(Part 2) Best study guides & workbooks according to redditors

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We found 200 Reddit comments discussing the best study guides & workbooks. We ranked the 61 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 21-40. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Study skills books
Study guides
Education workbooks
Test flash cards books

Top Reddit comments about Study Guides & Workbooks:

u/venessian · 18 pointsr/todayilearned

I am very curious about what makes you think the notion of a thesaurus is specific to English.

Sanskrit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarakosha

Russian: http://www.thesaurus1.narod.ru/

Hindi: https://hi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%B0_%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%B6

French: https://www.amazon.fr/Dictionnaire-synonymes-Poche-Collectif/dp/2035862760

Latin: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/latin-thesaurus-has-been-progress-1894-180959137/

The concept itself of a thesaurus existed many centuries before Old English was even a thing. It can exist for any language, and as far as I know people have compiled them for all languages that have a writing system (or at least an academic tradition).

Also, you ask people for examples but you base your arguments on statements like:

> I'm pretty sure that there are factors that make English a better language


> I'm pretty sure English and Japanese are the only languages that use synonyms to any great extent

so you really look like you've just formed an uninformed opinion and are upset people tell you you're wrong.

u/FantasticallyFemale · 11 pointsr/uofm

Make sure to go to Supplemental Instruction sessions! They’re weekly sessions open to everyone in CoE hosted by the Engineering Learning Center (ELC). You’ll have an SI leader there every week that picks a set of problems for you guys to work through and explain in detail, and I’ve found that consistently going helps me tremendously. They also host practice exams that are different than the ones you’ll find online. Here’s the schedule: http://elc.engin.umich.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2019/01/ELC-SI-schedule-WN19-1-27.pdf

Also, I HIGHLY recommend buying the following book. One of my friends recently wrote it before graduation and he was the best tutor/SI leader I’ve ever had. This book is basically a collection of all his note/teaching material: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1983340995/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_QvZvCb3692JBJ

u/adlerchen · 7 pointsr/LearnJapanese

Es gibt hier Überblicke von mehrfachen Lehrbüchern, aber »Genki«, »Minna no Nihongo« und wahrscheinlich auch »Nihongo de dooso« sind auf English oder Japanisch. Ich weiß nicht, ob sie ins Deutsch übersetzt warren. Kannst du Englisch? Wenn nicht, sieht denn nur »Lass uns zusammen Japanisch lernen!« aus, wie eine gute Möglichkeit. Sondern würde ich »Genki« empfehlen, weil ich habe es zumindest selbst benützt und fand es relitiv fähig gemacht.

Hier sind die Amazon Links dafür:

Lass uns zusammen Japanisch lernen 1

Lass uns zusammen Japanisch lernen 2

Viel glück beim lernen. :3

u/coxinha_com_catupiry · 5 pointsr/BrasildoB

A Amazon está com ofertas até dia 6.

Numa rápida olhada vi a versão física do Sapiens do Harari lá.

Mas tem Mises e Olavão também pra quem tiver interessado. (me assusta que isso esteja na página principal)

u/kweldul · 4 pointsr/German

When you speak advanced German a schoolbook about social studies (Sozialkunde) would be ideal for that I guess. Something like this: https://www.amazon.de/Mensch-Politik-Ausgabe-Abiturtrainer-Sozialkunde/dp/3507108798/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=5T5T25NKMOWD&keywords=sozialkunde+abitur+bayern&qid=1554777020&s=gateway&sprefix=sozialkunde%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-1 Sadly I have no clue if everything you're looking for is on the curriculum.

Shipping via Amazon should be possible within Europe, anywhere else sadly idk. To find a single book that covers all of your intrests in English is quite hard, if you want to keep things not too complex, but also not too simple. Wikipedia definitely covers most of that, too. In German and English. But that's probably a bit boring.

u/CircinusSt · 3 pointsr/askastronomy

My partner recently got me a set from Little Planet Factory which is really cool. Unfortunately they're closed for orders at the moment due to an insane backlog, but hopefully they'll open soon enough.

If you know anyone who has a 3D printer then you can get patterns for astronauts and other cool stuff and make your own gift.

Otherwise, if you're able to team up with someone else in the family for a joint present, owning the Feynman Lectures on Physics is almost a rite of passage for physics/astrophysics students. I'm saving up to buy my set when I graduate, but I would have loved to get it as a gift.

u/thiagoroshi · 3 pointsr/brasil

Depressão me afastou da leitura (e muitas outras coisas). Mas Hobbit, Homo Deus, Espadachim de Carvão, Ozob, Guerra civil - Marvel, Metamorfose - Kafka, Wild Cards (g.g. Martin) e Deuses Americanos. Tem alguns da minha infância, como Senhor dos anéis e contos infantis árabes, irmãos Grim.

Recomendo muito livros que já estão em domínio público, como Dom Casmurro e Os Sertões. Há também vários audiobooks com esses livros no LibriVox, tem +100 em português (tudo voluntário, com base em comunidade tipo Wikipédia)

u/texanlostinrussia · 2 pointsr/paralegal

Paralegal Study Guide: Test Prep and Practice Questions for the CLA-CP Exam https://www.amazon.com/dp/1940978858/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7PyxDbJ3HBSXH

I doubt it’s the best study guide available, but it has a lot of relevant info and is cheap.

u/Reddit2Learn · 2 pointsr/college

I use Evernote application on Macbook and my Droid a lot.
its free to try forever or you can buy a premium and students get a discount on this also.

I really recomend this book called "accelerated learning for students

so many great tips in the book to learn faster and more efficent. I've read most every book on the market that has the title of accelerated learning and this book is the best so far. Enjoy =]

u/need_some_time_alone · 1 pointr/BuyItForLife

I learned to use it with [ Your Time and Your Life (The Insight System for Planning, 10 Audio cassettes and Study Guide)](Your Time and Your Life (The Insight System for Planning, 10 Audio cassettes and Study Guide) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000H2U538/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_W5.GybANMCKZ6) . Great cassette recorded seminar for organizing.

u/IamIZ · 1 pointr/mildlyinteresting
u/Mike-Dane · 1 pointr/suggestmeabook

This isn't exactly what you're asking for, but it's something similar.

Michael Chabon wrote a novel about the early history of superhero comics. It's called The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay.

It's really good, especially the first half that really focuses on the early comic book industry.

u/DaisyJaneAM · 1 pointr/tipofmytongue

there is a logic puzzle book series called Perplexors

u/Khal-nayak · 1 pointr/Entrepreneur

What's so sweet about it ?

Timothy Kenny (Author) is selling hardopy of the book on Amazon for $28 [Amazon link](

The ebook is going for $2.99 Amazon ebook

I think OP is some kinda hustler

u/Collin_1000 · 1 pointr/Teachers

WordWinks. My students love these, they kill about 2 minutes each, they encourage creative outside the box thinking, and kids say the darndest things sometimes.

u/ninjininja · 1 pointr/unt

Also, if you need extra practice with writing, it helps to have the Campus Notebooks-the kind they use in Japan. https://www.amazon.com/books-Pakkuno-30S10-5X5-Kokuyo-Campus-Application/dp/B0012OTICE/ref=pd_sim_229_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0012OTICE&pd_rd_r=XYQTYE4Q2E2KDN44DKK2&pd_rd_w=Z7IIR&pd_rd_wg=wjRUe&psc=1&refRID=XYQTYE4Q2E2KDN44DKK2
The reason is that you should be able to write the characters in the squares -one character per square.
There is also a few workbooks, children level, on Amazon if you want to spend a few more bucks to use them for extra practice. https://www.amazon.com/Hiragana-Katakana-Workbook-Elementary-Workbooks/dp/B00WX1SB8C/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1501126710&sr=8-11&keywords=japanese+notebook

u/feedmepi110 · 1 pointr/Teachers

I took the CSET for math! I can't say too much about III because I only have my foundational but these are the resources that I used:

  1. Chris Goff's CSET review - It is very language intensive which is review that I needed. It went over theorems and how they worked which for me, helped my conceptual understanding. I know this resource is a hit or miss depending on who you ask but for me, taking notes then doing practice problems was useful. It had been years since I had seen some of the stuff so this was a comprehensive review for me.
  2. Laura Rickhoff's CSET study guide. I used her study guide to practice - she has a ton of problems as well as video solutions. I did the questions once, checked my answer against the video and then took the test again.
  3. CTC Exam Page - And I did all of the released practice problems from the CTC itself. Same format as the study guide above.

    For me, understanding why the answer was what it was was important to me. My suggestion too is to time yourself. I didn't take all the time for multiple subject CSET but I did need all the time for all of my math CSETs.
u/Mandarion · -2 pointsr/de

Oder um es auch für Dich verständlich auszudrücken: Sturm im Wasserglas. Eine Handvoll Verschwörungstheoretiker, die bei keinem Menschen mit mehr als einem halben Gehirn irgendeine Reaktion hervorrufen, und die mit den genauso bekloppten Kreischern auf der anderen Seite gemeinsam um die Aufmerksamkeit der Bekloppten buhlen.

Aber da Lesen ja offensichtlich nicht Deine Stärke ist (andere Kompetenzen wollen wir lieber gar nicht erst bewerten), dürfte das hier eh vergebens sein.

P.S.: Um Dir vielleicht auf Dauer doch noch zu helfen, habe ich da mal einen Lesetipp für Dich. https://www.amazon.de/Texte-lesen-verstehen-Sachtexten-trainieren/dp/3403068560/