(Part 3) Best hair epilators, groomers & trimmers according to redditors

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We found 565 Reddit comments discussing the best hair epilators, groomers & trimmers. We ranked the 129 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Personal groomers
Hair removal epilators
Women bikini trimmers

Top Reddit comments about Hair Epilators, Groomers & Trimmers:

u/Quiet_Fox_ · 180 pointsr/AskWomen

If you regularly shave large sections of your body more than 3x per week (like I used to) an epilator.

It hurts pretty badly in some areas, but after 3 weeks of regular use I realized that it hurt less and less each time. When the hairs grow back they're brand new, pointy on the tip (not shaved sharp like shaving) and the hair all starts growing back at different speeds. You start doing it less and less often and now the only time I shave with a razor is when I'm expecting up-close-and-personal time with someone.

*edit on the ingrown hairs: every day you have to rub your skin the opposite direction the hairs grow in. Exfoliate hard, like you're trying to scrub out a stain. This has dramatically but back on the number of ingrown hairs, and I think the few ones that do are worth only epilating once a week and not getting razor burn.

**extra: also lotion up LIBERALLY.

u/DaSaladMan · 37 pointsr/funny

Hairy man butt problems? Buy this.

I bought it on purpose because men's products are still useless for crack/butthole hair. It's for women, but it's fucking amazing. You can get every hair, plus use it on your man sack. The teeth are so small, it doesn't even hurt, my sack is as smooth as can be. The head is at the perfect angle (90 degrees, like a garden rake) for getting the hair underneath. No awkward angles necessary. Plus it cuts so smooth, no prickle/razor burn. And no left over stubble, unlike using a razor, the teeth are so fine.

MY BUTTHOLE IS AMAZING. Yours can be too, brethren.

EDIT: Remember, don't press down, instead, drag it across the undercarriage.

u/KnowNothing_JonSnoo · 19 pointsr/MtF

Nair should work but it will grow back fast. (within a day or two)

You could go get waxed which would last about a month.

Then there's the epilator option, you're gonna hate me but this is the best solution I found for hair removal in general. https://www.amazon.ca/Braun-Silk-epil-7-561-Epilator-Epilation/dp/B06WP5C49K

Pop 2 tylenols & 2 advils, take a shower and wait half an hour, then go to town on it. It's important to tighten the skin with your other hand for it to work well and it also helps with the pain. I also found that using a body brush helps with making the hair stand out and maybe it's in my mind but it also seems to help with the pain.

u/ursei · 6 pointsr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

I got this one after lots of research:

Reviews on amazon and in this subreddit said that it hurt less than other epilators. I've only tried that one, but since it didn't hurt much, it seems about right! Also it hurts less if you epilate in the shower and it's wet/dry :)

u/rainbows-r4-winners · 6 pointsr/MtF

Halt!! Buy this

Finishing Touch Flawless Brows... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F9CS38P?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Lol it’s incredible and easy to use and fast. So basically what I do is use this to buzz off the hair on top and below my brows to basically do a rough outline around the perimeter of brows then go back with it to shape the brow into the shape I want starting from the outside going in then I use tweezers to pluck any scraggy’s so its neat looking. But this is just how I do it. I use to just pluck but that hurts and takes forever to finish. I can do and maintain my brows fast like two minutes every other day or three. Click the link and scroll right on the pics to watch the video of how to use the buzzer 😁

u/ache_up · 5 pointsr/transtimelines

Facial hair is really the only thing that's killing you right now. I know electrolysis is super expensive, but you might want to look into some better ways of taking the shadow off. Orange, cream based makeup tends to work pretty well, and you can also get more effective epilators for cheap like this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00QILP7SK

u/Cupcakesoap · 5 pointsr/SkincareAddiction

I have this facial hair threading wand and it's the greatest thimg ever. Takes about 2 minutes to get rid of all the hairs and is super cheap (look around Amazon, you'll find for $1 somewhere). I love it.


u/[deleted] · 4 pointsr/MakeupAddiction

Copied and pasted from another thread mostly, but I added a bunch of links in there. :)

>contouring products are great for softening jawlines and shifting the bone structures of your face. Eyeliner/mascaras are always essential and invest in a pair of really good tweezers, eyebrows makes and breaks a face.

I personally recommend:
contour kit, iono why this is so expensive on amazon but its hella cheap in drugstores, if you wanna spend a bit more for talc free

Brow shit: for trimming, nice sharp tip there, tweezerman is the best, they help you sharpen the tips when it gets dull! i have the mini one in pokadot, this is really handy if you have thicker hair that tends to get ingrown, obligatory cutest fucking thing in the universe

>Also invest in epilators, wax strips, or even laser if you have pale skin and dark hair. You really can't beat the smooth skin it gives you, and like when you shave and have darker hair, when the hair is starting to grow out but is still under the skin, you can kind of see it and can't really do anything about it. Even though this is a makeup subreddit, I feel like this is probably more important than foundations or blushes or stuff like that because five o clock shadow breaks immersion more than anything else.

can't go wrong with braun, for wax i just use good ol veet, but i've heard good things about this stuff

>Unless you have a naturally delicate jawline, stay away from bright/dark lipsticks until after hormonal treatments. Usually the male jawline is a bit more stronger and a bright lip draws attention to it.
>The good news is, usually testosterone makes the lashes thick and long! So curl them babies and put mascara on them! :)

u/orcsoul · 4 pointsr/asktransgender

Depending on how thick/coarse the hair you're targeting...

If you've still got thick and/or coarse terminal body hair this one is a monster, but it's plug in only.

If your hair is more vellus one of the higher end braun silk epil line is the way to go and will serve you better in the long term.

If I had to pick only one, I'd go with the Braun Silk line... it struggles a bit when hair is coarse and terminal and will take longer to fully epilate a given area... but it's a wet/dry epilator and is just more versatile across the board.

Regarding face... I know of a few people that do epilate on the face, but I would only suggest doing that after you've undergone and completed laser/electrolysis and there are minimal hairs to grab, but more than is reasonable to tweeze one-by-one.

u/raptorsdelight · 4 pointsr/SkincareAddiction

I use this one, by Philips. I seriously love it.

u/Wsh1 · 3 pointsr/MakeupAddiction


That’s the one I have— I figured I’d get the bundle cause I wanted a pair of backup tweezers, but you can find springs even cheaper, like a dollar (but they’re not included with prime shipping though).

Painful but you get used to it— I did it last night again, and my face was kinda red but woke upto smooth skin in the morning!

u/narez · 3 pointsr/MakeupAddiction

Seriously OP, get one of these! I have one that I use once a week and my face stays smooth for the whole time. It hurts a little at first since it's essentially large scale tweezing, but you get used to it so quickly. I can't recommend these things enough.

u/panda7712 · 3 pointsr/MakeupAddiction

I believe it varies from person to person. I personally have thick dark hair that grows back very quickly if I shave. Also my hair is quite noticeable on my upper lip, cheeks, chin, and forehead if I don't do anything about it. I usually get hair stubble within the same day after shaving my legs so I did not want to shave anything on my face. I started doing threading at a salon because I did not want to wax. Then I found a threading tool which is like tweezing multiple hairs at a time. I really like using this because my hair grows back much slower than shaving and its really easy to use once you get accustomed to it. I use it once or twice a week.

u/tanglisha · 3 pointsr/PCOS

Laser removal was not permanent for me. I have very dark hair and very dark skin, so anything that doesn't remove the root leaves me with hair visible under my skin. I have used a Tria for touchups, but have become very frustrated that the results are so short lived.

I use a good quality epilator. It's not perfect, but it's been much better than shaving alone was for me. I still sometimes get paranoid and shave, but even that looks better after epilating. I use the spring type on my upper lip, and an electric one on the rest of my face and neck. The electric one was quite expensive, but the ceramic discs do a much better job of grabbing the hairs without breaking them off than the metal ones did. I think my course hair was defeating the metal ones. I got a bunch of the cheap spring ones, expecting them to wear out quickly. I've been using the same one for about a year and a half, now, and it still works great!

For the rest of me, I switched to wet shaving with a safety razor and really high end blades. Safety razor blades are very, very cheap. You won't believe the difference - most of the women's razor blades you get in a drug store seem to come dull. I also have a cheap straight razor with disposable blades that I'll sometimes use - it's just harder to manage in spots where I can't see what I'm doing.

Most of your ingrown issues can likely be solved with exfoliating before your shave, then moisturizing after. There is a lot of technique that goes into a really good shave beyond hopping into the shower and grabbing that piece of plastic. Check out /r/ladyshavers and /r/wicked_edge for some great shaving communities.

u/OIdEvEAd · 3 pointsr/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns

I use this, but it looks like it's out of stock rn. It comes with an electric razor attachment that is honestly the best I have ever used.


u/Lazybluegirl · 3 pointsr/TrollXChromosomes

I prefer this to waxing/plucking/bleaching/etc. It barely leaves a pink mark, and it's so nice! 10/10 would recommend to anyone

u/caffecongelato · 3 pointsr/scacjdiscussion

I use one of these little spring epilator things on my face: https://www.amazon.com/Spring-Facial-Hair-Remover-Bleaching/dp/B00K4W2V1K/

It’s pretty gentle and easy to use, and I can do it a little bit every day to keep up on things. I just do it while I’m watching TV and stuff, without a mirror.

u/Ambanivolo · 2 pointsr/SkincareAddiction

If you want to try a cheaper option and don't mind waiting for a month or so there are cheap Asian options on Amazon.

I bought this one ($1.95) and it works great once you get the hang of it.


u/leadria · 2 pointsr/MtF

I bought a Silk Epil 9 and it worked fine. Ended up with waay too many ingrown hairs though so I stopped

u/NANAs_Mic · 2 pointsr/SkincareAddiction

I'm not sure what they're called, actually. This is what I originally saw mentioned, I think. There are lots of variations, but the cheapest are about $1.

This is the specific one I got, though, and I think it's worth the extra cost. With the cheaper ones, you have to keep it bent against your skin, but this one holds the correct shape all on its own. I like it because I can just roll the thing over my face without even paying much attention to it. Like I was just playing with it while I was watching Project Runway, no mirror or anything.

Like I said, it didn't hurt for me at all--like a tingly prickle on my cheeks--but it probably would hurt more for coarse hairs. It works similar to threading or tweezing in that it's yanking hairs out by the root, but it's so much more convenient.

u/hintlime9 · 2 pointsr/TwoXChromosomes

I may not be the best person to ask because I rarely shave but since no one has responded I'll attempt it. Would she consider trimming with a trimmer? Shaving seems like there's the potential for cuts and it might be difficult, but with my trimmer I have no irritation, it's nearly impossible to get a cut, and it's super easy. I use one like this but there's simpler ones for like $10 that work as well. If she does want you to shave, I'd say go slowly, go with the grain first, and use a quality shaving cream and sharp razor.

u/Sugarbear22 · 2 pointsr/Makeup101
u/oliphantine · 2 pointsr/ladyshavers

Mine looks just like this one but it's a way older version obviously. Braun Silk-Epil 7521 Wet and Dry Epilator (Pink).

When mine dies i will buy this one: Braun SE 7561 Silk-Epil Wet and Dry Epilator (Silver) cause it has all the fancy attachments heads that I'd love to try and says it's only a few dollars more.

My current one is also a wet & dry version. I don't think I've ever actually tried it in the shower, but that might help with the pain if you need it and have that option. Not sure though.

Also some things I've remembered.

  • Most important thing ever, hold the skin taut while epilating. It'll reduce the chance of pinching and reduce the pain a bit. This is important for all waxing in general though too

  • you can also try to use a numbing cream beforehand. Example, Emla Numbing Anesthetic Cream 5% Cream 30G Tattoo. You might be able to just use a lidocaine gel as well if you find a cheaper option (I would ask your pharmacist to make sure it's safe for that purpose before using)

u/MtF29HRTMar18 · 2 pointsr/asktransgender

Try an epilator on leg and arm hair. here

u/Darkwolf901 · 2 pointsr/LifeProTips

Sadly, I have not actually purchased one yet. However, I have my eye on this one from emjoi, I like the purple one too, but it's costs more and the only difference is color. They also make a black one, if that's what you're into.

Now this is a dry epilator, so it has to be used outside of the water, after soaking would likely be best, to soften the hairs and skin.

There are also wet/dry epilators like the BRAUN Silk-Epil 7 which can be used in the shower/bath, but I've heard they are a bit too rough for more sensitive areas like the bikini line.

For when you finish, there are after-epilation creams that are supposed to slow regrowth and sooth the skin.

Also, epilators are essentially electric tweezers, so if pain is a problem, you should probably not use one.

My current routine is to use a safety/straight-razor and that takes forever anyway, and then the hair grows right back all sharp on the ends.

u/racheeeanne · 2 pointsr/AskWomen

Legs and underarms: Epilator. I have this one and I like it.

Bikini: Sugaring and/or trimmer like this

Every once in a while I will trim my upper lip if it's grown in really dark with something like this

u/SuzieQ4624 · 2 pointsr/askwomenadvice

I got one of these hair removers, it cuts it super close, my face is really soft after, no risk of nicks or cuts, not stubbly when it grows back and I only have to do it once a week or every other week - takes like 3 mins to do my whole face.


u/groggyduck · 1 pointr/sex

Honestly, getting waxed and then following up with an epilator (I have this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004QI8UJK/) has worked the best for me. Yeah, it hurts like hell the first couple times, but as long as you don't let the new hairs grow in for too long, you stop feeling pain pretty soon. AND you don't have to keep buying razors. It's the cost of the epilator and one brazilian/Hollywood wax (two if you don't keep up on it right away).

u/DevonianScion · 1 pointr/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns

I was assuming you meant electrical ones.

There are manual ones like this, but I've never used them so I can't say how they work. I guess it would be similar to plucking.

u/Sugarbud_V · 1 pointr/Crossdressing_support

I've just bought an epilator, will report back on its usefulness.

u/flipzone · 1 pointr/dapsCA
u/badspyro · 1 pointr/Sissies

take one of these:

Philips epilator - I have one in purple

Which is a whirling set of mechanical tweesers, and pluck ALL THE HAIRS ^warning, ^may ^induce ^pain ^like ^never ^before ^the ^first ^time ^you ^use ^it ^^OUCH

u/dawndilioso · 1 pointr/infertility

I meant to look at it when I got home and then forgot amid homework. Cue internet magic and enough random associations got me the right listing: https://www.amazon.com/Philips-HP6576-Perfect-Epilator-Champagne/dp/B005BOQH70 and I guess technically it's an epilator since it removes the entire hair, and depilatory just cuts off the hair.

u/Metabilities · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Ouchie this this is friggin wacky and I love it :)

u/larae_is_bored · 1 pointr/malegrooming

Epilators, even a decent one, will hurt quite a bit and are less efficient for a few reasons:

u/valentinedoux · 1 pointr/TwoXChromosomes

I have a Braun SE 5280 Epil 5. It works quite well. I love how it comes with ice glove.

u/This-is-Peppermint · 1 pointr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

Get a few of these hair removal springs for the facial hair. Watch some YouTube videos on how to best use them. It will hurt BAD the first few times but after you get most of the hair off, it will grow back in different phases and you can zip the spring around your face every day to catch new hairs and it doesn’t hurt nearly as bad when it’s just pulling out a few at a time.

I got mine from eBay for 99cents each and bought a bunch so I always have one in one of my bags and one at home.

u/sunnj · 1 pointr/SkincareAddiction

I like to shave my face because makeup applies more smoothly to my skin afterwards, and it just feels nicer to the touch. I've tried several different methods of hair removals such as waxing, those little eyebrow razors, or a plain ol' razor to no avail. I had a tendency to break out from all of them.

However, as skeptical as I am of "as seen on tv" products, I decided to give the Flawless by Finishing Touch hair remover a chance and it's been game changing for me. I don't have to pull on my skin, it's quick and painless, and it leaves my face feeling incredibly smooth afterwards. I use it about once every four or five days or so by just running it in small circles over my face for about three minutes and I'm good to go. Highly recommend giving it or a similar shaver from another brand a chance!

Edit: link https://www.amazon.com/Finishing-Touch-Flawless-Painless-Remover/dp/B0768M8SVH
I'm not sure where you live, but I found mine at Walmart.