(Part 2) Top products from r/node

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We found 18 product mentions on r/node. We ranked the 37 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 21-40. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top comments that mention products on r/node:

u/rm1618 · 2 pointsr/node

Two ideas: first is on crafting code; the second, on fullstack.

Input from programming legends on practices for writing clean code, including evolving code and code smells as indicators that things are not right in the code.

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

This nonsense book gets right into initial decisions, sample application features, and architecture diagrams. Clarity is a good thing (measure twice and cut once). Developing on AWS is awesome and you are entitled to a free account for one year while learning AWS: AWS Free Tier.

Full-Stack JavaScript Development: Develop, Test and Deploy with MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node on AWS

(sp and added info)

u/MadeWithPat · 1 pointr/node

Clean Code is a good one :) The book where he goes into SOLID is the Agile PPP book . I believe he refers to Clean Code as a sort of prequel to Agile PPP.

It sounds like you’re doing pretty well and on the right track. CORS is an area where I’m not especially strong, tbh. I would probably put the api on an api.example.com subdomain, but that’s sheer personal preference.

I’ve spent so much time in .NET recently, it’s nice to jump into a JS discussion. Time well spent, in my mind.

u/DVWLD · 7 pointsr/node

You should start by learning Go, Erlang, Rust and C.


Seriously, though, if you're talking about cramming as many users as onto a single machine as possible then node is not your runtime.

Node is great at building things that scale horizontally. It makes it really easy to write realtime, event based code. Node is really good at doing things that involve a lot of network IO since it's easy to do that in a non-blocking way. It's not a great choice for a high scale game server where memory usage is key.

If you want to know more about horizontal scaling patterns (which Eve only qualifies for if you squint a bit), I'd recommend starting here:


And looking at distributed consensus approaches, message queues, and bumming around http://highscalability.com/ a bit.

u/Ravilan · 3 pointsr/node

IMO you should go beyond learning node.
Learn javascript (node is just javascript with core libraries).
Actually don't learn javascript, learn how to code.
Even more, learn how to learn.

I'm not the only one with this opinion: http://blog.codinghorror.com/please-dont-learn-to-code/

Also a side point: learn how to test. Testing (may it be unit, behaviour, …) is really important. It helps you code better, have a stronger code (less bugs, or more easily identifiables), more maintainable, and so on.

If you know the basis of code, and how to learn, not only you'll know node, but you'll potentially know php, ruby, scala, whatever.

I strongly encourage you to read:

u/cgijoe_jhuckaby · 8 pointsr/node

> I’ve torrented like 50 e-books

I hope they were free e-Books. Here is an Amazon link to purchase a book called Node.js 8 the Right Way which is a great resource in my opinion, and written very recently (programming books tend to go out of date rather quickly). Node.js is up to version 10 now, but 8 is still relevant and has all the new async/await stuff in it.

> I am betting that I can learn it well enough in 5 days to pass a technical interview.

Be warned that companies may ask you what you've built with Node.js, and ask to see your GitHub profile. My recommendation is to actually build something cool and open source it. Then you have something to show, and companies can have a look at your coding style as well.

u/8wardialer5 · 2 pointsr/node

Not focused on Node.js, but the following helped me a lot:

u/brotherwayne · 4 pointsr/node

I was impressed with the author of Effective Javascript (link) when I heard him on the js jabber podcast.

u/katspaugh · 3 pointsr/node

Start with statistics basics, like average, median, standard deviation. For resources I recommend Wikipedia and "The Manga Guide to Statistics"[1].

[1] http://www.amazon.com/Manga-Guide-Statistics-Shin-Takahashi/dp/1593271891/

u/codearoni · 3 pointsr/node

If you own the data, go with RDBMS. Every time. DDDB's are useful when you want to store data from other systems that you don't really give a damn about (in terms of structure or content).

If I were you I'd do some book learning.

You need to come to a consensus on what constitutes a record in your system and use that to design a primary key. I think if you do some research into introductory DB concepts the rest will become obvious over time, FWIW.

u/syntheticproduct · 13 pointsr/node

There's a misconception that microservices are 'simple'. That's not always the case, they can be complex, efficent beasts, include caching, handle millions of concurrent requests, etc.

However, architecturally, as seen from the outside, microservices do one thing and do it well.




First of all you have to ask yourself what your service will do. That will drive the architecture. Your question is like asking 'hey I wanna build an app, how should I architecture it'. It all depends the constraints on your problem.

There are some books on the topic that might help.


u/Patman128 · 1 pointr/node

> But it is still a lot more complicated that just letting the computer handle multithreading for you like you would in Java, C#, python

Not at all. Java Concurrency In Practice is 384 pages long for a reason. The way Node does concurrency is way simpler than using threads with manual synchronization.

u/_imjosh · 6 pointsr/node

Database Design for Mere Mortals: A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design (3rd Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0321884493/

u/73mp74710n · 1 pointr/node

read this books,
Node.js moving to the server side by shelly powers

Node.js In Action

It is your choice to choose a a web framework to use

u/artsrc · 2 pointsr/node

Read this:


It is a classic work that includes a description of MVC.

MVC, like REST, is more misunderstood than understood. Every UI framework seems to claim to be MVC, while meaning something different.

MVC is a pattern invented for programming graphical user interfaces, before the web existed.

The notion that you should use in organising domain logic, but not front end, user interface logic is perplexing.

u/postmodest · 12 pointsr/node

It would seem he tweeted a link to a page that says "codes of conduct shouldn't apply to 'aspies' with ASDs" by a guy who wrote a book called "Mate: What Women Want", which, god help me, surprisingly doesn't seem to be the kind of redpill dogwhistle-filled sexist hate-tract I'd expected, despite the fact that the co-author is someone named "Tucker Max". (I mean, yes, it's about how to modify your behavior and acquire the sex, but it goes out of its way to say that the whole 'alpha male' thing isn't any kind of solution.) So, yeah, perhaps the article and the author fall on the "not a sexist jerk, but #1 with sexist jerks" side of the jerk-spectrum, but if it does, it's very very much in the realm of the fair center. But as with the Origin of Species, there are lots of scientific papers that end up getting used by dysfunctional assholes, and I'm not entirely convinced that Rod Vagg isn't a bullying dysfunctional asshole in private. Nor am I convinced that the Ayo.js folk are the kind of core technical folk that a project like Node needs at all.

If I have a point, it's that Rod might need to realize that just because you have a hard time being polite, that doesn't mean you have a right to impoliteness, and to the complainants, just because someone is impolite, it doesn't mean that their contribution is outweighed by the burden of dealing with them. The reason CoC's exist is so that everyone can point at a reference and say "I'm uncomfortable because I [had to hear|shouldn't have said] <the bad thing>." and then move on.