(Part 3) Best general constitutional law books according to redditors

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We found 908 Reddit comments discussing the best general constitutional law books. We ranked the 281 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top Reddit comments about Constitutional Law:

u/PiratusInteruptus · 145 pointsr/PoliticalDiscussion

I'm no expert on law. But from what I can read and understand the POTUS does not necessarily have to commit a 'crime' to be impeached. In other words he doesn't have to rob someone and then shank them.

High Crimes & Misdemeanors is a bit misleading as one would reasonably infer that it says so right in the title. However, the framers appropriated the High Crimes & Misdemeanors section from the British. In British law, they did not specify that you had to do this terrible thing, or that you had to commit that bad crime to be impeached. They left it somewhat vague and ambiguous. This was carried over to our law by the framers, who left it rather vague and ambiguous as well.

Understand that we've only been at this point what, eight times? And only two have stuck. So it's not like we have it all ironed out like a speeding ticket or what have you.

Yes, Trump's outlandish is deplorable and insidious.He is holding the American public hostage and inciting violence. Even as I type this, certain militia groups have readied themselves. Yes I hope one of two things happens. Either he is asked to seek employment elsewhere, or that this ties him up so much that he will loose the election. Hopefully reason will win the day.

I'm interested in what others have to say on the issue....especially those with a law background.



Great book, just started reading it. Fascinating history. https://www.amazon.com/High-Crimes-Misdemeanors-History-Impeachment/dp/1108481051


u/BirdLaw458 · 13 pointsr/Ask_Lawyers

Maybe not what you asked for, but this is basically a must-read (IMO) for anyone interested in constitutional law. You can also reference the typical supplements that law students use. They are much easier than a casebook.



u/herpsmcderps · 12 pointsr/Anarchism
u/Legitninjaguy · 11 pointsr/Conservative

I will check it out, thanks for the recommendation.

I read Civil Rights Rhetoric or Reality and it was remarkably good and very thought provoking

u/Imnotmrabut · 6 pointsr/MensRights

From UK Perspective:

Peter Lloyd (7 July 2016).
Stand By Your Manhood: An Essential Guide for Modern Men.
Biteback Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84954-852-6. - Kindle

Dan Bell; Glen Poole (28 September 2015).
insideMAN: Pioneering stories about Men And Boys
Troubador Publishing Ltd. ISBN 978-1-78462-533-7. 9Electronic Purchase(http://www.troubador.co.uk/book_info.asp?bookid=3553)

Neil Lyndon (1992).
No More Sex War: The Failures of Feminism .
Sinclair-Stevenson. ISBN 978-1-85619-191-3. (Buy Second hand)

Neil Lyndon (2015)
Sexual Impolitics: Heresies on sex, gender and feminism,
See Kindle Unlimited

Glen Poole (2013),
[Equality For Men],

On a More Global Perspective

Paul Nathanson; Katherine K. Young (16 October 2001).
Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture.
McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP. ISBN 978-0-7735-6969-0.

Paul Nathanson; Katherine K. Young (21 March 2006).
Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men.
MQUP. ISBN 978-0-7735-7789-3.

Katherine K. Young; Paul Nathanson (2010).
Sanctifying Misandry: Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man.
McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP. ISBN 978-0-7735-3615-9.

Paul Nathanson; Katherine K. Young (1 June 2015).
Replacing Misandry: A Revolutionary History of Men.
MQUP. ISBN 978-0-7735-8380-1.

Wendy McElroy (2015),
Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women,
CreateSpace Independent Publishing, ISBN 978-1533629401

John Davis BA JD LLM,
Rape Hysteria: Lying with Rape Statistics (Foundations of Modern Feminism),
CreateSpace Independent Publishing

u/SuperMarioKartWinner · 5 pointsr/ConventionOfStates

Because they are ignorant of our Constitution...

Mark Levin, in my opinion, is considered a leader in this movement.

You should read his book The Liberty Amendments since you are interested in the topic. Many people think it’s the only real path to saving our country

u/Non-PC_RadFem · 5 pointsr/GenderCritical
u/PhoenixRite · 4 pointsr/law

You might be interested in this book, What Brown v. Board of Education Should Have Said, where a "court" of nine legal scholars write opinions that they felt better expressed the rationale the court should have adopted rather than what it did say.

u/shitlaw · 4 pointsr/conspiracy

one of the most emotionally eviscerating tragedies of American constitutional jurisprudence is the Court's abandonment of the Ninth Amendment. everyone should read The Forgotten Ninth Amendment.

u/Rogoverre · 4 pointsr/Natalism

As you say, "pushes." Well anybody can get pushed in the cafeteria or the hallway. You don't have to do things because somebody pushed you.

You have to look at the larger picture: what happens to school personnel who do NOT push college? Are they not limiting the ambition of the kids? Are they doing their job properly? No. Meaning: they HAVE to say these things. They MUST push this.

Yes, it is tough on the young and inexperienced.

So I DO sympathize.

However. There are other ways to be educated than asking an institution to make you educated.

Just as a hospital can't make you healthy, a school can't make you educated. You have to take charge. Institutions can help, and intervene supportively, but they can't do the job.

Edit: for instance, there is this:


That doesn't make you a lawyer, but a very smart undergrad level person, if you ponder all of it.

u/alcockell · 3 pointsr/LeftWingMaleAdvocates

Have a read of the book Sexual Impolitics (was No More Sex War) and look at the old Oprah episodes with him on...

Sexual Impolitics - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sexual-Impolitics-Heresies-gender-feminism-ebook/dp/B00PBA6ZRQ

Warren Farrell on Oprah - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=oprah+warren+farrell - from 1991 or thereabouts.
Myth of Male Power was released in 1993 - Farrell was booted out of NOW in the 70s...

u/personal_liberty · 3 pointsr/conspiracy

Sovereign citizens and the right to travel.

I researched it a bunch, and wrote a book. Stuffs legit.


u/001Guy001 · 3 pointsr/suggestmeabook

Maybe Gene Sharp will be useful for some of the information: From Dictatorship to Democracy / Power and Struggle / Blueprint for Revolution

u/netbent · 3 pointsr/worldnews


A fantastic account of the NATO/al Qaeda alliance in Libya written by US congresswoman Cynthia Mickinney.

u/joshblackman · 3 pointsr/NeutralPolitics
u/ShineOnBenevolentSun · 2 pointsr/GenderCriticalTheory

The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men by Robert Jensen.


u/ThereMakeBeSnakes · 2 pointsr/LawSchool

This might not be exactly what you're looking for, but I found the Glannon guides helpful for a more interactive study aid. They have sections explaining the legal concepts followed by multiple choice questions with detailed explanations of which answer is right. I haven't actually used the Con ones yet (although I'm planning to before my exam), but I found them really useful for other subjects because they engage my brain more than just reading something. There's two for Con - one dealing with Governmental Structure and Powers and one for Individual Rights.

u/Press2ForEnglish · 2 pointsr/politics

I can't believe what I'm seeing here. This is actually advocated by Mark Levin and covered in chapter 4 of his book, "The Liberty Amendments." He also calls for a super-majority legislative override of supreme court decisions.

I completely agree even though I know our motives would not line up at all.

u/Kontorque · 2 pointsr/LawSchool

Okay first guy got it right but if I'm good at anything its working smarter not harder. DONT get Chemerinsky, amazon prime or get your ass to a book store that sells this go through it and understand the core of the cases, go watch the barbri lectures that are keyed to your semester, take fucking notes, you put your self in a corner so no fucking time to slack. Then go to the library or bookstore and get this And do EVERY SINGLE FUCKING QUESTION, the multiple choice took me like 4 hours to get through at a slow pace. and take 30 min for the essays, for efficiency sake do the multiple choice questions first. Good luck.... you'll fucking need it.

u/quitclaim123 · 2 pointsr/LawSchool

I’d make sure to do every practice question in the Glannon Guide

Edit: and thoroughly read the explanations regardless of whether I answered the question right or wrong, in addition to normal studying

u/darthrevan · 2 pointsr/ABCDesis

Direct link to the article, which is an excerpt of Pres. Carter's upcoming book on the issue.

Thought it was relevant to this sub because of the struggles that even you ladies here in /r/ABCDesis confront regularly. From my discussions with all of you, it seems you bear the brunt of the culture clashes most sharply.

Most of all, I think of my mother who was denied so much of what she wanted in life because of Indian expectations of what women are "supposed" to do. It wasn't even so much that men directly stopped her from doing any of it, it was the "self-policing" she did to stop herself from even trying that hurt me most. I tried for years to help her break out of that, and it's worked to a small extent. But that indoctrination and conditioning is too deeply ingrained to ever leave her fully.

I don't want any other woman on earth to be yet another victim of patriarchal culture like my mom was. That's why I'm so glad Carter is trying to get the world to stop ignoring this.

Edit: Also, link to Pres. Carter's new book which I am definitely going to read soon.

u/AyChihuaxua · 2 pointsr/AskThe_Donald

If you want a quick and small guide to the Constitution besides the original text itself, I would highly recommend this:


The book is an objective overview of Constitutional law, and will give you a solid grasp on where Constitutional interpretation currently stands by running you through all of the landmark cases that have shaped the law in the US.

u/JLPwasHere · 2 pointsr/todayilearned

Source: Jimmy Carter

u/[deleted] · 1 pointr/Libertarian

I doubt they're peer reviewed, and I don't see why that would matter, except to someone who doesn't know anything about what peer review is and just wants to use it as a litmus test. Hopefully, the reader is capable of reading critically and recognizing whether or not arguments are good and based on well-sourced data.

That said, Sowell is an accomplished scholar, and if you have access to a good university library with peer-reviewed economic journals and monographs, then you'll be able to find plenty of peer-reviewed work from him, including on this topic by searching the databases that anybody who understands what peer review is would already be familiar with.

But see especially the following:

u/rancemo · 1 pointr/Drugs

I really liked Michael Badnarik's book Good to Be King, even though I didn't agree with everything.

u/tshuman7 · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

I'm not entirely sure what point you're trying to make here. Yes, we ALL have the ability to assess what "essential" and "temporary" mean, but you are simply mistaken that vox populi isn't the final arbiter...

Your strained analogy "the 'essential' liberty of keeping as much money as possible" versus "the 'temporary' safety of health care or food stamps..." is, quite simply, ridiculous. Ever heard of the tax code? People who don't pay their taxes are dealt with pretty harshly (unless they're nominated to run the Treasury Department, I guess). But these kinds of false dichotomies make me ill. If you're not happy with the level of funding for food stamps or Medicaid, please stop blaming people who want to keep as much of their own money as the law allows. Hold the legislators who set those rates and appropriate the money for social programs accountable for the choices they make. But please stop pretending that the reason the monthly allowance under [SNAP] (http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap) isn't higher than it is is because people are greedy and heartless...

I agree that it is best to discuss issues directly, but that does not mean we can't find value in wise words from the past (provided the quote is accurate). I revisit such works as [The Federalist Papers] (http://www.amazon.com/The-Federalist-Papers-ebook/dp/B004TPP976/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_kin?ie=UTF8&qid=1372066721&sr=8-1&keywords=The+Federalist) and Tocqueville's [Democracy in America] (http://www.amazon.com/Democracy-America-1-ebook/dp/B0082ZJMPY/ref=sr_1_2_bnp_1_kin?ie=UTF8&qid=1372066657&sr=8-2&keywords=democracy+in+america) quite often, and find them a great aid to clarity of thought on contemporary political issues...

u/MHOLMES · 1 pointr/Libertarian
u/goofyboi · 1 pointr/politics

Hey man, before we start a civil war, we can always have a peaceful revolution, I want to live as im sure you would too


u/Illin_Spree · 1 pointr/DebateFascism

>The Judeo-Left was protesting with the flags of the "Libyan revolution" against Qaddaffi as well. Then after supporting it, pretend they never did.

I'll go ahead and dispute this one. It may be that CNN/MSNBC etc made it seem like there was some kind of popular support for the Libyan intervention as if it was part of "Arab Spring", but most 'real' leftists and leftist representatives were against it.

Cynthia McKinney (2008 Green presidential candidate) comes to mind as someone who opposed the Libyan intervention both before and after.


In short, it's useful to distinguish b/w the neo-liberal corporate left and the actual activist anti-war left when it comes to issues like this.

As for the Kurds, don't confuse the PKK/YPG with the Peshmerga. For more on the ideology behind the PKK and/or YPG see

u/AutoModerator · 1 pointr/conspiracy

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u/imranmalek · 1 pointr/LawSchool
u/Delsana · 1 pointr/gifs

So you're saying you have the equivalent of this pocket book in your wallet? https://smile.amazon.com/Constitution-Reference-Amendments-Declaration-Independence/dp/0981559697

I'm skeptical.

Regardless, it's been well documented but on video and in legal terms that officers violate rules and often try to make arrests or declarations for things they have no authority to do so, through abuse of power or otherwise. The road they were on may have temporarily been cordoned off as government property as it is a government road and have the purview to do that so you can't be on it (though you could record from a far just like with Area 51 and other such places), but the side road he was on was not cordoned off or suddenly restricted, he was in his rights.

And an executive order can't supersede the constitution or the supreme court so that's not changing.

u/frequenttimetraveler · 1 pointr/greece

pare ena e-reader kai katevase to calibre

Books: politics , ethics, business, social decline
, democracy, philosophy

u/FERT1312 · 1 pointr/history

What follows is a small slice of a largely suppressed history of revolution:

Ukraine 1917-1921




Mexico 1910-1920



Chiapas, Mexico: 1994-Present


following the syndicalist thread, you'll find it all throughout modern history, on every continent in the world. most haven't heard of it, and for good reason. no power structure can abide a challenge.

u/SeriousAdverseEvent · 0 pointsr/politics

...and he has a book coming out this summer:

High Crimes and Misdemeanors: A History of Impeachment for the Age of Trump.
