(Part 3) Best baby travel gear according to redditors

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We found 334 Reddit comments discussing the best baby travel gear. We ranked the 177 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Bike child seats
Diaper bags
Child carrier products
Baby shopping cart seats covers
Portable changing pads
Toddler safety harnesses & leashes

Top Reddit comments about Baby Travel Gear:

u/bluerodeo05 · 6 pointsr/beyondthebump

Wow that's a great idea for something that has zero use after pregnancy! I got these inflatable bed rails and they have worked well to keep my toddler corralled. They're handy because you can take them with you if you ever travel - https://www.amazon.com/Snug-Monkey-Inflatable-Bumpers-Toddlers/dp/B07DJZRZRR

u/ele_vate · 6 pointsr/BabyBumps

Lillebaby carriers are up to 55% off on Amazon right now! I snagged the Lillebaby complete all seasons for $76 (normally $140)!

u/xx99 · 4 pointsr/Parenting

This cot worked wonders as we transitioned our kid from our bed to her own room. We still pull it out occasionally when she's sick or sleeping over at her cousin's.

u/JessieBooBoo · 3 pointsr/babywearing

I've seen friends with the jacket extender, there are also baby-wearing specific jackets. We used layers on us both. I would put my kid in his snowsuit/bunting (with legs) and layers underneath and then cover it with this cover. I wore my jacket zipped up and put the carrier on over that. It's not my favorite way though and I think having a big jacket to go around us both would probably be more comfy.

u/dobberkins · 3 pointsr/IFParents

I dunno how often you guys travel but the boys sleep in these tents while we travel to keep them confined. We've got to travel a few times a year to see family as no one lives by us so it made sense to buy them but if you don't travel often it probably wouldn't make sense.

u/1h8fulkat · 3 pointsr/geek

A portable kid's bed is $25. You're going to have to find some pretty cheap pillows and cases.

u/hydrogenbound · 3 pointsr/breastfeeding

my husband evens wears the Ergo performance, I NEVER thoguht that would happen! Wow it's even 30 dollars cheaper than when I bought it a year ago! http://www.amazon.com/ERGO-Baby-Carrier-Performance-Grey/dp/B003VTM6IG/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1348343521&sr=1-1&keywords=ergo+performance+carrier

u/tinapop · 3 pointsr/BabyBumps

Warning - lots of text below! My baby is about 6 weeks now and I'm exclusively breastfeeding. My Medela Harmony manual pump has been fine for building a stash - I pump 1-2 times a day for the freezer and occasional bottle feedings from Dad. I think it's pretty convenient, but I'll be using a double electric pump when I go back to work (waiting to see what Tricare will cover in 2015!).

Whatever you decide to use for diapering, I'd strongly recommend getting some prefolds (I got Osocozy unbleached). They're great for burp cloths, catching milk from your other boob during letdown, etc and they're also way cheaper and more absorbent than fancy burp cloths. Personally I love prefolds and covers for diapering, but don't buy too much into any one system or brand until you know what works for you. My husband hates prefolds so now I'm having to add pockets and AIOs to appease him.

I'd get some swaddlers (at least 2; my favorite is from Nuroo but that was a gift and they're pricey, the summer infant SwaddleMe wraps are good now that she's bigger but didn't fit well until about 10 lbs). My girl lives in footed pajamas and I love the Gerber zipped ones, we found tons at goodwill for $1.50 each but if you can't find them used, they're on Amazon for $10 for a 2 pack. You're right that other people will buy clothes, but they'll pick cutesy stuff and you need some practical choices too.

Nursing pillow - I had an unexpected C section and this has been so necessary. I love the Luna Lullaby since it's big and I had a big baby.

Some kind of baby carrier, I got a Moby wrap while she's small and it's amazing for running errands (I put it on before getting in the car and pop her in before going in the store, WAY easier than a carseat and stroller).

We were gifted a used swing and it is a freaking godsend. It's the only way I get chores done since I can pop her in there and cook, do laundry, clean, etc without her crying. YMMV, some babies hate them, but buy used and you won't be out too much cash.

Wubbanub pacifier is easy to keep track of and super cute.

Pack n Play with a mattress for cosleeping (recommended to reduce SIDS risk for the first 6 months). At least 2 mini crib sheets.

Earth Mama Angel Baby nipple butter is amazing for the first couple weeks.

QuickZip crib sheets will be amazing once you use the crib.

Simba baby safety nail cutter - no bleeding!

Finally, the Itzbeen pocket nanny timer is so helpful for keeping track of feedings and diaper changes, especially in the first few weeks.

Hope this wasn't too overwhelming. Good luck!

*Edited to add links to products.

u/tippytoez · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps

I had a pack and play for my first baby and I just sold it to a secondhand store. I think they are too big for their intended use. My daughter never liked it as a sleep device and she hated it as a containment device once she got mobile. We ended up getting a snuggle nest to put in the pack and play for her to sleep in because the pack and play was too wide open.

This time I went with a travel crib to put next to our bed for the first few months. I hope the new baby likes it. I guess we'll find out here in the next week or so.

Another option I considered was the Fisher-Price Rock and Play Bassinet, because as I said the pack and play was just too big.

u/hyperventilate · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps

We got a 600 dollar crib (it was a gift from my grandmother) that looks nice and converts into a twin bed,

An even more expensive matching dresser (A gift from my FIL)

A MamaRoo (A gift from my mother),

A LilleBaby All Seasons (A gift from my brother.)

I haven't had a chance to use any of them (except the dresser) because the larva is still tucked away in her womb apartment.

u/perhapsody · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps

We loved the Fisher Price Rock and Play sleeper, and our FP Space-Saver high chair has been awesome. When he was smaller, I could strap him in and he could watch me make dinner; now it goes to Grandma's with us no problem and is so nice and non-bulky.

A Boppy pillow is awesome whether you're nursing or not, and Sandra Boynton is our house's favorite author. We especially love "Hippos Go Beserk" and "But Not The Hippopotamus."

Sling-wise, if you haven't already, I'd recommend going to a store or a baby-wearing group (or your childbirth class might have this, ours did) where you can try on several styles and see what suits you. I have worn our son since birth (and still do) but ring slings make me want to throw things. Other moms I know have no problem with them, but I never could figure out how they worked. The Mei Tai style (not this particular carrier), on the other hand, was really intuitive, and my husband liked the Moby wrap when he was really little. I am currently using the Ergo performance carrier now that he is big and heavy, because I love the way it distributes baby's weight on your hips, not back.

Good luck with your registry! Don't worry about having to buy too much gear -- remember babies survived and thrived for thousands of years before Graco came along! (nothing but love for Graco, btw, we have had 2 of their carseats, a pack-n-play, stroller, and swing frame for carseat #1. All good quality, all durable, no complaints anywhere.)

u/jmurphy42 · 2 pointsr/NewParents

This is what I was going to recommend. I know the last thing you need is more expensive baby products right now OP, but this or this could help your GF immensely (if she's got the back muscles to bear it).

Infants often sleep better when worn, and even when they're awake it'll at least free up your GF's arms so she can do other things.

u/ristatron · 2 pointsr/WaltDisneyWorld


We use this for our 4 year old on trips all the time. She loves it.

u/LittleHelperRobot · 2 pointsr/beyondthebump


u/AshBurntSky · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps

I never use Zulily because they don't take returns (be warned!) but the resale value is great (in case we don't like it), I see them used all over the place on Craigslist (for more than this one costs new) and they're still 129.99 on Amazon. The reviews are good, and it's not supposed to have problems with hip dysplasia like the Baby Bjorn (which is what we were going to get).

u/Blh5555 · 1 pointr/baby
u/Xility · 1 pointr/Nanny

I second using an apron! There are also the hip seat baby carriers that have a good amount of storage. The one I have has a little cup carrier, a zippered phone holder and the whole area under the seat for storage.


u/100bunnyarmy · 1 pointr/beyondthebump

I love mine. It totally lessens my neck and shoulder from strain and supports the weight on my hips instead, almost like a third arm just still supporting my baby's bottom while using my actual arm to support her back occasionally. Not as hands free as a proper wrap or a more structured carrier but it is quick and I can flip her to face out or in really quick depending on her mood. I carry my 22 pound, 11 month old around the house and when I run errands when she isn't in the mood for the shopping cart seat. We also have a K'tan which was nice when she was smaller and a lillébaby for walks but the hip seat is nice when she wants to get up and turn around a lot.

I have this one which does not have that shoulder support strap. A lot of them use a solid piece of styrofoam for support but this one uses an aluminum frame that leaves you pocket space; I use it for shopping bags, wallet, hand sanitizer, burp cloth, sometimes a bottle or diaper too.

u/spinzard · 1 pointr/breastfeeding

i have this one and it seems to be padded shoulder but i really like it and haven't had any issues with the shoulder. The strap is pretty wide and seems to distribute weight pretty evenly across my shoulder.


just my experience.

u/mrs_rue · 1 pointr/babywearing

Balboa sling. It's like ring sling with no adjustments needed. Just throw it over your shoulder , as easy as putting on a purse

Balboa Baby Dr. Sears Adjustable Sling, Signature Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001Q80GO0/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_Ft0Uub044SBJZ

u/yufdaddy · 1 pointr/babywearing

I’ve heard several people say that the jolly jumper carrier cover works well. jolly jumper amazon

u/CGNU · 1 pointr/aww

You can make this hands-free with this product.

u/lbb3520 · 1 pointr/Parenting

My sister uses this when she travels for her toddlers that like to climb.
KidCo Peapod Plus Infant Travel Bed, Kiwi https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BWIPC6G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_KfDdAb3VPDPN0

u/instalight · 1 pointr/beyondthebump

When our little one was a newborn we had one of these for when we stayed away from home. It worked great for us. We put it on the floor, inside a larger crib so she felt more at home there, or as a cosleeper in bed with me (but not husband as we weren't comfortable cosleeping with him in the bed) depending on what we needed.

u/housewifingwithwine · 1 pointr/sahm

I use this one with my son up until he was 3 years old cause he hit the maximum weight. He didnt like it at first cause he liked walking but he got use to it the more we used it. Plus he liked hanging out with me while I cleaned vs hanging out in the other room.


This thing is nice too cause it's all mesh and is really breathable. We use it to take him hiking too cause it comes with a rain shield and there is a cold weather cover that bundles them and covers their feet lol.

u/aargre · 1 pointr/parentsofmultiples

just bought 2
Regalo My Cot Portable Toddler Bed, Pink