(Part 2) Best nursing pads according to redditors

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We found 106 Reddit comments discussing the best nursing pads. We ranked the 47 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 21-40. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top Reddit comments about Nursing Pads:

u/feelingfishy · 44 pointsr/ABraThatFits

Nursing mom here. A proper fitting bra won't squeeze enough to make you leak. I really like these nursing pads because they have a waterproof backing. I had an issue leaking through regular cotton ones. I think there are a few cheaper similar ones on Amazon, these were cheap when I bought them and the only ones I've used in the year and a half I have been nursing.


u/orelsie · 5 pointsr/breastfeeding

I am a fan of being braless/padless at home, too, but I dislike the extra laundry. So I like nursing tanks with wool breast pads. Wool is the best! They keep you warm in the winter, cool in the summer, great for boob sweat as well as milk. They don't itch and they last all day without needing a change. They are expensive but you only need 2-3 pairs because after they air dry, you can use them again without washing until they are crunchy or stinky. I have a little bit of nipple blanching and wool helps with that, too.

Here are my favorites :
Nursing Pads Ekstra Style, Medium https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0018T09ZI/

u/mrs_fairymay · 3 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

u/headlessbob17, happy thursday! have a great one! Also, I'm seriously jealous of the belt you were gifted - I love fancy belts! Can't wait to wear mine again once my munchkin is here - most don't fit right now (go figure! ;)).

As for an add-on, I have a few, but this is probably what I'm needing most, what with my little one coming in 2 weeks or less! On my baby list :D Thanks for the contest!

u/ColoringBook53 · 3 pointsr/BabyBumps

I exclusively pumped for 4 months while my son was in the NICU. I was happy to be able to give him breast milk, but it is very time consuming. At the beginning I pumped 10x a day for about 20
minutes each time to get my supply up. After 2-3 weeks I dropped to 8x a day, and then a few weeks after that 7x a day. I did have to increase the time I pumped to 30 minutes each session when I dropped to 7x.

Pumping bras are ESSENTIAL. The ones I liked the most are from a brand called Hofish on amazon, but they are discontinued 😢 This one looks the most similar. I didn’t care for the Simple Wishes pumping bra - it was too restrictive and kind of difficult to get the flanges in.

At first I was washing all the pump parts after every session. Then I heard a tip to just put all the parts in a plastic bag in the fridge between sessions and it was awesome. It saves so much time!

I liked the Lansinoh breast milk bags the best because they can truly lay flat for freezing. I would lay the bags in the freezer compartment of my fridge and save up like 1-2 days worth. Then I would put those in a gallon freezer bag with the dates labeled and put that in my chest freezer. If you don’t have a chest freezer yet, I would recommend it because it can store frozen milk for up to a year (whereas the freezer on your refrigerator is only 6 months).

I would also recommend the app Pump Log. You can track each pumping session and they send you reminders when it’s time to pump again. It’ll even track your freezer stash for you.

u/katestark · 3 pointsr/MakeupAddiction

This might sound odd but I’ve found that breastfeeding pads work wonders!

They’re soft (with texture) and meant to be used against a sensitive area, so gentle enough to be used around the eyes. They’re large enough that one will do my entire face and eyes. They also come with a mesh wash bag so easy to just toss in with other laundry.

Hope this helps!


u/Crossfitandcoffee · 3 pointsr/April2017Bumpers

So much! They have overnight ones that hold even more.

u/birdred · 3 pointsr/clothdiaps

I freaking love the FuzziBunz reusables! They are a bit thick and I can seriously use them for a whole day, day and a half without leakage. The layers wick away moisture from your nips so they don't feel wet all the time. :-D

I also have Bamboobies regulars (the heart ones) and they get instantly wet and feel cold and I have to swap them out so they can dry for a while before putting them back on again. :-(

I also have the Philips Avent ones which are smaller so they hide better under clothes, but they are a much lighter absorbency. BUT I like them because they are breathable and yet don't soak through to the other side. They are good if you just need one for a leaky side while you nurse on the other side, then take it out to air dry.

u/erosebro · 3 pointsr/beyondthebump

My first recommendation is to check to see if she has a baby registry. New parents need/want LOTS of stuff, and while all gifts are appreciated, having someone help cover the essentials always made us really happy! Some of my favorite gifts were for things we needed like extra bottles, bassinet sheets, and giftcards to Amazon.

Now, to your question - here are some top items we've used with our new baby:

u/acline · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding


these saved me. I also (under the guidance of my LC) did modified block nursing. two nurses on the left normal side, and one on the over achiever. helped a lot! I still struggle with slight oversupply, but you are still very , very early on, so it could possibly even out on its own!

u/TangerineSkys · 2 pointsr/Buyingforbaby

My best friend made me my own coupon book with a few necessities like having her baby sit for a few hours, grocery run, and having her son mow the lawn. She stuck it with some contoured reusable bamboo nursing pads that have held up great over time.
Super cute idea that made me feel very loved.

u/ejchristian86 · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps
u/hopeisthegoal · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

I tried these: Organic Bamboo Nursing Pads (10 Pack) With Laundry Bag - Reusable, Ultra Absorbent, Super Soft, Irritation-Free Washable Breastfeeding Pads for Mothers https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F0GB6RE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_oY9jybDQCPB3G

And: Love My Antibacterial Soft Bamboo Water Absorbent Nursing Pads for Breastfeeding Mothers, 6-Pairs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XHBCIS6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_dZ9jybMN1YKAC

Both were equally comfortable.

u/baconandicecreamyum · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps

I don't know if this helps but this is my story so far. I'm sorry this is a novel.

So I'm a FTM. My baby came early on new years. In the hospital, many many people (nurses, lactation consultants, etc) kept saying "breast is best". Granted, they asked how I planned on feeding her and I said breastfeeding. I didn't know what to expect. They said it shouldn't hurt but it did and still does sometimes but my milk hasn't finished figuring how much baby needs yet, I don't think. Before I gave birth, at family gatherings, a lot of the women would ask if I planned on breastfeeding.

Almost immediately, in the hospital, my right nipple cracked and bled a little when attempting to feed her. A nurse brought me a nipple shield and that helped a little but I got worried about her choking. It seemed like so much effort for baby and the nipple shield went so far into her mouth. I found it difficult to keep it on my boob without it coming off. It ended up healing. I put Medela Tender Care cream on my nipples/areolas often. My sister, who ended up with an oversupply, thrush, and mastitis, swears by these gels. She says her baby had a bad latch at first and they helped a lot.

Baby lost 7% of her weight and the hospital lost their shit. Although they didn't suggest formula. She was born at 6 lbs 1.5 oz. I had been on IVs, which I read can inflate birth weight. Nurses told me that since I had been bloated (apparently I was bloated?), baby also was a little bloated when born.

One of the lactation consultants brought in an electric pump and my right boob didn't hurt in it! I was so happy. I pumped 5cc of colostrum and was proud. Then a couple of nurses came in and asked about it then talked to each other while glancing at me about how they would have thought the lactation consultant or the pediatrician would have asked for 10-20cc. I felt inadequate.

I tried to feed baby as much as I could and pump several more times. I got another 5cc but accidentally spilled it all over. There are no lids on those things and all the pieces have small holes in the back. I would have baby on top of me or in football hold on a pillow and we would feed, fall asleep, repeat. They emphasized that I should feed baby 8-12 times a day.

The lactation consultants said it shouldn't hurt. Then when I asked about the pain I felt, they changed it to "wait 30 seconds after latching". One said that it should feel like tugging not pinching but it sure felt like pinching to me. I was out of it so most of the time when someone talked to me, I just parroted what they said.

A "correct" latch, from what I understand, is where baby has a big open mouth and gets as much of the areola as possible. I was obsessed with making sure baby had a correct latch. The first lactation consultant said that baby probably has a tongue tie. The next lactation consultant never looked at baby's mouth but said that my insurance won't cover baby getting lasered instead of scissor cut for it. She also said that I could choose to not take care of it and baby might end up with a stutter or need braces. The pediatrician I saw the day after we got released didn't seem concerned but she also didn't look in baby's mouth. I haven't taken care of it yet or really confirmed that she has a tongue tie.

Baby went home at 5lbs 8oz 3 days after birth. At 2 weeks, she went up to 6lbs 13oz. According to my scale at home, she now weighs 7.5 lbs.

I don't breastfeed like your supposed to. They say to wake up baby every 2 hours to feed. Then once she's done or emptied one breast, offer the other. Then hold baby upright for 30-60 minutes after each feeding to help with the gas. I feed on demand or when she makes noises/fusses. SO is all "the pediatrician said that sometimes the baby makes noises but doesn't need to feed". She doesn't always latch on though or is interested in feeding but most of the time she is. When she's gassy or has to poop (both are loud and sometimes indistinguishable), she can seem super desperate for the boob. I try to burp her often.

In the hospital, I was very much not confident in my burping skills. I felt like I was doing it wrong and was going to break her. What angle do I need her head to be at? Am I accidentally squishing her face too hard? I had called a nurse in to show me but I don't think any of the nurses are really trained in training (which is my field, I'm a teacher trainer). I'm more confident now but still worry.

I still get some sharp pain sometimes when she latches on or attempts to but it goes away. I get pain in my boobs when it's been a while since I nursed, they get a stinging full feeling that lasts a second or two. I don't know how to identify letdown sometimes. It doesn't feel like an orgasm like it did for a friend.

You might have a breastfeeding support group near you. I haven't gone to mine yet but I think I will once my schedule gets figured out. They weigh the baby and see how much baby is getting.

Also, I've learned to keep a bunch of rags around when nursing. Milk gets everywhere. I'm told good things about Milkies Milk-Saver Breast Milk Collector Storage I use Bamboobies (regular but should have gotten overnights instead) and some other nipple pads that I was given. Sometimes I double up. I have to make sure they're on nicely though because I still find my bra and shirt soaked. You're supposed to switch them for every feed. I switch them when they feel wet or too wet.

u/kjcjemmcd · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

Most people have a “lazy boob” regardless of any noticeable size differences. I usually get 1 to 1.5 less ounces from lefty when I pump.

Leaking is totally normal especially during the first six weeks before your supply is regulated. Get some nursing pads like these. Lots of companies make disposable ones too if you prefer.

Also try out a Hakaa. It’s silicone and suctions to one breast while feeding from the other. It will gather everything that is leaking plus some since the suction brings out more. Just beware this is a mild form of pumping so don’t overdue it or you could end up with an over supply.

At a week in it sounds like you’re doing great! It’s quite a journey and the first month or two sometimes feels like you’re never going to figure it out and then it’s like one day it just all clicks!

u/OrganizedSprinkles · 2 pointsr/NewParents

Bamboobies Super-soft Washable Nursing Pads - All Pale Pink https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0043ZM178/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_r0oEub0NKERKP

I have some thicker ones and they suck. These stay in place and absorb.

u/ElectronicBeagle · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

My baby had a tongue-tie. I am so sorry - NO ONE could understand how much it hurt. I am still bitter about my experience and being told to wait.

Apparently what happens is that they can't use their tongue properly to suck milk - normal tongue movement is they use their soft squishy tongue to push milk out of your nipple. However, babies with tongue-ties use their hard gums to draw the milk out, which crushes your nipple. It is awful. I cried when my baby wanted to nurse again every day, because I didn't think I could take it anymore.

My strategy for coping until I got the tie fixed -

  1. Breast rest - I would pump and my husband fed the baby with a bottle. I was so paranoid about supply that I also pumped random other times, which actually gave me a bit of an oversupply (but also a small freezer stash). We used premie super slow-flow nipples. My baby had zero issues going back and forth between boob and bottle.

  2. I occasionally used a nipple shield when the pain got really bad. It reduced the pain maybe 20%, but that was better than nothing. I heard horror stories about it affecting supply, but I never had any issues. Again, I only used it a few times when things got dire.

  3. I used those soothie nipple gel pads constantly. Pop them in the fridge for more soothing. You too have to rinse them a lot and replace them every few days (and let your nipples dry out in between) otherwise you can make your thrush worse, but I loved those things.

    Good luck! And remember - after the tongue-tie surgery, your baby has to relearn how to suck, so you might not get completely instant results. For us there was was a big reduction of pain instantly, but it took 2 weeks to be 100% pain free after the revision. My only regret is that I didn't push to have it done sooner.

    Edit to add: Now my baby is over 8 months old and we are still going strong! Nursing is awesome now. I'm already getting bittersweet about him turning over a year and possibly self-weaning.
u/Black_Lace_and_Butts · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

I got softies as a gift and they are great.

u/Akakubisan · 1 pointr/JapanTravel

This is what we used. For zero to one year olds.

森永はぐくみ スティックタイプ 13g 10本

u/markmonte · 1 pointr/BabyBumps

You'll definitely need nursing pads and better to have organic bamboo ones, like these - 4 pairs for just $12:
Organic Bamboo Nursing Pads

u/_Administrator · 1 pointr/grilledcheese

dat http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tefal-Softline-D0451102-Crepe-Pan/dp/B0061S4OMK
It is not the best for grilledcheese imho. I prefer this

u/fabricwench · 1 pointr/sewing

If the cups are too big you might try adding chicken cutlets. You can sometimes put them between the outer layer of the swimsuit or the lining.

There are other things you could do but really a picture is needed like the other poster suggested.

u/iharleyquinn · 1 pointr/beyondthebump

I use these nursing bras

CAKYE Cotton Racerback Maternity... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078FY6X3X?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

And these washable nursing pads

Bamboo Nursing Pads (14... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QDR1TFL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share