(Part 2) Best coffee presses according to redditors

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We found 655 Reddit comments discussing the best coffee presses. We ranked the 182 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 21-40. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top Reddit comments about Coffee Presses:

u/sfguy1977 · 72 pointsr/funny
u/bc2zb · 23 pointsr/AskCulinary

/r/coffee hat on

Your grinder could stand to be upgraded. It's a burr grinder, but nowhere near as good as you would want for French press. It's going to produce a ton of fines, which is the source of your sludge. You can buy something like the espro press which has a finer mesh in its filter to prevent this, but it won't quite be the same. You can look into a hand grinder with better burrs, but depending on the amount of coffee you are grinding, it might take you a while to get the amount of coffee needed. The hack solution is to sieve your grounds before brewing to get rid of the fines. A standard kitchen sieve will serve, just account for the loss of fines in your brewing ratio. One other option is to buy light or medium roast coffee, as it will be less likely to fracture when ground, giving you fewer fines.

u/sageDieu · 21 pointsr/starbucks

I'm sort of a coffee snob outside of being a Starbucks employee, the enthusiast in me can't recommend a system like this. I'm not sure how cheap it would be but it isn't really anything special. If you really want an easy pour over system and have it be just like we do iced coffee in the store (double strength and weakened with ice, its not terrible but honestly not good) then go with this but if not you should research cold brew.

The pour over double strength method is used by us in the store for consistency and volume, we can make a large amount of coffee quickly and it'll be the same every time. it just doesn't make very good tasting coffee because brewing double strength makes it kinda sour and bitter and doesn't properly bring out the flavors of the coffee.

If you are still reading this far then you're interested in an alternative: I say get him a French press and a cold brew recipe!! You may be able to get the one we sell for a good deal, if not tpyou can find good ones on amazon for around $20, I personally have this and I love it but you cpwould do with anything else on amazon with good reviews if you prefer a simpler design.

Cold brew takes longer (it has to sit for at least 12 hours) but it makes a freaking delicious iced coffee. If you really want to impress your boyfriend, mark out a bag of Ethiopian or Guatemala Antigua and grind it for French press then make him a batch of cold brew - its really easy, just measure out the coffee and use twice as much as the bag recommends, fill the rest of the press with cold water and leave it in the fridge overnight or for at least 12 hours. This method brings out a lot of the fruity and chocolaty flavors of the coffees and makes a delicious and strong but light cup of iced coffee.

You can find lots of recipes online if you want to get more specific with proportions or brewing styles too!

u/MNLAInfluence · 10 pointsr/Coffee

Party French press

Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 51 Ounce, 1.5 Liter, Chrome https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00005LM0T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_hU11DbS3XFECV

u/reimannk · 9 pointsr/BuyItForLife

Um, this [http://www.amazon.com/Frieling-Polished-Stainless-French-17-Ounce/dp/B0015VMKME/ref=pd_sim_k_2](french press) will last for your lifetime and it will be a hell of a lot more functional than the setup you've proposed. It's expensive ($70), but you get what you pay for.

u/WageSlaveEscapist · 6 pointsr/vandwellers

Exterior mounted fold out stripper pole. Just kidding. Rear mounted quarter pipe? Aerial uav on roof with wireless charging (Edit: With a taser pulse and a pepper spray grenade on it). Laser visualizer. 12v projector.

Ok so I just did a little googling and I'm gonna say that yes, it is possible. There's this 140 watt espresso maker: https://www.amazon.com/Handpresso-Auto-Espresso-Maker/dp/B0091QPHJI/ref=sr_1_2?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1496739013&sr=1-2&keywords=12v+espresso

u/blindrage · 6 pointsr/Frugal

Coffee brewed in a vacuum pot tastes better than percolated coffee, can be acquired in metal, and requires no filter.

Then again, filters for an AeroPress cost next to nothing, Chemex filters are cheap, and a good French Press can be made of steel. All of which produce coffee VASTLY superior to a percolator.

u/TerpPhysicist · 6 pointsr/Coffee

Bodum Stainless Steel French Press - ~$50 - Similar to the standard Chambord FP, but with a full stainless steel body. Helps to prevent the sadness from breaking the carafe...

u/neurad1 · 5 pointsr/Coffee

Consider an Espro...Love mine though I only use it when company comes over. For my morniing cup I use an Aeropress.

u/ihaveapentax · 4 pointsr/secretsanta

If it's a Bodum, you can buy replacement glass for it


u/SpyhopX · 3 pointsr/simpleliving

Sleeping: my husband and I have slept on a 4"-thick memory foam mattress topper for years. We find them to be very comfortable, definitely on the firm side but that's what we prefer. I love sleeping on memory foam. They're cheap as far as beds go, easy to pack up and move, and easy to fold in half to give you more floor space. I've only ever used them on carpet, though, directly on a hard floor I think wouldn't be very comfortable.

Regarding kitchenware: This really depends on how much cooking you like to do and plan to do. I do a significant amount of home cooking, and my bare-bones set up would be (and has been): chef's knife and paring knife, plastic cutting "board", (cast iron) frying pan, large and small saucepans, spatula, wooden spoon, ladle, set of mixing bowls, cookie sheet, set of measuring cups/spoons, dish towels. Possibly add a colander and a baking dish of some kind, oven mitts, a rice cooker or slow cooker IF they will save you a lot of time (not useful for making rice just occasionally), and a [French press](
http://www.amazon.com/French-Press-Coffee-Maker-20/dp/B0084ORV60/ref=sr_1_9?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1407221402&sr=1-9&keywords=french+press) or pour over coffee maker if you drink a lot of coffee.

I'd also recommend a table of some kind, either high or low, to eat at and use your laptops.

u/miraitrunks · 3 pointsr/Coffee

no you do not need to fill the french press to its full capacity in order to enjoy a good cup of coffee.

i have the 4 cup bodum. i use to have the 8 cup one, but when making coffee its usually for myself. i rarely have to make another cup for someone else, and if i do its not 8 cups its less than 2.

do note that the measurements for this isnt 8 cups, like what you would pour into a mug. the cups is for small cups of coffee. not mugs (~300ml)

u/mitters · 3 pointsr/Coffee

sadly of course I have to link to this as well, because lets face it, you're going to need it.

u/bezuhov · 3 pointsr/Coffee

Bodum makes a 12-ounce French press, which doesn't require you to remove the beaker. Alternatively, you could check out a Frieling French press, which are made of stainless steel.

u/raffiki77 · 3 pointsr/Coffee

If you're willing to spend a little more money you're better off grabbing a good stand-alone burr grinder like a Baratza Virtuoso and a small French Press like the Bodum Chambord 4 cup (17 oz). Later on down the road you can get yourself some pour-over gear or an Aeropress but once you buy a coffee machine with a built in grinder there's no expanding on that unit.

u/planet__express · 3 pointsr/personalfinance

I've been in the same boat as you. I'm 33, but I spent my 20s racking up an obscene amount of stupid debt with bad lifestyle choices. I was financially irresponsible and reckless, and spent many years with my head buried in the sand because I was afraid to step up and face the music. Don't do that. I guarantee things are just going to get worse if you don't start right now.

I'll share with you what I did so that it may be able to help you in some way.

  • Go into what I call 'Emergency Mode'. I do this every time I'm short on money or broke. That means spending only on the bare necessities: food, shelter, transport to work. You say you can get to and from work for $60 a week in gas instead of $100? Then that's what you're going to do. You're making Present You uncomfortable so that Future You will benefit.
  • Quit smoking. It's costing you $350 a month and costing you your health as well. I'm not judging, I'm just telling you it doesn't make sense from a financial standpoint.
  • You mentioned you drink and gamble way too much. Again, not judging, but anything that doesn't put money into your pocket does not make sense financially.
  • Your phone and internet is outrageously high. I recommend looking for a cheaper plan. Some may tell you to get rid of your internet, but if you're quitting smoking, drinking and gambling, you'll need something as a distraction for your own sanity.
  • Good thing you got a consolidated loan for your debt. Keep paying that as planned. If possible, save up so you're always 2-4 payments ahead. That way, if unexpected expenses crop up, you have that loan payment ready to go.
  • Sit down with those friends and family you owe money to. Tell them that you are going to repay them. Work out a payment plan. I used to avoid friends I owed money to because I was a dickhead. Once I sat down with them, came clean with them and gave them an actual payment plan (I'll pay you back $100 on the 18th of every month) they weren't so mad because people just want to know you aren't going to skip out on the debt. They also don't want to see you blowing money you owe them on booze and cigarettes. So don't insult them. It's their money you're blowing, not yours.
  • $15 a day on food and coffee adds up. That's $450 a month. Make your own coffee at work or at home. A $13 french press you can buy off Amazon or Craigslist will make the best damn coffee you've ever had in your life. Also, make your food at home. Eat sandwiches if you have to. Allow yourself to eat out once a week for your own sanity. I fully understand because I used to blow $10 a day on Starbucks too, and $20 a day on eating out.

    I used to be addicted to shopping, going out and buying expensive gadgets I didn't need. So when I went into 'Emergency Mode', I didn't allow myself to go out or spend anything. So that means lots of nights spent at home, alone. To keep my sanity, I kept my internet which meant I could spend time online. You're not a robot, you need entertainment or you'll fall back into bad habits again.

    All I can say is that your situation is completely salvageable. Just stop all the unnecessary spending, and divert all that freed money into paying off your consolidated loan, friends and family, and student loans. Do this before you end up broke, alone and almost homeless at 58, like my dad.

    Good luck buddy! Just PM me if you have any additional questions. I'm the laziest, most avoidant spendthrift to walk this earth, yet I managed to pull myself out of all that shit and now life is grand, I have actual savings, creditors aren't beating down my door, I have repaired the relationships with friends and family whom I owed money to and I make enough to travel all I want. YOU CAN DO THIS.
u/NeatoTito · 3 pointsr/Coffee

Hario makes a good steel filter. http://www.amazon.com/HARIO-Stainless-Steel-Coffee-Maker/dp/B0040VIN18
This one seems to be the finest mesh http://www.amazon.com/dp/B017FA7RRG?psc=1

Honestly, there won't be too much of a difference between one and the next. Whatever differences exist are negligible to the taste of the cup. It's more about the other factors in your brew, like the grinder, source of beans, and water temperature and mineral makeup. (Now, I could be totally wrong, I've really only read about how steel compares with paper)

u/Printemps558 · 3 pointsr/Coffee

If you buy the Bodum 12-Cup/51-oz French press, for $41, you can decant to a thermos upon brewing. Preheat the thermos with extra boiling water left over from the brew, and you can brew at night before bed and have coffee ready to go in the morning. And take it with you to work, if you like.

u/mizzrym91 · 3 pointsr/Coffee


1500 ml. I know you want more but there's a problem

Chemex is great but you will not get a good cup from preground, the size of the grind affects drawdown time which means you can't really fix a problem with your brew if it's over or underextracting

u/Epinephrined · 3 pointsr/Coffee

On the more expensive side, there is also the Eva Solo Cafe Solo and the Espro Press.

The Eva Solo has a glass carafe though, so maybe not for you since replacing it would be even more expensive than a Bodum.

The Espo is double-walled stainless steel, it has finer filters than regular presses, and supposedly blocks the coffee from the grounds after pressing to prevent over extraction (so that you don't need a separate carafe). It's pretty expensive though, the 32 oz sells for $120.

u/ajfirecracker · 2 pointsr/Coffee

Bodum Replacement Beaker - $20 - Useful for when you inevitably break your French Press

(thanks mitters)

u/justtheusual · 2 pointsr/motorcycles

In case anybody else wonders, the thing they use for coffee is called Handpresso

u/Dtkay · 2 pointsr/Coffee

If you like how well it has treated you, why not just buy the replacement glass online?

u/MahDarling · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I am slowly working my way through the Adirondack high peaks (I mean really slowly guys, my schedule is jam-packed), and I love to go camping with my family and friends. For a long time, my family and two other families would go camping at Jamaica State Park in VT. It was always priceless to see people's faces when we told them we were going camping in Jamaica!

Anyhow, coffee has become a staple of my life, and so this coffee press would be amazing to have when going camping! It's lightweight and can be cleaned easily.

Also, in case anyone was curious, one of my favorite camping spots is Faun Lake in the Adirondacks. WOoo!

u/rochford77 · 2 pointsr/Coffee

KONA French Press Coffee Maker With Reusable Stainless Steel Filter, Large Comfortable Handle & Glass Protecting Durable Black Shell https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FMJDJ5C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_PStUAb8FAKGK8

u/segasean · 2 pointsr/Coffee

To answer your question, the strength of your coffee is mostly influenced by how much coffee you're using versus how much water. For a strong cup with your Keurig, go with the setting with the smallest amount of water. The Keurig is by no means the "best" method to make coffee, but it will make coffee. If you decide to get a manual brewer (French press, Aeropress, Kalita Wave, etc.) the brew time has some leeway, but I'd recommend just using more coffee than trying to push the recommended brew time too far. Coffee can/should be strong without being bitter, and keeping the water and coffee together too long will create bitterness.

What follows is everything you need to know about making great coffee. Warning, this may be overwhelming:

  1. Freshly ground coffee is going to taste better. Consider coffee like bread. A loaf left on the counter will get stale faster if you slice it up. Freshly roasted is better, but it might be more expensive/harder for you to find and you might not want to dive that deep yet.
  2. Conical burr grinders are better than blade grinders. The problem is that a decent automatic burr grinder is going to be ~$100 and that's a steep price for someone just getting into coffee. Many people will recommend the mini mill, Skerton, or something along those lines that is hand-crank. (Good non-name brand options: 1 and 2) Those are your best bet. Although I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, you can get an automatic blade grinder if you might have an issue with manual grinding/don't want to drop a lot of money. I will mention that darker roasts are easier to grind manually so there's less worry for your wrist. The problem with blade grinders is you get a bunch of differently sized bits, which makes it more difficult to get consistency and figure out a grind size/brew time you like.
  3. Each method of brewing calls for a differently sized grind. This is pretty important. If it's too small, you'll get a bitter cup. If it's too big, you'll get a sour cup. The same goes for brew time. Too long will make a bitter cup, and too short will make a sour cup. However, there's some leeway on both of these to your taste.
  4. There are a bunch of ways to make coffee that change how it tastes. Methods that involve filtering through paper make a cleaner cup, but you lose most of the oils in the coffee. Metal filters leave in these oils, but can also leave a lot of sediment/mud in the bottom of your cup. You might drink this if you drink that last sip, and it isn't really nice.
  5. Weighing your coffee is much more accurate if you want to make a consistent cup. A tablespoon of a darker roast might be 5 grams while a tablespoon of a lighter roast might be 7 grams.
  6. You'll need something to boil water in. If you have a kettle, great. If you don't, you can use a pan or you can buy a kettle. It doesn't need to be a fancy/expensive gooseneck-style one (1 and 2), but you might want one of those if you get into pourover methods.

    I would recommend a French press (1 2 3 4) or Aeropress for someone just getting into coffee. They're much more forgiving than pour-over methods, meaning you're less likely to make a bitter cup. They each have their own drawbacks, too. An Aeropress is easier to clean up, but can only make one cup at a time. A French press takes more time to clean, but can make about 3 cups at a time. (By cups I mean a standard 12-ounce mug.) Definitely get a grinder, too (see above). A scale (1 and 2) is optional but recommended. For beans, seek out a local roaster/coffee shop, but there are tons of online options available, too.

    Welcome to the wonderful (and sometimes crazy) world of coffee!
u/sweetm3 · 2 pointsr/ketorecipes

I've thought about getting a beaker/french press glass replacement and using that. Problem is they never have any of the right size when im in a store that carries them. For now the pyrex works well.

u/KingJulien · 2 pointsr/Coffee

I'll bite. I read the FAQ, but it (intentionally?) didn't mention any equipment. I'm thinking of going with this french press, which I'm comfortable spending some money on since I've used french presses in the past, and a yay/nay would be great. However, grinding my own coffee is new to me. Is there a good, entry-level grinder I could get a rec on?

u/pony_hawk · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

You're a smart dude. I like this contest idea.

Every college student needs coffee. Perhaps you've made a similar amazon purchase before?

u/Jckruz · 2 pointsr/BuyItForLife

IMO, you are not going to get a BIFL coffee thing like that.

I highly reccomend a french press. You can get a stainless steel french press from Amazon. Pair that with a stainless tea kettle and you have an actual BIFL coffee kit.



u/Zamiewithazee · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Oh man, so we gotta find the characters AND the extras in the scene? There goes breakfast time :T


If we're going to be reasonable here, I'd love to be able to make decent coffee, but if <$10 is preferred, energy gum would be good too! :) Thank you for the contest, it was super fun!

u/goatserevival · 2 pointsr/tea
<br />

  1. This one, this other one one, and another one that has the same glass and metal pieces except that the outer shell is plastic.

  2. Daily, about 2-3 times a day.

  3. Tea, coffe every now and then, and when the garden's producing or I feel like something different, lots of herbal teas.

  4. Very easy to use.

  5. The metal mesh retains smells that make the next infusion taste a bit of the previous one. I have to keep one for coffee and a different one for tea or spend a few hours cleaning it thoroughly.

  6. Being slightly more fall proof.

  7. Dark green.
u/rhott · 2 pointsr/Coffee


I've had that one for years. Never had any problems, easy to use/clean. I wish now maybe that I got the larger one.

u/orgodemir · 2 pointsr/GifRecipes

This 1.5L french press makes the process super simple and I can make enough for about 4-5 servings at once.

Then I just pour it in this resealable jug to keep in my fridge.

u/molligum · 2 pointsr/Coffee

I'm very happy with my Mueller French Press.

u/[deleted] · 2 pointsr/starbucks

I love this one. The glass comes out easily for cleaning and it makes a great cup. $40 but worth it.


u/stonecats · 2 pointsr/aldi

at this price i would not mind trying a moka pot
if it feels like durable quality while in the store.
i'm not a fan of pour over, but i do french press
twice a week using $20 1L two steel layer vessel
using course grinds 200°F water for 4 minutes.

u/TommyFive · 2 pointsr/Coffee

This is the one I have - it’s really quite nice, but it was about $30 cheaper when I bought mine.


However, it looks like more options have come out on the market since I bought this back in 2010.

u/jdmotta · 2 pointsr/Coffee

Don't drink it, you are transforming a good beverage into a bad drink.
You know when you add more coffee to a regular coffee maker make it slightly strong with good taste? Well is not the same for instant coffe, only makes it worst.
*I'm a broken student too, and I offer you two solutions that worked for me: This cheap plastic coffee maker that you put on top of your coffee mug and you buy a permanent filter and you are done.
Don't like it? Well This awesome french press save my life at work, no filters! Just add hot watter wait a couple of minutes and you have a tasty fresh made coffe.

I hope it helps, and remember instant coffee it's never the answer.

u/drkaeppel · 2 pointsr/Coffee

I can personally vouch for my Frieling French Press.

Bought it probably four or five years ago and it still looks like new. It is built like a tank, and since it's double-walled stainless it will keep your coffee warm for quite a while!

You could argue that $70+ is steep for a french press, but after breaking a couple bodums and other glass/plastic french presses over the years, I think this is a worthy purchase.

u/Grodd · 2 pointsr/Coffee

If a kettle is a problem then a microwave will be fine. You can get a decent electric 1.7 liter kettle for about $30 though.


There's a 1.5L French press for $30. They're out of stock but you could message the seller and ask if they will have more. The same one is $54 from another seller and in stock.

$60 isn't much considering the quality improvement over your situation, which sounds awful.

Edit : http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-K6080-Cordless-1-8-Liter/dp/B0078XHWVM/ref=sr_1_5?s=kitchen&amp;amp;ie=UTF8&amp;amp;qid=1396995713&amp;amp;sr=1-5&amp;amp;keywords=Electric+kettle

1.8L kettle for $20.

u/caraeeezy · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Coffee related!
French press

To Go French Press

Whisky Stones

Star Wars Footie PJs

Ummm yes hahah those all seem awesome &lt;3

u/FeralFizgig · 1 pointr/BuyItForLife

After breaking 2 or 3 glass ones, I finally bought this bad boy a few years ago. Couldn't be happier with a french press.

u/P3rplex · 1 pointr/Coffee

Hey all, I opted for a 12 cup stove top percolator and a Handground Percision Hand Grinder. I grind coffee every 2-3 days and store in an airtight container. Hopefully this gets gives me the convenience factor of being able to make a lot of coffee, fast, and the quality factor of being able to bring whole beans, kept in the freezer and ground at the most, a day or 2 prior to drinking. Not ideal for maximizing taste, but I feel like a resonable balance of ease and taste.

I hope I made the right decision as I was seriously considering French Press, but the limiting factors were the size of the units (too small) and the need to purchase a serving pitcher (as leaving grounds would over steep). Really liked the Espro French Press but sadly the largest vessel was 32oz.

u/yarak · 1 pointr/randomactsofcoffee

The two inexpensive ones on Amazon I see are this one for $5.85 and one for $12.90. They're both glass, but the second one is "unbreakable". Might be worth a shot.

u/Shootsucka · 1 pointr/Coffee

I hear you there, I have 8 people on my team and very limited countertop space that we share with 300+ people in my office. I started out making french press for my own personal use, but soon enough everyone who I had try my 'fancy' french press coffee, they all wanted my coffee as opposed to the cafeteria which serves Starbucks or maxwell house in our office.

The office had several cheap black and decker single cup machines, and they all made terrible burnt flavored coffee. I pooled some cash together from those who really liked good coffee and purchased one of these BUNN coffee makers which can make a great pot of coffee very quickly, these are typically found in restaurants. I also purchased a ceramic burr grinder and a scale, although I am fairly certain I am the only one using the scale. Also, the BUNN is super easy to clean. It is currently in your price range as it is on sale on amazon. If you are still set on the richness that the french press offers you can always pick up a 12 cup french press.

u/Kdude900 · 1 pointr/Coffee

This is really cool.

Link for the lazy.

u/QWERTY_J · 1 pointr/Coffee

If you can up your budget just a little bit from $150 to $154 (not including shipping), you can get an awesome set up consisting of;

A Baratza Encore grinder

And a 20oz French Press

u/hlt32 · 1 pointr/consulting

I lower my standards.

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bodum-Travel-Press-Coffee-Maker/dp/B0042RU4X0/ + a few vacuum sealed bags of decent pre-ground coffee.

u/OldPeoples · 1 pointr/Coffee
u/Matterplay · 1 pointr/Coffee

Freiling. End of story.

u/Rory_The_Faggot · 1 pointr/ireland

If you can't find somewhere fantastic, I'd recommend a portable French Press like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0042RU4X0/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1415183443&amp;amp;sr=8-1&amp;amp;pi=SY200_QL40

You can usually find a kettle somewhere in college or work, and it'll make a far better cup of coffee than most shops for fraction of the cost.

u/evanthegirl · 1 pointr/tea

When I'm being lazy, I steep my loose leaf tea in a one cup French press. Gives the leaves lots of room to bloom, but without having to pour it through a filter. Easier to clean the leaves out than my tea pot, too. This and some loose leaf tea would be a great starting point (in my opinion).

u/ungrlgnius · 1 pointr/90daysgoal

I'm in Alaska, so close! A good reusable coffee filter depends on what kind of brewing process you have, If you have a classic drip coffee pot then Just find the kind that matches the filter size you use. If you have a pour over style then something like this or this might be a better option

u/disctwo · 1 pointr/Gifts

As a girl who just spent six months travelling with her boyfriend, I can make some suggestions on what we used and loved:

  1. Bodum Travel Press: Not only were these awesome mugs great conversation starts (most people had never heard of them), they also allowed us to have fresh ground coffee or loose leaf tea every day, without needing to carry a bulky French press.

  2. Toiletries bag with removeable shower caddy: We each had one of these as well, and it was a huge help to keeping organized, getting in and out of the shower quick, and not getting everything wet. I bought them at Superstore in Canada so I don't have a link, but could possibly find a photo for reference.

  3. A classic, travel related book: For inspiration on the road. It's also something she/they can trade in at a book exchange. If you're going to book route, leave a nice note inside. You might consider On The Road by Jack Kerouac.

  4. A scratch map: These are fairly portable and interactive. You can find them on Amazon as well as in book stores. Your friends can scratch of the places they see as they go, and fill in details about their trip. This is something they can frame when they get home.

    As for more, it really depends on how much space they have (e.g., whether they're backpacking, driving, etc.). You sound like a nice friend! Good luck.
u/seacaptainotter · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Yay for gifts!

french press

Thanks for the contest :)

u/AltonIllinois · 1 pointr/Coffee

What kind of presses are you purchasing? Things like the French Press and the Aeropress feature a plunger that separates the liquid from the crowns through pressure. That is the "press"ing.

u/Whiskyandtinder · 1 pointr/Coffee

Here's the 8oz Espro Press, which I also highly recommend after breaking my fair share of glass brewing devices.

u/__Vic__ · 1 pointr/Coffee

I'm sure you've heard of it, but espropress is vacuum double walled stainless steel (and a double filtration as well). That'll keep it hot! I usually do around 1:14-15 for FP and only for 2, so maybe 36g : 525g. My wife has a normal mug and I only have a smaller cup. Or maybe 40g : 580g.

u/-cutestofborg- · 1 pointr/AskUK

My husband uses one like this but in stainless steel as I read the plastic ones weren't very good. He likes it and finds that it is well insulated. It's just not leak proof so you have to keep it upright. It also comes with a "normal" lid so you can use it for other beverages.

u/ProfWiki · 1 pointr/kratom

I thought about getting some kind of coffee press type thing to make strong kratom tea using large amounts of kratom. Maybe my body is having problems processing the ground kratom leaf. Think something like this would work for that?

u/goldragon · 1 pointr/Wet_Shavers

I've got a SoftBrew but I use it mostly for teas. I have a Bodum French press that I use for coffee.

u/jja619 · 1 pointr/Coffee

I put this on my wedding registry for my "bulk brew" method for when we have guests over. If you have a large thermal carafe to decant into, you should be good. =)


u/onosendaicyberspace7 · 1 pointr/Coffee

Now you have an excuse to buy this!

I need to get a cat.

u/WinterCharm · 1 pointr/Coffee

For a really good French press, get an Esspro for around $120

It’s a bloody amazing French press with a double walled fine mesh that also gives you the option of adding a filter in between.

Makes amazing French press.

Everyone else’s recommendations on the grinder and other advice is spot on, IMO, but don’t restrict yourself to a “cheap” French press. Buy something you know will last.

u/Gimme_Some_Sunshine · 1 pointr/Coffee

I would think it's primarily the break factor. I could drop an Espro off my countertop and get an unslightly dent that I could bang out. A ceramic would break just like glass.

u/thehackeysack01 · 1 pointr/Coffee

I went with the Hario for 1/2 the price instead and have been satisfied with it, but I'm coming from a press pot background. I prefer the body and oils the metal mesh filters leave. Also I don't mind a little silt in the bottom of the cup. And honestly I bought this for travel use after a long stint on the road in November with terrible hotel coffee so it hasn't seen much wear yet. Just a few test cups around the holidays at the in-laws house.

u/o3ek · 1 pointr/PipeTobacco

found similar here

I hope they won't kick me out to r/coffe_press :D

u/currycurryisland · 1 pointr/Coffee

Hario Paperless Coffee Dripper Black Stainless Steel Filter CFOD-02

You might try this. I have every laborious method at my disposal at home. This one is not perfect but it's quick and it does do a nice job. Also, I haven't had any trouble cleaning the mesh. I guess the only test is that I have yet to see how durable it will be.

u/ccc1912 · 1 pointr/Homebrewing

I bought the Aeropress when it first come out and love it but @ $30 I would say this

u/mghoff330 · 1 pointr/overlanding

Aeropress is convenient and lightweight due to it being plastic.
Jetboil presses don't do the best job at keeping grounds out of your coffee.
Bodum is glass, i.e. breakable.

If you want something that makes delicious coffee, looks fantastic and is absolutely bombproof, I'd recommend the following:


It's a tad on the heavy side, but it's traveled the country with me sans any issue whatsoever. I've had all other coffee making devices break on me at some point, but not this one. Hopefully you can find one in Canada.

u/ShipCaptCrew · 1 pointr/Coffee

Been happy with my Mueller stainless FP I got on amazon after cracking two different glass ones prior.

Mueller French Press Coffee Maker, 20% Heavier 18/10 Stainless Steel, Multi-Screen System, Rust-Free, Dishwasher Safe https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JGBK6XV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_yZYTDbGDWHJQY

u/PTasty · 1 pointr/technology

I ditched the old coffee machine for one of these takes up a lot less space. Easy as can be just add coffee to the cup pour in hot water set a timer 5-7 min, stir and push the plunger down.The insulated ones might seem pricey, but it's built like a tank. I dropped mine once and it broke a tile. They keep the coffee warm for a long time with no chance of burning up. I abuse it terribly, leaving it with coffee and grounds in it for days sometimes. It always comes clean with little effort.

u/nicebum_whereufrom · 0 pointsr/Coffee

Giant french press? Bodum makes steel 8-cup ones.