(Part 3) Best aquariums & fish bowls according to redditors

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We found 719 Reddit comments discussing the best aquariums & fish bowls. We ranked the 184 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Aquarium starter kits
Fish bowls

Top Reddit comments about Aquariums & Fish Bowls:

u/TurMoiL911 · 29 pointsr/army

This is the most insane part about this story for him. I was trying to visualize just how much blood that actually is. That's literally this filled entirely with blood meant for a single person.

u/Silver_kitty · 21 pointsr/Aquariums

I flipped through the 23 pages of "Pet supplies" and selected every fish-related item I saw. Times are in EDT.
Prime Day Fish Deals:

API Products:

u/feignnocence · 18 pointsr/bettafish

I could be wrong, but I'm relatively certain it's this tank, which is .9 gallons.

u/BrilliantNova · 12 pointsr/shrimptank

I was in your shoes not too long ago, it's overwhelming! Here's a list of things that I bought, but I am not an expert so if others have better input go for that:


  • 10 gallon tank with hood
  • Broad Spectrum Light The one that came with the hood did not provide enough for the plants, you definitely need to invest in a broad spectrum bulb.
  • CaribSea Flora Max Substrate I learned that shrimp prefer darker color substrate, this was worth the investment! My shrimp were so unhappy with cheap gravel, after switching to this substrate they are very active.
  • Air pump
  • Sponge filter
  • Heater, maybe optional for you?
  • Thermometer
  • Gallon Bucket
  • Siphon
  • Seachem Prime Because it's a smaller tank, I ended up poking a pinhole sized hole in the seal so that I could use it as drops rather than pouring it in.
  • [Seachem Stability] (https://www.amazon.com/Seachem-67101230-Stability-500ml/dp/B0002APIIW/ref=sr_1_1?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1499786377&sr=1-1&keywords=seachem+stability) Use this while you're cycling your tank, follow the instructions.
  • API Test Kit
  • Feeding Tray For the longest time I was really confused as to how the feeding tray worked, you can either get a tube or pre-soak the pellets and then drop them into the tray using long tweezers. This will help prevent ammonia/nitrite spikes.
  • Long Tweezer Set
  • Pellets Do also feed them blanched vegetables, make sure to peel the skin and buy organic to avoid chemicals/pesticides
  • Timer Outlet Worth the investment! So you don't have to keep remembering to turn the light on and off.

    Shop for whatever is cheaper, I have a huge heater because I had an extra one from before. I've read that it's not necessary but also have read that if you want them to breed you need to stimulate warm water. For now, I keep the heater off and leave it at room temperature of 72F. They seem very happy! Most important in my opinion, add plenty of plants and a marimo ball or 2.

    Lastly, I'm unsure of the siphon, I think it's good to have a bucket and siphon just in case your water parameters are looking bad so you are prepared to do a water change. From what I read, shrimp have a very low bio load and should be able to sustain themselves. Make sure to do tests regularly.

    EDIT I just read that this is your first aquarium, so here is a detailed write up:

    Setting up your tank

    1. Find a stable top to place your aquarium on, keep in mind a well sunlit room will mean more plant/algae growth. Make sure it's sturdy and made for heavy objects, don't want to place it on a flimsy shelf or it might break! I keep mine on top a waterproof place mat because water drips are going to happen.
    1. Rinse everything as a precaution! NEVER use dish soap!! If you must sanitize, vinegar is okay. Just make sure to rinse thoroughly. Also, NEVER use any kind of soap on your hands before handling things, just rinse well with water. Add your substrate, I lightly rinsed mine as there are beneficial bacteria living inside the substrate, pour it in. Make sure it's at least 2" of floor. Your water will be cloudy if you bought the substrate I listed, don't worry as it will settle after an hour and be clear.
    1. Fill water half way, use a small plate and pour the water on top of that to avoid the substrate being pushed around. NEVER use hot water! If you're using tap water be sure to always use cold water. It's also recommended to purchase "RO water" (Reverse Osmosis Water) as some times your tap water can be too "hard". The best thing to do is use the test kit on tap water and go from there. If the kH/gH are very high 100+ you will need to use RO water. I like to place my plants and decor now while the tank is half full. Place in your thermometer, heater, sponge filter, etc. After that, continue to fill all the way to the top remembering to aim the stream on top the plate. Leave about a half to an inch from the top.
    1. Take out plate, plug in filter, add in Seachem Prime and Seachem Stability. Please read the label for instructions and dosage according to your tank size. Since there is nothing inside you can add it after you've added the water to the tank. Moving forward, be sure to add the chemicals in the water bucket BEFORE pouring into the tank.
    1. Turn on filter, wait for the water to settle and temperature to come up. They say shrimp can tolerate 52F to 86F but ideally room temperature water is best, this is where your water heater will come into play. Follow which ever cycling method you choose before purchasing your shrimp. This can take up to 6 weeks.

      After your tank has cycled

    1. When adding your shrimp, there are many methods, the way I acclimate my shrimp is:
    1. Put the shrimp in a 1 gallon tub using the water that they came in.
    1. Drop in a tablespoon of the tank water, ONCE every 2 minutes.
    1. After the water has reached 1/3 old water, 2/3rd new water, your shrimp are ready to be placed into your tank.

      Please don't skip the important step of acclimating your shrimp! They are very sensitive to water changes and this ensures that they will survive.

      Here are my water parameters, people have all kinds of ranges but this is what works for me:

  • kH: 60 / gH: 40 / pH: 7.0 / NO2: 0 / NO3: 20 / Ammonia: 0 / Temperature: 72F

    I hope this helps... again, I was in your shoes not too long ago, it was really overwhelming. But after a lot of research I think my tank is in a good place :). Other users, if there's anything in my list that seems incorrect please let me know!
u/ky1e · 10 pointsr/Aquariums

The betta in the picture is Murphy, he's been my fish for one year now. Before now, he was in a bowl. No filter, no heater, no light. I changed half the water once a week and fully cleaned the bowl once a month, but beyond that I was not treating Murphy properly.

The last few weeks Murphy wasn't looking good. His fins became small and didn't fan out, he just hung out in his cave all day. I didn't want to lose him, so I decided to finally get a proper tank. All of my friends tell me "No, Bettas are just fine in a bowl, they're made for that," but from reading online and seeing them in stores, bettas are not supposed to be in bowls.

So here's my setup:

  • Tank: Fluval Spec 2 gallon -$45

  • Heater: Fluval 25w compact -$20

  • Decoration: White rocks, plastic plant, rock cave ~$15

  • Fish: Basic betta fish -$3

    Yeah yeah, it's a lot for a 3 dollar fish, but I like Murphy a lot and I'm happy to see him happy. In the new tank he moves around, he's starting a bubble nest, and he eats. The difference in his behavior is night and day. And the Fluval Spec is a pretty sweet tank, it's got a built in filter, pump, and light, and it looks great.
u/sage89 · 7 pointsr/ReefTank

If you want a small tank I would recommend something like this

Bare minimum for 2 clowns is 10 gallons if you stay on top off water quality. 20 is reccomended.

Anemones are difficult to keep, and if you get one will most likely turn your clowns into territorial assholes if they host it.

u/DreamGirly_ · 6 pointsr/Aquariums

well how big is it?


so it's 4 gallons and would still need a heater. It's bigger than 2,5 gal, but also smaller than 5gal so on the small side. There is plenty of horizontal space, at least if the sides are thick enough so the betta can still turn its ass... the bg thing is pretty cool.

u/jynnjynn · 6 pointsr/bettafish

Depends on how much you can spend, but I really like this tank for a 3gallon tank. It's attractive, reasonably priced, real glass, and it comes with the filter and a light that is strong enough to grow the lower light easy plants that are popular in betta tanks (anubias, java fern/moss, marimo balls, whatever)

You will also need a heater, unless you live somewhere where the ambient temp where you keep the tank is going to be in the mid to high 70s year round. It is kind of tough to heat a tank as small as 3gallons without overheating, but I have had really good luck with this heater. Its the smallest heater with a thermostat ive found, so it will turn itself off when it reaches the desired temp. Bettas are tropical fish and will do best with their water around 78 to 80 degrees.

Easiest way to change the water is going to be buying a siphon, or just a ~3' long piece of fountain tubing from the hardware store, and using it as a siphon, and then pouring clean, treated water back in with.. whatever thing you wanna use to pour water in your tank :P

u/how_fedorable · 3 pointsr/bettafish

bettafix and salt are more effective against bacterial infections, and this looks more like something fungal to me. What kind of medications are available to you?

The ragged fins and pinholes do indicate finrot, so the waterchanges, salt, and IAL will prob help with that. They might not help enough to also let your buddy get over the fungal infection on his own. Any chance you can order something like fungus eliminator or API fungus cure?

u/Ralierwe · 3 pointsr/shrimptank

Something doesn't match: it's either 2.6 gal or 15x15x15 cm (0.9 gal, Marine Cubus). Looks like 2.6 gal, though.

I would add much more plants, stemmed, floating, mosses. Dwarf shrimp feed on biofilm, growing on tank surfaces. They also will provide more shelters for babies and molted adults, that are vulnerable.

Cholla wood, Indian almond leaf (or any other leaf litter, suitable for shrimp), maybe snowflake pellet, there are DIY kinds too.

Feeding dish, like Petri dish, should help to keep substrate cleaner.

More intense light, warmer spectrum (6700K max) will allow microalgae grow faster.

Main essentials are:

  • water, suitable for this kind of shrimp

  • cycled tank

  • slow changes, shrimp die from too big or too fast changes

  • knowing how shrimp keeping differs from fish keeping. See more on this subreddit.
u/SigmaLance · 3 pointsr/PlantedTank

From his previous posts:


So after many months of planning and figuring out what i waned to do, I finally decide to bite the bullet and get into the planted tank hobby (I kept ranchus before this).

If you guys have any tips or anything advice that would help me out much appreciation!

For right now I am waiting for the drawf hairgrass carpet to grow out, and my piece of wood to become waterlogged so it doesn't float.
I tied down java moss so the wood looks like a tree.

Dont judge me, I know its hella cliche, but i think it would look good.

I am replacing the HOB with a canister filther (Finnex px-360) and using lily glass pipes for my intake and output, so i can achieve that more minimalistic vibe.

For those wondering my CO2 set up, I am using [this] (https://aquaforestaquarium.com/collections/co2-systems/products/archaea-co2-regulator-pro-single-gauge-fits-cga-320), so far its pretty good. It has the adapter so i can connect to a 5lb paint ball co2 canister. I have it connected to a timer, so its pretty hands free system.

The only thing I want to change is my CO2 diffuser, its good for its price point(only 10.99). But I feel like if I spend a little more I could get something better.

If you guys want links to what I have bought:

CO2 regulator

Glass lily pipes (still havent arrived so I dont know if they are good, I have heard mixed reviews about it)

CO2 Indicator

Canister filter


And all the plants i got from aqua forrest in SF

u/TheGreatDonut · 3 pointsr/PlantedTank


So after many months of planning and figuring out what i waned to do, I finally decide to bite the bullet and get into the planted tank hobby (I kept ranchus before this).

If you guys have any tips or anything advice that would help me out much appreciation!

For right now I am waiting for the drawf hairgrass carpet to grow out, and my piece of wood to become waterlogged so it doesn't float.
I tied down java moss so the wood looks like a tree.

Dont judge me, I know its hella cliche, but i think it would look good.

I am replacing the HOB with a canister filther (Finnex px-360) and using lily glass pipes for my intake and output, so i can achieve that more minimalistic vibe.

For those wondering my CO2 set up, I am using [this] (https://aquaforestaquarium.com/collections/co2-systems/products/archaea-co2-regulator-pro-single-gauge-fits-cga-320), so far its pretty good. It has the adapter so i can connect to a 5lb paint ball co2 canister. I have it connected to a timer, so its pretty hands free system.

The only thing I want to change is my CO2 diffuser, its good for its price point(only 10.99). But I feel like if I spend a little more I could get something better.

If you guys want links to what I have bought:

CO2 regulator

Glass lily pipes (still havent arrived so I dont know if they are good, I have heard mixed reviews about it)

CO2 Indicator

Canister filter


And all the plants i got from aqua forrest in SF

u/mmkayt · 3 pointsr/bettafish

I think it depends on how large you want his permanant home to be. If it's 5 gal or over, then I would worry about cycling it before adding the fish. I've heard that cycling anything smaller can be difficult to maintain, and I've never bothered to do so with my 2.5g tanks. Only my 6.6g tank is cycled. I do 2x weekly water changes with the 2.5g

If you want a large tank, I'd say get a medium size Kritter Keeper and set that up as his temporary home as your bigger tank cycles. Kritter Keepers are pretty cheap- around $10 and the medium size is around 2.5g.

Here are some of my faves:


I get these cheaper at my local Petsmart ($14.99)

Great for small tanks

This is what I heat my 6.6g with

Prime water conditioner

These are awesome silk plants

u/Subiepride · 3 pointsr/Aquariums

It looks a lot like my marineland 5 gallon except the filter intake hole looks different. It may be the 3 gallon version.

Edit - yup it is. Marineland Contour Glass Aquarium Kit with Rail Light, 3-Gallon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GOFSB6U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i08dAbCGTA5CB

u/suxer · 3 pointsr/bettafish

As stated in title, Fishy is the newest member of our household.

My first instinct was to read up on bettas and in doing so, found this subreddit.

I have several doubts, such as:

  • what kind of betta is this?

  • Is it healthy? (Ive seen more vibrant colors on pics posted here)

  • Can/Should I pair it with other fish?

  • Are pellets preferred over flakes?

    As per suggestions on this sub, I think buying a bigger tank is my number 1 priority; im currently looking into a Tetra Tank (3 Gallons), this one is favored by my wife, as she finds its aesthetically pleasing (and I agree). However, most people suggest a 5 Gallon tank, so Im also looking into a GloFish Tank, we both dislike the blue led on this model and the black plastic lid it comes with.

    In any case, we're also looking to buy the following:

  • heater

  • Thermometer

  • Silk plant

  • Log/Hiding spot

  • Filter * which we think we would only buy if we get the Tetra Tank, as per amazon commenters suggestions.

    We already have a net (for scooping), drops to dechlorinate water, aquarium salt (for cleaning) and what you see already in the tank.

    Please help us give this fish an awesome life!

    PS.: We are not in the US, if it even matters.
u/AsthmaticAudino · 3 pointsr/Aquariums

Here's a link to a 7.5 gallon version in case you are interested. I use it as a betta tank and it works great.

u/colinq · 2 pointsr/bettafish

I believe it's this guy. Got it from my LFS for $75. Pretty good considering it's a 10 gallon with light, filter, dechlorinator, instant cycle, and thermometer. Got the gravel and heater separate for ~$30 each. Could probably have done it cheaper but I wanted him out of that bowl asap.

u/KZHX · 2 pointsr/Aquariums
u/gaelicsteak · 2 pointsr/bettafish

I have the 3 gallon version of this (I don't know if the 3 gallon is made anymore.) You should also get him a heater, gravel, and a thermometer. I support the Craigslist route as well, you can find some really good deals there.

u/Fredthecoolfish · 2 pointsr/bettafish

I got my Sammy at Petco and while he was kind of skittish and lethargic for the first week, after seven or so days in a filtered, heated, 5 gallon tank he was the coolest little guy- loved to come up and say hi, watched people all the time, super interactive. Like having a puppy in fish form. Also he was the cutest mofo ever.

That said, I'm only buying fish from a local place I found now, just because they're so awesome. Comparable prices, but way more knowledgeable and more selection; all their fish are happy and healthy (none of those I-wish_I-were-dead bettas!) and just a cool place to go look at stuff. If you can find a place like that, I'd highly recommend it!

*I almost forgot about the tank! I have this one, with a custom-cut glass lid that a local shop did for me for $15, and I have this heater. I LOVE it, it works great, and Sams looked so elegant in there (now that Sammy's gone, it's the home to two dwarf puffers who also seem to love it). Some may say that heater is overkill, but I went through three others of increasing wattage (including the one made for the tank), and none had the kind of horsepower I needed to get my tank to a safe temperature up from the ~50-60 degrees it is in my room in winter. When I was younger, I had this tank,, which comes with the lid already. I think that lid is really pretty important- my first betta died by jumping, and aside from being really sad, I found him in the morning, after he'd dried...to the carpet...and was a bit difficult to peel off. So kind of added insult to injury.

Either way, I'd definitely recommend starting with a kit, as it really just tends to be cheaper to get them all together. I like real plants, but I always ask for low-light ones myself-I am just too lazy to get extra lighting! But the real plants can help keep things happy and healthy, especially in a tank that small. I use sand over a planting substrate, because sand was nice and soft for my froggy and the substrate was what the plants wanted.

Hope this helped! I realize it's a TON of info. TL;DR, Petco fish can be fine if you don't pick a sick one and take care of them; 5g tank should really be the minimum; tank kits are going to be easier and cheaper; don't forget a heater!

u/ScienceGeek386 · 2 pointsr/siacoin

Seems like I will start this project since there is plenty of people supporting this. I mean is not a bad idea, and it will be a cheaper response to the new obelisk immersion, Here is a list of the things (materials) I am thinking in using:

-Obelisk SC1 3400$: https://www.amazon.com/Obelisk-SC1-Miner-Batch-Hand/dp/B07K8WYMP1/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?keywords=obelisk+sc1&qid=1550978014&s=gateway&sr=8-1-fkmrnull

-10 gallon fish tank for 23.79$: https://www.amazon.com/Aqua-Culture-Gallon-Empty-Aquarium/dp/B06XQQKDL8/ref=sr_1_25?keywords=fish+tank&qid=1550977811&s=gateway&sr=8-25

-10 Gallons of mineral Oil 89.99$: 2 x https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VNI1JH6/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A394TN1KG6QJPX&psc=1


Obelisk SC1 Immerse in mineral oil (Ghetto Style) Total: 3603$

I think that is pretty much it, do you think there is anything else that could be included in this list?

u/cant_have_nicethings · 2 pointsr/Parenting

Thanks for your feedback. I think that might be the right route. Is there a particular make/model of aquarium or stand that you recommend?

I'm thinking about this aquarium but maybe I'll go with acrylic instead.

Marina Style Deluxe Glass Aquarium Kit
by Marina
Link: http://amzn.com/B0035H5H8K

u/meinthebox · 2 pointsr/Aquariums

The Fluval spec is smaller than the spec iii. It has a round hole in the top.

Fluval SPEC Desktop Glass Aquarium, 2-gallon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0047XMQBM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_byNGDb8SC566M

Fluval Spec III Aquarium Kit, 2.6-Gallon, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009K0ZKAQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_TyNGDbWPG4FTQ

u/FartingWhooper · 2 pointsr/bettafish

Here is a 2 on sale. I think you're a great fish owner and your current set up is fine with attention. But if you find a 2.5 I definitely think you should upgrade. It isn't much bigger to you but a big difference to him. And it will be easier to care for.

The good thing with that one is there are no corners that I can see. Mine always fights himself in the corners of tanks.

u/MrDegausser · 2 pointsr/Aquariums

This one is fairly attractive considering everything that comes with it.

That being said, Petco is doing a $1 per gallon sale. So a 10 gallon would be ten bucks, but it doesn't come with the heater or filter or chemicals or anything, so it's a bit of a trade off.

u/peter__venkman · 2 pointsr/reddit.com

Get a cool Betta fish setup.

Tank (click the "add all three to cart" link for the thermometer and and heater, an LED comes with the tank)

Leaf Bed

What's that? You have almost $150 left after buying food, substrate, your betta, and a plant? Buy some legos, chicken strips, cheap slippers and a robe.

u/sam_eats_children · 2 pointsr/Aquariums

I've listed pretty much all I can think of. :)

The tank from Amazon will work great, Marineland Eclipse systems are very good tanks and have good filters. I personally don't like the hex shape much, I find it obstructs the view and seems less panoramic. I prefer something like the Marineland Eclipse 5 gallon Corner Aquarium. Just remember to cycle it before you put fish in and you're all good!

Another option for tanks is to find a 'plain' tank, just the aquarium with no filter or hood equipment, and choose your own filter and lid; it might be cheaper if you can find the stuff.. You can usually find them in 2.5 or 5.5 gallon sizes and higher. Some come with glass plates as a lid, some have to be bought separately or made (or you can just use plastic wrap as a lid to keep the betta from jumping out!). If you go this route, the filter I would suggest is the Red Sea Deco Art Nano Filter. I'm just suggesting this because it might be cheaper if you are on a budget.

u/boughsmoresilent · 1 pointr/nanotank

I'm not OP but the back looks exactly like mine so I'm guessing it's a Marineland 3g ContourMarineland 3g Contour.

u/awfulOz · 1 pointr/Aquariums

It's this one but they don't sell it anymore. What do you mean problems with snails? I have a mystery that kept pooping too much on my new white sand so he's currently in a plastic hospital tank until I get this new one running.

u/DerpyCubone · 1 pointr/Aquariums

Hello! I'm looking to start a 20G tank with a Betta and a few tank mates that will play nice. Along with some easy to care for live plants. I've found 2 starter kits on Amazon and was wanting to see if these would be good place to start. There is this one and then This second one. I don't think either comes with a heater so I would have to snag that. Basicly wondering if the filters and lights will be enough or if it would be way cheaper to buy all the parts by themselves.

u/Vettit · 1 pointr/Aquariums

The picture is of this tank, a 4 gallon that I painted the over the stock leafy nonsense a while back when it was a small salt water tank. the stock LEDs are not super powerful, so I just have some dwarf val grass, and marimo moss that was flattened out.

Anyway, I got 10 of each shrimp and I am hoping they will breed. I also have a 55 gallon that I am dedicating to one of the color variants. The 55 gallon has a lot of green in it, so I am thinking maybe the blue shrimp would pop in there(also they are the ones I want to breed the most and hopefully the larger sized aquarium will facilitate this), and maybe the red in the tank in the photograph. Ultimately, I keep 3-5 shrimp in the jarrariums I make, I just wanted to get a good stock of breeding shrimp in different colors. I plan to keep the neon yellows in a large jarrarium I am planning.

Any thoughts? Welcoming any ideas to improve the pictured tank. I am prone to putting TOO much stuff in tanks(plants/rocks/driftwood) and this one is the most minimal I have done. Fighting the urge to load it up with more drift wood.

u/taruun · 1 pointr/Aquariums

I live in Sweden, and while really tiny tanks seem pretty rare in the pet shops here, I've actually seen this thing in a local shop. That is a bowl, if you ask me...

We do have fairly decent animal protection laws, but the big issue with fish is that there are so many different species with different requirements. Therefore, the laws are very general. The laws pretty much state that everything about an aquarium should meet the species' requirements when it comes to size, filtration, tank mates, food etcetera.

Here is a short version of the laws about keeping fish in Sweden. In Swedish unfortunately, and I can't get the Google Translate link to work for some reason.

u/hWatchMod · 1 pointr/Aquariums

I think I can help with this! Recently my Dwarf Gourami in a community tank developed a spot of fungus on one of his fins. I treated it with Jungle TB630W Tank Buddies Fungus Clear Tablets. It took about 3-4 days of treatment but the fungus went away immediately.

I was also concerned about my cycle and other inhabitants. I can tell you that my cycle never skipped a beat. I did remove the charcoal from the filter as directed. In the tank were Cories, Otos, Tetras, cherry shrimp, neritle snails and amano shrimp. No creatures showed any signs of stress and there were 0 deaths from the treatment.

I have a 20g tall tank, I took (2) tablets and mixed them into a quart of tank water. I poured probably 75% of that quart into the tank and left it alone for 4 days. I did not do the full treatment as I was worried about overdosing but I dont think there would have been any issue with adding the rest.

Do note, this stuff stains anything it touches. A spot of undissolved tablet touched a piece of cholla wood and now there's a small blue stain. Just make sure its fully disolved before adding it to the tank.

The water did turn blue blue initially, then faded out after a few days, returning to normal color after at 25% water change on day 4.

I hope this helps! It was very stressful experience since I've never had to deal with fungus before but everyone came out happy and healthy.

Here is the tank 1 day after the 25% water change.

u/marvic2409 · 1 pointr/shrimptank
u/ClassyCanids · 1 pointr/AquaSwap

I’m sure you could find it cheaper elsewhere

And I didn’t care for the tackiness of the plant stickers since my tank is planted so I just scratched it off.

u/rgraves22 · 1 pointr/ReefTank

Evo saltwater kit


It did come with the led light and ballast, filter, and pump

We got 2 bags of live sand, and a live rock

10 galons of RO water

And a heater.

u/caricpatto · 1 pointr/Aquariums

Marina Floating Breeding Trap

I've seen them at almost every chain store too.

u/HuffIepuff · 1 pointr/Aquariums

For the 37 gallon, is it a column? I have a 37 column and 37 is kinda a weird number, which is why I ask. If so, you'll want to get a mix of high, mid, and low swimmers. Mine has psuedomogil furcata rainbows for the high, killi oryzias woworae for mid, peacock gudgeons for low, and blue neon stripe gobies for the BBA problem I had some time ago. I also have a cholla tree skeleton (roots, trunk, and limbs) that looks really nice in it (purchased on etsy for about $40). You could go with the typical schooling fish, but you'll probably have those in your nano and diversity is nice.

I like this nano: https://smile.amazon.com/Penn-Plax-Radius-Curved-Aquarium-7-5-Gallon/dp/B0069RTX3I/
The filter is comes with is decent but the light is meh, unless you want to use to supplement your main/real/big boy light

u/NexusCoder · 1 pointr/Aquariums

I'm assuming the sponge needs to get replaced any chance I could use a black plastic wall or something? Fluval makes something I like but its 25gal not a 30gal http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FG1GKL6/ref=sxr_pd_sm_se3?pf_rd_t=301&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=2417891702&pf_rd_i=black+plastic+sheet&pf_rd_r=1PF07RFZD1DVY1J5K7D6&pf_rd_s=desktop-rhs-carousels&ie=UTF8&qid=1462992282&sr=3

I guess I might be able to do something as a DIY setup with some plexiglass? Maybe just buy a custom sized sheet and cut some holes in it so I can allow for water circulation http://www.amazon.com/24-36-Acrylic-Plexiglass-Opaque/dp/B00IWACK1W/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1462992448&sr=8-4&keywords=black+plexiglass

u/[deleted] · 1 pointr/PlantedTank

Its a light that came with my tank, its nothing super special. I don't know if a picture will much help, but I'll attach pictures of both my tanks https://imgur.com/a/Dazjk

Also this is the 25g, but I can't find a specific wattage. https://www.amazon.com/Fluval-Accent-Glass-Aquarium-25-Gallon/dp/B00FG1GKL6?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0

u/costallee · 1 pointr/bettafish

Honestly, your best bet for budget options would be Petsmart's Top Fin aquariums, or Petco's Aqueon aquariums. :( Both brands have relatively cheap 5 gallon tanks that you can buy. Those are really your best bets. If you are able to save up for a while, or get your sister to pitch in, you could look into like the fluval edge or even one of the penn-plax aquariums.

u/toton40 · 1 pointr/Aquariums

https://www.amazon.com/Fluval-10528A1-Evo-Marine-Aquarium/dp/B01MU9G120 this may be your best bet for a buget kit but if you can go bigger it will help you a lot

u/teviston · 1 pointr/shrimptank

The white stuff is "snow" food from aquarium creation and the green thing is boiled spinach. The dish is just a feeding dish I got off of amazon.

u/r1ckums · 1 pointr/PlantedTank

The Spec tanks are nice if you’re looking for built in filtration, just find a flat heater of some sort to fit in the back bay if you’re looking to hide it. I do that in my 5 gallon Top Fin “all in one”.

If you’re looking to do everything on your own, Amazon sells UNS tanks that are gorgeous (currently waiting on my 7.1!)

Ultum Nature Systems 30C Ultra Clear Rimless Cubes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N557MC4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_X38RAbGQDQ83A

u/Squishyisher · 1 pointr/Aquariums

Those aren't the marina ones I've seen. We have ones like these ones:


They're also marina brand but they're basically plastic boxes that free float in the tank, so I'll have to pick one up and see how it goes.

u/s_s · 1 pointr/Aquariums

No one really knows because putting fish in a glass box isn't an exact science, but 36" (90cm) minimum is the recommendation I trust. Still 30" is better than 8.4"

If it's too short a tank to get good schooling behavior from them, then I really wouldn't do it.

u/perhapsso · 1 pointr/bettafish

This is a good 6.6 acrylic tank. It is long so it gives more swimming room. It can only be found in petco stores. It comes with a light and filter but the filter can be a bit loud, I switched to a sponge filter. If you want a good heater would be neo-therm or eheim jager.

u/wififreq · 1 pointr/Aquariums

I guess the API test strips I bought don't do Ammonia, just Nitrite and Nitrate. I'm going to go out and get a test to see the ammonia level tomorrow, I'll post something when I see it. The tank right now is very cloudy, you can hardly see thru it. I guess for now we will plan to let the tank cycle for a few weeks and try again after getting some new readings. I guess when I was younger I was just lucky, I never bothered with tank setup or chemicals or acclimation, i just bought tetras and Balas and put them in my 5 and 10 gallon tanks and did 100% tap water changes every month. I cant ever remember loosing fish like this. I'm starting to think 3 gallons is just too unstable of a size. Less water makes for a more delicate balance. At this point I cant return the tank, besides a Beta is there any other suggestions on what kind of fish we could get? My 3yo son really only cares that it is blue.

Here is the tank

In all the pics it shows multiple fish in there and in the store they pack those guys so tight into 10-15 gallon tanks. I really didn't think 4 were too many from the research I did. I was reading ~1 gallon per fish. I hate that this has happened and don't want a repeat

Thanks for all the replys.

u/monicacf14 · 1 pointr/bettafish

In the picture submitted you can clearly see a healthy betta fish in the top 3 pictures. Those pictures are from May 2017 when he was first brought home from the pet store. The bottom 3 pictures are from last night.
This is a betta fish. I wasn't aware of the type of care that these fish truly need. I did however do weekly 100% water changes adding conditioner to the water each time. I fed him 2x every day. He was active sometimes but preferred to stay in some artificial plants found in the tank. Last night I changed the water and that's when I noticed something was truly wrong. After I put him in the tank it stayed at the surface and I could see a clear struggle to breathe. Or as you can see in the pictures, it sunk to the bottom and stayed there for a while. I tried feeding it but it would not move. It did not even acknowledge the food.
I am ashamed to admit that I have yet to get a kit to test these values so I am unaware.
Currently it is in a 1.5 gallon tank. This tank has been set up since May 14 2017.
I do not have a filter. Again, I've been misinformed about the care that these fish need. I read online that if you do weekly 100% water changes you do not need a filter.
There is only 1 fish in the tank.
I've had this fish for about 4 months
I have added a new betta hammock last night. Also, I added a heater about a week ago. I also noticed that this new conditioner that I bought has white flakes in it? I have purchased this conditioner before and it did not have white flakes in it. It is this one https://www.chewy.com/aqueon-betta-bowl-plus-water/dp/130982?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=f&utm_content=Aqueon&utm_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8suZoZmT1gIVm7XACh2R3wpYEAQYAyABEgIhM_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
I know I have failed as a fish owner and I did not realize the damage that I have caused it. I know it is not much but I recently order a new tank and am waiting for it to arrive. Which looks like this https://www.amazon.com/Aquaview-Gallon-Aquarium-Lighting-Internal/dp/B002DRLESA/ref=sr_1_6?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1504791599&sr=1-6&keywords=fish+tank
Any help is greatly appreciated !! I would really love if I could save my fish even though my neglect may have caused severe damage. Thank you.

u/aakaakaak · 0 pointsr/aww

So which "corporate entity that only cares about profit" would you prefer? Amazon, WalMart, or Tetra (Who seem to have discontinued that model.)

u/remembertosmilebot · 0 pointsr/Aquariums

Did you know Amazon will donate a portion of every purchase if you shop by going to smile.amazon.com instead? Over $50,000,000 has been raised for charity - all you need to do is change the URL!

Here are your smile-ified links:

this one

This second one


^^i'm ^^a ^^friendly bot