(Part 3) Best foam rollers according to redditors

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We found 421 Reddit comments discussing the best foam rollers. We ranked the 112 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top Reddit comments about Foam Rollers:

u/EnsignRedshirt · 39 pointsr/Fitness

Here's one for $7, including shipping. It's not a fancy color or anything, but it's all you need. I found it on Amazon with a single search.

u/itsacoup · 7 pointsr/CPTSD

A soft pool noodle could be a really gentle way to start! Can't say I've ever used them myself but I could see how it would work. This high-density foam roller is the kind I started on and is great for foam rolling beginners as you get used to the sensation and technique; this grid-type roller is what I use now, and it can be quite intense if I haven't rolled in a while. This is what I'd consider the most advanced roller and I honestly haven't even tried it myself but I imagine it would be very effective but kinda ouchy, even if you're used to rolling! I also recommend a lacrosse ball or any other small (3-4 inches in diameter) pure rubber ball for targeting particular spots-- a tennis ball would also work as a slightly softer option.

The trickiest thing with foam rollers is getting used to the sensation enough that you don't tense up and fight it, which is why it's good to start with softer options. YouTube videos can show you safe form for rolling, and always hydrate extra after you roll! :) I hope this is helpful, let me know if I can share anything else!

u/PlasticMastodon · 3 pointsr/running

I get tight calves all the time. I have to remember to stretch them out. I don't have a definite routine for stretching, but these help a lot. I prefer the first one right after a run. Then again about an hour after.

Then you can sit on the ground with your back to a wall and reach for those toes. That will help stretch out the back of your leg. I like to sit up against a wall so my lower back is at 90 degrees to my legs. After a run, I get tired and lazy so the wall helps a bit.

Important note: don't stretch to the point of pain. Just stretch until you can feel it. Hold it for about 20 seconds. Release for 20, then again 2 more times.

You might also want to look into a foam roller. These are my favorite.

I try to target my calves and IT Band when rolling. I will run, stretch a bit, hydrate, stretch a bit more. Then on my off days, roll it out.

Hills are tricky. They can really mess you up because you are using different muscles that you don't normally use to run on a regular flat surface. Yeah, the big muscles are still working, it is the little ones that can get you.

Lastly, I am not certified in any of this stuff. I'm just a normal guy who likes to run. These are the things that help me. I urge you to try a few things and make a routine of your own.

u/Your_Pace_or_Mine · 3 pointsr/running

I love foam rolling and I probably own too many varieties of tools to foam roll with so I'll try to help out as best as I can.


The reason that some people would say it's better before than after is that it's loosening up your muscles similar to dynamic movements and working out kinks before you head on the road. Personally, I foam roll after my runs but I do go through a pretty long warmup/pre-hab routine with a lot of dynamic movements and stretches. I don't foam roll before simply because it can take a while and I would rather spend that time at the end of the night rolling while I watch TV or something.


So to start with I have one of these Trigger Point Rollers, which is a pretty aggressive foam roller. I don't have a set routine with it but I usually start by rolling out my back - pausing where it hurts and waiting for 15 seconds or so before I roll back and forth on that spot a couple of inches in each direction. Then I'll usually use it on my quads and glutes - doing the same there.


Next, I usually use a variety of this kind of Stick Roller, usually on my quads and calves to loosen them up more. I really like using this on my shoulder blades and glutes as well.


Then I have a spiky ball thing like this and massage my feet - really focusing on the stretch and pressure on the balls of my feet.


Finally.... I bring big daddy out to play - this fucking thing the R8 Roller - and I use it along my IT band and my calves especially. I'll often roll it on my forearms as well. This thing is the fucking best.


Honestly, I do all of this when I'm winding down at the end of the day. I just watch something on TV for 20-30 minutes and go through whatever feels best that day. I'm also usually doing some stretching during this and just "finding what feels good."

u/homegymstuff · 3 pointsr/homegym

The attachment is made from four 16-inch blocks of wood cut out of a 2x10. The pipe is 1/2 inch inside diameter, and I used one six-inch piece and two 18-inch pieces. I got pipe caps for each side of the smaller piece. I also used 2 pairs of CAP replacement foot rollers. Being 7 inches, they hang over my pipe a little bit. It's important to note that I used the sizes I did because it all relates to my Titan T2 rack and its 1 inch holes.

u/FrightenedRunner · 3 pointsr/running

If you dont have it I strongly suggest buying some voodoo floss or its equivalent and foam rollers. In my experience its from tight quads and calves. If you dont I recommend stretching. I usually do couch stretches. I also highly recommend buying "becoming a supple leopard" also by Dr kelly starrett. Its a great book it comes with a pain prescription section thats in the back of the book you look for the area and he usually as 2-3 exercises to fix the area.

u/Shanmtlcanada · 3 pointsr/massage

For my body it is important for me to regularly receive massages but I also have a tool that I use to work on my forearms. Its called the armaid and I find it extremely helpful in maintaining my wrist and forearms. I'll post the link from Amazon but I'm sure you could find it for cheaper if you shop around online, I got mine from a site called Rogue fitness. https://www.amazon.ca/Armaid-Extreme-Lacrosse-Myofascial-Therapeutic/dp/B071XJ72R9/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1541855737&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=armaid&dpPl=1&dpID=41HW%2BpfzfUL&ref=plSrch

u/marktopus · 3 pointsr/artc

Do you have any yet? I find them all to be more or less the same. I have this nubby one and this stick style one. I like them both.

u/montypytho17 · 2 pointsr/running

Don't cheap out on a foam roller it'll just collapse on itself and you'll have to buy a new one, I recommend this one: https://www.amazon.com/TriggerPoint-Roller-Online-Instructional-Original/dp/B07JGM74B5

u/ng2091 · 2 pointsr/bigboobproblems

No prob! Here’s the one I got: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BH1WN4P?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

I was told that this is the cheapest you’ll find and to avoid the sports stores (dicks, sports authority, etc) because they will charge like $60 for the same thing!!

u/jscottsam · 2 pointsr/Posture

I recommend buying a half foam roller and lying on it with chin and abs tuck in for 5 minutes 3 times a week. That's how I achieve perfect posture. No more back pain for me in years. Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0026I0TYG/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1483835042&sr=8-6&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=half+foam+roller+36+inch&dpPl=1&dpID=31ahLqP4IjL&ref=plSrch

u/123thatsme · 2 pointsr/running

rumble roller extra firm and rumble beastie ball (it’s spikey). Only other thing I use is a lax ball. Rumble products are Worth the price imo—never going back. I use them on gym workout flooring to prolong spike life and they have both held up extremely well, and I am using them with lots of force.

u/Holmes1 · 1 pointr/Fitness

I got this one. It was only $7 and does the job.

u/tbhoggy · 1 pointr/clubfoot

My doctor recommends cheaper ones, but my PT says to get superfeet. Insoles are like religion for me, whatever your brand.

Yeah, so turns out that I had some repetitive injury on the bands that cross the top of my foot. After activities, they'd be visibly bruised/inflamed. At that point, I had to be in a boot. I certainly couldn't have been working full time on my feet (I'm a desk jockey). I've done construction/trailwork in the past

But stretch with one of these. You should be stretching deep through your calves, 1 at a time. 2 min one leg, 2 min the other. Do this at least twice a day.

Stretch those hammies. Put a leg up on a chair, slightly bend the knee, and fold from the waist. 2 min, each leg. Do this at least 2 times a day.

From there, when you can ya know, walk. Start to work on calf strength. From there, lunges, squats, monster walks, and other don't-hurt-yourself type activities.

Kinda sounds like ya need to go to a PT! You might be able to refer yourself.

u/El_Zarco · 1 pointr/nba

This one, yo.

That shit is the truth

u/CQReborn · 1 pointr/bicycling

Theres' a pretty wide variety of sizes & quality for foam rollers. My old gym had this this one and I had this one at home. The one at the gym, despite being used every single day never once lost its' shape and mine eventually lost its' perfect circular shape, which made it more difficult to foam roll with because it was slightly oval. You can also get ones that are 16 inches across instead of 36 if you want something smaller (I prefer 36, its more stable and easier to do full body stuff with)

The roller isn't just for your quads, it is for basically any part of your body that is sore after working out (You can use it right after working out or the next day). When doing your legs, do one at a time, you'll feel the impact more that way. You can do your hamstrings, quads, lower & upper back. Basically if you are sore anywhere and you can get an angle for the foam roller to work on it helps. It is a really simple bit of equipment, but when I first started powerlifting that little roller was the only thing that kept me alive when I woke up the next day with my legs or back burning in agony. . It hurts like a bitch when you roll (Like you are getting an insanely forceful massage), but afterwards the relief you feel is huge. I still have mine, even though I don't lift any more because it doesn't matter what you do for fitness, if you are sore the foam roller will make you feel better. Hell, some mornings I wake up and I slept funny and my back is kinked out I just foam roll and its all fixed up. My favorite one is where you make a flat board of your back with your arms stretched out past your head so you can foam roll your neck and shoulders, feels great in the morning.

So yeah, I'd recommend picking one up (I think anyone who exercises should get one, its a great rehab / physical therapy tool. If you ever visit a PT Center or a Chiropractor's office you'll see these) . You can get a cheapie like I did, it'll last you a good long time but be prepared to replace it eventually.

u/rinakrack · 1 pointr/pilates

I wouldn't go that firm. Especially with an older person. There's a lot of discussion if something that firm is beneficial to facia. I would get her this one.


u/GoosieLoosie · 1 pointr/StrongCurves
u/dudeinorange · 1 pointr/running

I don't know of any that are running-specific... rather than worrying about that, consider what areas you may want to focus on. I have a long soft ~3ft roller, a ~1ft 'rumble roller', and a 'tiger tail' stick roller (kind of like a rolling pin, but a bit longer and skinnier). I started doing my ITB area with the big soft one, then upgraded to a harder one after I started getting used to it. I still use the big softie for my back. I use the 'stick' type for quads and calves - calves are particularly hard to do with the ones that rely on your body weight.

Links (not the actual ones I bought, but similar styles):




u/Mcfain · 1 pointr/malelifestyle

Sounds like you live a decently active lifestyle. I highly recommend getting a rumble roller. Great for relieving sore muscles and keeps the body loose and feeling great. Well worth the money.

RumbleRoller Deep-Tissue Massage Roller, Black, 13-Inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004INOO8Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_t9s0BbQ3TJ6SE