(Part 2) Top products from r/paleo

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Top comments that mention products on r/paleo:

u/Tumek · 2 pointsr/Paleo

I would REALLY recommend reading the book It Starts With Food as it not only explains, in simple terms, what Paleo is all about but also goes in to our psychological relationship with food.

It might also be worth checking out the free resources on their website;

  1. This depends on your goals but, honestly, if you're completely revising the way you eat then I would focus on that and try to avoid anything else at the moment. Once you have the hang of the food then I would start introducing more exercise.
  2. I haven't found any apps that are that good. My strategy is to sit down on a Saturday to make a meal plan for the whole week. I browse through my favourite Paleo sites and choose recipes, then write the entire shopping list. I spend Sunday shopping and prepping food for the week. I've found that preparation is the key to not falling off the wagon.
  3. If your diet has included a lot of sugars and you're going pretty strictly Paleo then you'll notice headaches in the first few days. If you're a coffee drinker then keep drinking coffee, just have it black, you don't need to add caffeine withdrawals to sugar withdrawals. Give it a week and you'll be fine. After two weeks you'll be feeling better and after three you'll feel like a new person.
  4. Like /u/skullydazed said, drink beer or cider if you want to but don't try to pretend it's Paleo. If you're really looking to lose weight and you NEED to drink alcohol then drink something like Vodka + Soda Water + Fresh Lime. I would recommend skipping the alcohol at least for a few weeks to see the difference it makes. Beer is full of crap your body doesn't need and it really can be hard to lose weight without removing beer from your diet.

    Most importantly; figure out what works for you. 80-90% healthy but maintainable is better than 100% healthy but unrealistic.
u/Memoruiz7 · 4 pointsr/Paleo

This is a very good Intro to Paleo Experience Book , specially after changing from a high FIBER diet to a paleo diet.

Chances are that you will get constipated. Don't get too worried. Buy a good probiotic. Let your intestines heal and you'll be all right.

As I understand, fiber acts like a "brillo pad" on your intestines. Scrubbing your villi into oblivion. Pretty much like gluten. This irritates your intestines and gives you inflammation. No Bueno. Villi help mobilize things, they help with extraction of nutrients and it gives your intestines more surface area to digest food. It also is the place where your probiota lives, and you want your probiota to be happy.

Eats lots of veggies, and try to eat bone broth. Veggies or any digestible fiber actually feeds your gut bacteria. This is a good thing, we actually call digestible fiber prebiotics and helps you maintain your healthy gut bacteria. Healthy gut bacteria equals good bowel movements.

Good luck.

u/paleogirl · 0 pointsr/Paleo

I learned about the Paleo diet from Cordain's book. I learned about the various related diets from the practitioners who designed them.

I'm not aware that any of the people you list claim that they follow a strict Paleo diet. Rather, they (mostly) advocate starting with a Paleo diet, and then transitioning into a more self-experimental mode for long term health. Hence the explosion of spin-off diets-- Archevore, PaNu, Perfect Health Diet, Primal diet, etc.

Robb Wolf:

>"Fourth Shade of Paleo – The Lacto-Paleo (Also known as Primal)
>This one is exactly what the name implies. The lacto-paleo follows a traditional paleo style of eating but includes dairy products."

Okay, if you want to call it lacto-paleo instead of primal, I'm on board. Because that still lets me know before I click on something that it contains dairy.

Chris Kresser:

>"More recently, some authors/bloggers have advocated a diet based roughly on Paleo principles but that also may include dairy products and even certain grains like white rice and buckwheat, depending on individual tolerance."

Sounds like he agrees that "Paleo principles" exclude dairy. He goes on to advocate what he calls a "Paleo template", which starts with Paleo, but may then go on to add things that are outside of the aforementioned Paleo principles... like dairy.

From page 10 of Everyday Paleo (the "What Is Paleo? section):

>"Anything that I did not list above should be eliminated-- meaning all processed foods, dairy, legumes, any form of sugar, and grains!"

That's pretty straightforward.

Diane Sanfilippo:

Here is the informational graphic that she displays on the "FAQs: What is Paleo?" page of balancedbites.com.


Notice that the category "Raw, grass-fed dairy" Is outside of the bracket encompassing Paleo, with a little asterisk next to it, corresponding to the PRIMAL descriptor. Almost as if she thought dairy was part of the Primal diet, but not the Paleo diet.

And so forth.

There is a difference between saying "I think dairy is fine if you self-test and discover that you tolerate it well; in fact, I consume dairy myself!" and saying "Dairy is Paleo!". Namely, the first statement is true, and the second statement is false.

And guess what? I also consume some foods that are not approved on the Paleo diet! I occasionally eat... wait for it... WHITE RICE! But it would honestly never occur to me to call it Paleo. Why?
Because it isn't.*

u/Mercury_NYC · 1 pointr/Paleo

Breakfast for me is a smoothie. I use a NutriBullet and use the following (portions are "about a handful"): spinach, frozen carrots, frozen mango, frozen blueberries, apple, banana, cashews, chia seeds, flax seeds, protein powder.

Lunch I have a great service called Kettlebell Kitchen. Not sure if you have this in your area, but really helps me plan out a week easier when lunches are taken care of. Another option I have is Dig Inn. It's a farm-to-table idea with whole natural ingredients and no additives. Better than the "i'll just have a salad" sadness people get on diets.

Dinner I plan out days in advance. I have a ton of recipes, and I would recommend buying Nom Nom Paleo Cookbook. Try a few dishes from there, or you can also learn some of your classic favorites that are paleo.

Sunday I made Spicy Sloppy Joe's. I made it with the eggplant and also made Garlic Cauliflower.

Tonight i'm making Italian Veal Chops. Using Spaghetti Squash as the "pasta".

I, myself, reward myself one meal a week with cheese. Why don't you do the same? One suggestion is a Cobb Salad. Here's how I make it:
Lettuce, Avocado, Tomato, Cucumbers, Egg, Onion, Bacon, Bleu Cheese, Grilled Chicken.

I make my own dressing, it is Balsamic Vinaigrette. Don't buy cheap olive oil when making this, buy "the good stuff". Same with balsamic.
1/2 cup Olive Oil, 1/4 cup balsamic, 2 Tbs Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, basil, oregano, onion powder, garlic powder. Whisk with a fork in a cup. Pour over salad.

No offense, but your diet sounds boring and sad. You gotta get creative. Even simple stuff like Crispy Chicken is more fun to eat than plain grilled chicken and "some sort of veggies". Why not make bacon and brussels sprouts. I eat this at least once a week.

u/spartannugget · 5 pointsr/Paleo

Welcome! I'm a single mom to a 15 month old so I understand where you are coming from

-I make a lot of chicken thighs and buy in bulk at BJ's

-Check out Local Harvest for farmers markets in your area. I can get a weeks worth of fruits, vegetables and eggs for around $25

-Pick a day on the weekend and prep all of your fruits and vegetables for the week. It saves so much time during hectic week days.

-Macadamia nuts tend to be pricey so I try to buy raw almonds in bulk

-I recommend Well Fed or Everyday Paleo. The hot plates in Well Fed are awesome. Some of the recipes take a bit of time but are delicious.

-I use my crockpot faithfully, I prepare everything at night before bed that way in the morning, when we are rushed all I have to do is pull it out of the fridge and plug it in.

-As far as a picky toddler I don't keep anything that is not Paleo (other that whole milk from a local source) in the house. That way I'm not tempted to give in and just make mac and cheese. I give my daughter a variety of foods to try. Usually she eats everything but in the off chance she doesn't she knows she gets what's on her plate. We've had some tantrums because she would rather have fruit but I stick to my guns. I also try preparing vegetables different ways, she doesn't like cooked carrots but loves raw carrots or prefers one spice over another.

Please feel free to PM me if you need anything else and hope this helps.

u/Greystorms · 3 pointsr/Paleo

If you're looking for physical paleo cookbooks, I can recommend Sarah Ballantyne's The Paleo Approach Cookbook as well as Michelle Tam's Nom Nom Paleo: Food for Humans and Melissa Joulwan's Well Fed. All of them are excellent books with a huge recipe selection, including tons of sides.

If you'd like to browse a website for recipes, look at The Paleo Mom as well as Mark's Daily Apple. There are others, but those two are great starting points.

As for flavorful sides, one of my go to recipes is roasted veggies. Try some carrots, broccoli, turnips, parsnips roasted in the oven at 350F for about an hour, with lots of healthy fat and some great seasonings, salt, pepper, maybe smoked paprika.

u/swbooking · 3 pointsr/Paleo

I gave my mom this for Mother's Day: Everyday Paleo She hasn't stopped making recipes out of it since! There are great pictures, easy to follow weekly meal plans and grocery lists, and everything is pretty easy and fast to make. not to mention every meal I've eaten from this book has been awesome.

EDIT: Wow you live in Taft?! I didnt know people lived there :P I flew in there a while back when I was doing some private pilots stuff and my Dad used to skydive there almost every weekend.

u/glasspenguin · 1 pointr/Paleo

>What do you do when you encounter a vegan who goes after your dietary choices?

I say, well yes, I used to think that, too. I was a vegan for years.

I have zero interest in debating vegans, as it seems like a waste of effort to me. I'd rather find common ground, like the fact that my vegan friend and I both think that the standard North American diet is crap, and we're both against farming practices that shove too many animals into a tiny space.

Convincing people to switch diets or religions is a pain in the ass, and why would you bother?

If my vegan friends browse through my bookshelf and want to borrow anything like Meat: A Benign Extravagance, they are welcome to do that and to consider the content within.

But as for me, I'm going to put my energy into making yummy paleo things to eat, and providing help for those who ask about how to switch to a paleo diet.

u/ua1176 · 4 pointsr/Paleo

this article has very few facts, no real data, etc. the best thing about it is the link at the end to Lierre Keith's book.

something like Simon Fairlie's Meat: A Benign Extravagance would make a similar case in a much better way (and would be a far more interesting read....)

lots of bloggers wanting to cash in on some easy traffic w/ the newfound popularity of the word "paleo"......

u/svnftgmp · 1 pointr/Paleo

Yeah, we have Wallace Farms bacon every morning. Our hack to make it easily is to use a microwave bacon plate with its lid add-on. Load it up and 4-5 min later, perfect bacon. It helps to let it sit a little after cooking too. Their beef bacon (which I didn't know was a thing before ordering from Wallace Farms) is pretty good too.

u/Inozz · 3 pointsr/Paleo

This is basically how my 4.5yo eats. A bunch of finger foods/small portions thrown together. I picked up Eat Like a Dinosaur a few weeks ago and love their recipes. My kids were thrilled to flip through it and pick out recipes that look good to them.

u/dailycavalier · 2 pointsr/Paleo

Yep, I was able to cook them just on the skillet. Highly recommend forming smaller meatballs (1.5" diameter) so they cook faster. I also use a cast iron skillet, so the heat is perfectly distributed. Definitely get one if you don't have one.

I cooked the meatballs on medium heat for 5 minutes and then simmered for 5 minutes after adding the curry sauce ingredients.

u/pewpewberty · 4 pointsr/Paleo

There are two good, scientific books that have nothing to do with cavemen and everything to do with the science of how our bodies work that are worth reading. If she doesn't want to read them because its "too hard" or "time consuming" she really doesn't care that much about her health and its not worth pushing the issue. Sounds harsh, but its true. If she really wants to be healthy and wants to take the time to change, she should look at these resources.

Why We Get Fat

The End of Overeating

*Deleted my name at the end of this comment. I signed it like an email, and don't know why!

u/pumpkin-poodle · 12 pointsr/Paleo

You're not alone. Menstrual problems are extremely common in vegetarians, and so are mental health issues. There's plenty of stories similar to yours over at the WAPF, Let Them Eat Meat, and Beyond Vegetarianism. Personally, I gained a whopping 55lbs, developed B12 deficiency (despite taking 1000mcg of methylcobalamin per day), and ended up with a bunch of other nasty things. I'm proud to say that I've lost all of that weight plus seven pounds. (Who would've known a slice of bambi's mom could be so satisfying?)

So, a lot of people have clearly experienced health problems as a result of a vegn diet. Why does the ADA still insist that a "well-planned vegetarian diet" (a clear oxymoron) is healthy and even beneficial? [Seventh-Day Adventists and vegns have so much influence on the ADA to the point that it's rage-inducing.](http://letthemeatmeat.com/tagged/American-Dietetic-Association)

The Vegetarian Myth, The Mood Cure, The Meat Fix, The Ethical Butcher, The Whole Soy Story, and Defending Beef are all worth giving a read. Were you tested for B12, iron, zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, magnesium, and/or iodine deficiency during your vegn years? If you quit recently, it's very likely that you're still deficient in some of these vitamins and will need to supplement for awhile. DHA and EPA are also very important due to how poorly ALA (such as that found in flaxseeds) converts to these essential nutrients.

I was vegan for nearly six years. No cheats. I always had my doubts about it, but getting to learn what other veg
ns look like was my last call. Just keep in mind that some lifelong meat-eaters will insist that a vegetarian diet is healthier. And some people are really mean.

u/beefsiym · 5 pointsr/Paleo
u/justlildon · 1 pointr/Paleo

First off, I would highly recommend the Tim Ferris book "Four Hour Body"


It's huge and worth every penny. His take on the Paleo lifestyle is a "slow-carb diet" kind of modification. It is not strict Paleo, but he gives you guidelines in the book. His recommendation is for a splurge day once a week. I did this last year and shed about 30 lbs. A friend of mine did it and lost about 100 lbs! Secondly, fasting is a good thing done intermittently. Fasting for up to 48 hours has been shown to increase the natural release of HGH.


Also as a healthcare professional (Paramedic) and a medical student, I would advise against the use of Albuterol for your purposes. (That is unless you have asthma. Even then only using it PRN (as needed))

In short, you are on the right path. You just need to make a few tweaks here and there and I think you're set.

My diet, however, is for the exact opposite purpose. I have always had a bear-like frame and have had no trouble with lean gains. It's those pesky "non-lean" gains that have always plagued me so I'm constantly cutting.

u/Lenoh · 1 pointr/Paleo

I have an awesome bacon maker that you stick in the microwave and it drains the bacon grease off as the bacon cooks

My dogs love bacon grease in their food :D


u/[deleted] · 1 pointr/Paleo

I love the stuff but I've never made it. I've been to dozens of nice restaurants that will have some version of it on a charcuterie plate.

This is basically the cured meat bible, I'm sure it addresses head cheese.

u/alintx · 2 pointsr/Paleo


Book called "Sweet Potato Power" on Amazon. Excellent companion to other Paleo books and everything you might want to know about sweet potatoes. I read the damn thing cover to cover and have been carrying it around this week for "fun" reading.

u/junglizer · 1 pointr/Paleo

I would recommend The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss. While this may not touch on everything that you mentioned, it's quite the interesting read and he explains a lot of the technical sides of how your muscles and proteins work. I have it and have found it quite interesting, though I have not yet read it entirely.

u/LittleHelperRobot · 1 pointr/Paleo


u/eH9116 · 1 pointr/Paleo

I would recommend a simple julienne peeler instead of one of those giant plastic spiralizer: http://www.amazon.com/Precision-Kitchenware-Julienne-Peeler-Vegetable/dp/B00FF75XG4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1414156664&sr=8-1&keywords=julienne

It doesn't take much time and it's much easier to clean. I can do an entire zucchini in under 60 seconds with one of these things.

u/joelrunyon · 1 pointr/Paleo

Which is actually a pretty good read:

Amazon Link --> Paleo Diet for Athletes

u/OutspokenPerson · 2 pointsr/Paleo

Maybe try a book on charcuterie?

I haven't read that one in particular, but that kind of book is quite fascinating in general.

u/Jeepersca · 1 pointr/Paleo

There's an excellent book on the topic. (Note: author wasn't happy with the title the publishers chose). Dr. Kessler's book goes into detail about the billion dollar food industry which seeks to maximize food flavor - through sugar, fat, salt, and crazy crazy chemical combinations allowing more complex flavorings that essentially deaden the American palette to more natural, subtle flavor. How food is made to be textured (in some ways like it's already chewed) so that consumers don't have to work hard to eat it. It's somewhat depressing and an EXCELLENT reason to not eat frankenfoods! Here's his interview on NPR.

u/Oranges13 · 2 pointsr/Paleo

I was planning on getting one of these. For me its easier than being stuck with an entire bottle all at once, and its easy to spritz into fruit juice or something like that.

u/midnightcaller · 1 pointr/Paleo

I have one but never use it because it's a pain to clean. Then I got one of these Jillian peelers. It does a great job and you just throw it in the dishwasher.


u/suchacleverguy · 0 pointsr/Paleo
  1. Oats are not paleo. Read "The Paleo Diet for Athletes" here http://www.amazon.com/The-Paleo-Diet-Athletes-Nutritional/dp/160961917X. That will tell you how to get carbs and how much you need, etc.

  2. Yogurt isn't paleo, but it is primal. See marksdailyapple.com for the distinction. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/dairy-intolerance/

  3. Supplements are most likely paleo. Depends on what they are and what they are made of. I'm not sure which brewer's yeast you're using, but the others should all be fine. I personally stick to a multi, whey, fish oil, probiotic, zinc, arginine, and b complex.

  4. Diet soda isn't paleo. I think there are a few sodas that are paleo now, but I just stick to water and coconut milk for my protein shakes. And technically whey isn't paleo, but it is primal because it is a certain type of dairy.
u/arrsquared · 5 pointsr/Paleo

I am certainly biased, but I think It Starts With Food (whole9life/whole30) is pretty much the smart/rational approach. The book addresses the basics, lays out the science of why they approach things the way they do, explains that at low and high detail level, then presents "the plan" to set up an elimination that starts out as strict paleo and ends with you figuring out what you personally tolerate well/poorly.

u/kitzkatz38 · 1 pointr/Paleo

[Native Forest](Native Forest Organic Classic Coconut Milk, 13.5-oz. Cans (Count of 12) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001HTJ2BQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_RbqIwbSJMAXHD) brand coconut milk is BPA free. Sorry link is for bulk number of cans but writing this from my phone!

u/thejarseff · 1 pointr/Paleo

...I tried clicking your link and I got this instead: http://www.amazon.com/First-Grade-LeapPad-Book-Stuck/dp/B00005BYR7

if it was intentional it was a nice troll, but do you have the real link? I'm genuinely paleo-curious.

u/danrarr · 2 pointsr/Paleo

after 90 minutes of endurance exercise, you are going to deplete your glycogen. You actually need to eat sugar.


not a crock, it's loren cordain

u/elmcityslim · 1 pointr/Paleo

Possibly. But like I said, I currently use apps on both my phone and pc to automatically filter out the blue light and yield a red hue. They are really cool as they track sunrise and sunset each day.

I think I'm going to subscribe to buying these for my bedroom:


One for each light I have in the room, minus one light in which I'll keep a standard bulb in.

To not get too personal, I have been having a hard time adjusting. I just moved last week and this is the first time I have had my own apartment - as opposed to a roommate. Every other apartment I've had, my entire life (minus a few bookshelves and kitchen stuff) was relegated to my room. My desk, my TV, my kettlebels. It was a really unhealthy lifestyle but it was all I could afford. Now, my bedroom is only for sleeping, changing, and sex - which are the only three activities you're supposed to use a bedroom for anyway. I do some light (non-academic) reading in bed either with a book or with my kindle paperwhite (which has the option to turn off the glow screen).

u/Silence_Dobad · 1 pointr/Paleo

Someone linked this one. But it's fluorescent. Should I try to find something that isn't fluorescent?

u/fukenhippie · 2 pointsr/Paleo

Great idea! I was wondering about this when my local store didn't have my usual brand and I had to get the generic. It was disgusting. My favorite is Native Forest

Edit; The can is BPA free but it still contains guar gum which is a bean derivative. Some people that think they have a problem with coconut milk actually are reacting to this additive and don't realize it.

u/Tahlkewl1 · 5 pointsr/Paleo

I have probably way too many but if I was forced to take one from a burning building..

u/Wikkedred1 · 2 pointsr/Paleo

Julia Ross talks about this very thing in her book, The Mood Cure.


I'm not done reading it yet, but it's motivated me to go nearly 100% primal/paleo. Every single time I cheat I feel it. I sleep like crap and feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster.

Sometimes I miss my former ignorance. But now, it's mostly just not worth it to cheat.