(Part 3) Top products from r/AdviceAnimals

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Top comments that mention products on r/AdviceAnimals:

u/Mosetsfire84 · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

I recommend reading http://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Fast-Slow-Daniel-Kahneman/dp/0374533555 to all of you.

"The Nobel economist points out that “in a predictable world, the stronger CEO would be found to lead the more successful firm 100% of the time.” In a world in which random external factors determine success, the more successful firms would be led by stronger CEOs only 50% of the time. In other words, the effect of top talent might be said to be random. In reality, stronger CEOs lead stronger companies only 60% of the time."

u/Darsint · 6 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

To quote Thinking, Fast and Slow:

"success = talent + luck. great success = a little more talent + a lot of luck"

I have no doubts that you worked hard for your degree and that you have quite a bit of talent. But don't knock the fact that quite a bit of luck was involved in you getting the job you wanted straight out of college and that it was high paying enough to let you pay off your loans right away. My girlfriend has been a teacher for several years and she's been working with the school system since she got out of college. She finished her Master's degree in 2010. She still has at least a decade of payments left before she pays it off.

While you are right that the degree you choose can influence whether you can successfully pay them off in a reasonable time frame, it is by no means the only factor. Painting all of them as stupid crybabies is a disservice to them.

u/derpderpdonkeypunch · 2 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

Instincts are developed by time in the kitchen.

Also, if the stock you're making is hot enough to boil, it's too hot, especially if it's a meat based stock. Once you get the bones above a certain temp, the pores in the bones close up and effective flavor extraction ends. That's why you slowly bring it to a boil, then lightly simmer while skimming.

You need to do some research. I suggest watching every episode of Good Eats, with Alton Brown, that you can. It's corny, but it's a great primer on the basics of a hugely wide variety of foods, food science, techniques, and cuisines over 14 seasons of the show.

Additionally, if you are inclined towards the technical side of things, On Food and Cooking; The Science and Lore of the Kitchen is a fantastic reference manual.

u/yeahbuddy · 5 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

You are much better off doing this. Disposable blades are a colossal, sucky ripoff.

100 blades - Made in Russia - for $9

The best soap - Made in England - for $15

Merkur razor - Made in Germany - for $32

Badger hair brush - $13

The best aftershave - Made in Italy - $14

So, $83 with money to spare and it's all you need for at least 12 months. The Art of Shaving is neat, but it's grossly overpriced. Clearly they have latched on to the hipster instagrammy nature of society with a price tag to match. I have some of their sandlewood soap and while nice, it's no better than the soap I listed.

It's funny how classic shaving is all of a sudden a trendy thing. All I know is I love it. I came from the 3 NO 4 NO 5 NO a BILLION blade world. It's a joke. Just go old school and take your time. Enjoy the ritual. Baby bottom smooth in 7 minutes. Modern disposable cartridges are a sad scam that society has fallen for. Complete and total scam.

May as well toss this in...especially if you travel. Love mine.

Parker leather razor case - $14

Thats a full year of supplies and a lifetime worth of hardware (minus the badger brush). Think about that for a minute...

u/wigg1es · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

Buy one of these. It will pay for itself the first year you use it.


It seems like a crap money-grubbing scam, but it really works and will save you from buying new strings and bulbs every year. It's amazing.

u/infinull · 60 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

Black people wanting to know how be a black friend or how to be a better black friend, should check out How to be Black.

(Everyone who isn't black should also read it, but mostly because it is inspiring and hilarious)

u/william_fontaine · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

Don't let her see the EZ Off opener: https://www.amazon.com/EZ-Off-NA-Jar-Opener/dp/B000X6K9J8

Got this for my mom a few years ago and her jar opening success rate went from 25% to 100%.

u/Integrals · 14 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

Look into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy books such as Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy.

I have mild depression and severe anxiety and it has done WONDERS.

It is NOT a silver bullet but it is much better than nothing. Results show that it is just as effective as meds.


u/UneducatedGenuis · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

As for the phobia of driving into water and not being able to get the seat belt off you should buy one of these. They are very easy to use, cheap, and simply place it in your glove compartment. They even come with one that comes on a key chain. Solve your phobia, save money from tickets, and give you the responsibility to help break your habit.

Edit: Here's the key chain one

u/truecrisis · 0 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

Try reading this. It's not a guide, it's a story of someone's life. Really interesting read. I think it would really be in your interests surrounding your situation.

u/NateDawg007 · 2 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

Or read this book. Amazing science up in here.

u/academician · 5 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

I'd recommend getting a multitool or something that looks like you got it at a hardware store. Or if you're serious about having something to break your windows in an emergency, maybe something designed for that purpose like this or this.

u/elaphros · 2 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

There's a motion activated air spray can that makes it so you don't even have to get up.

For example: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000RIA95G

There's probably better ones, that was a 10 second google search.

u/a_junebug · 3 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

Des that mean you have not yet had the opportunity to have some Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 gallon, 128 fl. Oz.?

u/Twisty757 · 2 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

the only written copy i have seen is this, http://www.amazon.ca/Bro-Code-Barney-Stinson/dp/143911000X . And the code is really courtesy to a fellow bro.

u/Phocks7 · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

Something like this? I don't go on Amazon much as they rarely ship to Australia

u/Mexi_Cant · 2 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

I typed a long way to fix it using a multimeter or a Non-Contact Voltage Tester and it deleted itself. I even had a joke. Just Get this LIght fixer thing that works

a found you a video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAzbqMTrp40

u/pgoetz · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

Not poot, dumb: there's a huge difference. You can be poor and smart (although I agree this is less common). Sadly, it appears that about 80% or so of intelligence is heritable

u/thescott2k · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

My wife and I bought a house from an old lady and there was this thing mounted under the cabinets. Took us a real long time to figure out it was for opening jars.

It's like this: https://www.amazon.com/EZ-Off-NA-Jar-Opener/dp/B000X6K9J8/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1469291124&sr=8-9&keywords=jar+opener

u/thebellrang · 3 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

You need to get ssscat spray.


This is worth every penny, and we have two! One is currently under the Christmas tree, and one is outside our bedroom door. We don't even leave them on anymore because the cats are afraid that they'll be sprayed and don't go near them.

u/GazaIan · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

Jesus, how old and behind the times is everyone in this thread? There's way too many of you using FM radio here that don't even like it. Invest in an auxiliary cable if you have an aux port. There are cars that probably date back to the 90s with aux ports. Oldest vehicle in my family that's got one is my dad's Sienna from '06. My 09 Accord has it.

Maybe you're driving something really, really old. Maybe, for some bizarre reason, you still have a cassette player in your car. Get yourself a casette adapter. Inserts into your cassette player, and you plug the other end into your phone, your iPod, whatever. Get Pandora, get Spotify, get Rhapsody (I recommend Rhapsody, it plays new shit depending on the artist).

I just use an iPod, aux cable, and play through that. So much more convenient than ever using that FM Radio that hardly plays music, and when it does, I heard the same song 9 times in an hour.

u/Mr-Echo · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

Been working on this box for over a year.

u/gjallard · 2 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

And also get and read this book,

On Food and Cooking: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0684800012

You'll see Alton Brown occasionally holding this book during his shows. It is NOT a cookbook, it is a manual on WHY cooking does what it does.

u/cant_help_myself · 5 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

A dime a blade and your shave is better than with the expensive piece of shit disposables you're currently using.

u/StrangeGlue · 3 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

I bought two of these. No risk of getting other things wet, and it's hilarious every time it goes off! http://www.amazon.com/Ssscat-PDT00-13914-SSSCAT-Cat-Training/dp/B000RIA95G

u/Semiorganic · 17 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

I dunno if they're real reviews though. I don't know where all the people come from, but there's some sort of Amazon Funny Reviews Brigade that posts a lot of comments on a lot of obscure and absurd items (for example the banana slicer, "For Her" pens, and Tuscan Whole Milk)

u/ThatNetworkGuy · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

We would have thrown out our older artificial tree due to dead strands years ago if not for this thing.

Makes fixing the strands infinitely less tedious than the old "check every single bulb one at a time" plan.

u/tkms · 0 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

> (very logical intuitive) conclusions

FTFY. This is not to discount the rest of your post (I'm not addressing it), but just because something feels correct intuitively doesn't mean it is, and in this case I seriously doubt the people who came to this conclusion applied any strenuous mental arithmetic (logic/reason) to arrive at it. Rather, they applied some general heuristic and drew a conclusion from associations they'd previously made. This is why pieces of legislation are cleverly named with hard-to-oppose or hard-to-discuss names -- because such names cause people to make intuitive conclusions about it before applying any reason, and make opposition to it sound awful.

The Patriot Act, Affordable Care Act, No Child Left Behind -- opposition to any of these things, whatever the basis, triggers an intuitive conclusion in others based on the name and stated purpose of the piece of legislation. Someone opposing The Patriot Act for whatever reasons would just be seen as "wanting the terrorists to win". Someone opposing No Child Left Behind, for whatever issues they have with it, would be seen as "hating child education".

Someone opposing Affirmative Action would be seen as "being racist", but that's an intuitive conclusion which comes before you apply reasoning and investigate whether racial motivations have anything to do with it. And that's very much not logical.

I have to give thanks to Daniel Kahneman's research on human decision making for making me aware of these distinctions, and apologize to him for butchering it as I relay some of the concepts. He would call this intuitive, heuristic style of thinking "system 1 thinking", and slow mental arithmetic & reason "system 2 thinking".

u/damukobrakai · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

If you aren't honest or rational enough to admit asshole is a curse word than you are not capable of having a logical argument. This is why I won't debate with you. You repeated make irrational arguments. It's a waste of time to reason with someone who doesn't have the tools to think logically. You're come off as angry, rude, ignorant and arrogant. I'm only bothering to explain this because I would rather you come away from this with something useful. You need to learn how to think and communicate rationally. I recommend the two following books:

Beyond Emotions: a guide to critical thinking.

A well reviewed book on cognitive psychology like this one:

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns

"The good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other "black holes" of depression can be cured without drugs. In Feeling Good, eminent psychiatrist, David D. Burns, M.D., outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life. Now, in this updated edition, Dr. Burns adds an All-New Consumer′s Guide To Anti-depressant Drugs as well as a new introduction to help answer your questions about the many options available for treating depression."

  • Recognise what causes your mood swings
  • Nip negative feelings in the bud
  • Deal with guilt
  • Handle hostility and criticism
  • Overcome addiction to love and approval
  • Build self-esteem
  • Feel good everyday
u/armrha · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

I see that word 'guilty' thrown around a lot on this issue.

I'll be clear, I think the systemic oppression of blacks in the US is an enormous crime and the ramifications will be felt for probably thousands of years.

That said, I don't want anybody to feel guilty. Guilty feelings aren't going to make anything better, it's a negative emotion that breaks you down as a person. Guilt isn't something you should feel, but you should be aware of the advantages you have and the disadvantages other people have. It's that blindness to the privilege that just makes people furious -- And even not having contributed to slavery in your past, your whiteness has led to you benefiting from racist society. Like this comic illustrates (someone else in the thread linked it already, good comic though.).

It's only natural that people get downright angry about it. Some people will be furious. Some people get so many doors slammed in their faces that they get bitter, and they start only seeing the advantaged as cogs in the system of oppression. That's not a good thing of course, but can you really blame them? A lifetime of being generalized and marginalized, those frustrations are going to go somewhere. I'm sorry if people are always venting on you, but a lot of people just want to see some awareness of that privilege -- some perspective on what it means to be white versus what it means to be black in this country.

That book reddit is always making fun of, 'How to Be Black', is actually a very funny but sometimes very painful book for anybody to read about racial issues in America. If Reddit would stop laughing at its hilariously over-repeated joke pretending it's an instruction manual and read it, they'd understand the title. I don't know, just an example of something I see popping up a lot that shows a lack of perspective. But anyway, good luck to you and thanks for the response.