest way to use Fable for a high-performance desktop application. The Giraffe framework is both relatively easy to use and a lot of fun, and Visual Studio has an ASP.NET Core F# template out-of-the-box.
  • You could try forking Fable.Remoting and modify it to have it chat to a desktop application directly. This might be easy, but I don't know enough about JS to endorse it.
u/dagit · 1 pointr/fsharp

> Delimited continuations are better than undelimeted (as I have read)

I wouldn't say they are better, but they are different in small ways. Delimited continuations are more complex, but with that complexity comes a notion of scope. Depending on what you're doing, that extra capability may or may not be better (okay, so usually it's better in real programs). So if you're designing a language or library that implements continuations you still have a trade-off between the added complexity of delimited continuations vs undelimited continuations.

Have you seen Andrew Appel's book "Compiling with Continuations"? I have not read it personally, but my understanding is that it is highly relevant to your question. Perhaps you can find an online preview to see if it would help you.

I think you would benefit a lot from "wrapping up" your continuations in a computation expression. In Haskell land, they have a continuation monad and it makes writing things in terms of continuations more convenient. For instance, here is an article meant to introduce beginning Haskell programmers to the Cont monad:

The idea is that you create a continuation at each lexical point you may want (or need) to return to (say for instance, you want to return to the top level of the interpreter when you detect a division by zero). Creating the continuation gives you the 'escape hatch' that you may call later in the exceptional case. I think the haskell example makes this clear by calling the continuations "exit1" and "exit2".

I hope that helps.

u/nikofeyn · 3 pointsr/fsharp

i recommend functional programming using f#. i just picked it up myself and am enjoying it. the programming f# 3.0 book is also pretty good.

there's also programming language concepts. it's an introduction, although it doesn't play around, to exactly what it says, but it uses f# as a meta language to explore the concepts.

u/LincolnA · 8 pointsr/fsharp

Programming F# is a very nice intro. That's the first book I read when I started to learn the language, and it served me well.

u/x2bool · 2 pointsr/fsharp

Functional Programming Using F#. The book focuses on functional programming, has a nice set of examples and nontrivial programming exercises. Also, if you're into MOOCs you could try this course that teaches ML. I struggled really hard with the course, but I learned a lot, and after ML it was really easy to start with F#.

u/jackmott2 · 5 pointsr/fsharp

it is common to not use oop patterns in game programming for performance reasons, even in c++ where you could oop if you wanted to. read up on entity component systems for one approach. totally compatible with monogame. you can do whatever you like inside its draw and update loops. you dont have to extend its gameobjects or anything.

DUs are often a fine alternative to OOP patterns. fill an array with entities, match to get which type, call a different function for each.

functions are a one liner interface

this book :

has really neat info on oop alternatives despite being geared toward c developers

you will usually want to mutate gamestate if performance is a concern but you may not have to. again monogame isn’t leading you one way or the other here.

u/nbneo · 3 pointsr/fsharp

I found this to be a good guide to .net: Pro C# 7: With .NET and .NET Core

u/wreckedadvent · 5 pointsr/fsharp

I was reading CLR via C# the other day and something that struck me is how often the author talked about the advantages of being to use multiple languages that can talk with one another seamlessly due to them all running on the CLR. The author seemed disappointed that VB became C# with slightly different syntax while other languages on the platform weren't really getting much love.

With C# getting pattern matching in the next version, I do wonder how far and how large C# will become, ultimately, and if we'll see a more distinct push to have more varied usage of other CLR languages to solve particular problems.

u/rmunn · 4 pointsr/fsharp

Considering that Mark Seemann literally wrote the book on dependency injection in .Net, it's theoretically possible that he does understand all its nuanced complexities, and that dismissing this presentation (which is, naturally, simplified so it makes a good presentation) as "populist nonsense" is a mite hasty.