(Part 3) Best parody books according to redditors

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We found 1,044 Reddit comments discussing the best parody books. We ranked the 311 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top Reddit comments about Parody:

u/mixpix405 · 88 pointsr/funny
u/dassoldier · 30 pointsr/The_Donald

It's on amazon
Go the F**k to Jail: An Adult Coloring Book of the Clinton Scandals https://www.amazon.com/dp/1682612678/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_eYrQybFGYYVNM

u/holyshitmotherfucker · 30 pointsr/KingOfTheHill

I think the other book WD-40 for the soul is the rarer one.

u/_Seven · 14 pointsr/MEOW_IRL

I don't know what's more amazing - the fact that you can actually buy this, or the fact that this book is 134 pages long. Really.

For the people with doggos out there, consider getting them Woof.

u/postm8s · 14 pointsr/Drama

Yeah, they made a kid's book, It's as bad as you'd expect.

They were also involved with a ponzi scheme. Real standup guys.

u/TuskenCam · 13 pointsr/funny

Wd-40 for the Soul: The Guide to Fixing Everything - by Hank Hill - Available on Amazon

u/maldio · 13 pointsr/WTF

$30? It's only CDN $20.43 from Amazon, was it supposed to be a signed copy or something?

u/Ham_Kitten · 10 pointsr/ChapoTrapHouse

They're the extremely cool and witty guys responsible for this masterpiece.

u/Trecus · 10 pointsr/geek

there you go: http://www.amazon.com/William-Shakespeares-Empire-Striketh-Trilogy/dp/1594747156

and thanks for the idea...this is a perfect present

u/sbgriffin · 9 pointsr/reddit.com

Instead of saying how bad the book is here, you need to be leaving a review on Amazon

u/WolfNippleChips · 8 pointsr/ShittyAnimalFacts
u/OnionDigitalStudios · 7 pointsr/IAmA
  1. Pre-Order Now!

  2. That Pork Show I mentioned probably will soon. It is in post-production now!

  3. GOOMF was started to do some more timely sports videos. I am not sure what the deal is with SportsDome videos. Technically these are all under ONN videos and the future of ONN, I believe, lies in Chicago where it is being restarted by a talented new crew.

  4. New War For The White House videos should be coming soon from the new ONN team in Chicago.

  5. ODS is technically being funded by one of them YouTube grants so all the content is supposed to be "Exclusive For YouTube", we are currently mostly separate from the stuff on The Onion site. The videos going up there are by the Chicago staff.

  • MK
u/kecker · 6 pointsr/JUSTNOFAMILY

When my niece was born, the first of the grandchildren, I made it a point that once a month I sent my sister and BIL an "inappropriate" kids book. This was on the list, although my favorite is "K is for Knifeball", as even I thought this one went a little too far.

So other suggestions for you:

The Taking Tree https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1442407638/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Children Make Terrible Pets

All My Friends Are Dead

Everyone Poops

Ten Little Zombies: A Love Story

Monsters Eat Whiny Children

I'd Really Like To Eat A Child

The Very Hungry Zombie

Cornelius and the Undigested Kernel of Corn

Zombie Cat: A Tale of a Decomposing Kitty

K is for Knifeball

Once Upon A Time, The End

Zombies Hate Stuff

The Night Dad Went To Jail

You Have To Fucking Eat

Fuck You Sun

u/arlobanks · 5 pointsr/KingOfTheHill


The Boy Ain't Right


WD-40 for The Soul

Both written by Hank Hill and waaaay out of print.

EDIT: Also forgot to add "Dale's I'm Ok, You're Y2K", written by Dale Gribble

u/LacksMass · 4 pointsr/restofthefuckingowl

Or buy one of the other books he wrote like Romeo and/or Juliet because Ryan North is awesome.

u/ikevinax · 3 pointsr/funnysigns

If you like this joke, I recommend the book State by State with The State.


u/dysphere · 3 pointsr/FanFiction

They're not on ao3 or FFN, but Ryan North, the guy behind Dinosaur Comics, has done CYOAs based on Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.

However, there is a crack crossover with Harry Potter. I've heard it's fairly good, and you can probably find more by checking the "SHAKESPEARE William - Works" tag on ao3. linkao3(The Lamentable Comedy of Severus, Half-Blood Prince of Denmark)

u/KidHauer · 3 pointsr/KingOfTheHill
u/SmallFruitbat · 3 pointsr/Fantasy

I'd say Pride and Prejudice and Zombies would happen, but it

a) already did.


b) would be held to a higher standard of writing.

Related: Have you seen Bride and Prejudice, the Bollywood mashup? :o

u/emanresu-_-username · 3 pointsr/Earwolf
u/peokuk · 3 pointsr/twincitiessocial

That's different.
As is normal for Minnesotan conversation, normal safe topics include autos, auto-repair, and weather. Meetup dining is the taco (pronounced tack-oh, consisting of hamburger boiled in ketchup), hotdish (not casserole), lutefisk, and dessert (jello with fruit). More information can be found here.

u/fuzzybeard · 3 pointsr/geek
u/Ixine · 3 pointsr/childfree

I've got a few more:

  1. [Go the F**k to Sleep] (http://www.amazon.com/Go-F-Sleep-Adam-Mansbach-ebook/dp/B004YMYR2C/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1414123015&sr=8-4&keywords=safe+baby+handling+tips)
  2. [K is for Knifeball] (http://www.amazon.com/K-Knifeball-Alphabet-Terrible-Advice-ebook/dp/B009F3G958/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1414123015&sr=8-5&keywords=safe+baby+handling+tips)
  3. [If You Give a Kid a Cookie, Will He Shut the F**k Up?] (http://www.amazon.com/You-Give-Cookie-Will-Shut-ebook/dp/B00F8GUN76/ref=pd_sim_kstore_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=0YJ34BBQ5B1T1H3H6WA0)
  4. [That's Not Your Mommy Anymore] (http://www.amazon.com/Thats-Not-Your-Mommy-Anymore-ebook/dp/B004XI9IC6/ref=pd_sim_kstore_7?ie=UTF8&refRID=0YJ34BBQ5B1T1H3H6WA0)
  5. [Safe Baby Handling Tips] (http://www.viralnova.com/baby-handling-tips/)
  6. [How Not to Kill Your Baby] (http://www.amazon.com/How-Not-Kill-Your-Baby-ebook/dp/B006UD2COI/ref=pd_sim_kstore_11?ie=UTF8&refRID=0YJ34BBQ5B1T1H3H6WA0)
  7. [Baby's First Tattoo] (http://www.amazon.com/Babys-First-Tattoo-Jim-Mullen/dp/0743224450/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1X05RPJDZ7T8R50RCB0Y)
  8. [Raising the Perfect Child Through Manipulation and Guilt] (http://www.amazon.com/Raising-Perfect-Child-Through-Manipulation/dp/0061759570/ref=pd_sim_b_8?ie=UTF8&refRID=1VVWDAE9A2WAXA5KPHHD)
  9. [The Taking Tree] (http://www.amazon.com/The-Taking-Tree-Selfish-Parody/dp/1442407638/ref=pd_sim_b_13?ie=UTF8&refRID=0FJDP8BFTG0CRQ0S9BAE)
  10. [Fuck You Sun] (http://www.amazon.com/Fuck-You-Sun-Matt-Cole/dp/0615509142/ref=pd_sim_b_37?ie=UTF8&refRID=0FJDP8BFTG0CRQ0S9BAE)
  11. [Bi-Curious George] (http://www.amazon.com/Bi-Curious-George-An-Unauthorized-Parody/dp/1604332832/ref=pd_sim_b_42?ie=UTF8&refRID=0FJDP8BFTG0CRQ0S9BAE)
  12. [Monsters Eat Whiny Children] (http://www.amazon.com/Monsters-Whiny-Children-Bruce-Kaplan/dp/1416986898/ref=pd_sim_b_14?ie=UTF8&refRID=1VVWDAE9A2WAXA5KPHHD)
  13. [How to Traumatize Your Children] (http://www.amazon.com/How-Traumatize-Your-Children-Deliberately/dp/1601063091/ref=pd_sim_b_23?ie=UTF8&refRID=1VVWDAE9A2WAXA5KPHHD)
  14. [Reasons Mommy Drinks] (http://www.amazon.com/Reasons-Mommy-Drinks-Lyranda-Martin-Evans-ebook/dp/B00BVJG4C2/ref=pd_sim_kstore_39?ie=UTF8&refRID=0YJ34BBQ5B1T1H3H6WA0)
u/ryani · 2 pointsr/pics

I much prefer this book for all my analysis of how Minnesotans communicate.

I grew up in Edina and it's 100% fact. Here's an excerpt of a conversation between REAL MINNESOTANS:

"Sometimes I wonder if he doesn't think more of that car than he does of me. He spends more time with it. He also caresses it more."

"I know what you mean. And if you go out to the shop, he says What? the way he does."

"My mother said I should watch out for other women. She didn't say anything at all about watching out for cars."

"You bet. If Harold looked at another woman I'd take it as a sign of health."

"You got that right."

u/awesley · 2 pointsr/politics

Next time I visit, I'll bring a copy of How to Talk Minnesotan: A Visitor's Guide.

u/huadpe · 2 pointsr/changemyview

I think there are two premises in here that could be challenged:

  1. Society benefits considerably less from derivative works than non-derivative works.

  2. Copyrights on net encourage creation of more works because of their long lifespans.

    First, I see no reason to believe that derivative works are any less valuable than new works. If they're what society enjoys from its arts, then that's valuable. It's not for me (or the government) to say that a choose-your-own-adventure version of Romeo and Juliet is any less valuable to society than any other book.

    On the second point, the downside of copyrights is that the fear of lawsuits will chill the creation of new works. For instance, the author of this book has not published it because of well-founded fears of a copyright lawsuit.

    The larger the range of works which retain copyright, the more works will be suppressed by the fear or reality of lawsuits. This is a particular problem in the area of music, where hit songs routinely attract lawsuits alleging infringement of songs from decades prior.

    Further, because of economic discounting, it is highly unlikely that long copyright terms encourage more creation. It is a well documented economic phenomenon that people value things near in time more than things further away in time. The difference in incentive between a 5 year term and a 10 year term would therefore be expected to be much greater than the incentive difference between a 50 year term and a 55 year term, because people care much more about relatively near term benefits than very long term benefits.

    Given that the chilling effect of copyright lawsuits is roughly linearly correlated with the number of copyrighted works, and that the positive incentive of copyright has diminishing returns, we'd expect the lines to intersect at some "new work maximizing" point. I would wager that point is in the neighborhood of 15-20 years, if not shorter.
u/pat_trick · 2 pointsr/Hawaii
u/Perrythepervypus · 2 pointsr/littlespace

Beer from a baby bottle is my faves. I've also got a pretty good collection of adult parodies of little kid's books. I've got this one and this one and I've asked Santa for this one

I also recently got my green card so let the nommy special cookies and cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles commence :3

u/noonespecific · 2 pointsr/gaming

psst there's also one for Romeo And Juliet.

Romeo and/or Juliet

u/clunkclunk · 2 pointsr/daddit

Goodnight Brew - just came out, perfect timing for my wife's birthday

Goodnight Goon

Goodnight iPad

And my personal favorite, Fuck You Sun.

u/PigeonGoddess · 2 pointsr/pics
u/Oneiropticon · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

First, for gods sakes, don't name the kid some passing pop culture reference.

Second, something that worked well on my sister: "Sweetie, when you're throwing a tantrum you aren't pretty, and we don't want to see you. If you need to throw a tantrum, you need to hide your face on the floor." She stopped throwing tantrums.

Third, keep it realistic. Your kid probably won't ever be enough of an asshole that it will be necessary to kill them, but at some point your kid will be an asshole. Don't deny it when it happens, or it will just get worse.

My nephew's birthday is coming up...

u/lilshawn · 1 pointr/atheism

he has a book with all his shenanigans. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0980672929

it's a fantasic shitter read.

u/pleatedzombus · 1 pointr/books

If you like this item you may also like: State by State with The State.

u/DrRetarded · 1 pointr/AskReddit

State by State with the State

This book, along with Jack Handey, shaped my sense of humor from my late teens to current day. If you have read this book, I will upvote every comment you've ever made on reddit. Seriously.

u/bookchaser · 1 pointr/amazonprime
u/faleboat · 1 pointr/movies

And so. many. fucking. zombies.

Jesus fuck, there were 500 million zombie things. zombie movies. zombe video games, zombie board games, zombie books, zombie revisionist books, zombie TV shows, zombie, zo-ombie zo-ombie, eh-e eh-e eh- eho eho eho eho eho ehooooooooo.

Seriously. I get that zombies are a thing, but for a while it seemed you couldn't get a peice of entertainment on the screen if a zombie wasn't somewhere in there.

u/SireBelch · 1 pointr/The_Donald

The very thought gets me hard. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1682612678/

u/rhomphaia · 1 pointr/TrueChristian

I don't know what you are asking. It sounds like you want A Compendium of Complete World Knowledge Compiled with Instructive Annotation and Arranged in Useful Order. http://www.amazon.com/Hodgman-Boxed-Set-John/dp/1594631352

More seriously, are you wanting an example of this in a particular topic? For example, you can read William Lane Craig's heady works on time, or the Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology. http://www.amazon.com/The-Blackwell-Companion-Natural-Theology/dp/1444350854

There isn't one book that does everything, obviously. There couldn't even be such a thing. And even if it could be done, by the time it was done, it'd be badly out of date.

u/Stiggy1605 · 1 pointr/funny

Yeah, 'The Internet is a Playground'

I have it, it's basically a compilation of the stuff on his site, with some extra bits.

u/dvtxc · 1 pointr/europe
u/Super_delicious · 1 pointr/Unexpected
u/Broquelaure · 1 pointr/gaybros

Might I suggest Pride and Prejudice and Zombie - http://www.amazon.com/Pride-Prejudice-Zombies-Heirloom-Classics/dp/1594744513 - particularly if you also like the zombie apocalypse genre.

u/UselessPenguin · 1 pointr/AskReddit

I've read chunks of the Bible but it's quite tedious, what with all that begatting and whatnot.

The Bible According to Spike Milligan was much more entertaining.

u/NotYourMomsGayPorn · 1 pointr/interestingasfuck

To be fair, John Hodgman once put out a book of complete world knowledge...and then he released two more.

u/xowasabi · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon
u/uvarov · 1 pointr/atheism

It's more jokes than comments, but this seems remarkably like your request.

However I read it years ago and don't really remember it... and I have a niggling feeling, even with four 5-star reviews, that it was actually rubbish.

u/teenagemustach3 · 1 pointr/minnesota

Book link for those interested:

How to Talk Minnesotan

u/Koolest_Kat · 1 pointr/golf
u/sidit77 · 1 pointr/gifs


It's totally worth it to get the audiobook version.

u/SHITTY_LINK_PERIOD · 0 pointsr/gaming

Now we wait for sidt. Everybody knows he's shitty_watercolor's biggest fan.