(Part 3) Best dusting tools according to redditors

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We found 114 Reddit comments discussing the best dusting tools. We ranked the 68 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Feather dusters
Dust cloths
Household dust mops & pads

Top Reddit comments about Dusting Tools:

u/mojank · 16 pointsr/MechanicAdvice

If releasing it into the atmosphere was your concern you might want to ban its sale as air duster or freeze sprays first. Sold under many brands and purposes including medical, but this particular company is electronics oriented. It's only illegal to release in the HVAC context currently (in the USA at least.) Edit: EPA on air dusters. They clearly recognize the issue but haven't done anything about it.

u/ThatOneEntYouKnow · 7 pointsr/minimalism

I've gone round and round on this myself. I think it boils down to how 'clean' things need to be in order to keep you happy. I'm a neat freak. Clorox wipes + Softscrub take care of most of my cleaning needs, but there's a good number of specialty items I get because they simplify my life, and simple is pretty close to minimal for me.

For example, just yesterday I made what is likely a non-minimalist purchase to most: Vinyl floor polish. I used ammonia to strip the floors ($1.25 and 3 hours of scrubbing), but the polish most certainly was not. $12 for a bottle that I'll use maybe once while living in this house. The balance for me is that my scuffed up, dirt-encrusted floors are now sparkling clean and a near mirror shine.

Another one I can think of is toilet tabs... the ones that make the water blue. It means I only have to scrub the toilet every couple of weeks instead of every week and have never had to deal with limescale. I bought a bulk pack and now have to store them in the linen closet, but it was worth it for the time I save to spend on other things.

As far as a simplified kit goes: Clorox wipes are my daily surface cleaner (could be subbed for a jug of any cleaner in a spray bottle, but my roommates won't use it if it's not super-easy), and Soft Scrub w/ Bleach is for the deep clean. I have a pack of scouring pads but found I don't need them, a small plastic bristle brush takes care of most of the scrubbing. The Soft Scrub is great for every surface in the bathroom and kitchen once a week. I have a jug of ammonia for the windows and stainless appliances as needed. Vinegar is already highly used in my kitchen and it can be used for a lot of the same things as ammonia. I have an 8-Pack of dish cloths that serve as my rags and paper towels, and a flip-mop for everything the floors need. I personally avoid soap for everyday cleaning since I notice the streaks and soap scum build up, and it doesn't sterilize/sanitize.

I bought multi-packs of each of these items or big jugs to keep it cheap, and keep them all in a white bucket under the sink / in the closet. I haven't needed additional cleaning supplies other than the wipes in about 3 years now. Even the wipes work out to about $0.04 each, and I use 3-5 in a day.

u/hayberry · 5 pointsr/starterpacks


Or, even better, tear up natural fiber unwanted clothes/textiles and use those, composting them when done. Wool, felted in the washer/dryer is especially good for this.

u/johnny5_is_alive · 3 pointsr/lifehacks

Oooo.....yeah swiffer won't work on the popcorn/texture ceiling.

Maybe try a dry microfiber dry mop, something like this.
Or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment...

I'm just not big on the idea of blowing dust everywhere; because that means I'd have to clean all the other surfaces twice as good.

u/offramppinup · 3 pointsr/BuyItForLife

If you want a real BIFL mop system, go commercial. This mop is awesome and metal. You can really bear down on it to scrub with no worries of breaking plastic pieces. I use it on hardwood and slate floors. The pads velcro on and off easily. I use the dust mop every couple days and then go for the wet pads when the floors look dirty. I have 2 wet pads that I switch between when I go from room to room. They are machine washable, but I don't wash them between every mop, maybe every 4. Get a bucket and some Murphy's oil soap and you'll be set.





u/glitchbox · 2 pointsr/BuyItForLife

Try the [ProMist Microfiber Spray Mop by O-Cedar] (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004HBCIR6/ref=cm_sw_r_udp_awd_mh1gtb14FRKMP)

I have laminate flooring from ikea and have used this mop without fail for the past 2 years. If I want to scrub the floors I use one of those double sided microfiber dishcloths with the netting and attach it to the bottom of the mop (the pads attach with velcro). It works great, and won't damage your floors.

u/SickRose · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

My favorite hobbies are all artistic/decorative in nature and the one thing on my WL I really want right now to that end is peacock feathers!

Thanks for the contest!

what's your hobby by the way? If I had to guess by your wishlist I'd say skateboarding. I'm a bit jealous of that. I lack the balance.

u/aerynjbson · 2 pointsr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

I apologize for the formatting, I'm on mobile.

Mop handle: fiberglass, tough as shit.


Rubbermaid mop heads: again, wash ( regular or gentle, not heavy) and hang dry.


Wring bucket: sturdy, can take alot of use and you can replace the wringer and bucket separately, altho it's going to be at couple years before the wringer needs replaced.


It seems expensive but it's one of those buy for life things.

Dust mop handle: snaps on to the wire frame. You can even replace the pole for like a 8$


Dust mop frame : easy to maneuver, low profile, basically lasts forever even if you run over it with a floor scrubber or gator.:

Dust mops ; you have two options, cloth and microfiber. Both have their strengths and weakness. Both can be washed and hung. Cloth ones last longer and are better for larger spaces and pick up bigger bits of things better.

Microfiber is good if you don't accumulate alot of dirt and dust, works well with pet hair.

Synthetic cloth: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005KD2PQY/ref=psdcmw_10802561_t2_B005KD92SI?th=1&psc=1

Microfiber dust mops need a different frame and handle. They are lighter and thinner but feel light compared to the synthetic cloth and wire frames. The frame relies on a type of velcro grip. Eventually that wears out and you have to replace the heads and handles/frames more often.


Microfiber frame/handle: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005KCOB4Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1510207125&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=microfiber%2Bdust%2Bmop%2Bhandle%2Bframe%2Brubbermaid&dpPl=1&dpID=31kwOkYrU6L&ref=plSrch&th=1&psc=1

For home use, 18/24 inch width should be sufficient.

I swear I'm not a shill. I've just had alot of exp with commercial cleaning products and equipment.

If you ever want some cleaning chemical recommendations hit me up.

u/butsrslymom · 1 pointr/malelivingspace

i really recommend getting a dust mop and some additional heads. https://www.amazon.com/Libman-00195-Microfiber-Dust-Mop/dp/B00FVZ8XNU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499011981&sr=8-1&keywords=libman+dust+mop

you can pick up whatever it doesn't pick up with a dust-buster type vac. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00R1P3WNE/ref=psdc_510112_t1_B01K1XNVW4

i also got one of these the other day and have used it a lot because i don't have to bust out a mop and bucket. I usually put a 50/50 fabuloso/water mix in the jug on the handle. https://www.amazon.com/Libman-CO-4002-Freedom-Spray/dp/B004GI9ZZS

i wish i had known about this set up earlier. they essentially replicate the functions of a swiffer without generating as much waste. it's easier and faster which makes me clean more often. All the heads are machine washable but i've ended up buying two of each.

u/bluesky7174 · 1 pointr/airbnb_hosts

We have a 2 story, 3 bed/3bath house and I do all the cleaning. It takes me about 2 hours. A robot vacuum cleaner like roomba or shark vac helps me out tremendously. I have both and prefer the sh tork over roomba.

Another cleaning product that is great for picking up hair, dust and even glitter is 3M Sweep and Dust sheets. The sheets are a little tacky, which makes it easier to grab almost anything, especially hard to reach area. I use it in the restroom, between the blinds, and every crevices around the house (window, door frame, under bed/cabinet, on furniture, etc.). Hair is one of the biggest complaint guest would mention in their review, so this product actually helps me grab any that I may have missed one I do one final sweep at the end of my cleaning.

3M Easy Trap Duster - Sweep and Dust Sheets, 5" x 6" Sheets; 60 Sheets/Roll https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BN7OVYY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_oshnDbWMY84AD

u/BerlyH208 · 1 pointr/airplaneears
u/InactiveBlacksmith · 1 pointr/HomeImprovement

Bought a house a year ago from a pair of chain smokers. They were also there about 20 years.

I'd recommend cleaning the walls before priming and painting. I had the most success with an ammonia solution like Windex. However the recommended general purpose wall cleaner on this board is TSP. You should be seeing a big yellow stain on whatever you wipe with. That's nicotine. We used a microfiber dust mop like this.

Laminate and tile didn't seem to absorb much if any odor. Carpet and padding did so make sure it was replaced.

Also check if the windows were cleaned. Make sure you have good ventilation during all this cleaning.

u/milky_oolong · 1 pointr/TrollXChromosomes

May I recommend something that totally changed my PMS life?

Microwavable seed/grain plush toys pillows. Yes. Microwavable apple seed plush toy pillows. They are pillows. They are cute. They are shaped like a plush animal. They have seeds inside which get warm in the microwave and give heat for 1/2-1 hour. They are REALLY nice to lay on your belly or put between your back and the back of a chair.

If you need to stay on your feet (I'm so sorry!) they make reusable warmable inserts you can wrap around your waist under your clothes.

But for the home? Go wild:

u/splat313 · 1 pointr/homeowners

If you've got enough hardwood to justify it, I've found that a dry mop is much easier and faster than using a broom.

Dry mop: https://www.amazon.com/Kendal-Commercial-Maxi-Dust-Inch/dp/B015NM7PO8/ref=zg_bs_3310265011_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=SBHZATKRJG84V391MQWJ

u/ecofriend94 · 1 pointr/ZeroWaste

I use the Norwex brand reusable mop, I have a dry and wet pad for it. Norwex Microfiber Superior Mop Package ,Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003FF55XY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_pqk6CbVF1DW4Z

But a lot of people here seem to hate the company and think they aren’t sustainable so. You could do research and make your own opinions

u/[deleted] · 1 pointr/maschine

Riiiight guys. Let me show you my tools.


  1. Pledge Duster, with disposable "fluff".



  2. Pledge Dusting Cloths.



  3. Compressed Air. Per everyone elses advice.

    I use the duster across all my studio. I use the Cloths to clean in nooks and crannys with Toothpicks. Absolutely perfect, no liquid, nothing to build up.