(Part 2) Top products from r/suggestapc

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Top comments that mention products on r/suggestapc:

u/Ormory · 7 pointsr/suggestapc

Hey there, Kramjam. I am in the midst of the same process looking in a similar price range. I am sick of always being disappointed in my gaming experience. I have used budget(ish) laptops and am now switching over to pre-built desktops for some true gaming with room to easily grow as gaming evolves. I thought it'd be helpful to write out my top choices.

I have found some good deals and have listed them. I am debating waiting until after Thanksgiving to see if there are any better offers. I have to decide soon, I guess!

This HP Omen 7700 GTX NVIDIA 1070. $1055.55 on Amazon now. It's the lower end of my spectrum but I think a great value. I am looking at 1080 and 8700 ideally but this is a mighty fine desktop and a huge jump for me. The brand name is helpful here too. Don't know about wifi connect.

I am leaning towards the iBUYPOWER 8700k GTX 1070 Ti. $1,399 Amazon. Great reviews, good value, and nice add-ons. I don't need a lighting remote but that's neat to have. Liquid cooling is also pretty cool (ha!). Good specs, good price, nice accessories, can't complain.

ABS 8700 GTX 1080. $1349.99 Newegg. This almost made it an easy search for me. GTX 1080 plus a great price. My biggest concern is reliability. A few bad reviews on Newegg scared me off and I think this is even their in-house brand. The customer service seems good enough from some research but I would rather not have any problems at all. If you want to roll the dice, I think this is the best value you can find. They also do a 1060 and 1070 for lower prices as you should see in the link. This is it's bigger, badder brother running 1080Ti and 8700k at $1,749.99.


cyberpowerpc AMD Ryzen 2700 but NVIDIA RTX 2070. $1,449 Amazon. I having been leaning Intel so not a fan of AMD. This system is 3.2 GHz 8 core whereas the Intel 7700, like in the HP Omen, is 3.6 GHz 6 core. But an RTX 2070 in a prebuild desktop for only $1,449 is ridiculous from my research. It's overkill for what I am using now and I would like a better processor but I thought I would put it here for you.

cyberpowerpc Intel 8700k NVIDIA GTC 1070 Ti. $1,549 Amazon. Same stats as the iBuypower but for $150 more. I guess I like the design more than the i.b.p. but I'd rather save the $150. Maybe post-Thanksgiving will shake this price down??

SKyTech 8700k GTX 1080. $1,549.99. 1070 Ti is $1,499.99. Amazon. Looks great in terms of specs, reviews, even looks and add-ons. I would choose this over the cyberpowerpc above. Has some more customizable options too. But based on our budget, I think you would be better suited for the HP Omen or the iBuypower.


The HP Omen and iBUYPOWER options listed are my two top choices but all of these made it to my final list. I think another $350 for a better processor, slightly better graphics, and better add-ons makes the iBUYPOWER worth it. Even if the name is terrible...

I hope this helps! Please share any of your insights as well.

Edit: I included the differences in specs most important to me. All have at least 240 GB SSD and some have 2 instead of 1 TB of HDD. All of 16 GB of memory and Windows 10.

u/The---Technician · 1 pointr/suggestapc

You are right in looking at a desktop as it has a much better cooling than the laptop and most importantly, is far more upgrade-able- hence future proof. In your budget range, I would say go for the best i7 processor you can get now and of course, a gtx 1080 Ti which is better than the gtx 1080.. If you want to stay as close as possible to that $1800 budget, I would say go for this HP 880-050 OMEN Gaming Desktop Computer that come with a brilliant Intel Core i7-7700K quacd core processor, 16GB RAM, 2TB hard drive plus a fast 512 GB SSD and of course, the awesome NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti (11 GB GDDR5X dedicated) graphics card... This will easily max out any game without getting too heated and has great connectivity in terms of ports..and it comes with build in Wi-fi.. Also I need to mention that SSD is great to have..no gamer or computer owner really wants to go without one because of the amazing speed and overall performance benefits offered.

u/FlamingLizardGaming · 1 pointr/suggestapc

This pc has a much worse CPU but a better GPU, SSD, and 16 gigs of RAM. (Extra money for monitor and keyboard/mouse/headset?)

This PC has an 8th gen i7, a 1060, 16 gigs of RAM, an SSD and an HDD (but no extra monies)


This PC Has a pretty good CPU, a 1060 GPU, an SSD+HDD, but 8gigs of ram. (But is way cheaper so you can install more ram later.


These GPUs definitely can't last 7 years but can easily last 3-4. Personally I would choose the one in the middle if you really want this for 7 years. If you want something 100% future proof for atleast 5 or 6 years, I would choose this: amazing PC with a big SSD, liquid cooling, a 1070ti with 8 gigs of ram, and a 6-core i7-8700k. This PC is similar


Lastly, This PC will meet you in the middle with a 6 gig GPU for a long while, 16 gigs of ram, an SSD, and an i7.

Personally I would choose this one if you really want this for 7 years without breaking the bank.


Again, good luck and let me know if you need anything else. Enjoy!

u/Savassan · 1 pointr/suggestapc

Yeah, im really pushing my budget with the Omen- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071V68CH2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1.

But im willing to throw down the cash for a computer that will last 5+ years. And with the 50$ 4 year warranty all the more reason to be safe. HP has been around forever, so im hoping they dont skimp on shit, but honestly i CANT build this computer on ibuypower for the same price. And even throwing the parts together on pcpartpicker is only like 100-200$ cheaper.

I normally say I wont build a computer for over 1500$, but honestly i havnt bought anything good in years and i have saved up. I spent freaking 400$ on a r390x 2 years 2 months ago, and it burned out yesterday, 2 months after the warranty coverage. And my computer is a hodge podge of pieces, if i am going to have to spend 600-700$ for a card that is normally 300$ im going to say screw it and go get an entirely new computer. I might be kicking myself later but my computer is the only nice thing i own.

u/cmk950003 · 1 pointr/suggestapc

Could also buy yourself a nice monitor, or some good gear like keyboards and a mice to be honest aswell

but if you wanted to buy from amazon this would be your best option for the price


Edit: you can pay using amazon pay from Ibuypower at checkout! so you might be able to use the gift cards (not 100% on that)! and if you wanted I could make some more changes to it because when it becomes over 1000 you can use a promo code to make it 5% off and it brings it back to like 950ish

u/2fast4u123 · 1 pointr/suggestapc


I'm not too familiar with monitors so I'm not going to recommend anything for fear of misinformation. Here are a few I found but once again, please do your own research on this! You will not be able to buy a 4k panel @ 144hz unless you are willing to pay the price of your PC again. 4k @ 60hz is alright, but I'd personally advise against it as it wastes your PC's power.

[$350] https://www.amazon.com/27-Inch-Monitor-Samsung-FreeSync-GamePlus/dp/B078P57ZWL?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_7

[$385] https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009769&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Gaming+Monitors-_-N82E16824009769&gclid=CjwKCAjwmJbeBRBCEiwAAY4VVfbpbFJU1H5vOycLRtMKAu_i1gF1S1WKYQAMBgCIx6NsejT_AKubgxoC38YQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

As for your computer, the immediate thing I always recommend right now is to wait for black friday. You might be able to shave a couple hundred off of prebuilds or parts. If it's urgent, I found a couple for you. Keep in mind that most prebuilt computers at this price point will be from iBuyPower or Cyberpower. Their aesthetic is gross in my opinion (to each their own I suppose) but there are few other options. Buying from them at least gives you good support and good quality products. btw, all of these have the same specs, just different storage and buying options.

[$1850] https://www.bestbuy.com/site/ibuypower-desktop-intel-core-i7-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-rtx-2080-1tb-solid-state-drive-black-gray/6292601.p?skuId=6292601&ref=212&loc=1&&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmJbeBRBCEiwAAY4VVUhlE0gN-3sVPsVfsyvp26-lRQHmC3uOGqPIU6OO4EpernmKS7zzBxoCRhYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds - Functionally the same as everything else on this list, but doesn't have an SSD. You can order it to Best Buy and pick it up if. I doubt they'll carry it in store.

[$1900] [My choice] https://www.amazon.com/CYBERPOWERPC-GXiVR8080A3-Overclockable-i7-8700K-Motherboard/dp/B07GG6286Y/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1539728728&sr=1-3&keywords=gtx+2080+pc - Looks insane, will absolutely destroy anything it touches. You could probably get away with 4k 200fps+ on league, 4k 60fps+ on anything available on PC (all at max settings). If you aren't gaming at 4k with a computer like this, this thing will get away with probably 144fps+ 1440p with pretty much anything released on PC (take this with a grain of salt, I don't have any hard benchmarks but considering the 1080ti can pull it off, it's not hard to assume the 2080 will also be able to do the same, if not better). Also it has cool watery technology in it, if that's your thing.

[$2050] https://www.amazon.com/CYBERPOWERPC-Supreme-SLC9080CPG-GeForce-802-11AC/dp/B07GFTVFVY/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1539729060&sr=1-6&keywords=gtx+2080+pc - It looks different if that red isn't your thing, that's it. It's also $150 bucks more, I have no clue why just wanted to give you another choice.

[$2100] https://www.amazon.com/iBUYPOWER-Desktop-AM041i-i7-8700-802-11AC/dp/B07GK12DN7/ref=sr_1_9?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1539729060&sr=1-9&keywords=gtx+2080+pc - If you want to pay $200 for the same PC with different looks and a different brand. No difference in specs besides a slightly larger SSD.

A few warnings. Don't get a PC that doesn't have a 2080 in it. I highly recommend AGAINST 60hz screens. 1440p or higher, 1080p will waste your PC's power.

Keep in mind these are all suggestions. Good luck!

u/ToTimesTwoisToo · 3 pointsr/suggestapc

the first link isn't bad, but don't get the second link. The fx processors are old tech and not worth investing in. Stick with ryzen or intel processors.

this one has a better cpu and better gpu for the same price


also, you should definitely get an SSD. Either purchase one separately and install windows 10 onto it, or buy a prebuilt that already has one.

this cpu is similar to the ryzen 5 1400, but also has 16gb of RAM and an SSD. It has less graphical power, but is still plenty good for running league of legends. Note -- it's a very small pc.


similar to the above, but in a larger enclosure and only 8gb RAM. Would be easier to swap out parts in the future, given the larger case.


league of legends on vega 11 (ryzen 5 2400g CPUs)


u/Duskthelost · 1 pointr/suggestapc

It's a fantastic deal in terms of parts value (the cpu alone is ~$350 CAD new). Especially considering it probably comes with a warranty and tech support. However as the other poster said it doesn't have a dedicated graphics card so you're not going to get much gaming out of it. Frankly that CPU is way more than anyone really needs even for gaming and that's where most of the cost is coming from. I think HP really dropped the ball on this one. I can't really see who their target customer is. Someone who needs a super fast CPU but is okay with being gimped by a slow hard drive? They would've been better off ditching that overpowered CPU for dedicated graphics or an SSD and I think you'd be better off doing the same.

This dell here is 100 cad more and has nearly identical specs with the exception of trading an overpowered CPU for a decent graphics card:


u/sh4mm · 2 pointsr/suggestapc

The thing about 1060s right now is that every prebuilt has one in them so the companies and move on to bigger and better fish, it's not a bad card by any means.

I've never played WoW, but I do know these specs massively surpass the recommended:

I7 8700

1060 3gb

16gb DDR4

120gb SSD


@ $1000 on Amazon

Get a 1tb Samsung SSD for ~130 or 2tb SSD for ~300

Here's a benchmark with an i3 8100 and a 1060 3gb running WOW on Ultra.

You can expect better framerates with the better CPU. I3 8100 vs I7 8700

u/BladeRunner6400 · 1 pointr/suggestapc

Update: I did a bit of Googling for a machine for a Ryzen 5 3600 and found this: https://www.amazon.com/CYBERPOWERPC-Master-Gaming-GeForce-GMA8800CPGV2/dp/B07TP6ZL7D/ref=asc_df_B07TP6ZL7D/?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid={creative}&hvpos={adposition}&hvnetw=o&hvrand={random}&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl={devicemodel}&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583520386484420&psc=1

While I'll admit I'm wary about Cyberpower's build quality/quality control, etc., this has a B450 mobo, which AFAIK is better than the A320M mobo I listed originally, and a 1 TB HDD and 512 GB SSD. It has a Ryzen 5 3600, and while it also has a GTX 1660 Ti, that will probably be fine for my needs for now. This seems like the best deal money can buy. It's $30 less than the PC I originally listed and is a better value imo because you get an SSD with a more powerful processor, but a less powerful graphics card. I think the SSD being NVMe is a good thing? I don't really understand what that means.

Going to try and find some reviews and some benchmarks of the 1660 Ti. I may go with this PC instead.

u/lakevin626 · 1 pointr/suggestapc

Here's 2 you can choose:



Skytech is Ryzen + 1050 Ti and Cyber is Intel + RX 580 4G. In terms of performance wise, Cyber will be better because 580 4G > 1050 Ti, but of course, slightly more expensive.

Overall internal parts use, Skytech > cyber because Skytech uses better power supply, memory, and etc.

Both can play almost any games in the market at 1080p high to ultra setting. Both system will be able to handle Minecraft for sure.

You can also wait till BF/CM which is next month, I'm sure you can pick one of these PC up for $50-$100 less.

u/TheMountainsLoom · 1 pointr/suggestapc

Yup! Ended up going with this build:


and this monitor:


This actually was $300.00 flat on the Dell website a few days ago but I just checked and it's $300.00 at Best Buy still. I was able to price match at Frys. Pretty damn good deal.

u/temporized · 1 pointr/suggestapc

Sadly I don't live near any microcenters and it's pick up only but what's your opinion on this one right here it's doesn't come w a monitor. iBUYPOWER Ultra Gaming PC Desktop AM900Z - Intel i7-7700K 4.2GHz, Geforce GTX 1070 8GB, 16GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB 7200RPM HDD, 240GB SSD, WIFI USB Adapter, Light Up Case, Win 10 Home, VR Ready, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073RKHY2H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_-0-fAbXGHH7GX

u/mattymims · 1 pointr/suggestapc

The Oculus Rift and Rift S say on their website that they recommend at least a GTX 970 or RX 480, I'd say going with something about 40% faster like the 1660 Ti will be enough.

I'm liking this: https://www.amazon.com/SkyTech-Blaze-Gaming-Computer-Desktop/dp/B07RL4K6CN/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2A083Q2929BKX&keywords=1660+ti+computer&qid=1569292668&sprefix=1660+ti+c%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-5

It's basically the cheapest computer I could find that had the 1660 Ti that didn't have a bunch of shit parts.

cmk's computer is really nice too, almost completely identical except CPU, just $90 to upgrade from the 1660 Ti to the 2060

u/Twick2 · 1 pointr/suggestapc

Thanks so much for your reply! Also, I've been holding off on buying a PC until cyber monday deals came out, and this seems to be on sale.


It's original pricing is ~$300 more expensive, and it seems to include an SSD with the PC, but it seems to be on sale for a similar price as the previous mentioned PC. Would you recommend this one over the other?

u/truedublock · 1 pointr/suggestapc


Don't know about quick. But this would be the best price- performance.

And this one is basically what you're looking at for 400 dollars cheaper.


u/elvinelmo · 1 pointr/suggestapc

The CYBERPOWERPC Gamer Master is a pretty solid machine, I'd get it

u/ben23508 · 2 pointsr/suggestapc

SkyTech Shiva Gaming Computer PC Desktop - Ryzen 5 2600 6-Core 3.4 GHz, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 6G, 500G SSD, 16GB DDR4, RGB, AC WiFi, Windows 10 Home 64-bit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RPCG8ZW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_LgAEDbC3CT43X that one or This NEXT ONE YOU COULD EASILY UPGRADE THE RAM

Skytech Archangel Gaming Computer PC Desktop - Ryzen 5 3600 3.6GHz, GTX 1660 6G, 500GB SSD, 8GB DDR4 3000MHz, RGB Fans, Windows 10 Home 64-bit, 802.11AC Wi-Fi https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WCLNZWR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_biAEDb9Q8CYWC

u/agentsmith907 · 1 pointr/suggestapc

If you have the budget, check out the Lenovo M Series Tiny + Tiny in one 23" monitor http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/desktops/thinkcentre/m-series-tiny/


You get a little pc that basically slides in to the back of the monitor. Pretty cool. Can be configured with a Solid State Drive for under $1,000. Not that you need a SSD, but once you use one, you never want to go back to a traditional Hard Disk Drive again.

There's also these

[Acer Aspire AIO Desktop, 23.8-inch Full HD] (https://www.amazon.com/Acer-Desktop-23-8-inch-i5-6400T-AZ3-715-UR61/dp/B01C7UGPXQ/ref=lp_13896603011_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1466533259&sr=1-1)

[Ideacentre AIO 700 24"] (http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/desktops/ideacentre/aio-700/aio-700-24/)

[Ideacentre AIO 300 23" ] (http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/desktops/ideacentre/aio-300/aio-300-intel/)

[HP Pavilion 23-q120 23-Inch All-in-One] (https://www.amazon.com/HP-Pavilion-23-q120-23-Inch-Desktop/dp/B013KKFMOK/ref=lp_13896603011_1_18?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1466536214&sr=1-18)

u/Toetman · 2 pointsr/suggestapc

If you can spare 100 extra dollars I’d get this one , but if not for that price, get this one for the same price but a $500 value. Seriously it’s a $500 one for 270 get it

u/gummibear049 · 1 pointr/suggestapc

$500 is a little low if you want something that is more future proof as far as gaming goes. At that price, you're going to have lower end power supplies, entry level to mid range parts, or older parts.

That said, here are 2 that might work.

[ASUS Desktop Computer M32AD-US072S Intel Core i5 4th Gen 4460 (3.20 GHz) 8 GB DDR3 1 TB HDD NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 Windows 8.1 64-Bit] (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883221401)


[Acer Aspire Desktop, 7th Gen Intel Core i3-7100, 8GB DDR4, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 Home, TC-780-ACKi3] (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071DM6TWM/ref=olp_product_details?_encoding=UTF8&me=) for this you might want to install a graphics card like a RX 460 or GTX 1050 for gaming.

similar to what Austin Evans did in this vid
[Should You Upgrade a Prebuilt Gaming PC?] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J81h1dHNwDk)

u/xpopx8 · 1 pointr/suggestapc

Here's an option if you're looking for a relatively inexpensive PC capable of some gaming. Since it's an all in one, no one would ever expect it's a "gaming pc", essentially just meaning it has a discrete GPU. The 940m isn't exactly cutting edge, but just a thought!

u/brian9erfan · 2 pointsr/suggestapc


This is the one I ended up going with based on a few conversations with others.

u/HRwells_19 · 0 pointsr/suggestapc

i7 8700k, 1070, 16gb of ram $1500 here

or for $100 cheaper i7 7700k, 1070, 16gb of ram here

u/nemukatta · 1 pointr/suggestapc

This or this? Id probably pick a lower end computer to reduce power consumption costs.