Reddit Reddit reviews Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare(Online Play Required) - PlayStation 4

We found 5 Reddit comments about Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare(Online Play Required) - PlayStation 4. Here are the top ones, ranked by their Reddit score.

Video Games
PlayStation 4 Games, Consoles & Accessories
PlayStation 4 Games
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare(Online Play Required) - PlayStation 4
24-player multiplayer action - Choose your side, plants or zombies, in 24-player online battlesCustomization - Personalize your favorite plants and zombies with hundreds of unique items and customizations4-player online co-op - Join forces with friends in online 4-player cooperative modeNew plants and zombies - Powerful new plants and zombies with a huge variety of abilities
Check price on Amazon

5 Reddit comments about Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare(Online Play Required) - PlayStation 4:

u/Budzee · 8 pointsr/PS4

Wow. Epic fail. Didn't post the link. Sorry.

here ya go!

u/DronePirate · 2 pointsr/PS4

It's 19.99 on amazon right now. LINK

u/SiLeNtKiLLEr68 · 1 pointr/PvZGardenWarfare

Amazon is always cheaper then everything else, and also on the US Amazon, it is only 40 USD which is about 22 pounds so tell me why is the uk one nearly 3 times the price