Igloo – The Ultimate Travel Pillow Set

Traveling is awesome. Experiencing new cultures, tasting great food, visiting amazing places. Everything is awesome except for one thing: the discomfort related to transportation. With 3,7 billion airplane passengers in 2016 struggling with this inconvenience, we are proud to say that today people willstop suffering and start sleeping.

The unique pillow design relaxes all the neck muscles while offering 360 degrees support for the head. Other pillows don’t go high enough to give a real head support. This is why we’ve designed the Igloo pillow so it goes twice as high to give you twice the support.

Finding a good body position has always been a nightmare. Igloo has a lumbar cushion that gives the perfect body position for rest.

The cushion can also be used to extend the armrest to give both passengers more place to relax.
