(Part 3) Top products from r/Assistance

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We found 20 product mentions on r/Assistance. We ranked the 464 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top comments that mention products on r/Assistance:

u/whackshackblackjack · -1 pointsr/Assistance

Behavioral genetics, as a mainstream, scientific field, is showing that nearly all behavioral and personality traits are significantly influenced by genes See: Quillette – Heritability and why Parents (but not Parenting) Matter, written by Brian Boutwell and Razib Khan. This part just simply isn’t disputable. But given that it is true, it does entail that basically every policy is going to have either “eugenic” or “dysgenic” impacts, because for basically any policy, you can say that it’s either helping to improve the frequency of beneficial (or harmful) traits, or else doing the opposite.

So to my mind, “Eugenics” is pretty much a useless term. People use it to encompass everything from Nazi pseudoscience that had nothing to do strictly with improving human genetics per se–much less out of any humanitarian spirit–to liberal eugenics policies (See: Liberal Eugenics: In Defence of Human Enhancement, by Nicholas Agar) that never involve any sort of coercive force.

Speaking of “liberal eugenics,” that is a modern term and in that phrase’s usage “liberal” essentially means “non–coercive” rather than “on the left–wing side of the political spectrum”, but the sort of “fascist,” coercive policies you probably have in mind were actually pioneered by the leftists of the 20th century. See: Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics, and American Economics in the Progressive Era, by Thomas C. Leonard. Those policies were not in any way, shape, or form unique to Nazi Germany; liberal countries like Sweden actually had more “eugenics” policies than Germany—see: Eugenics and the Third Reich, By Stephen B. Saetz, Marian Van Court, and Mark W. Henshaw. And worldwide, it was the political Left—who believed in the ultimate perfectibility of mankind, and the capacity of wise legislators to advance it through the coercive power of the State, just as innocently as they do in things like education and healthcare and welfare and gun control and so forth today—who pushed and advanced those policies.

In any case, I do support what in the modern terminology is called “liberal eugenics”: to the extent that I believe the depression I’ve experienced is in large part caused by genes, and to the extent that I feel I have a responsibility to make sure my children don’t experience it, and that I believe that could be achieved as if not more effectively through gene therapy as through social policy, I’m a believer in something that could be loosely labeled “eugenics”, sure.

As far as “white supremacy”, I’m 1/4th Lebanese Christian, and the last significant relationship I had before my wife was with a journalist from Pakistan who personally knew family members who had been blown up by U.S. drones. Razib Khan, co–author of the post I opened this comment with, is another Pakistani scientist whose discussions led me to the perspectives I hold today (I’m also friends with him on his personal Facebook account). Another of my favorite examples is JayMan [link], who happens to be of Jamaican origin, who discusses policies like maternity leave in the context of “eugenics” – namely, he makes the point that making it so that conscientious high–IQ women don’t have to decide between having children and pursuing a career means we’d get the long–term benefit of having more conscientious, smart children populating the next generation.

If supporting policies like maternity leave because I want smart women to be encouraged to have more smart children makes me a “eugenicist”, so be it. If wanting to prevent my children from inheriting my worst traits, and being open to gene therapy as the best means towards that end makes me a “eugenicist”, so be it. If agreeing with a Pakistani and a Jamaican whose writings I consider even more interesting and influential than my own makes me a “white supremacist”, so be it. But absolutely none of this has anything to do with thinking white people are ‘better’ (by what metric? Jews have even higher IQs, East Asians are even less prone to violence, ...) or wanting to cause any sort of harm to non–white people.

u/OMGBeez · 1 pointr/Assistance

Oh oh oh oh okay. Well, hell, that makes it a lot easier! Also, it is still very very early to be asking for help. A lot can happen in a year. I don't suggest registering with a travel agency, though.. do you have any idea on where you want to honeymoon at or what your honeymoon budget is? We went to Disney World - it was the most amazing and perfect honeymoon ever... and if you would consider it, I may be able to help you out there.

I'm serious, though.. The honeymoon renders way more memories. You know what you're wedding is? Here's your wedding:

I do.

I do.


Holy crap we're married.

Pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures, pictures pictures pictures.

Have a dance while everyone else is talking to each other.

Eat a little bit of food.

Be asked how many kids you're going to have and how you met 30,000 times.

Go home, open your cards, count up the money you got, have sex, go to sleep.

HOMEYMOON TIME! - best damn week of your life. The honeymoon is more about you than the wedding can ever be. It's just you with the freedom to do whatever you want during the week that your marriage is strongest.

There's a book my husband and I got called All About Us. It's like one of those really long myspace surveys that you both fill out. We did it while we traveled and a section each night in our hotel. Every year on our anniversary, we read it and talk about how much has (or hasn't) changed. A couple years ago, our anniversary came during a time we were struggling and reading what we wrote during the happiest period of our relationship really helped a lot. It also helps to see what's stayed the same (negates that "you're not the man i married" crap people come up with). This book and the Disney Bride & Groom hats were the best collective $40 we spent on the whole experience.

Edit: Added a pic from our honeymoon. :D

u/sezzme · 1 pointr/Assistance

Run to your nearest big library and see if you can borrow a copy of "Its Not Luck" by Eli Goldratt. Get someone to buy it for you if the library does not have it. It's aimed specifically at the kinds of problems you face.

Instant Cashflow by Brad Sugars is awesome too.


What city are you in?

Do you already have a website?

What's awesome about your shop which makes it stand out from your nearest competitors?

What kinds of jobs are (a) short and easy for you to do (b) people pay top dollar for that service (c) seems to come up for the shop to do fairly often? Think about it, then see how you can use the Brad Sugars book to promote THAT service FIRST.

u/t_maia · 1 pointr/Assistance

Have you considered getting it gently used from UK bookstores? I am German and buy English books there all the time, I rarely pay more than 10 EUR.

The box set with Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit is 17 pounds on amazon.co.uk, looking up the ISBN number 978-0007525515 on the Italian amazon it is available there for 30 EUR with free shipping.


Also try this link, it should give you a list of all English books by J. R. R. Tolkien on the Italian amazon site:


u/Anteater_Girl · 2 pointsr/Assistance

First? Holy shit, you are just an amazing human being.

Well, here's my genius plan.

I bought my books already and planned on panicking and hurting for money until I could refill my coffers by some source of miracles. I overheard someone in class talking about Reddit, and then decided to search Reddit for said miracles.

The books I needed are here:

  1. Raising the Bar: Ruth Bader - bought from school for $23 because I needed them today. Thanks, professor, for not releasing your motherfucking syllabus until the first day of class.

  2. Sandra Day O'Connor biography Same situation as above, I bought this one at school for $13 because my professor didn't release her syllabus.

  3. A criminology loose-leaf put together by my professor only available from the UCI bookstore. = $67

  4. Constitutional Legal Rights of Women - rented for $61 ....it was $70 to rent at school. Fucking ridiculous.

  5. American Corrections textbook rented for $41

    I have one more class that still doesn't even have an instructor listed. It starts on Tuesday, and will also require 2-3 textbooks depending on which professor takes it over.

    I did some quick math and have spent $202 in books and supplies like paper so far.

    So all of those have been purchased, and I am now sitting in the wake of an empty bank account and a growing credit card charge. It's okay though..money is fluid and something can always work out if you allow it to.

u/[deleted] · 4 pointsr/Assistance

Found one on amazon for $66 here. Other than that, pirate/torrent/whatever. Google it. Good luck

u/PullOnMyJeans · 4 pointsr/Assistance

Hi thanks for offering! My request would be this kindergarten workbook for my son https://www.amazon.com/Kindergarten-Workbook-School-Zone-Staff/dp/0887431461.

I'm homeschooling him and I'm a single mom. Money is very tight and I'd greatly appreciate this learning tool.

u/rlaw68 · 3 pointsr/Assistance

If you're trying to figure out how to do a bunch of DIY repairs, you could do a lot worse than dropping 7 bucks on this book -- I got this after we bought our first house and it was a huge help in figuring out how to do stuff that I had no experience with. Good luck to you!

u/3rdUncle · 3 pointsr/Assistance

No matter what else you do, obtain and read a book called Heal Thyself. I'm on Baclofen now and it's really miraculous the lack of cravings! It was first discovered for it's almost magical effect on alcohol-dependent people and is now used to treat withdrawal from other substances -- mine DOC was opiates. Sorry I'm dirt poor and can't help directly with tangible resources, but this is valuable advice if you want to stay clean after detox. Traditional detoxes don't eliminate cravings at all and the chances of staying sober are not good. With Baclofen the odds turn in your favor by a lot.

u/sarahbotts · 3 pointsr/Assistance

You should find older students or see if you can rent them.
Chegg is a good resource as well.

That calc book is somewhat old so you can probably find it used for cheap, and the principles of macro is supa old as well.

This is the previous edition: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B002WLQ9JQ/ref=dp_olp_all_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=all

You can probably get problems from the prof.


u/randomobjectname · 1 pointr/Assistance

Seems to be even cheaper used.

Not only that, but if you really can't afford it, various torrent sites or something in r/trackers might be able to help.

u/Maltis · 1 pointr/Assistance

The book you linked from pearson store is 2nd edition PAPER version, but it is out of stock.

Did you tell us that you bought all books already and now need only access code?

Ask your professor if this one would work.
ISBN is different, I think because this is E-edition, not the paper?
Then again, I might be wrong and it is entirely different product.
2nd edition on amazon
There is option to RENT, with fees from $22 or more depending on how long you want to keep it.

Explain to professor your situation and ask for specific help on where to find the code you need for cheap, how to fidure out if different ISBN will provide the acceptable access code.

u/davislin · 2 pointsr/Assistance

Read this book: http://www.amazon.com/Existential-Psychotherapy-Irvin-D-Yalom/dp/0465021476

Also, if possible take loan from relative. You can pay it off later but it will save your life now. Did you ask your doctor to refer you to existential therapist? You can also find these kind of therapy in gov hospital. If this is your problem then money shouldn't hold you back. Don't you have anyone to take loan from?

u/gwrgwir · 2 pointsr/Assistance

Try asking for http://www.amazon.com/Gawain-Green-Knight-Verse-Translation/dp/0393334155/

as I think that's the translation you're looking for at a relatively cheaper price than a new Norton.

u/Spacemonster · 1 pointr/Assistance

A subreddit to check out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anxiety/

~TLDR: I can relate and I recommend you read this book: Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks
Psychologists use the technique described in this book to help their patients and it can do wonders.
Sorry for the wall of text. This is something that I struggle with a lot. Though it is not a fear of being attacked physically but being hurt emotionally. Social anxiety turns me into an awkward person to be around. Usually a quiet one.

My family (even at the age of 34) still treat me as the youngest. They still talk down to me. (I'm younger so I must be less knowledgeable) As a child, my siblings did an excellent job at making sure that I knew that I was the youngest and therefore stupid. This caused a huge insecurity about my intelligence which causes huge anxiety about sounding even remotely unintelligent in front of anyone. Getting talked down to is a huge fear of mine.

I used to have a hard time going to restaurants as I would get anxiety just approaching the door. My body wouldn't allow me to go through and a few times I asked if my fiancé would go inside to get the hostess to let them know that we would like to sit outside because I just couldn't walk through the door. I have fewer problems with this now but this was just general anxiety as a result of all the clanking dishes and smells and lights and music and people around me making it impossible to focus or relax. It was a combination of over stimulation of the senses and a turbulent living environment at the time. Though I still struggle with going to the grocery store. I get overwhelmed by the people and all the options and of course (what feels like) that necessary attempt to create small talk with the cashier.

I hate speaking on the phone too. Even when I know I need to make the call. Like my grandmother who is about to have open heart surgery but I can't get up the nerve to even call her. She is a very opinionated woman and will guilt trip me for not staying in contact or because I have a 10 year old kid with my partner and we still aren't married or because I never call her and I'm only calling her now because there is a chance she could die.

This is how anxiety works. It is a never ending circle in your brain of "what ifs".
There is a book I recommend reading called "Dare". Anxiety is paralyzing and comes in all forms and this book is great for any and all forms of anxiety.

Despite the different forms of anxiety, it usually starts the same way.

"What if"

  • 'What if I get on the phone with my grandmother and she starts guilt tripping me?'
  • 'What if I call her and she says that I'm only calling because she might die?'
  • 'What if I don't ever call her and she dies and then I feel guilty for a really long time for not calling and my self esteem takes a huge hit or she doesn't die but I didn't call so it makes her feel like I don't care and despite the fact that we don't have a close relationship, I actually do care?'

    Or in your case:

  • 'What if I interact with my family/friends/coworkers and they start yelling at me?'
  • 'What if I go out and meet someone new and they end up physically attacking me?'

    This book goes into what to do with these 'what if' questions and how to tackle them. It starts by answering with 'So what?' and to stop resisting anxiety. Anxiety only exists because you are resisting it. You know you will get anxiety if you go out and try to interact with people, so you don't do it. It is this resistance that causes the anxiety in the first place.

    This has been a life long struggle for me and I'm only just now starting to take control of it. It's a long process. However, one thing you can do now if you struggle with it on a daily basis is to start reading that book and also look in to taking some magnesium. Talk to your doctor and read up on how magnesium might help.
u/blupppp · 3 pointsr/Assistance

Doubt and uncertainty are a terrible thing and I can't help at all but cancer has a 1 and 3 chance of effecting me so I have been researching what I would do if I got cancer and to be prepaired just incase I cross paths with it.

3 books

Anticancer: A New Way of Life

Neurosurgeon gets a brain tumour, gets chemo and goes into remission, gets tumour again and decides to study if food and life style can effect his cancer. Video of the author

Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself

Doctor studies if the mind can influence the body in it's ability to heal itself and finds studies to verify if it is possible. Video of the author

Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

Doctor studies anecdotal evidence of people who had cancer that went into spontaneous remission for almost no apparent reason and finds traits amongst all people.

Look into cannabis oil and how it effects cancer, would highly recommend taking lots of cannabis oil and changing her diet.

Rick Simpson: Run from the Cure

CNN Weed Documentary

CNN Weed 2 Documentary