Reddit Reddit reviews Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science

We found 13 Reddit comments about Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science. Here are the top ones, ranked by their Reddit score.

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Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science
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13 Reddit comments about Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science:

u/DJSpook · 3 pointsr/TrueChristian

I don't see a theological problem with biological evolution by natural selection, and I highly recommend this book for you Young-Earth-Creationists.

u/eternityisreal · 2 pointsr/Christianity

I believe there is a third option, laid out much better than I could ever begin to in 7 Days That Divided the World by Dr. John Lennox. Check it out

u/magnaFarter · 2 pointsr/Christianity

I recommend this book: Seven Days That Divide the World, by John Lennox.

The theories on the origins of life and evolution do not line up very well with the sequence of the seven days in Genesis 1 in which:

  • light shone and plants grew before the sun was made

  • birds were created with fish, before land animals

    The "Seven Days That Divide the World" does a good job of outlining what the Genesis account actually says. When interpreting Genesis we must be careful not to dismiss it, or overrule it with our own opinions; it is scripture and we should be changed by it, not the other way around. However, we must also be careful not to take metaphorical aspects of it as literal. This causes problems when they contradict observations that we can make of the natural world today, and it can cause us to miss the true message of Genesis.

    Seriously, its a good book, I think it could help you out a lot in this area.
u/dubsnipe · 2 pointsr/DebateAChristian

Perhaps this is not a debate point, but if you're really interested, you should check a book by John Lennox called Seven Days that Divide The World. I think it has some very strong claims that address your claims. There are some lectures of his on Youtube on his book, as well. I'll come back and answer you later today!

u/lapapinton · 2 pointsr/Christianity

Hi prophetofantman. I am one of the few creationists on this sub. I recommend you post your question to /r/Creation as well. If you message the mods I'm sure you'll be given access.

If you are interested in some more general books on this topic, I can recommend the following:

Three Views on Creation and Evolution.

Explore Evolution: The Arguments for and Against Neo-Darwinism.

The Cell's Design - Fazale Rana


Some good Young Earth Creationist books:

Understanding the Pattern of Life - Todd Wood

Thousands, Not Billions, ed. Don DeYoung

Seraphim Hamilton, a young Eastern Orthodox commentator and YEC, wrote a good blog post here.


A good book on theistic evolution is "Creation or Evolution: Do we have to choose?" by Denis Alexander


A good Old Earth Creationist book is John Lennox's

"The Seven Days Which Divide the World".

You might also be interested in this Christianity Today article
"A Tale of Two Scientists"

u/theroundmound · 2 pointsr/Christianity

John Lennox

This book will help you out a lot. Written by a mathematician who also happens to be a professor at Oxford University and a Christian.

u/JamesNoff · 1 pointr/AskAChristian

>If there is, I want to hear it.

You may be interested in the book 7 Days That Divide the World by John Lennox. It's a short book that goes over the various Old Earth interpretations and how the fit with our understanding of science.

The short version is the Hebrew word for day, "yom", doesn't only mean a 24 or 12 hour period like it does in English but also encompasses much longer (decades and eons) periods of time.

u/growingforwards · 1 pointr/NoFap

I don't have time right now to give more then this. But those books will detail how your statement is not true. Obviously I can't go through the entire bible and give examples for ever single thing. But all those 3 books are very topical to Nofap or creation :)

u/EuthyphrosButtcrack · 1 pointr/DebateAChristian

These type of "objections" have been raised a dime a dozen and frankly its getting boring dealing with them. However, I'm in a good mood so lets go. Before I start, I'm a doctor so when I read "the oldest of those dying the painful death of having their teeth rot out of their skull" I just had to ask, what the heck is that????

Ok moving on. Dealing with Genesis, we have to deal with the Hermeneutics of the book itself. It can be said that the book is written in a poetry style and was meant not to educate people about the way the universe formed, but rather to demonstrate that Yahweh was above all that they had worshipped as Gods (sun, moon, stars). If you are into reading, John Lennox's Seven Days that Divide the world could help shed some light on how Christians view Genesis. Not every Christian is Ken Ham in the same way that not every atheist is Josef Stalin.

Before I move on to the next part of your rant, I would like to ask. You mentioned "Heaven, completely capable of intervening, watches this with total indifference." Why does this bother you?

u/AADPS · 1 pointr/Christianity

John Lennox wrote a book about a theory similar to this called Seven Days That Divide the World.

Here's one of his (pretty darn long) lectures on it, and I find him to be a delightful (and I don't use "delightful" lightly) speaker.

I hate to give a summary, because it's pretty nuanced, but the big points are that the Bible doesn't necessarily say anything about the age of the earth and that he has no trouble with the estimated 12-13 billion year age of the universe. I absolutely loved it when I first heard it, and it kind of sent me off on a journey to start assaulting my faith with ridiculously difficult questions so I can be absolutely sure of it.

u/trickytown · 1 pointr/Christianity

John Lennox' book, Seven Days that Divide the World, is a great resource for thinking this through. The tl;dr is Genesis doesn't aim to tell us how, it aims to tell us why.

u/bigbaumer · 1 pointr/DebateAChristian

There's a book that I believe does a decent job of tackling this subject. In it, the author addresses the order of creation, the meaning of 'days', as well as many other topics.

He's also written another book that tackles the silly notion that science and faith cannot coexist.

I know this is not really conducive to debate, but I thought it pertinent to bring these books to everyone's attention.

u/Stakenshake · 0 pointsr/atheism

Only closed minded Christians (and quite frankly blind followers who can't think for themselves) believe this. I would strongly sugguest that some of you guys read Seven Days That Divide the World.

Lennox talks about how back in the day, science was saying that the earth revolved around the sun, but the church was saying that the earth was the center of the universe due too several Biblical passages. But nowadays everyone believe what the scientists were saying.

Now this leads to the gapping issue. Where science has these gaps, and Christians use God to fill these gaps, and Lennox goes indepth about this issue in his book. It's a very cool read.

TLDR: Christians can't blatantly deny facts from science.

Edit: Thank you Mr. PoisonPotato