(Part 3) Best vitamin d supplements according to redditors

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We found 400 Reddit comments discussing the best vitamin d supplements. We ranked the 127 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Vitamin D3 supplements

Top Reddit comments about Vitamin D Supplements:

u/kruxofthemimed · 11 pointsr/asktrp

Don't take antidepressants. Huge mistake.

Humans have evolved to function in a specific environment. Our current society has drifted us very far from what is optimal for our physical and mental wellbeing. I want to explain this well so that my recommendations make sense lol.

Here are my thoughts on the issue: Humans did not evolve to be depressed. It would make absolutely no sense if humans had some inherent adaptation that would make us depressed, because that would drastically decrease our chances of survival. Therefore, we must look at what in our environment has changed in the past hundred years that has caused such a widespread amount of depression in people.

Stimulation: We are stimulated nonstop. No matter where you go, what you do, if you are living inside of a 1st world country your brain is constantly being bombarded by novel stimulus. Whether it be new billboards advertising some shit on your freeway, restaurants/grocer signs, colorful/interesting building architecture, or (mainly) technology via your computer screen/mobile device. We have never lived in a time with more immediate gratification. Every little bit of stimuli we take in releases a small amount of dopamine, and when we sit at our computer all day our dopamine receptors can become over saturated and no longer respond to smaller pleasures like socializing or walking in nature. My recommendation to fix this is reduce your overall intake of stimulation. Get off of your computer and meditate once in a while. Develop hobbies that don't immediately reward you, whether it music, art, writing, whatever. Just take time to let your mind reflect rather than observe new things. Let yourself sit and think sometimes. AND STOP WATCHING PORN.

Nutrition: Our diets have changed very rapidly as well. Many chronic diseases have started appearing in westernized countries as our intake of saturated fat and cholesterol have skyrocketed, and vital micronutrients have been neglected. Many people are vitamin and mineral deficient, while far exceeding a healthy amount of saturated fat and cholesterol intake (which for humans is incredibly low to begin with). Get your Vitamin D3, you are more than likely deficient. You only need 2000 IUs a day, so just one of those pills every morning. Secondly, increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts, and whole grains. Consider the fact that what you eat is what you are. Most mainstream nutritional science is heavily influenced by financial interests. This is a great site to find out more about anything you need to know about nutrition. This is the current daily recommended nutrient intake for optimal health. Remember, diet and mental health are closely related and this only makes sense. Your brain has evolved to eat a massive volume of plant foods containing vital micronutrients, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and FIBER. Good physical health = happy functioning brain. Trust me on this one, I wake up every morning feeling great and exercising, and all I do is follow exactly what that site says. If you need any help at all, I urge you to send me a PM and I can help you out. I will provide research for everything I recommend and thoroughly explain it so that you don't feel confused, because shit can get confusing.

Exercise: Exercise cannot be overlooked. It sounds like you already exercise, but I would recommend incorporating weight lifting into your routine if you do not already do so. Weight lifting is a great hobby to build willpower, this is the routine I started 3 weeks ago and I've seen incredible progress already. I heavily recommend a full-body workout 3x a week to maximize gains as protein synthesis only occurs for 48 hours after a workout (unless you are on steroids), but this also requires a fairly good diet. Lots of beans and legumes (healthy carbs) are necessary to be able to keep up with the stress on all your muscles.

Socializing: It sounds like you might be lonely. I'm in the same boat as you right now, but I'm trying to get in contact with some old friends and force myself to socialize. Socializing is hugely important for humans, as it is for other social animals. If you are lacking in your social life it will affect you no matter how healthy and disciplined you are. Make some friends, or meet up with old friends, and give it a go. Most importantly, be open about who you are and what your goals in life are. Many relationships can get stuck at a superficial level because both participants are uncomfortable talking about themselves. Do not be this person. Let yourself open up, and tell your friends what your goals and fears are, and I can guarantee you will notice an immediate weight off your shoulders. If you can't find any friends right now, I'm more than happy to be a sort of penpal for you. Even simply sending a few messages back and forth every few days can make a big difference in how alone you feel.

TL;DR: Reduce your intake of stimulation/entertainment, meditate, eat healthy (not many people know how to, here is how to) exercise, and have a social life

u/quasihelix · 3 pointsr/preppers

One thing you can do is to make sure your vitamin D levels are sufficient:



I take 2000 IU twice a day now. I like this one by Now Foods:


I was taking 5000 IU a day for a while, but then I got tested and my blood levels were on the high side of normal, so I dialed it down to 2000 IU once a day and they were on the lower side of normal, so now I'm doing 2000 IU twice a day. The key is to get yourself tested to see what your base level is, then get tested again after supplementing for a while at a particular does, and dial it in from there.

Incidentally it also seems to be a good idea to take Vitamin K2 and calcium if you're taking Vitamin D3. Apparently the D3 tells your body to absorb the calcium, and the K2 tells your body where to put the calcium - i.e. in your bones and teeth rather than deposit it in your arteries. I take this one:


More info on the K2/D3/calcium link here if you're interested:


u/NineteenElephants · 3 pointsr/PCOS

I had bloodwork done a month and a half ago and I found out my vitamin D levels were at a 6. I started taking 10,000 IU of this and I can’t believe how much better I’ve been feeling.

u/Azzmo · 3 pointsr/gardening

My perspective is a culmination of disparate influences. Some of it would include:


VICE documentary about Wim Hoff shows you how harmless cold is.

After that, Google benefits of cold showers or cold exposure for tons more content. I believe in it.


Inspiration. Mostly, from Joe Rogan's podcast. He has eclectic guests who do amazing stuff, including a professional hunter who does 100 mile marathons and talks about his experiences. He talks to Sue Aiken, who runs a fuel depot 200 miles above the arctic circle, survived a bear attack, got herself help, and then hunted down and killed the bear. He talks to Mixed Martial Artists who frequently talk about pushing through stuff.

Eventually, I've come to realize that humans are much heartier and more durable than modern society tells us we are.


Again, Joe Rogan's guests. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is inspiring, as are many others.

For six years I've been making green smoothies every day. Take a blender base+blade part and screw it onto a mason jar. You fill the jar with handfuls of whatever is healthy (carrots/beat/beans/lettuce/kale/mango/apple/etc) and you squirt some Vitamin D and whatever else you think you might be deficient of. You put some liquid in and you blend that up. You drink about a jar a day, preferably about 1/3 of the jar every 4-6 hours. You feel great. I haven't been sick since I started doing this.


A really good book that helped me to recognize that you can analyze reality from an exterior perspective: Waking Up by Sam Harris.

Look into meditation. I used to live in a swirl of thoughts and emotions. Once I learned that those thoughts could be controlled, I became better.


We're taught to be consumerist drones who pay massive amounts of money for medicines, who eat awful food, and who come home from a hard day's work so tired that all we have energy for is to flip on the television or computer and consume.

I want to carve my own path. I want to eat healthy and I want to be in good physical shape. I will rarely if ever be sick again in the rest of my life. I don't want to feel anxieties about meaningless things.

u/DemoralizingMrrrgl · 3 pointsr/wls

For my multivitamin I use MultiVites Gummy Vitamins, which are delicious and cheap. I also use Celebrate Calcium Plus 500 for my calcium which aren't as delicious, but there are plenty of different flavors to try. I don't require an iron supplement, so no help there, sorry. It's easy to get a B-12 shot once a month if you ask your PCP, and for Vitamin D, I use NatureMade. Good luck.

u/herman_gill · 2 pointsr/Supplements

This one isn't bad, you can even just take one a day for cost saving.

Also take one drop of this daily.

Take them all at the same time in the morning with your daily iron supplement. You're just taking iron once daily, right? I also assume you got your B12 level checked and it came back normal?

u/GetsEclectic · 2 pointsr/Nootropics

I would drop the vinpocetine:


Try taking the bacopa before bed, it makes some people tired.

Maybe lay off the CILTEP for a few days and try supplementing some glutamine, did wonders for me.

Try adjusting your choline intake, too much makes some people depressed, but not enough will also make you tired and brain foggy. Too much will give you muscle soreness and possibly a headache from muscle tension.

You could try some n-acetyl-tyrosine and see if it helps your motivation. I wouldn't take too much though since one of your ADs is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Have you always felt this unmotivated, or is it a recent phenomenon? If it's just a recent thing, what has changed in your life that might have caused it? If it is chronic, and n-acetyl-tyrosine works for you, you might want to ask your doctor about trying ritalin/methylphenidate.

I would also try to get off the SSRI/SNRI, serotonin is depressing. There is a common misconception, possibly due to incorrect ideas about how MDMA works, that serotonin makes you happy. SSRIs actually increase suicide risk for the first few weeks because the excess serotonin makes you depressed. The anti depressant effects take a few weeks because they are due to physiological changes in your brain due to the extra serotonin.

Do you take a multivitamin or any vitamins other than D? Personally I think the base of any nootropic stack should include a good multivitamin, some antioxidants, and probably fish oil, although some people react negatively to fish oil. Not including any racetams or ciltep or anything purely nootropic, every day I take:

AOR Ortho Core

B Complex

Vitamin C

Vitamin D-3

Vitamin E

Fish Oil

Green Tea Extract

Pine Bark Extract



Probably less important, but I also take acetyl carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, alpha gpc, glucosamine/chondroitin/msm, rhodiola rosea, eluthero sibricus, jiaogulan, mushroom product including reishi and chaga, glutamine, l-phenylalanine, creatine, coq10, ashwagandha, lion's mane, bacopa, and astragalus.

In addition to all that I take various nootropics sort of randomly as I feel like, including sulbutiamine, piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, noopept, and forskolin/artichoke/hesperidin.

Last, and probably most important, get plenty of good sleep.

u/andrew_kirfman · 2 pointsr/Supplements

This is the one that I'm taking right now: https://www.amazon.com/Metagenics-Mag-Glycinate-240-Count/dp/B004GLGXVO/ref=sr_1_14_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1482431873&sr=1-14&keywords=magnesium+glycinate

It's expensive, but it's extremely high quality. Be warned though, the pills are only 100 mg each which means that you'll need 4 of them a day. At least it's nice for splitting up doses.

The one I used to take is this one: https://www.amazon.com/Viva-Labs-Magnesium-Bisglycinate-Chelate/dp/B00HQP51ZG/ref=sr_1_1_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1482431977&sr=1-1&keywords=magnesium+glycinate+viva+labs

Much easier to get down, and much cheaper. I don't know too much about the purity, but I trust the Viva Labs brand enough.

As far as vitamin D goes, garden of life makes some of the best supplements out there. They use plant based sources for everything, so it's all incredibly absorbable (i.e. all of the natural enzymes that your body could use to process the vitamin are included in the pill). They're more expensive, but like the metagenics ones, incredibly high quality. https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Raw-Supplement-Vegetarian/dp/B005JAT318/ref=sr_1_4_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1482432076&sr=1-4&keywords=vitamin%2BD%2Bgarden%2Bof%2Blife&th=1

If money is a concern, however, either now foods or viva labs make a much cheaper D3 that should work fine.



u/ladyuniscorn · 2 pointsr/Supplements

I just got tested recently and I was at 14ng/mL. My doctor recommended 2000 IU broken up into two doses with meals. This is what I have been taking. I still need to wait a while to retest my levels, but breaking up your doses may help.

u/dmagikwand · 2 pointsr/Supplements

Sorry to kind of leave you hanging, but I should mention the D3 cream was pretty important to my healing.
The specific cream is this one below. You can read the user reviews and see that it is pretty amazing. Pretty much everybody that bought it for a skin issue gave 5 star reviews, while people that took it foolishly to raise serum vitamin D levels generally rated it lower resulting in a net 4 star review.


Many of the reviews are for psoriasis or eczema with a few that mention seb derm. Note that these are all on the same spectrum so what works for one usually works for the other. Plain dandruff is also on the spectrum. It kind of goes in this order: dandruff<seb derm<psoriasis (eczema is the same but sort of a different animal that might only respond to hydrocortisone, etc.)
This cream doesn't smell wonderful so should be applied at night. As you rub it completely in you might notice your outer layer of skin coming off in tiny little balls, like it is some sort of gentle exfoliant.
Vitamin D promotes skin differentiation and decreases skin proliferation, is the end result triggered by the root cause which is some sort of inflammation. Here is a quote from a study I read about a year ago. I'm sorry I didn't copy/paste the source when I originally found it.

>One 2012 study found people with low levels of vitamin D had lower average skin moisture. They state further that...
"Topical supplementation with cholecalciferol significantly increased measurements of skin moisturization and resulted in improvements in subjective clinical grading of dry skin. Taken together our finding suggest a relationship between serum vitamin D(3) (25(OH)D) levels and hydration of the stratum corneum and further demonstrate the skin moisture benefit from topical application of vitamin D(3)."

and...you can substitute the word "seb derm" when you see the word psoriasis.

>"Keratinocytes in the skin have ample vitamin D receptors, and are capable of converting vitamin D3 into 1,25 (OH)2D3 or calcitriol, the active metabolite. Calcitriol in turn regulates epidermal proliferation and differentiation. Topical application has been found effective against psoriasis, a hyper-proliferative state of keratinocytes. Psoriatic patients have low vitamin D levels. Keratinocytes also have ample progesterone receptor sites.
Although the skin makes vitamin D3 from UVB rays, it also suffers from UVB and UVA damage. This can cause a significant increase in free radicals. In particular UV radiation causes a rapid and significant increase in hydrogen peroxide levels. Free radicals damage DNA, cause inflammation, death of skin cells, skin ageing and skin cancer. Vitamin D has a photo protective effect, reversing the above effects. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant too, as is progesterone."

There is also a progesterone cream that you might try in addition to the D cream, although i cannot vouch for it. Lauric acid is in coconut oil. Raw coconut oil is very heavy and my skin personally can't tolerate it to be left on or it breaks me out.

This is my experience with this cream. Your mileage may very.

u/notzak · 2 pointsr/vegan

I use this brand, which does not list Carrageenan as a product. Plus they give vitamins away to people who need them! =]

u/LagCommander · 2 pointsr/Fitness

After doing some research, I'm looking into getting a few extra supplements: Vitamin D3, Vitamin K, and Fish Oil pills. If what I read was true, these seem to be some of the more worthwhile supplements.

But, I was mainly wondering if anyone had any good recommendations on some good, and budget friendly, brands from Amazon.

I'm currently looking at getting these to take care of D3:


I'm mainly just wondering if it would be a safe brand to use.

u/saxnbass · 2 pointsr/vegan

The one you linked says 100% vegan.

Personally, I use the Garden of Life Spray and my GF has the VegLife D Tablets, because she hates the taste of the spray.

u/Lazytux · 1 pointr/keto

This is not the exact product I use but anything like this should work. probably don't need the 5 drops they suggest, i do 3 per day.


u/dreiter · 1 pointr/Supplements

First note that when reading recommendations about blood values note that there are two common measurements, nmol/L and ng/mL. nmol/L is simply 2.5x the ng/mL value so you can do the math to convert between them depending on which source you are reading.

5000 IU is definitely safe although you could just take it every-other-day instead of every day. This RCT found 2000 IU to reach 100 nmol/L (40 ng/mL) and this meta-analysis suggests 4000+ IU to reach 86 nmol/L (34 ng/mL).

Examine has a good page on vitamin D research but the TL;DR is that the required dietary intakes are somewhere between 1000-8000 IU depending on sun exposure, age, weight, latitude, and time of year. Note that supplemental D absorption will also increase if taken with a source of fat instead of on an empty stomach.

Doctors Best has a good 2500 IU vegan option while Naturelo has 2500 and 5000 IU vegan options.

u/nazarandpetros · 1 pointr/clusterheads

Yeah... I remember getting a prescription for triptans and it helped but it felt like it just masked the pain and didn't actually get rid of it.

I forgot exactly where i did the research, but this is what i take [almost] every day:

GNC Mega Men multivitamins (2)

500mg of Magnesium (1)

1200mg Fish Oil (1)

Super K complex (1)

Vitamin D (20k IU for the first week, then 10k every day after)

Sorry for the long reply, hopefully this helps. I feel like an old man taking pills every day, but it's better than having these headaches :D

u/DayKeR_Baptiste · 1 pointr/Supplements

I wanted to try NOW Liquid Vit D3 & fairvital Liquid Vit K2 so I could easily adjust my intake depending on the day : what do you think ?

I'll check Life Extension thank you ! :)

EDIT : Actually, now Adam would be cheaper to buy than Life Extension (prices suck in amazon fr)

Links :

u/eleitl · 1 pointr/Supplements

http://www.amazon.de/Extra-Strength-Liquid-Vitamin-D-3/dp/B009KZ3D5U/ sells for about 20 EUR, 1000 IU/drop. Do not exceed 10000 IU/day long-term without testing the serum level. I take 5000 IU/day during winter, 1000 IU/day during summer. If you spend enough time outside you shouldn't be deficient at all.

Notice that vitamin D3 is stored in body fat in large quantities, so after you're fully loaded up when you're losing weight quickly you can achive too high concentrations even when you're no longer dosing.

u/IguanaGrrl · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon


Ironically, just yesterday, my doctor's office told me that I needed to continue taking a Vitamin D supplement daily, so this would perfectly fit the bill on both sides.

Thanks for the contest! Great idea!

u/Mister_Cupcake · 1 pointr/Supplements

I've heard Chris Kreser and Robb Wolf recommend the Carlson drops. You can buy them everywhere and they're extremely cheap. Plus they're 4,000 IU per drop, compared to other products like now which are 100 IU per drop. So Carlson's is far more concentrated vitamin D, and less of the carrier oil (MCT).

u/chuckdooley · 1 pointr/Documentaries

I’ve gotten gel capsules, I think that’s how they’d be classified


u/-particularpenguin- · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

I"ll just leave this here: https://www.amazon.com/RAINBOW-LIGHT-Vitamin-Berry-D-Licious/dp/B006U7C7T4/ref=sr_ph_1_s_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1478228692&sr=sr-1&keywords=vitamin+d+rainbow+light+2500

I often have to remind myself that 1 is enough.. (and you're probably not getting enough vitamin D ;) )

u/WillCode4Cats · 1 pointr/Psoriasis

I take 1-2 of these depending on how much sunlight I get.

I used to work a Whole Foods when I was young, and I think that Non-GMO/Organic movement is 100% bullshit, but this brand is the best I have tried.

Also, if I take them too late they kind of keep me awake, so take note of that, if you try them.

u/UK-FBA · 1 pointr/Supplements

Thanks! Yes it is almost winter hear and I've lost my summer tan already.

I did buy some Solar liquid Vitamin D3 a few years ago and looking back, that was 5000 IU - although it looks like they only sell 2500 IU now.

Does it have to be in a dropper for it to have an effect?

On amazon.co.uk they have capules which are cheaper:

This looks good, but the brand Nordic Oil looks like a rip off of Nordic Naturals:

Or should I go with the Solgar 59 x 2500 IU for £8.60 / $12 but this will only last about 30 days at 5000 IU per day so 40 cents per day.

I'm 90kg so around 1800 IU to 7200 IU is a high dose.


Caps or liquid in dropper bottle? That is the question!


u/kclalwani92 · 1 pointr/Psoriasis

I see. No, I would just apply the oil straight onto the skin after my morning shower and it helps with the itch for the rest of the day. When I get back from work in the evening, it starts to get itchy again and I should be applying the oil again but I get lazy and end up scratching unfortunately. :(
If youre really interested, I could get you the brand and where to get it from (Mom bought it for me, so I will have to ask her).
I dont know how much do vitamin D creams help, but i wanted to give it a shot so I bought one online with 10,000IU here. It should arrive this week hopefully.

I mean, I've used dovobet gel during my first year I was diagnosed with psoriasis and it was a miracle drug as it worked very well overnight. From what i understand, it is a steroid vitamin D analogue. So MAAYBEEEEE the non-steroid vitamin D cream i ordered might help me. No harm trying, right?

u/RossM88 · 1 pointr/Fitness

I really like these. :)

u/drag0nslovetacos · 1 pointr/BabyBumps

I take this prenatal, this DHA, and 2 of these vitamin D gummies every day. (Extra vitamin D at the rec of my midwife).

u/dryskinassassin · 1 pointr/acne

Thanks everybody for your help! I've decided to stop the acne.org regimen and maybe use the following:

Desert Essence Cleanser

Cinammon and Raw Honey Mask


[Vitamin A]

[Vitamin D-3]

Also, does anybody have any moisturizers that they would like to recommend? I'm going to need them after all the BP side effects.

u/EtotheTT · 0 pointsr/Supplements

Organic Vitamin D3+K2 (MK-7) Liquid Spray by MaryRuth's Non-GMO Vegan Gluten Free Paleo, Ketogenic, Bariatric Friendly and Celiac Friendly. for Men, Women & Children 1oz Glass Bottle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DNK1568/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BQjyDbWZ954CG