(Part 3) Top products from r/learnjavascript

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We found 15 product mentions on r/learnjavascript. We ranked the 54 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top comments that mention products on r/learnjavascript:

u/pacificano_au · 4 pointsr/learnjavascript

I have recently read this book. I didn't like it at all. Just to give you an idea of my skill level, so you can compare it with where you are at, I've been doing HTML/CSS/Javascript for over a decade. My Javascript skills though have been more script line by line style as opposed to OOP intermediate level stuff. So I bought this book look to increase my Javascript skills.

While the book says its HTML5 with Javascript programming, it doesn't really cover the basics very well for either, even saying you should be familiar with both before reading it. At the same time, it spends half the book, quickly covering the basics, in such little depth, I would struggle to understand who its for.

The second half of the book, just spends one chapter at a time going over the various HTML5 APIs and how to use Javascript with them. For a 600 page book, there is so much fluff here, its unbearable. Its a really poor book. Its not for beginners, but its probably too simple for intermediates.


If you need to know HTML/CSS I'd highly recommend http://www.htmlandcssbook.com/

You'll want to install Sublime Text to do your work in it.
You'll want to create a Github account and download the client and learn how to version control.

After you've done the HTML/CSS book. I'd recommend learning about SASS from DevTips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XmUUa_pWw8

You can install CodeKit to make compiling it easier.


For Javascript, I recommend "A Smarter Way to Learn Javascript" https://www.amazon.com/Smarter-Way-Learn-JavaScript-technology/dp/1497408180/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1473808304&sr=8-1&keywords=a+smarter+way+to+learn+javascript

It's a really good, QUICK, and straight to the point book on beginner Javascript. ~250pages

Then... If you want to round it out, I'd recommend Head First Javascript Programming https://www.amazon.com/Head-First-JavaScript-Programming-Freeman/dp/144934013X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1473808479&sr=8-1&keywords=head+first+javascript+programming. While being full of fluff, as is Head Firsts way, is a much better book than their HTML5/JS one. With a lot of great examples ~600pages

After that, I'd recommend Learning Web App Development https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Web-Development-Semmy-Purewal/dp/1449370195/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1473808519&sr=8-1&keywords=learning+web+app+development ~300pages which will start to introduce the full javascript stack to you.


I hope that helps mate.

u/Cantum2 · 13 pointsr/learnjavascript

When I was starting to learn JS which was not that long ago at all and I am still learning I started with this video series:

.then this one

.then this one

.then I read:

.then I read: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1430264489/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

.then I read:

When I felt like I had a good enough grasp on vanillajs I started a giant project in Angularjs. Where I advanced my skills with git big time. Other resources I used are:
Atom: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYzJdSdNWNqwNWlxz7bvu-lOYR0CFWQ4I

Rest api with MEN (lol): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9jBcybHMTIia56aV21o2cZ8

Docs are great for js: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript

These were good for angularjs just incase you were interested:

Honestly I cant link one of this guys videos because they all help sooooo much:

u/gnost · 1 pointr/learnjavascript

I highly recommend the book Head First Ajax by Rebecca Riordan. Ultimately, you may decide to use a framework like jQuery for simplifying the XMLHttpRequest API, but this book really helps explain AJAX, how it works, and how to write AJAX requests using vanilla JavaScript.

The Head First books are especially helpful for beginners, I really like the approach they take to teaching you in ways that are visual and make it easier to remember.

u/Earhacker · 7 pointsr/learnjavascript

Give Eloquent JavaScript a whirl. It’s a bit terse for absolute beginners, but should be good for someone who knows Python.

Or, if data is your thing, try Data Visualisation with Python and JavaScript. The author’s JS isn’t perfect IMHO, but it has the advantage of building on stuff that you probably already know.

u/Advisery · 4 pointsr/learnjavascript

I can't tell you anything about Code Avengers, but the Codecademy course, even after the major overhaul they did to improve it, the javascript courses(and a lot of the other courses, but we'll leave those out) are still lacking in my opinion. Some are just soooo awfully written that you're forced to go to the Q&A section to just copy and paste and answer. Even on the courses that were understandable and worked alright, they were monotonous and I also feel that some of the lessons were stretched out for some reason; perhaps for fear that the information wouldn't stick.

However, I don't think that sites like that should necessarily be used for learning; I'd rather point you to books such as this and video tutorials for really learning the language. Sites like codecademy are positively wonderful for review; I doubt there's a more engaging way of reviewing and fine-tuning your mind for programming other than actively using the language, which is what really makes a programmer.

Proof of my account

u/[deleted] · 2 pointsr/learnjavascript

Everyone says it, because it is true. The best way to learn a language is to work with it. Put up a personal website, and start writing little code bits to do different things.

If you want to learn the language and understand the technical details of it, I recommend this book. I bring one of these pocket books with me whenever my wife makes me go with her to a store.


u/ArchieMoses · 1 pointr/learnjavascript

Here's the thing;

You can look at learning a programming language like learning a spoken language. You can get by just learning key phrases like "where is bathroom" and the equivalent to limited personal pronouns like document.getElementById().

But to really learn the language, and how it works you have to get into the nuts and bolts. Understand prototype inheritance, what javascript types are beyond string and int, you have to read a book like this.

Having said that, beginner books are great so long as you read with that realization.

I started with O'Reilly | Javascript & jQuery: The Missing Manual and it was good to me. Haven't read it in too long and I'm by no means an expert, but have fond memories.

u/orlybg · 2 pointsr/learnjavascript

Great, I've been wanting to join the previous groups, hope I can follow now, I am a backend developer with a serious front-end disfunction hehe, and I need it badly for my current project, we use lots of backbone.

Do you have a planned roadmap for the 8 weeks that I missed, or you will post weekly plans?

I've been wanting to dig into FP, what are your thoughts on the http://www.amazon.com/Functional-JavaScript-Introducing-Programming-Underscore-js/dp/1449360726 book? would it be a good mix for this course?

PS. I've tried to finish the good parts, I never can. Also I bought the javascript ninja book, but I never started it...


u/Zcypot · 1 pointr/learnjavascript

I bought these, i havent gotten to the javascript portion yet, but this book is really really good.. I recommend it. You can get them separate.

u/theogravity · 7 pointsr/learnjavascript

Don't learn PHP. If you're going to spend time learning Javascript, learn Javascript and learn the node.js APIs and ecosystem. It's easier to transition to node.js compared to PHP since you already would have Javascript knowledge.

I read this book 10 years ago and it's what made JS click for me:


u/Vauce · 1 pointr/learnjavascript

Code Complete is often recommended on /r/programming