(Part 2) Best cat feather toys according to redditors

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We found 324 Reddit comments discussing the best cat feather toys. We ranked the 58 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 21-40. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top Reddit comments about Cat Feather Toys:

u/salire · 53 pointsr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

Your questions aren't silly! It's great that you're thinking about how you can make you both comfortable before you dive into a new situation. Always set yourself up for success! :)

> do I buy a litter box/food/scratch-post before I plan to bring a cat home?

That's generally a good idea, yes. Means less stress for both of you as you're scrambling to get everything ready for him. You might ask the shelter what food the cat has been eating, as cats can get an upset tummy when switching brands/types. Not a big deal, but he will have poops that are a bit stinkier/liquidier than normal poops. That should alleviate within the week. You can lessen the tummy troubles by doing a more gradual change, mixing the food he is currently on with the food he will be on more and more, until he is eating what you want him on. But you can honestly just do the change, too, and just deal with the sadpoops for a little while.

I suggest a couple of different scratching posts, if you have the space! Cats like having options, like a horizontal post and a vertical one. Cats also like being high up, so if you can swing a tall post with platforms, he will probably like that.

Get two litter boxes! A lot of people don't realize it, but the rule of thumb for number of litters you should have is NumberOfCats + 1. So, 1 cat + 1 = 2 boxes. Clean them often. Cats are very clean creatures (especially compared to dogs) and are MUCH more likely to have accidents when they feel they do not have a better option than peeing in your bed. That's not their fault. You wouldn't want to step on your own pee/poop either! If you have problems with litter getting kicked out of the box, a litter mat can be helpful.

> Do I need to buy a carrier for the cat?

Yep. You'll eventually need to take him to a vet in all likelihood, and a carrier will make that so much easier, as most cats despise the car. I recommend a hard carrier. The softer ones seem nicer in general, but the hard carriers are easier to clean out, and you never know how a cat will be in the car until... well. They're in it. One of our cats poops and pees every. single. time. So he always gets the hard carrier.

> Should I contact a vet before I get the cat?

The shelter might require you to have a vet already, so I'd probably at least pick one out from google search. They might require you to go get a checkup, but probably not. That's more of a rescue thing, I think. Most shelters have their own in-house vet, so it's not really necessary. Don't be afraid to contact the shelter if he seems to be coughing and wheezing. Upper respiratory infections are very common in shelter environments due to the crowded nature of them, but they are also very treatable, and the shelter will be able to give you medication for him.

> How do I train a cat?

Someone mentioned Jackson Galaxy, who I generally agree is pretty good for training if you have some problems. But most of the time, cats are pretty out-of-the-box ready pets. That is to say, if you have an environment that is good for cats (where you let them have some space, where you don't make a huge amount of loud noise, where they aren't prodded and poked at constantly), they generally don't need training. We've fostered tiny kittens that automatically knew how to use the litter box. We also have boy cats who were not fixed until well into adulthood and have never had problems spraying.
It's instinct to go in the box, especially once they're fixed and don't need to mark territory really.

> For those of you who own a cat/cats, any advice for this first-timer?

Give both of you time to get to know each other. Don't force it. He will come to you, given time and space, and you'll be able to cultivate a better relationship built on trust and mutual respect if he knows that you won't force him to do things that he doesn't want to do (especially at first--think about it like building a friendship with a person; you would trust your friends to do things that you would never trust a stranger to do, and it's the same for him).

Cooing and gentle words are generally pretty good for coaxing, as is letting him smell your hand/something that smells like you before you approach for pets. Think about it like introducing yourself. You wouldn't go up to someone you didn't know well and just touch them without at least saying hi.

Every cat I have ever known, male or female, fixed or not, will pee in a pile of anything if it is left long enough. They see it as 'trash,' and I think it just registers as litter. So, if you are the type to leave clothes on the floor... I would try to stop that.

Keep nails trimmed. Scratching posts are for sharpening nails, which is an instinct that they have to fulfill, and you're giving them an outlet for. Some people think it's for 'filing' the nails down, but it's not. It's for keeping them sharp enough to get prey. You'll have to trim them.

And this is just my own personal opinion, but... young--but not kitten--boy cats are best for first timers. I have one girl, and I absolutely adore her, but she is very high maintenance/prissy/touchy, whereas my three boys are all pretty chill. Each cat is different though, so obviously your mileage may vary! It's just something I've noticed in general in my time of owning and fostering cats, that boys are more laid back/forgiving than girls (and thus I think a little easier for a first timer). Young adults are also great for first timers because you have less accidents (though that's generally not a big concern anyway) and they're more able to be on their own for longer periods of time. Older adults/seniors are great too if you want a really, really chill, more stand-offish cat, or if you want a cat that you'll have for <10 years, but if you want a little more energy and time, a cat that's about 1-2 years old is a GREAT way to go.

Some toys that are great for cats include the classic laser pointer, the feather toy, catnip toys, and crinkle balls.

Cats prefer to drink away from where they eat, so place his food bowl and his water bowl apart from one another! Some cats also prefer running water to still water, so if you notice your cat likes drinking out of the faucet (or if you just want to spoil your cat like I spoil mine...) you can get a water fountain for him!

Finally, if it's not working out for some reason, like your personalities just don't mesh well... take him back. I know it sounds hard, but it's best for him if he is in an environment where he is understood and his needs are met. There's no sense in forcing both of you to be miserable. Some shelters let you do a foster-to-adopt sort of thing, where you sort of try each other out for a bit. I like this option, because you hope for the best, but it feels a little bit easier to tap out if you need to. Either way, there's no shame in tapping out. Sometimes things just don't work the way you thought they would.

Sorry for the novel, but I wanted to be as thorough as I could. My parents recently got their first cat, and it's been... an ordeal for them, getting used to it.
It's great that you have some experience with cats though, so I think you'll be fine! Seriously, cats are sort of the next level up from a goldfish as far as easiness. Should be fine.

I hope you and your new furbaby are super, super happy together! :)

u/_punk_ass_ · 9 pointsr/WhatsWrongWithYourCat

amazon link

Edit: this isn’t the one I got, I got my from a pet store, this one looks really similar, hard to tell quality on amazon tho

u/rasterbated · 8 pointsr/thisismylifenow

The Pop N Play, here’s a clean Amazon link:


Edit: This one has better reviews and seems functionally similar. Plus it’s INTERACTIVE:


u/alienangel2 · 7 pointsr/CrappyDesign

Usually you just need the alpha numeric id for the product somewhere near the start, the rest seems useless.

Like for this long ass address I copied from the address bar: https://www.amazon.com/Pet-Craft-Supply-Mewnicorn-Boredom/dp/B07JMGKVD1/ref=sxin_5_pb?keywords=cat+toys&pd_rd_i=B07JMGKVD1&pd_rd_r=98eb7f1b-dc8d-4be8-8ecd-a3d684c77222&pd_rd_w=MuJXT&pd_rd_wg=vAxyB&pf_rd_p=471566b3-2454-4c77-b9e2-5715d3250806&pf_rd_r=P5797JCQFZVKBW2VK90B&qid=1565179036&s=gateway&sprefix=Cat+

All you actually need is the B07JMGKVD1 bit. So you can paste that into amazon's search to pull up the same product and it'll find it.

Or you can delete all the junk except that i'd and the "/dp/" bit and it works as a link to the page: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JMGKVD1/

I wish they just made it easy to copy like that though.

u/catladymn · 7 pointsr/SiberianCats

I have two Siberian cats who are now 1.5 years old. Here are the things we liked the most:

I would highly recommend a scratching post. Our cats love it and still use the same one we bought for them as kittens. They have not scratched on the furniture. They also like any of the cardboard scratchy pads they sell at pet stores.

I would recommend purchasing a litter box large enough for an adult cat, as they grow really quickly.

Siberians really like hanging out in high places and both of ours love the cat tree we purchased, but I don't think it is absolutely necessary.

In terms of toys, every cat is different, but ours love anything with a feather on it. If it does not have a feather, they do not play with it for longer than five minutes. We also had a tunnel for them when they were little, which they really liked as well.

Their favorite toy in the entire world is this one: https://www.amazon.com/Pet-Fit-Life-Teaser-Exerciser/dp/B06Y458SG3/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1541533035&sr=8-10-spons&keywords=squiggly+worm&psc=1. Like they cannot even handle themselves when we pull it out. We have brought it over to friend's houses and their cats love it too. You can also buy lots of different toys to go on the wand, which is nice.

My cats don't like cat beds, blankets, etc. so I have no recommendations on that.

Allergies are not a huge concern in our house, but we bathe our cats once every three months or so with Burt's Bees Kitten Shampoo. It gets them nice and clean but rinses out easily. We just bathe them so they smell nice. One of our cats tolerates the bath, one of them absolutely hates it.


u/kayleighh · 3 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

You guys are fabulous. I see both of you around here a lot and it amazes me how generous you both are.

Gift One: I would really love this. I want my cat to be as healthy as she can be and if this can help her to stay more hydrated, that would be fantastic!

Gift Two: I want dis! C'mon...gimme.

Thank you so much for the opportunity!

u/dalesd · 3 pointsr/Pets

Maybe try some new toys?

I've been meaning to make a list of my cats' favorite toys. I have two cats, brother and sister, Millie and Smokey, now about 9 months old.

First, I can't explain it, but this carrot. I bought it on a whim at a pet store because it was on clearance and I thought it kind of looked like the Minecraft carrot and I thought it would be cute to see them playing with it. It comes with separate catnip container and you can fill the carrot with catnip, but I didn't use any. OMG, they go crazy for the thing. They get super possessive of it. If the other cat comes near, they'll growl and run away. Smokey likes to be chased when he has the carrot in his mouth. I lunge like I want to steak his carrot and he runs a few feet away, daring me to try to take it again. Millie will self-play with the carrot, batting it around on our hardwood floors. They've gone through two already. I think it's time to get a third.

Da Bird. It was recommended here and it's awesome. Something about the movement, the twirling, the colors, the noise. They can't ignore this thing. If the feather thing gets destroyed, replacements are available and cheap.

Cat Dancer 101. This is a stiff wire with some cardboard bits on one end. Move it and shake it a bit and I guess it looks like a flying insect. On the plus side, when they catch it, it's fairly easy to get them to release it.

Cat Dancer 301. This is Millie's favorite. She knows where I keep it and "leads" me to it at every opportunity. Like, first thing when I wake up and when I get home from work. It's a short stick with a long strip of fleece material. Wave it as you move in a circle and they're mesmerized. When they catch it, it's a bit difficult to get them to release it.

u/barbpatch · 3 pointsr/tickling

1 the best one I think I have used so far 😂 ... Actually the wartenberg wheel wasn't shit compared to this thing. It's a lighter tickle feeling but even using it on my own back gives me goosebumps/chills immediately, it works ;)


2 This is a cat toy that looks like a super girly fairy wand and has feathers, beads, and a little fuzzy soft ball on the end so when you drag it around there are a couple different sensations from it depending which part is touching the skin.


3 Dreamcatcher-style necklace. They have lots and lots of different types of necklace made to look like a dream catcher or have a Native American look... I wear this and if I'm leaning over my lee close enough it drags on their body as I move while both hands are still free ;)


u/Erza_the_cat · 2 pointsr/LazyCats


Pop n Play interactive cat toy
It's not so expensive and easy to handle.
Needs 4 big batteries and turns itself off after 15 minutes.

But be aware! The "birdsound" are nothing like birdssounds and go's in to a 15 minute loop.
And the machine makes a lot of sound but if your not bothered by it than it is a good toy.

If there will be a V2.0 in the future that has either better and less frequent birdsounds or the machinery has been updated i would buy it

u/YearOfYoshi · 2 pointsr/HelpMeFind

Not sure how helpful this us but this one is almost identical minus the extra frills at the end of the tail: https://www.amazon.com/PanDaDa-Funny-Teaser-Playable-Interactive/dp/B07NVPJ5FT

u/sergius1898 · 2 pointsr/blackcats

She’s not much of a bunny kicker. Her current favorites are a flat mouse made from rabbit fur & this wand toy: KELIFANG Cat Wand Cat Teaser Cat... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FN2SVY7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

u/KittenAnne · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

How about this chemistry book at 12.22 hehehe or maybe If you like Frozen at 22.96 you will like Miyizaki at 27.22 of course there is this cat toy at 12.42

/u/quick_quip_whip (as an aside - how are you doing on your snack purge:) I managed a day without them :))

/u/medelle becuase icecream is needed when birthdays are being discussed.

/u/ALiborio because boobs - well no not really but come play!

u/jonilholt32 · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Baby Josie is beautiful! I had a Maincoon named Tiki. He lived to be 16! BEST CAT EVAH!!!!

She would love this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006VMN4O

A Mini me for her to snuggle with: http://www.amazon.com/Davey-Maine-Coon-Douglas-Cuddle/dp/B004YSH3Y0

A Kitteh tunnel!!!: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000EFMLBW?ie=UTF8&tag=maicoocatnat-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000EFMLBW

Toys: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PVTLWW?ie=UTF8&tag=maicoocatnat-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000PVTLWW

Toys: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000IYSAIW?ie=UTF8&tag=maicoocatnat-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000IYSAIW

Toys: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000M1B7I6?ie=UTF8&tag=maicoocatnat-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000M1B7I6

And more toys: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002DHV16?ie=UTF8&tag=maicoocatnat-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B0002DHV16

Maincoons LOVE to play and have that kitten play aspect to them for YEARS!!!Mine loved balls, and a good old laser pointer was the best thing ever. He would get running after that red dot, and couldn't stop well on our hardwood floors and would slide in walls....

Oh and a cat bed on top of the Fridge would be great for your girl. Tiki always slept on top of the fridge :)

u/ofnovalue · 2 pointsr/CatAdvice

A wand with a feather at the end (Da Bird is a good make), a peacock feather or one of these. Then you have to find what gets her attention. My current cat ignores the toy if I wave in the air or drag it along the carpet, but if I drag it along the carpet to and fro and let it hit something at either end, he can't resist and has to chase it. I put the feather behind something and make a scratching noise and he's there in an instant.

For play on her own, balls with flashing lights or bells, toy mice and maybe a cat dancer.

It can be hard work, cats do like to let us know that we work for them.

u/SkySeaSkySeaaaa · 2 pointsr/Wishlist

You don't think you have expensive tastes until everything vheap on your wishlists are for the cats! But it's hard to spend more money when they get bored of toys so fast!




u/justanotherkatlady · 1 pointr/cats

Would a slow feeder toy be a possibility? I let my cats forage food out of one and it's legit just sit and use one paw to get the food out.

This is pretty much my cat arsenal. Not sure if these will work with your man but figured i'd put them out there. I also buy cat sticks for them to chew on but usually you have to supervise them because big chunks get chewed off.

Links: Slow Feeder Toy Springs. Cat Wand. Wand Attachments. Wand Attachments 2. String Wand. Tower Feeder

u/vannah08510 · 1 pointr/cats

Ah I didn't know you had birds. I thought you meant the ones outside for some reason.

Try (all can be found on amazon)

Nano Robotic Cat Toy (White/Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RWU17KS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_BpaOyb5AGDYAW

u/[deleted] · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[Da Bird] (http://www.amazon.com/Da-Bird-SUPER-Refill-refill/dp/B004N1FL74/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2CEONTFWHVC71&coliid=I2EAPWR9U6M3X6) I was on the boardwalk in Wildwood, NJ enjoying a delicious Kohr's Bros. mint and chocolate chip swirl with chocolate jimmies ice cream cone and a seagull POOPED on me and it dripped in my mouth!!! I honestly thought it was a warm raindropped at first until my friend pointed out that there was bird dookie running down my face... Ugh!

u/ScottAllyn · 1 pointr/bengalcats

As others have suggested, this sounds like pent up energy seeking a release. Disciplining him will probably only lead to him getting confused and might even cause him to develop some other undesirable habits since he still ultimately has that energy to get rid of.

Crixus, who's a little over a year old now, gets like that occasionally, but usually directs it at the other cat. Luckily, it doesn't occur frequently enough to be a problem.

Get one of those feather-on-the-end-of-a-string toys for him to chase around, like this one:



You can often find them at your local grocery store. I have yet to come across a cat that doesn't go nuts over those things and it's one of the quickest any easiest ways to wear them out short of a laser pointer. Laser pointers lead to frustration since the glowing red bug can never be caught, tho... and the cat might eventually lose interest. Not so with the feather toy! Let him catch it occasionally, and you'll have him hooked for life. Just put it away when you're done so that it's more of a special-event kinda thing for him.

u/ZubinJohnson · 1 pointr/cats