Best terrorism books according to redditors

We found 126 Reddit comments discussing the best terrorism books. We ranked the 42 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Terrorism:

u/TlZONA · 48 pointsr/uncensorednews

The following is taken from this site, which is itself adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat:

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.

Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called 'religious rights.'

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States -- Muslim 1.0%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1%-2%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. ( United States ).

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- Muslim 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris --car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam - Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace -- there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

'Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel. – Leon Uris, 'The Haj'

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would indicate.

u/ItssAllInTheWrist · 32 pointsr/worldnews

More like a golden goose egg. I wonder if there's ever going to be an anniversary of the Anthrax attacks? Those letters started going out a week later, and everyone's going on CIPRO ... right about now. Graeme McQueens review of the Bush Cheney book reminded me of his excellent work on that subject, summarised nicely ...

Graeme MacQueen Reveals The Anthrax Deception

... and also available on Amazon ...

The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy Paperback – by Graeme MacQueen

u/Shia_LaMovieBeouf · 30 pointsr/todayilearned

Yeah! He's full of them. He actually wrote a book on the moral implications of spying. It's made all the more interesting due to the fact that he's a devout Catholic.

u/hammertime84 · 17 pointsr/AskTrumpSupporters

This book covers the topic pretty exhaustively and finds many are motivated by factors other than religion...foreign occupation for example:

Do the ones covered by that book count?

u/purpleolive · 16 pointsr/CombatFootage

I haven't read too many books about the subject, but one that I really like is 'Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001', by Steve Coll. It's incredibly illuminating and a fascinating read.

Robert Pape's 'Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It' is also one of my favorites.

u/KSDem · 13 pointsr/WayOfTheBern

> He was a senior fellow for 8 months in 2013, I don't know what to make of it or if he is still connected to Brock.

It was a LOT more than that.

Before he was a Senior Fellow for 8 months, he was Executive Vice President/Senior Advisor for Media Matters for nearly 2-1/2 years.

And before that, he was Vice President for Research and Communications for Media Matters for 1-1/4 years.

He co-authored two books with David Brock: The Benghazi Hoax and The Fox Effect.

And he co-authored Lies, Incorporated: The World of Post-Truth Politics with Media Matters as recently as April 2016.

Just as Nixon's henchmen informed the young Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, Brock will have informed the thinking of Ari Rabin-Havt in ways he may not even fully realize himself. But if he's looking for forgiveness, he should step out of politics and find another line of work. He is definitely not someone who should have Bernie's ear.

u/VacationAwayFromWork · 12 pointsr/politics

Thank you for your comment and your service.

Curious if you've read The Interrogators: Inside the Secret War Against al Qaeda or have any thoughts on it. I'm working my way through it now.

u/sn0re · 10 pointsr/

> "The Karl Roves of the world have built a generation that just wants a couple slogans. It's pretty hard to write a book saying, 'No new taxes, no new taxes, no new taxes' on every page."

Uhm, apparently not. Hannity, Coulter, O'Reilly, and even Limbaugh are all published authors.

u/axolotl_peyotl · 6 pointsr/conspiracy

I complete understand where you're coming from.

Let me clarify my position a little bit: the presence of thermite is not the big issue here.

My point is that Jones is trumpeting this explanation as the sole reason for the towers' collapses, and this theory has heavily infiltrated the 9/11 truth movement.

The big issue here is that something unconventional brought down those towers...they fell way too fast and completely.

That's why those of us with inquisitive and skeptical minds have been searching for alternate explanations for how they fell...and mostly because of Jones the thermite theory has been unfortunately embraced by many.

You've created a false dichotomy (perhaps one of the reasons Jones is doing what he's doing): you seem to think that if we don't believe Jones then we must be on the side of the US Govt.

That couldn't be further from the truth!

I'm a regular here, and you should know that by my questioning Dr. Jones, I am not questioning the 9/11 Truth Movement as a whole.

Since the only PHD I have is in armchair conspiracy theories, I'm clearly not qualified to question the science of his thermite findings, though I can read the many skeptical individuals who are scientists and who question his results.

However, I can comment on the bigger picture, because Jones' history with the "cold fusion" story should raise huge red flags as to his motivations with the whole thermite thing. Again, watch the film Heavy Watergate to understand what I'm talking about.

Since you seem ready for this information, I can't recommend this book enough.

Once you get past the seemingly implausible premise and look at the actual evidence, this theory becomes frighteningly plausible.

This is the theory /r/conspiracy should be talking about, not Jones and his red herring.

u/prismjism · 6 pointsr/conspiracy

Not nearly as academic and much more tinfoil hat donning than Klein's work, but Paul Joseph Watson's Order Out of Chaos sounds more along the vein you were mentioning. He's a contributor to Alex Jones, so take it with a grain of salt. But interesting read, nonetheless.

u/reubadoob · 6 pointsr/Libertarian

Someone read Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan ! Great book and must read!

u/blackstar9000 · 5 pointsr/atheism

I thought I'd add this to the little research pool you've got going: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Bombing <PDF>. The author, Robert Pape, has elaborated on his findings in the book Dying to Win, which is well worth reading. Pape was one of the earliest researchers to address the topic by looking at the full battery of modern suicide terrorism campaigns, and his conclusions have largely been born out by subsequent research, like that of the Flinders study.

To anyone who's really delved into the available research, I don't think there's any doubt that suicide bombings are largely a response to a political situation, one characterized by an imbalance of power.

u/[deleted] · 4 pointsr/islam


>The ideology of the Tamil Tigers emerged from Marxist-Leninist thought, and was secular. Its leadership was atheist.[31][32][33]
[edit]TULF support

You should read the article on the Tamil Tigers on wiki here

I would highly recommend the book Dying to Win here, it has a very interesting and enlightening analysis of the ubiquitous term "suicide bombing".

Here is the product info from Amazon

>FACT: Suicide terrorism is not primarily a product of Islamic fundamentalism.

>FACT: The world’s leading practitioners of suicide terrorism are the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka–a secular, Marxist-Leninist group drawn from Hindu families.

>FACT: Ninety-five percent of suicide terrorist attacks occur as part of coherent campaigns organized by large militant organizations with significant public support.

>FACT: Every suicide terrorist campaign has had a clear goal that is secular and political: to compel a modern democracy to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland.

>FACT: Al-Qaeda fits the above pattern. Although Saudi Arabia is not under American military occupation per se, one major objective of al-Qaeda is the expulsion of U.S. troops from the Persian Gulf region, and as a result there have been repeated attacks by terrorists loyal to Osama bin Laden against American troops in Saudi Arabia and the region as a whole.

>FACT: Despite their rhetoric, democracies–including the United States–have routinely made concessions to suicide terrorists. Suicide terrorism is on the rise because terrorists have learned that it’s effective.

>In this wide-ranging analysis, Professor Pape offers the essential tools to forecast when some groups are likely to resort to suicide terrorism and when they are not. He also provides the first comprehensive demographic profile of modern suicide terrorist attackers. With data from more than 460 such attackers–including the names of 333–we now know that these individuals are not mainly poor, desperate criminals or uneducated religious fanatics but are often well-educated, middle-class political activists.

>More than simply advancing new theory and facts, these pages also answer key questions about the war on terror:

>• Are we safer now than we were before September 11?

>• Was the invasion of Iraq a good counterterrorist move?

>• Is al-Qaeda stronger now than it was before September 11?

>Professor Pape answers these questions with analysis grounded in fact, not politics, and recommends concrete ways for today’s states to fight and prevent terrorist attacks. Military options may disrupt terrorist operations in the short term, but a lasting solution to suicide terrorism will require a comprehensive, long-term approach–one that abandons visions of empire and relies on a combined strategy of vigorous homeland security, nation building in troubled states, and greater energy independence.

>For both policy makers and the general public, Dying to Win transcends speculation with systematic scholarship, making it one of the most important political studies of recent time.

If you are interested I can also link you to some psychology papers studying those who would later commit suicide attacks.

u/privatezebra · 4 pointsr/IAmA

In short, yes. This is largely due to the fact that they only read books that are prescribed by the program, and they do not do outside research. For example, two books that began to change my views on terrorism and DHS in general were Blowback: the Costs and Consequences of an American Empire, and Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism.

Most of my classmates do not understand the principle of Blowback (unintended and usually unwanted consequences of a sinister action), which the CIA coined due to their meddling secretly in other governmental affairs around the world in the mid 1950s. When you truly understand why we were attacked, and when you actually read quotes of why they say they attacked us, it fits into this idea of blowback.

I had a teacher in my very first class on homeland security tell us we were attacked simply because we were free, and they hated freedom. That sadly could not be farther from the truth, however mainstream media and many educators of our day push this idea.

I hope that answers your question!

Edit: grammar

u/victorged · 4 pointsr/politics

Ah, found it, it took me a long time to actually hunt for your source, in the future if you wouldn't mind linking them, that would be great, it makes the actual process of rebutting a bit easier. Also, if you'd like to actually update your religion percentages, I can hook you up there too. The CIA World Factbook isn't exactly a hidden arcane text that we can't Google in six seconds. But lets jump into the meat of your argument, because it's an interesting one given that it provides no sources and just wants me to take what it says at face value.

Starting from the bottom, working to the top, as you'd expect the correlation to run strongest at the bottom:

Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen are all in relatively bad spots, but of course your source only lists a "variety of reasons". Failing rather impressively to touch upon the fact that some of these places weren't so bad before being thrust into the heart of a decades long series of proxy wars (Russian Invasion, American Invasion, etc.). I'll give you saudi Arabia though, it has an honest to God functioning government, and that Government is a hell hole for human rights. Note that people aren't exactly slaughtering each other in the streets with impunity as your source seems to suggest is happening, but there are deep issues. Even if there have been interesting signs of change.

The 80% bracket suggests state run ethnic cleansing and genocide, which seems a bit disingenuous. The Armenian Genocide is the only event I can think of that would qualify for the listed countries, and it wasn't religiously motivated, but rather as a consolidation of political and geographic power. Palestine isn't even a country and is in the process of being actively repressed by Israel, not the other way around. Why the hell is Gaza listed separately of Palestine anyway? But I digress. Indonesia has had some interesting run ins with Sharia law that the world continues to monitor but ethnic cleansing is a bit overstated, and their new president is making strides in the name of freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

Look, this is a fine and dandy exercise, but the basic plotline is - this source overstates at every level as a form of fear mongering, and rather than hold a rational conversation about the problems these areas are facing, what the root cause is and how we can approach the situation successfully, you've decided the root cause is clearly Islam. I hope that we never hit a point in this country where that becomes the primary view, the potential for loss is too great.

Edit - I'd like to add in Amazon's tagline for the book that the original quotes come from, Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam: The Historic Roots and Contemporary Threat by Peter Hammond - which was originally published in 2005, so I'm now not entirely sure where it managed to get its hands on 2007 numbers....

>A fascinating, well illustrated and thoroughly documented response to the relentless anti-Christian propaganda that has been generated by Muslim and marxist groups and by Hollywood film makers. As Karl Marx declared: "The first battlefield is the re-writing of history!" "Slavery, Terrorsim and Islam" is an eye opening, positive and practical handbook to empower you to respond effectively to the challenge of Islam today.

Yeah, that source sounds like an unbiased fact finding mission.

u/h4qq · 4 pointsr/religion

Awesome work! This is pretty cool.

I'm pretty sure you might have heard of the following book: "Dying To Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism" by Robert Pape. If not, I highly recommend it :)

u/yourmansconnect · 4 pointsr/worldnews

Sorry I yelled I'm hungover, and i just realized I responded to the wrong person I'm an idiot

Start here

Continue here

Give this a once over

I'm sure there's a ton of good reads, I enjoyed this book , but I'm sure someone else can point you in a right direction

Nvm I'm going back to sleep

u/StudyingTerrorism · 4 pointsr/Ask_Politics

Instead of getting a hypothetical scenario of someone going undercover in terrorist organization--which, FYI, almost never actually happens--you should read some accounts of people who have been double agents. One of the most recent and notable examples was Morten Storm, a Danish convert to Islam and a spy for US, British, and Danish intelligence services inside al-Qaida. He published his autobiography, Agent Storm: My Life Inside al Qaeda and the CIA, last year. A good example of a failed attempt at a double agent was Humam Khalil al-Balawi, who was a triple agent for al-Qaida and committed one of the deadliest terrorist attacks on CIA personnel in history. His story is told in The Triple Agent: The al-Qaeda Mole who Infiltrated the CIA.

EDIT: I should clarify. It's not that intelligence agencies do not have sources within terrorist organizations, its that few will have put an officer or an asset go undercover to join a terrorist organization. Many terrorist groups rely on personal connections and references for new recruits, so it can be hard to enter if they do not already know someone who is a member. Additionally, some groups will require prospective members to engage in a violent act (e.g. kill someone) to prove their commitment. Gangs and other types of organized criminal groups will have similar requirements. And finally, it is incredibly dangerous for the person going undercover and would likely not generate much better results that other intelligence gathering methods.

u/whiskeysquared · 4 pointsr/

Nearly all religions (except most Eastern religions) breed violence (The Bible is a very violent piece of prose). Religious terrorists are from any faith. Draw a picture of Mohammed get killed by Muslim extremists, have an abortion here you get bombed by Christian extremists. Over generalization in the media makes it seem that ALL Muslims wish to kill innocent children with ball bearings and explosives... Not true. Muslim extremists, that's their gig. And the current situation now isn't primarily a religious struggle, it's a political one:

Also, we must look at the fact that America is the country that radicalized these groups with the coup in Iran. Read a book by Stephen Kinzer, it will be clear. Also look into atheism, it gets you away from these theologically sticky issues altogether.

u/ScotchDream · 4 pointsr/Suomi

Sillä nyt ei ole niin mitään väliä. Muslimien kasvavan väestönosuuden vaikutukset ei oo mitenkään epäselviä tai tuntemattomia. Edelliseltä tuhannelta vuodelta kun on olemassa heti enemmälti tietoa. Tässä vaikka aiheeseen perehtyneen tutkijan kirja. Ja synopsi.

u/heyisthatcyclopean · 3 pointsr/conspiracy

The forgotten false flag of 2001....The Feds didn't nab anybody, a suspect supposedly killed himself after being hounded by FBI.

Bruce Ivins certainly did not mail the anthrax. There is no way the sample sent to Congress came from his lab as confirmed by multiple studies which are reviewed in McQueen's
The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy

u/Capricious_memer · 3 pointsr/metacanada
u/IrrigatedPancake · 3 pointsr/

But it's not one, it's a lot more than one, and their families and friends get very upset. Then they start killing solders in retaliation. Suddenly they are the new enemy. It compounds on itself until regular Americans or regular Europeans are targeted.

Dying to Win by Robert Pape is a good book about this.

If you want to go on some humanitarian mission to Afghanistan, then you go do it, but I don't want to pay for the damage that's being done.

u/jonasbomb · 3 pointsr/atheism

Suicide bombing actual has its origins in the Tamil Tiger movement which is a secular movement. Dying to Win: The strategic logic of suicide terrorism explains this well. It turns out that suicide bombers are typically rational actors that have developed a weapon that is incredibly effective against democracies. (

u/williamsates · 3 pointsr/conspiracy

The most solid stuff is on the 9/11 Anthrax case and it is done by Graeme Macqueen.

If you want to go down the road of how the schools the 9.11 hijackers, were trained at, are connected to intelligence agencies, and drug smuggling.

In this line there is Gary Webb's Dark Alliance.

On Deep Politics you can't go wrong with Peter Dale Scott, and he can be a nice introduction to JFK, 9.11 and CIA drug smuggling.

If you want to understand the politics around surveillance and the intelligence agencies and their abuses, then you have to read the primary documents from the Church and Pike commissions.


Pike committee which was much more damning, and almost caused a constitutional crisis.

Pike reports:

An excerpt from the NSA document:

>-14 Operation SHAMROCK the code name under which the cable companies made most of their international telecommunications traffic available to the NSA and to a lesser extent to the FBI was terminated by the Secretary of Defense in May 1975 a date coinciding with the Church Committee's first demonstration of interest in the program.-The "take from Operation SHAMROCK and from other NSA intercept operations was used by the NSA in the 1960s and early 1970s to compile files on American citizens NSA maintained a "watch-list of names of individuals and organizations against which the "take was sorted

In this vein, there is project called 'Forgotten Bookshelf' that is attempting to resurrect some really good titles, that were on the margins.

u/amazon-converter-bot · 2 pointsr/FreeEBOOKS

Here are all the local Amazon links I could find:

Beep bloop. I'm a bot to convert Amazon ebook links to local Amazon sites.
I currently look here:,,,,,,,,,,,, if you would like your local version of Amazon adding please contact my creator.

u/Umm234 · 2 pointsr/politics

Yeah, sometimes.

Intelligence matters

Is a book by a Dem senator about GW Bush's failures around 9/11.

A side note I picked up is that the senator was working on the Patriot Act in the 90's w/Clinton Admin because of Embassy bombings by Bin Laden and Oklahoma City wasn't some instant conspiracy by Cheney and Satan after they set up 9/11.

I don't agree with it[e-surveillance] all, but , usually these people just think they are protecting us and we do need some secrets.

u/Greycinders · 2 pointsr/civ

FYI in spycraft, generally the spies are called “officers”, and the people they recruit (to spy on their behalf) are the “agents”. A “double-agent” would describe an agent that has been re-recruited by the other side. So in the recent case it was a Russian officer who defected. There’s an interesting [book] ( about this topic.

u/RamblinRambo3 · 2 pointsr/uncensorednews

You and /u/DiscoLollipop

IIRC it's from this book:

>When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non -muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Am- sterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections,

u/shadowofashadow · 2 pointsr/911truth

Read the back story on the patriot act. It's pretty telling.

It was huge but ready to go 45 days after 9/11. Congress didn't have enough time to read it all and were under great pressure to pass it.

The Anthrax Deception goes into quite a few details on that whole period in time.

u/hapakal · 2 pointsr/911truth

Israel is a country. This was done by individuals. And it was done in America. Perhaps you should try looking at what we actually know.

His book: Another Nineteen

And MacQueen's excellent book: The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy

Israel did 911 (even if some Israelis were involved) is for simple-minded people unable to distinguish between the particular and the general and functions (in the minds of reasonable people) as disinformation by mischaracterizating 911 Truth.

u/Gootmud · 2 pointsr/changemyview

> Trump's insensitive public messages about what he thinks about Muslim-majority countries has "legitimately pissed" Muslims around the world

People don't pursue a career in suicide bombing because some blustery American criticized their country. 95% of them do it in response to foreign military occupation of their country.

> there was reason to believe that the effects of efforts to leave were so much worse than staying

That is the propaganda, and it's not without some truth. It would certainly be worse for the US government and the military-industrial complex. And Afghanistan will certainly get on with its civil war when we leave, just like Iraq did, whether that's now or 50 years from now.

But in the meantime, the US presence continues to make things worse. I'm halfway through this book. There is no way to read 100 pages of it and not be convinced (a) we have no business in Afghanistan (b) the people close to the situation know this perfectly well, but (c) they have too much to lose by admitting as much so they keep killing people.

> there is an absurd jump in the argument that she "certainly helped make it worse" to having "no qualms about committing mass murder in your name and mine"

Mass murder is in fact the US's foreign policy, so I'm not sure what's questionable. More color on Hillary in particular.

> I cannot fathom how any disdain could be worse than the feelings emoted towards Trump (before the election, let alone now).

Candidate Trump was finally talking some sense about foreign policy. Half the time, anyway. He acknowledged the elephant in the room that our interventions create terrorists, and we should pursue more peace. We should wind down NATO, as the enemy it was created to oppose disappeared 25 years ago. Other countries should pick up more of the bill for their own defense. He's followed through only very weakly in Europe, but IMHO he still has a higher chance of leaving fewer bodies than Hillary would have.

u/CQME · 2 pointsr/NeutralPolitics

> The comment you're responding to was in no way personal or inappropriate. The "you" was very generic.

If you keep reading, it becomes clear the opposite is true. The person very much meant it to be a personal reference. The person directly addresses me and equates his/her usage of the word 'you' in other instances as also direct addresses.

>Being harassed is not.

There was no harassment in this instance. Harassment, sexual assault, groping, etc, are not the issue here, because none such occurred. The issue is an ethics investigation.


>To my knowledge (based only on her Wikipedia entry, so I may be wrong) her nude appearance in Playboy was not until several years after the events in question anyway.

I'm going to go with this being enough to corroborate my argument, regardless of lack of nude photos.

u/MeCatChing · 2 pointsr/conspiracy


Before you can charge someone with a crime you have to know WHAT crime was committed and HOW it was done. If your death had been ruled homicide by gunshot, a forensic investigation better report a bullet hole in your body. It matters little WHO destroyed the WTC or WHY they did it because it is unrelated to the evidence of the destruction and moves attention away from its scrutiny. What was the crime that was committed?


The order of crime solving, that one must first identify:

  1. WHAT happened before determining

  2. HOW "it" happened...before one can determine

  3. WHO did "it" or

  4. WHY they did "it."


    Since writing her book, Dr. Wood has come to understand more clearly how cover-ups work. People are encouraged to skip step #1 and begin arguing about step #2. In order to argue about HOW "it" happened, people are left to IMAGINE what "it" was that happened. From then on, they are only addressing an imaginary problem, not a real problem. And they can never ever solve the real problem unless they begin with step #1, which defines WHAT the problem is they need to solve. So skipping to step #2, #3, or #4 is a useless path that leads you nowhere. See how easy a cover-up works!

    It's available at Amazon for $49.50 plus free shipping. (Less than the cost of a tank of gas for my Jaguar!)
u/zenmasterzen3 · 2 pointsr/OneY

There's a trascript of the news report here:

Dr John Hall has written two books on it:

Some of the victims have had MRI scans showing implants (to aid the stalking process) which emitted RF and were removed. Despite this hard physical evidence of illegal experimentation, this phenomenon is dismissed as mental illness.

If you think the Government is unlikely to hire private detectives (to avoid doing it themselves and hence be subject to FOIA - think Hillary and her email server) to stalk and rape women, look at official history where they raped children and fed them radioactive oatmeal:

u/conspirobot · 1 pointr/conspiro

axolotl_peyotl: ^^original ^^reddit ^^link

I was skeptical once about this subject too.

However, now I've read Dr. Judy Wood's book, Where Did the Towers Go? in its entirety.

Have you read it? If not, then we can't have a rational and informed debate on Dr. Wood and her claims other than you simply pooh-poohing her because her theory seems outlandish.

u/kirkdict · 1 pointr/craftofintelligence

This is an excellent overview, thanks. For those interested in the serious study of this subject, Olson's Fair Play and To Catch a Spy rank among the best books on intelligence I have ever read. The notes and bibliographies alone are worth the price.

u/oomiak · 1 pointr/conspiracy

What do you think of this book and theory?

If you haven't read it yet, I would be extremely interested to know what you make of it.

This theory is frowned upon by alternative media in a similar way as the snowden-as-limited-hangout theory.

I can understand using baby steps to wake up the general population, but how do we wake up those who are already truthseekers, but who may be hesitant to embrace the "wilder" conspiracy theories?

u/Apersonofinterest666 · 1 pointr/conspiracy

I believe it's going to unravel once we get an investigation into the World Trade Center. A new investigation is going to happen. Once the official story is debunked by an actual fact based investigation, the rest of the story is going to unravel.

There is also a lawsuit working its way through the system filed by the 1st Anthrax victims family. He worked for the Sun and was the first person to get sick and die from Anthrax. So far, the Justice Department disputes the story put forward by the FBI saying that Bruce Ivens was a lone wolf terrorist who was solely responsible for the Anthrax attacks. This is a pretty bad g deal because the Justice Department supposedly runs the FBI but more likely, the FBI is run by the Shadow Government. There's an excellent book on the Anthrax Attacks Here's an interview with the author. Dr Graeme MacQueen explains the 911 anthrax hoax:

As he states in the video, the Anthrax attacks are clearly the work of government insiders and if this story falls apart and the people behind it found out, its going to drag 9/11 down with it.

And then there's always the possibility of a whistle blower, a death bed confession, some other sort of this evidence turning up.

u/newsens · 1 pointr/911truth

I was studying 911 long before the "truth" movement was even thought about, in fact while Gage was still asleep, so I have been through the development of 911 thinking in its various phases.

Stephen Jones certainly does appear to be legit, that is until one realizes that thermite is not an explosive and thus could not account for what happened to the towers - total destruction, pulverization of all concrete, glass and most of the steel into the finest dust particles, and, most importantly, loss of the actual mass of the towers from the demolition site.

Judy Wood's information is probably the most accurate there is and I highly recommend her book. Unfortunately she attributes what happened to an as yet unheard of energy source, the Directed Energy Weapon, which is clearly in the realm of science fiction.

u/mystikalhereigo · 1 pointr/syriancivilwar

If you are interested in how it actually happened read the book "Triple Agent"

Also, info about one of the CIA victims here:

> In fact sources quoted in the book told Warrick that Hanson was one of the CIA’s most talented “terrorist hunters,” attracting the attention and praise of her supervisors and CIA directors Leon Panetta and Michael Hayden.

But no they did not just allow an "extremist to walk into the base". I can assure you that the operatives involved were not idiots. In fact, Operatives like Ms. Hanson were actually tracking down terrorists and killing them.

The suicide bomber was at the time trusted and had a history with Jordanian Secret Service. This was Jordan's screw up for the most part. Anyways, like I said this hits a little close to home so sorry if I come off a little emotional.

u/nudelete · 1 pointr/Nudelete

>All questions Roger Stone addressed in his live AMA now have typed out answers in the thread. During the AMA the typist fell behind but now all the questions Stone tackledduring the AMA have full answers.
> Mr. Stone's /r/The_Donald AMA.
Full video AMA courtesy of Infowars.

> Highlights from Stone AMA.
>#Reminder that Infowars Editor at Large, Paul Joseph Watson will be here next Thursday, June 2nd for an AMA at 7PM EST. Streamed live via Infowars.

>His articles have been featured hundreds of times on the Drudge Report and he has appeared as a guest on numerous popular radio shows, television broadcasts, and podcasts, Including RT, Coast to Coast AM, Louder With Crowder and Stefan Molyneux. He's also author of the 2003 book, Order out of Chaos.
>Check out:
Paul's Twitter
> Paul's Facebook
Paul's YouTube

u/FrontpageWatch · 1 pointr/longtail

>All questions Roger Stone addressed in his live AMA now have typed out answers in the thread. During the AMA the typist fell behind but now all the questions Stone tackledduring the AMA have full answers.
> Mr. Stone's /r/The_Donald AMA.
Full video AMA courtesy of Infowars.

> Highlights from Stone AMA.
>#Reminder that Infowars Editor at Large, Paul Joseph Watson will be here next Thursday, June 2nd for an AMA at 7PM EST. Streamed live via Infowars.

>His articles have been featured hundreds of times on the Drudge Report and he has appeared as a guest on numerous popular radio shows, television broadcasts, and podcasts, Including RT, Coast to Coast AM, Louder With Crowder and Stefan Molyneux. He's also author of the 2003 book, Order out of Chaos.
>Check out:
Paul's Twitter
> Paul's Facebook
Paul's YouTube

u/geerab · 1 pointr/TargetedEnergyWeapons

Three mods is enough. This sub is not active enough to need more than that. We get maybe 1-2 top level posts per day.

They are TIs, to call them mentally ill is to be blind to facts and to side with the perps. When a majority of T.I.s voice concern about these symptoms, you listen not denigrate. I'm not gonna let this sub lose it's way because you want to be blind to facts. Shape up.

As for references, (Voices are mentioned in the Amazon description), (Bryan Tew) (Transcription on the side of the video)

As I have said, asking for more data is fine, banning something outright based on your (wrong) opinion is stupid. Please stop calling victims of V2K and Synthetic Telepathy mentally ill as well. It's rude and dismissive.

u/2legit2fart · 1 pointr/politics

That's because Al Franken actually treats women with respect and the media is conveniently leaving out the career history of his accuser.

His accuser appeared in Playboy in 1996 and 2011, and you can (try to) order copies from third-party sellers on Amazon.

u/cocopopsreddit · 1 pointr/worldnews

you seem to be blaming islam for suicide vests, when in fact the united states foreign policy is far more responsible.

you'd do well to read this book.

the us taxpayer has funded more terrorists, and is responsible for more deaths than islam ever has and you've disregarded all evidence of that as "playing the blame game". as such you are not a rational person and therefore there's no point in continuing to talk to you.

all the best.

ps. if you want to find out more about how your drones actually operate you should also look up "double tap drone strikes" because despite the sense I get that you think most muslims deserve to be killed for their religion(you rationalise the killing of innocent muslims by drones saying they are in a war zone, who declared war?)... i think you appreciate that drones are killing innocent people - and what that means morally.

u/vin4444 · 1 pointr/politics

Your video proves my point. Go to 21:30. Not even enough rubble to fill the lobby, even though it should be at least 12 stories high.

Read this book to educate yourself.

u/tocano · 1 pointr/antiwar

I haven't heard much from Dr. Pape since youtube videos of several of his presentations starting proliferating around 2010. I've been wanting to hear, 5 years later, if the conclusions from his - books regarding the motivations of suicide terrorists still hold true with ISIS as they did al Qaeda years earlier.

I am also curious about his views on Libya now. He was interviewed weeks after the multi-national intervention in Libya had begun and he listed it as an example, a precedent, of "healthy" intervention. There's a comment on that video that asks several important questions:

> So my question(s) for Dr. Pape -

  • Do you still see the Libyan intervention as a successful "healthy" intervention precedent or do you wish to recant or change your view of the interventions in Libya expressed in this video?
  • And if not "healthy", then do you, in retrospect, believe that the intervention itself was ill-advised?
  • Or do you simply believe that certain (unforeseeable) events occurred after the intervention that led to the current mess?

  • And if [it was unforeseeable events], what events and how would you have tried to avoid them?

u/mavnorman · 1 pointr/AskSocialScience

Since you seem to be asking about the motives behind Islamic terrorism, in particular, I've just had a long discussion with someone about it. It's mostly sourced with links to Wikipedia and covers background, but it should do for a start.

No expert I know accepts the explanation of the New atheists, and I'm an atheist myself. Sources to check are:

u/test4511 · 1 pointr/ukpolitics

The author of the above text, Dr. Peter Hammond, wrote this book which contains his documentation.

u/cantthinkatall · 1 pointr/UnresolvedMysteries

You should check out the book Cover Up: What the Government is Still Hiding About the War on Terror by Peter Lance. Pretty interesting take on it.

Cover Up: What the Government Is Still Hiding About the War on Terror

u/sulaymanf · 1 pointr/todayilearned

Your numbers are wildly off. Afghanistan does not have "hundreds per year." And while atheism wasn't their main goal, just like Islam wasn't the main goal of most of the aforementioned groups, the LTTE did get some atheist inspiration, as did many of the Vietnamese Communists.

Robert Pape, who teaches at the University of Chicago, has written an interesting book you should read: "Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism.". He examined every documented case of suicide bombing from 1980-2003.

> Pape argues that the news reports about suicide terrorism are profoundly misleading. "There is little connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, or any one of the world's religions," Pape reports. After studying 315 suicide attacks carried out over the last two decades, the political science professor concludes that suicide bombers' actions stem from political conflict, not religion. While television viewers and newspaper readers in the US hear more about events in Israel, Iraq, Madrid and London, Pape points out that the Tamil Tigers, a group that most Americans have never heard of, are responsible for more suicide attacks over the last two decades than any other group. The Tamil Tigers have have been influenced by a Marxist/Leninist ideology which is largely atheistic and disavow any connection with the Hinduism practiced by many of the people the the region of Sri Lanka where they operate. The Tamil Tigers are engaged in a struggle for independence from the central Sri Lankan government.

>Pape's strong conclusion is that religious fundamentalism is NOT the source of suicide bombings or terrorism. "What nearly all suicide terrorist attacks have in common is a specific secular and strategic goal: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their homeland." This is true in Sri Lanka, it is true in the Middle East (where many terrorist groups consider themselves secular rather than religious) and, yes, in Iraq, where former Baathist supporters of Saddam Hussein may use Islam as a cover and even a recruiting tool, but are motivated by clear political objectives: the pressure the US to leave Iraq so that the way will be clear for their own return to power. Worldwide, the struggle is about power and politics, not religion.

>Bottom line: Asymmetrical warfare makes the world safe for suicide terrorism, while religion is a smokescreen and cover for what is actually happening. Focusing on "Muslim extremism" is therefore likely to make matters worse, rather than leading to a solution to the problem..

Passages lifted from a review

u/mothballette · 1 pointr/911truth

You can't prove it definitively without a smoking gun, but there is a mindboggling amount circumstantial evidence that could be proved in a court of law more than enough for a criminal conviction if only given the opportunity.

Graeme MacQueen in his book The Anthrax Deception gives a compelling argument that the people who were responsible for 9/11 were also the people who sent the anthrax starting only one week after 9/11, which were traced to one (and maybe more) of only three labs in the world and they were Department of Defense and CIA labs here in the USA. I would try to tie that in with your essay.

You can also listen him in an interview.

u/enjoypolo · 0 pointsr/conspiracy

Thank you for providing this. Reddit has been invaded with skeptics.
Recently reading "Money Mafia" by Paul Hellyer revealed an interesting trick in the book for 9.11: The use of free energy devices (akin to Tesla's beam weapons) that completely annihilate materials and turns them into dust. I have yet to check out the book. "

EDIT: I just found out Judy Wood, the Author of the book has a website.

u/RPDBF1 · 0 pointsr/news

Lol I’m sorry I’ve always s been anti-war fucking sue me. Go read a book and actually understand where terrorism is inspired from.

For example like the soldiers that were just convicted for killing Afghan civilians for sport, posing with dead bodies and some taking killed civilians fingers as trophies.

Maybe try this excellent book

u/CuckyMcCuckerston · -3 pointsr/The_Donald

Its bullshit, the 9/11 demolition charges and the official story, that's a part of this redacted disinformation one, all to cover their tracks and put it on Saudi Arabia (no matter how hard they deserve for other things, but not this). We need to SHOW people what happened and let them use their own two eyes. Not what they've been told to believe. It was directed energy technology, For years Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) wanted, NO BEGGED for a complete thorough exhaustive, meticulous analysis of the EVIDENCE. Put the pitchforks down, READ.

Dr. Judy Wood undertook the first and to this date ONLY complete scientific forensic analysis of the events that took place on September 11th 2001 available in the public domain.

FREE FROM AGENDA OR SPECULATION as to who did it, only what actually happened.

'It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.' Sherlock Holmes

Its dustification, not pulverisation.