Top products from r/Fortnite

We found 39 product mentions on r/Fortnite. We ranked the 26 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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u/HiddenoO · 6 pointsr/FORTnITE

Your very first line shows that you, once again, haven't read (or understood, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here) any of my posts.

I'll repeat it one last time: The game is in retail for the price of a full game.

Here's some links from the US (where you presumably live based on what and how you're writing - correct me if I'm wrong here) in case you don't understand:

That's $60 each and nowhere does it mention early access or that it's a F2P game based on microtransactions. You'll find the same in stores without any mention either. It's literally sold like a buy 2 play game.

> The Micro-transactions are not heavy. I have purchased zero llamas not included with the original buy in. I'm finishing Plankerton right now with zero issues. I'm 100+ hours into the game. Heavy microtransactions much more heavily gate you or stop progression. Basically all of the Zynga games are good examples of this. Pay to progress is real there. Here it's "pay to be stronger than what you need to actually be". So yeah, if you want to be as overpowered as possible you can pay. But if you just want to play the game it's not required at all.

You're arguing based on personal anecdotes that wildly vary from others players' experience (the sheer amount of hours you spent in the first two areas alone for example) and a strawman here. It's not about 'Hey, I can't progress my story quests any more.' (those are placeholder in canny valley anyway). It's about not being able to progress your account at some point unless you're spending money or waiting for daily rewards for weeks/months and not being able to make gameplay decisions because everything is gated behind RNG.

> The only real issue atm is that the transformation system is broken. It's too expensive. Fix that and add relatively plentiful commons/greens and the occassional rare drop in and 90% of the complaints melt away.

So basically change the whole system when it comes to how much and how targeted loot can be acquired? So you tell people to shut up and yet think this much is missing?

> And remember, the free to play standard for "earning what you want for free" (set by MOBA's) is 26+ hours per character and getting as high as 40+ for the more rare ones. Even if you cut that in half because you'll replace your hero once or twice that's 13 - 20 hours of grinding for a single hero. That's meeting today's free to play standards. It took me a full year of play and 800+ hours to get all heroes in HOTS. I can't really put Fortnite on that level lol. Even starting with only a rookie hero and crap gun it's plain it will take nothing even close to that to "beat" Fortnite by getting basically everything.

First off, there isn't a 'standard'. DotA2 has all content for free and you only pay for cosmetics. PoE has all content for free and you only pay for QoL and cosmetics (arguably some stash tabs are required at some point but then you're talking about a one-time purchase of less than a retail game sufficing for ever). LoL and Heroes require you to unlock heroes indeed but you can actually choose what you're unlocking, both games are competitive PvP games (so account 'unlock' progress isn't one of the main motivators as it is in PvE games like Fortnite) and both games gave you a lot of competitive free heroes to begin with last time I checked - you don't have any of that in Fortnite.

When it comes to the rate of acquiring stuff, I cannot really comment on that because I've had everything (aside from cosmetics obviously) unlocked in LoL and Heroes for ages and Fortnite's progress is pretty much a slot machine anyway. You're also making a crucial mistake here by extrapolating from your Fortnite experience so far because the game pretty much bathes you in Llamas and VBucks at the start and quickly (or, apparently in your case, not quite as quickly) dries down, especially since you're also still getting your buy-in Llamas at the start.

When it comes to microtransactions, there's also a huge difference that I already touched on previously. Just like with playing the game, other games allow you to spend money on things you actually want whereas in Fortnite you're merely paying to gamble (with really bad odds of actually getting what you want).

Oh, and I think you severely underestimate how many Llamas it would take to get everything in Fortnite, even excluding specific schematic rolls on items. I'm not going to do the maths here (mainly because I can't be bothered counting all the stuff and looking up previous posts on 'drop' rates) but just looking at the odds of getting a single legendary/mythic hero alone and considering that you cannot reroll duplicates, you're easily in the thousands (probably even low tends of thousands) of dollars worth of Llamas to be somewhat certain of having all.

> That's literally not how it works. Ironically, even if you are open and transparent and well priced it's nowhere near as successful as being deceptive, abusing psychology, and withholding most information.

> JC Penny proved this in SPADES. You should do a little research on that. The reason fair and honest pricing doesn't happen is, amusingly, US. We don't support it with our cash.

> Here's an article to start you on that research: . The article is a bit biased, but like I said I expect you to do your research on this if you care about it.

Your article doesn't even mention the word 'transparent'. My point was never that companies are supposed to price things fairly (whatever that is supposed to be to begin with), it's that they're not being transparent in what they're actually selling you. Look at the links above and tell me they're transparent about selling early access to an unfinished F2P product. This is also true for the PS shop and to a lesser degree for their own shop which merely mentions it in a place most people won't even see, not in a place you have to look at when purchasing the game as you'd expect (akin to small-printed text at the back-side of a contract). They're also not transparent (there aren't any mentions to begin with) about the in-game purchases and what they actually provide before purchasing the game.

> HOTS is another good example. Originally they had clear direct dollar pricing on heroes and skins. Now it's a lootbox system for skins and hero prices have an intermediary currency. Why? Because the more you can mislead your customer the better. And the savvy ones that can figure it out ironically feel like they are clever and "beating the system" but the microtransactions are getting them too. Because the idea you are getting a deal makes you much more likely to spend even if it's not a good investment.

I'm sorry but that comparison is ridiculous.

In Fortnite, you spend money on points which you can only use to buy one of multiple boxes which contain random content. You don't even know which boxes actually exist, what they contain, what their normal pricing is, when and what their reduced pricing is, etc.

In Heroes of the Storm, you spend money on points which you can directly use to purchase any hero you want. Any hero is purchasable at any point in time and temporarily available bundles even give you discounts for items you already own.

You don't see a small difference here?

> I've done ALOT of research on microtransactions. I understand where you are coming from, but it's nowhere near the actual truth. I really wish you were correct, the reality is far more depressing than what you expressed.

Feel free to point to where what I'm saying is 'nowhere near the actual truth' because so far you've not provided any evidence for that whatsoever. I know there exist thousands of games where the primary design goal is to get as much money out of people's pockets as possible - that doesn't mean we as customers have to accept it as the norm as you're suggesting by trying to shut me down from posting about it.

u/ColdFury96 · 11 pointsr/FORTnITE

You're right that Early Access is know for its volatility. But you're ignoring the fact that this is a game with physical copies in stores.

Early Access usually is a digital only release, that is a discounted preview/beta of a game. This is a F2P game that's charging almost full retail for the privilege of getting in. You can't release your game, slap the 'early access' moniker on it, and then not make accommodations for the fact that your game has de facto released.

I'm not saying they aren't allowed to do the typical Early Access activities to this game, but it is not a usual Early Access title and they need to conduct their operations in a manner the reflects that.

As far as the frequency, they've made no such promise. The fact that we're two weeks in and we've already had one reset makes me very nervous. Here's their phrasing:

>As we move through Early Access we will be modifying the game and making changes to improve the experience, at times this will mean changes that require refunds to core systems like the skill tree, research tree, and storm shields.

More resets are coming, and we don't know how frequent they're going to be. That puts a very huge opportunity cost on building up our stormshields or doing the 'bonus' ones after we've moved on to a new area.

Why should I spend hours perfecting my Stonewood defense 8 when I know that they might reset it before I finish it? That's what they've put out there with this update, and they need to realize the consequences of their actions.

u/rayned0wn · 7 pointsr/FORTnITE

Delux edition Weird. It's plastered all over this.

GameStop's literally all over this page

Best Buy Nuts ....even the box art best buy uses makes it super obv....oh...nvm.
Well surely Amazon ....oh wow the "from the developer" description here doesn't have it either.

"Everywhere". Just stop.

u/ROCKY_southpaw · 2 pointsr/FORTnITE

I think your issue is Ram. You only have 4GB and most games now require 8GB minimum. I know with just sitting in the lobby I’m at 18.4% used out of my 16Gb. Would mean I’m using 40% almost if I had 8Gb. And 73.6% if I had only 4GB. This is just in the lobby I might add.

This isn’t account google chrome or other things I might have opened ether that’s eating my ram.

Br is less demanding then STW so that’s why you’re able to play it. I strongly think you need more Ram.

Edit: If you’re buying ram you’ll need to make sure your motherboard supports whatever ram you buy. DDR4 requires an entire new board. You can get 2 x 4 GB (8GB total) DDR3 1886MHz for 68$ (there are cheaper ones. But I trust this brand so I’m linking you this one.)

There’s also more expensive DDR3 ram that’s 2x 8GB (16GB total). 16 GB is future proofing your current PC. However, if you’re gonna up to DDR4 eventually so might as well wait since you’d need an entirely new motherboard to support DDR4.

I’m sure there’s cheaper ram but use how many RAM Slots you have on your motherboard so I just linked you 2 x 4

u/jacob1044 · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

I gave up waiting and changed my rig instead. I picked up a Stream Deck and bound the abilities to the keys I wanted to (even lets me customize the icon on the key). I appreciate the option to save multiple layouts on the keypad. Pricey option ($128 USD). Worth it, IMO.

Link - Elgato Stream Deck (Amazon)

u/oPsYo · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

TeckNet 2.4G Wireless Keyboard For Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP and Android Smart TV, Extra Long Battery Life, UK keyboard Layout and Whisper-Quiet Keyboard Design

u/remembertosmilebot · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

Did you know Amazon will donate a portion of every purchase if you shop by going to instead? Over $50,000,000 has been raised for charity - all you need to do is change the URL!

Here are your smile-ified links:



^^i'm ^^a ^^friendly bot

u/Manny349 · -2 pointsr/FORTnITE

Could it be your PS4? :/ Then again, this mode is notorious to crash a lot. I don’t play Save the World anymore, but maybe try backing up your saved game data onto a PS4 external hard drive? They’re about ~$60-$70 depending if you buy it new or used on Amazon. (Amazon link)

u/jetah · 5 pointsr/FORTnITE

I watched an unpacking on the console games and I did see "early access" in the middle of the cover. wasn't really where I expected to see it, though.

I shouldn't have to do a deep investigation to know the game is Early Access. It should be right there on the front of the website just like it is on the loading screen. Might want to ask yourself "why didn't Epic just put it there to begin with". only mention of early access is in the review. the official description doesn't mention early access. Same for the XB1 description!

This is what I expect to see: I'd even be ok with a sticker on the cover so they can remove it when it's released!

Keep in mind there are no boxes for the PC.

[edit] Why does this very sub not have Early Access on the header bar?

u/SalT1934 · -1 pointsr/FORTnITE

I’d say this HP Pavilion tower is a good option; I don’t own it myself but reviews say it runs fortnite well.

u/chazz0418 · 4 pointsr/FORTnITE

well as much as i agree with you saying no warning is really needed. this game somewhat hides the fact it's in EA. it does not "literally says everywhere that the game is in Beta/testing"

there is no mention of EA anywhere unless you read the reviews, it's actually quite shady, and on the official website

it is only mentioned at the very bottom of the page "Jump into the Early Access season today!" so no not widely shared to people who never heard of the game.
also note it doesn't mention that it will be free to play either!

Think before you type!

u/detjakeperalta · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

Not even amazon says early access or free to play anywhere other than user reviews. The physical box also has no mention anywhere as it is sold in brick and mortar stores. They are also full price since you cannot get the standard physically.

u/NoctePhobos · 0 pointsr/FORTnITE

I watercooled my GTX 1080 with one of these and one of these. My GPU temp has never been over 34C since I did it. It's pretty quiet now too, since the fans aren't running at full speed while I game.

u/RoarlandSteelskin · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

As a Canadian looking to get the PC version I am not liking the exchange rate hit to buy direct. To bad it seems like only consoles have the retail/regional prices.

Though having just checked on Amazon the difference between console retail versions in the USD and CDN price looks like in line with the exchange rate my credit card would hit me with right now. Guess I am no worst off.

Otherwise if the PS4 and PC version really did share a license to play might of been worth getting the PS4 version even though I don't own one.

u/SilvaDragon · 2 pointsr/FORTnITE

As you are likely aware, there are separate audio channel settings for game sound and chat sound. When this happens, if you go into the audio menu, can you just change the game audio back to the PS4 controller, or is that option gone?

On the hardware side, you could get an adapter for your headset that breaks out the mic and speaker lines and plug them straight into the PC to bypass any USB driver flakiness that might be causing this:
Example adapter on Amazon

u/rocketman021 · 2 pointsr/FORTnITE

Yep. Bought this and synced it up.

8Bitdo Wireless Controller Adapter for Nintendo Switch,Windows,Mac & Raspberry Pi with a OTG Cable

Only issue is a couple of buttons are mapped weird. More of a struggle in the menus. In game they function just like the ps4 controller except the map and capture buttons are switched.

u/Amiculi · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

They're responsible for how their game is sold. And I don't own a physical copy of it but there's plenty of reports here about it and you can check the amazon store page yourself to find that there is NO MENTION of early access or the like until you get to user reviews. They don't have user reviews on store shelves.

u/MagicHamsta · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

But Fortnite isn't advertised as such on their box, on amazon, in the xbox store, & even in the PS4 store apparently.

u/Uchiha-Arii · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

I use this keyboard . It’s small and has a backlight keyboard.

u/reeight · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

I keep hearing that, but many folks on their platforms had 0 mention of 'early access'/beta when they bought their copy. I don't see any of that labeling here, do you?

Also, 'early access' doesn't have weekly events, permanent storage, etc.

u/VagrantSorrow · 2 pointsr/FORTnITE

Paid early access with multiple bundle upgrades and a fully fledged out cash shop. The Xbox and PS4 versions already have box copies for sale that don't even mention early access in the advertizement.

u/mazzeodalessio · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

I purchased this receiver

I installed the drivers correctly, in fact Windows sees it as a wireless receiver for Xbox 360. The controller is also connected. But it does not work: in the Fortnite settings I can only choose between the PS4 controller and the One controller

u/TinDragon · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

Maybe you could convince them to buy something like this. I wouldn't recommend trying to convince them to buy it for just you, but you might be able to swing it by arguing for a setup of a switch and running shorter ethernet cables (that can be hidden easier) from a different part of the house for multiple people.

u/Ryswick · 4 pointsr/FORTnITE

Tell me which one of those was labeled as 'early access' when they hit the shelves.

And calm down there, buddy. That's a lot of assumptions you're making there. I don't want a refund, I never said I didn't like Fortnite. I don't care if a game is in early access or not.

You missed the entire point, I wasn't saying that all games that hit the shelves are finished and polished. I'm saying that they should be judged as such. In that regard, are games like BF4, ME:A, and AC:U failures on release? Absolutely. It's pretty disgusting to pay full-price for an unfinished/broken product. That's my argument with Fornite, we should be able to criticize it as a full game, because it's advertised as such on the physical copy and digital marketplaces. People who act like this is a legitimate 'early access' period are out of their minds.

$60 for console, no mention of early access. That's fine, if it's sold as such, then let it be judged as such.

u/TheClassicGamer- · 1 pointr/FORTnITE

I did have problems with keybindings in tell I got the Logitech G300s mouse wich as 6G keys. I started to have to vary good time atter I bind my ability, gadgets, and inventory to my mouse. I use Z for edit, Q for switching modes, middle-click for Upgrades, and C for map. BR is more simple with a keyboard and mouse, but STW is a pain if you don't have a lot of mouse buttons