(Part 3) Best household mops, buckets & accessories according to redditors

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We found 85 Reddit comments discussing the best household mops, buckets & accessories. We ranked the 60 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Household wet mops
Mopping accessories
Household mop buckets

Top Reddit comments about Household Mops, Buckets & Accessories:

u/sethra007 · 12 pointsr/hoarding

Welcome to the sub!

First of all--WOW. You've got most of your house down to 1 or 2 on that scale! That's a fantastic accomplishment. I hope you've celebrated that, because that take a lot of hard mental work to be able to get to where you're at. Congratulations!

> How often does the average person scrub the kitchen and bathroom? I get stuck between wasting my time cleaning already-clean surfaces on a daily basis, or forgetting about it and then not noticing the mess until it's a huge overwhelming task. I'd like to set a regular schedule, but I'm not sure how often it should be done.

When talking about an kitchen or bathroom that's a 1 on the scale? About five minutes (if that much) once a day. It's not so much "scrub" as "wipe down" so that things don't build up.

I personally find the Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Seasonal Task List at UfYH to be very helpful. I suggest you download and print it.

> While I've let go of the need to "save" items by purchasing them, I still collect small things (pens, nail polish, etc) more than I should. How does an average person know when a collection they love and use is big enough?

The typical answer to this is "when it interferes with your quality of life". For people recovering from hoarding, I would suggest the following checklist:

  • Are you able to sort, store, and display your collection?
  • Are you proud to bring people into your home and show them your collection?
  • Does showcasing your collection interfere with your ability to use one or more spaces in your house (e.g. you can't prep food in the kitchen because all of the counterspace is taken up displaying your nail polish)?
  • Are you spending so much money on your collection that it's interfering with your ability to meet your financial obligations (e.g. you missed paying rent last month because all of the money went to nail polish)?

    If the honest answer to all of these questions is "No", you should be good.

    > How the heck do you mop a floor? My issue here may be partly physical disability, but my attempts to mop don't really get anything clean. I can't physically get down on my hands and knees to scrub, so I usually end up pushing a bleach-covered towel around with my feet, because the actual mop does nothing but slop around water and shed strings. This can't be right. Help?

    Here's what I do, broken down step-by-step:

  1. First, dust-mop, Swiffer-dust, or vacuum the floor, to get rid of the larger debris and dirt (dropped food items, dust bunnies, etc.). It doesn't have to be sparkling, but doing this gets rid of the nastier soil from the floor, so you can mop up the rest effectively.
  2. Prep a bucket with warm water and the appropriate solution for your floor type. My kitchen floor is linoleum, so I use about 1/4 cup Mop-And-Glo per gallon (the rest of my house has old wood floors, which requires a different cleaning approach). Always check your chemicals for proper dilution ratios! Otherwise you're may wind up covering your floor in chemicals, which in turn creates its own soil.
  3. Dunk your mop into the solution in the bucket, then wring the mop out until it is just damp. The #1 problem that occurs when mopping is over-wetting of the surface! Using a damp mop instead of a sopping wet mop allows the dirt to cling to the mop as you go instead of being spread around by the water on the floor.
  4. A note on mop-wringing: I'm old-school, so I wear rubber gloves and wring the mop head out by hand. However! One can purchase self-wringing mops at any place you would buy a standard mop.
  5. Start in the corner farthest away from the door. Mop in a figure-8 pattern to use your mop most effectively.
  6. As you mop, move towards the entrance of the room so you are always standing on a dry piece of floor. This will help to avoid streaking and tracking of your solution to other parts of the house.
  7. Change the solution often to ensure the water you're using to clean is not overly saturated with dirt. Dirty solutions will only move dirt from one area to another, it won't remove it from the floor.
  8. Depending on how dirty your floor is, you may have to change your mop water out once or twice to get a truly clean floor. But if your kitchen is at 1 on the scale, just mop until your water starts to get dark with soil and your floor looks clean.
  9. Dump mop bucket out and rinse repeatedly until mop bucket is completely clean. You do not want any solution or residue left over to contaminate your water the next time you use the bucket.
  10. Rinse out mops thoroughly and hang up to dry above a slop sink or floor drain.

    You mentioned bleach. Please note that while bleach is a decent disinfectant, it does NOT include any actual cleaning agents (surfactants ) to break down soil, dirt, dust, etc. There are cleaning products that contain bleach which do a very good job of cleaning surfaces, but the bleach itself is not the actual cleaning agent. So if you're just making a solution of bleach and water, that's one reason why you're not cleaning your floor effectively.

    If for whatever reason you wish to avoid commercial chemical cleaners, I urge you to switch to the tried-and-true solution of vinegar and water:

  • 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar and 1 gallon of warm water
  • 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar, 1 gallon of warm water, and 2 tablespoons of mild dish soap
  • or 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar, 1 gallon of warm water, and several drops of lemon juice

    > How often do you replace a shower curtain? How do you know when it needs replacing?

    Well, that depends on the material the curtain is made of, and how you care for your curtain:

  • Cloth curtains are durable, but they absorb water rather than repel it. Leaving your curtain closed between uses will let it dry and thus cut down the growth of mold, bacteria, and fungus. Try washing your curtain monthly in hot water with bleach to kill mold and to remove stains. With care, your curtain should last a year or more. Replace it when it looks worn, or when washing no longer removes stains.
  • Plastic, vinyl, and other synthetics make excellent water repelling curtains. However, water does beads up on the inner surface, so hang these curtains closed between showers to get them to dry, too, otherwise, you risk mold, etc.. Rub your curtain down with a mild detergent (dish detergent is ideal) either weekly or monthly to remove mildew buildup. With care, you curtain may last a year or more. Replace your curtain when it looks dingy.

    > I've noticed that vacuums almost always start losing power after a few months of use. Is this a thing that happens to other people? How do you deal with it, if you can't afford a new vacuum or a repair, especially if your ability to take things apart is dubious?

    Okay, so this is new to me. I'm still using a vacuum cleaner from ten years ago, with no issues. Are you sure you don't need to just replace the bag?

u/jonathanrdt · 7 pointsr/startrek

Me too -- love that bucket.

One side for soapy water, one side for rinse water. Mop in soapy, mop floor, mop in rinse water, repeat. Dirt goes into rinse water, soapy water stays clean, floor sparkles, wife is happy.

Edit: I may have exaggerated that last bit. Happy wife may not be related to shiny floor. I don't want anyone to be disappointed.

u/bigtips · 6 pointsr/AskEngineers
u/snufkinplum92 · 4 pointsr/Cooking

I use these:
Spontex Brilliant Scourer (Pack of 12) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B005SF44C2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_kpHiDb5A6YW7F

They remove all residue in my experience

u/offramppinup · 3 pointsr/BuyItForLife

If you want a real BIFL mop system, go commercial. This mop is awesome and metal. You can really bear down on it to scrub with no worries of breaking plastic pieces. I use it on hardwood and slate floors. The pads velcro on and off easily. I use the dust mop every couple days and then go for the wet pads when the floors look dirty. I have 2 wet pads that I switch between when I go from room to room. They are machine washable, but I don't wash them between every mop, maybe every 4. Get a bucket and some Murphy's oil soap and you'll be set.





u/antent · 3 pointsr/miamidolphins

looks like he's available for cheap. Let's pick him up!

u/reddit455 · 3 pointsr/whatisthisthing

yet ANOTHER thing I "used" as a kid.. that's quickly becoming "vintage"




pre swifter when mops were made of cotton.


u/Tia00017 · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

QOTD: Here's the top 3 things on my bucket list




u/aerynjbson · 2 pointsr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

I apologize for the formatting, I'm on mobile.

Mop handle: fiberglass, tough as shit.


Rubbermaid mop heads: again, wash ( regular or gentle, not heavy) and hang dry.


Wring bucket: sturdy, can take alot of use and you can replace the wringer and bucket separately, altho it's going to be at couple years before the wringer needs replaced.


It seems expensive but it's one of those buy for life things.

Dust mop handle: snaps on to the wire frame. You can even replace the pole for like a 8$


Dust mop frame : easy to maneuver, low profile, basically lasts forever even if you run over it with a floor scrubber or gator.:

Dust mops ; you have two options, cloth and microfiber. Both have their strengths and weakness. Both can be washed and hung. Cloth ones last longer and are better for larger spaces and pick up bigger bits of things better.

Microfiber is good if you don't accumulate alot of dirt and dust, works well with pet hair.

Synthetic cloth: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005KD2PQY/ref=psdcmw_10802561_t2_B005KD92SI?th=1&psc=1

Microfiber dust mops need a different frame and handle. They are lighter and thinner but feel light compared to the synthetic cloth and wire frames. The frame relies on a type of velcro grip. Eventually that wears out and you have to replace the heads and handles/frames more often.


Microfiber frame/handle: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005KCOB4Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1510207125&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=microfiber%2Bdust%2Bmop%2Bhandle%2Bframe%2Brubbermaid&dpPl=1&dpID=31kwOkYrU6L&ref=plSrch&th=1&psc=1

For home use, 18/24 inch width should be sufficient.

I swear I'm not a shill. I've just had alot of exp with commercial cleaning products and equipment.

If you ever want some cleaning chemical recommendations hit me up.

u/Jordan-5 · 2 pointsr/Coachella

yes and yes

u/ZappyZane · 2 pointsr/playstationvr

So far they've stated the current PS4 will work with PSVR. While 4.5/Neo may just get slight enhancements.

NMS is not confirmed for VR at this date, while Ace Combat 7 is (and EVE: Valkyrie if you're into flight combat games).
I'm guessing all these game are Dualshock 4 compatible, however some other games may be Move only (e.g. the chef / cooking game).

Again a lot of this is unconfirmed, and you may need to wait for a month until E3.

Lastly, depending on your tolerances, many people consider this an essential VR purchase:

u/[deleted] · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Your wish list link is broken. Use this, http://amzn.com/w/1KJWLIWB3W464.

Well, congratulations on your new apartment! I would suggest being conscious of turning off lights. Electric bills can get pretty outrageous. Also, don't use your AC when it is under 90 degrees out, keep it at 78 when you're at home and 86 when you leave on hot days. Wash the dishes you after you use them! The can pile up quickly. At the very least rinse them off and stack them on the side of the sink to wash later. Don't let more than 10 accumulate. Keeping your house clean is simple. Put in little effort upfront rather than max effort later. Pick up that loose paper before 10 others follow suit. Put your clothes in the hamper, not on the bathroom floor. It's not hard or complicated. I promise.

You need the following
Trash can
Trash bags
Broom (I have this one and it holds up well.)
Mop #1
Mop #2
Bucket (can double as car was bucket.)

You'll also need towels, bathroom rugs, shower curtain, plates, etc that you will want to pick to match the colors of your home.

I hope you have fun! Invite friends to help you move and buy them pizza! Thanks for have this contest! cheeto fingers

u/Tofiniac · 2 pointsr/homegym


Great chalk bucket. Made of rubber, you can drop a barbell on it and it will bounce back. Also fits in nicely with the gym motif if you have stall mat flooring.

u/mypasswordishotdog · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon


but wait, there's more! ... or not :D

Thanks for the contest!!! :D

u/RSLASHTREES_NAZI · 1 pointr/microgrowery

I'm stoned so I decided to price out a DIY recirculating drip [single unit] for you with links!

u/Sieberella · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Dude...I TOTALLY just added those to my wishlist, those are awesome! I'm a very "get it all in one trip" type of person so this will crazy help! I have linked this item several times. Anything to help me get organized is a huge help because then I use it and it doesn't get messy anymore which helps keep the house clean lol. Show this gift some love. Thanks for the contest!