(Part 3) Top products from r/TerrainBuilding

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We found 21 product mentions on r/TerrainBuilding. We ranked the 97 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top comments that mention products on r/TerrainBuilding:

u/thewarriorhunter · 2 pointsr/TerrainBuilding

I'm using a Gale Force 9 static grass blend. This might not be my exact blend but I think it is (they offer several color blends): https://www.amazon.com/Green-Static-Gale-Force-Nine/dp/B001N1A7EO

You can get a better deal if you get a huge tube like they sell at hobby/train stores but I went with the smaller amount because it was my first time doing this and I wasn't sure if it would work or if I'd like it.

I made my own applicator following this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSr2ZNOn4yc

The video quality isn't the best but I found this tutorial to be the best. It was short, to the point, and got me what I wanted. I built mine for about ~$10. I'll snap a picture of it later when I'm home. The one thing I did different was use alligator clips on my two wires. The solder didn't want to stick to my sifter but alligator have worked perfectly. She also has two more videos on using it that I would watch. Again they're short and to the point, but they clearly show how to use it and get good results: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsjv17SDjVw & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8b32zzFZCI.

For glue I just use regular PVA cow glue. I brush it on where I want the grass, apply grass, and then flip my bases over to shake the grass I don't want on there off.

u/WolvoNeil · 6 pointsr/TerrainBuilding

A few cheap items i always point people towards when it comes to building 40k terrain, especially orky stuff;

  1. Aquarium Gravel filters, these are modular plastic trays which are used in the bottom of fishtanks to allow water to filter through but to stop gravel, they work really well for platforms, walls and walkways for 40k and they are super cheap, you can get like 10 of them for £5.https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01MFFRBA3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. Plaster Repair Filler, you can get a 2.5l tub (2.5l will last for years) for around £10 and it is really useful for spreading on terrain pieces you've built to blend pieces, fill gaps or add texture, some people even use it to base their miniatures since it is similar to Citadel texture paints, takes a while to dry though (overnight); https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001GUA9RM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. DIY kids straws, they are plastic tubes which you can scuff up a bit with sandpaper, prime and paint to look like industrial tubes and pipes https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B073ZWZR9K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  4. Eva Foam Mats - probably one of the most common bits used by terrain builders, they can be cut up easily (with some good scissors) and with a hot glue gun or superglue can be made into all sorts of items, you can make walls, rubble, stones etc. etc. or even build entire buildings out of them, they are also really really cheap https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/20Pcs-Eva-Foam-Mat-Soft-Floor-Tiles-Interlocking-Play-Kids-Baby-Mats-Gym-31X31cm/153498380743?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=453478461462&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  5. TTcombat's MDF terrain: TTcombat has the best value MDF terrain in my opinion, if you are going for a shanty town look, you will probably want old shipping containers, scaffolding etc. (their containers and scaffolding kits are both under £6
u/jworthi · 3 pointsr/TerrainBuilding

Honestly if you've only played one game I wouldn't go too crazy on making stuff just yet until you're sure your group will regularly play. It's really disappointing when you put a lot of work into something but don't get to use it.

My group started with just a battle mat (1" grid mat for using dry erase makers). They're inexpensive and a great way to get everyone in the game.

Eventually I added model trees, scatter terrain pieces over the grid (think rock obstacles), and now I do pieces like this for big battles:


Also I bought these which are a great way to build dungeons with minimal investment:

Dungeon Tiles Master Set - The Dungeon: An Essential Dungeons & Dragons Accessory https://www.amazon.com/dp/0786955554/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ZtTQzbXCQC31C

I really like building terrain for my group, but it's best to do it if you know they will keep playing and appreciate it.

u/TheStinkfoot · 1 pointr/TerrainBuilding

Going to a pet store or model train store will get you a lot of cheap terrain that looks reasonably good. If you have some coin to throw around, I may recommend a nicer tree set, like this one


I've bought a couple packs of those before, and they look frankly fantastic.

My forest boards usually have a mix of nice/expensive trees and cheaper trees to fill up the board. Remember to get some line-of-sight blocking hills and cliffs to, and it's always nice to have a building or two.

For basing I'd recommend styrene sheets. They're cheap, easy to cut (I just use common scissors) and work well with regular model superglue.

u/Rank2 · 3 pointsr/TerrainBuilding

The brand I use is EasyCast, a two part one-to-one clear resin. Not the worlds best quality, but for effects like these it's perfectly fine. A 16-ounce set costs about $16.86 on Amazon right now.


u/Cats_are_liquids · 2 pointsr/TerrainBuilding

Normal Tools:

I've found my square tool with a lip on it: This one to be invaluable. I use it every time I craft to make a 90 degree cut.

X-Acto knives are a must when cutting foam (buy a box of 100 blades, foam dulls them QUICK). A box cutter for things like corkboard or cardboard.

A cheap clay set such as this can be useful when working with foam to add different types of impressions. The metal tool with prongs is good for making a wood grain effect.

Tiny hand drill such as This is useful for making small holes for wood posts, jail bars, etc.. I use this hand drill with a 3mm bit I bought elsewhere to put tiny magnets into my work to hold pieces together that are modular or detachable.


I like to get house paints from Home Depot for major colors that I use a lot (grey for stone, brown for wood). I get the sample size containers that are really cheap for the amount of paint you get, and the paint is thick enough so you only have to use one coat most of the time. I use dental plaster bricks from Hirst Arts quite often and it takes several coats of cheap paint or just one coat of house paint to get the job done. I mix the house paint with cheap craft white paint for dry brushing highlights. For all the other colors I use the cheap($.50 - $1.00 / bottle) craft store paint. I wouldn't use that paint for miniatures, but works fine for terrain.


Get the cheap ones in a wide variety of sizes. You will be dragging and jamming those brushes into all sorts of places so they will get damaged. I also use the brushes for applying glue to terrain, or latex to wire armatures and they do not survive that process well. I never use any of the ones with the sponge tips.

u/tjkopena · 2 pointsr/TerrainBuilding

OP could also try tacky glue. It's basically a thicker white glue. It doesn't run as much, presumably important as you move your pieces into place inside the jar, and it holds the pieces in place a bit more immediately than standard white glue. But essentially, yeah, sounds like a job for white glue.

u/DRA6N · 1 pointr/TerrainBuilding

Just need yourself a deadman switch and you're set! I have one of these for my proxxon, so much more productive to just hit a pedal and you're ready to rock.

MLCS 9080 Billy Pedal Foot Switch, Deadman Style https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000LJNJOE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_L-AxDb30R8P11

u/LazarusCrusader · 3 pointsr/TerrainBuilding

The pices I work with looks like this https://www.amazon.com/Zoo-Med-Natural-Round-Extra/dp/B001F9ANVG I bridge them together with epvc and then fill in the gaps with paperclay.

u/PeeterEgonMomus · 4 pointsr/TerrainBuilding

28mm is also around 1:56/1:60 scale, so you could look for model boats in that range as well

EDIT: Here's an example

u/Wyloch · 1 pointr/TerrainBuilding

Sorry, I do not know. I understand you specifically said not online, but the following link (to Amazon Canada) is the exact product I use. You get 25 sheets, which is enough to make 25 of these buildings. (in other words it will last a very long time).


u/leisuresandwhich · 1 pointr/TerrainBuilding

I would try a diorama kit as it should have everything you need to decorate the base without having to over-invest in the hobby. (E.g. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00149XVJ8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_8-m4AbKWVDJKT)

u/edward3h · 4 pointsr/TerrainBuilding

I base most of my terrain on MDF - about 1/4" or 5mm - 6mm thick. Cut out with a jigsaw, round off edges with a sander.

You didn't say what country you're in. I'm in the USA and this is the primer I've been using. It seems to work.

u/Nirriti_the_Black · 1 pointr/TerrainBuilding

If you look closely at pictures #3, 4, 6, and 7, you will see the rasp or riffle file that I used to scrape and rub away the offending foam.