(Part 3) Best omega-3 supplements according to redditors

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We found 750 Reddit comments discussing the best omega-3 supplements. We ranked the 243 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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DHA nutritional supplements
Fatty acid nutritional supplements
Lecitin nutritional supplements
Linseed oil nutritional supplements
Black currant oil supplements
EPA nutritional supplements
Flax seed oil nutritional supplements
Krill oil nutritional supplements
Omega oil nutritional supplements
Black seed oil nutritional supplements

Top Reddit comments about Essential Fatty Acid Nutritional Supplements:

u/minutestomidnight · 59 pointsr/AskReddit

Know your sleep cycles - each lasts 90minutes. Use sleepyti.me if you don't want to do math. This will ensure you wake up feeling refreshed rather than groggy.

Stretch in the morning. Don't do this is a rushed fashion. Slow down, breathe deeply, and feel the stretch. It should feel incredible. Stretch everything, especially your hamstrings. When you walk around afterward you should feel your weight being carried by several muscle fibers and thus have more control over your movements rather than moving your joints and having your limbs tossed about like a marionette.

Do 25 runs of a dual n'back game, like Brain Workshop. Despite the corny title, this is one of the few exercises proven to improve working memory and fluid intelligence.

Do some mental math. I like using Lizardpoint. I do 20 of each (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) of incrementally increasing integers.

Exercise. Do either 15minutes of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), or lift weights (do a program like Starting Strength for novices, or 5/3/1 for intermediates).

Eat a large breakfast. Do this especially if you lift. I like to start my day off with 5-6 sunny-side up eggs, and whole wheat toast.

Eat whole foods, in general. Try to get as close to whole food as possible. Whole wheat bread, steel cut oats, free-range grass-fed meat, etc. I realize this can be expensive, but it is worth it.

Get your supplements in. Most are snake oil, but make sure you get a decent multivitamin (many swear by Opti-Men or Orange Triad, I'm satisfied with Centrum Silver) and Omega 3 (make sure you get 720mg of DHA, and 480mg of EPA - many omega 3 pills don't have this, but Trader Joe's Brand has this.

Meditate.Before bed, and after waking up. As much as possible, actually. Read this to learn how.

u/squidboots · 5 pointsr/Fitness

NP :)

I have done a lot of research into fish oils (I hope it shows!), and settled on these guys (and here is the label). I take three a day, which gives you the recommended dose of EPA and DHA for treating depression and also gives you 100% DV of vitamin E.

I'm very happy with that product for quality and value, but really any highly-refined omega-3 fish oil concentrate tested for heavy metals and pollutants will do the same thing.

u/Bilbo_Fraggins · 4 pointsr/ADHD

Have not tried exactly, and the research is not real strong and only on kids so far.

I do take a high quality fish oil and Phosphatidyl Serine, which is basically the same. Can't say I've seen much benefit, but they're pretty cheap and not bad things from a health perspective anyway.

On the other hand, I think I will probably drop the phosphatidyl serine when my supply runs out, as it is still a bit of money for not much benefit, but the fish oil I will stay with, cheaper and has other health benefits.

u/Murcus · 4 pointsr/gainit

Supplements and a bunch of pills is not necessary. I read this guy's book and he pretty much lays it out for ya. He recommends only Gainers and Protein Shakes. Pills and such are just a way to empty your wallet fast!

A lot of people on this sub really like this Gainer and this "Gold Standard Whey" ... Fish Oil is a De-inflamatory and helps to reduce muscle soreness. Those are the three I use.

Search this subreddit if in doubt, and do some research. Unfortunately a lot of the crap online is catered toward helping fat people loose weight. Find communities (like this one) and get advice straight from the skinny guys who have gotten bigger.

And if you're diet doesn't include every vitamin, start taking multi vitamins. You must be healthy, not just mad. Initially since you weigh 100Lbs you may want to do the Seefood diet: You see food, you eat food.

DO NOT GIVE UP! I let work get me down last year (working 150+hours a week) and stopped lifting. All I had time for was running. I finally got back into lifting this month. I could be pretty set right now if I kept at it.

u/youvegottabejoking64 · 3 pointsr/traderjoes

The reviews on Amazon might help? reviews

u/alligatorsallaroundd · 3 pointsr/vegan

Deva Organic Vegan Vitamins Flax Seed Oil, Omega-3, 90 Vcaps (Pack of 2) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001GAOHV6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_uL9rzbFWYWKHQ

u/JacquelynMarks · 3 pointsr/Fitness

This is a great example. I'd add in flaxseed too. I take this one when I don't add it directly to my smoothies: http://www.amazon.com/Deva-Organic-Vegan-Vitamins-Omega-3/dp/B001GAOHV6

u/APeculiarSeahorse · 2 pointsr/SkincareAddiction


I have the one by Manitoba Harvest and I wanted to know if it’s a good idea to use it as an oil cleanser. I have used it once so far and it feels quite moisturizing. However, I’d like to be aware of the risks, so please tell me about your experiences with hemp seed oil!

Last question: can this oil be used for the 3 step SF method?

u/drinkonlyscotch · 2 pointsr/nutrition

Yeah, it's in the gelcap, not its contents so you can get the liquid form without carrageenan.

u/jbrs_ · 2 pointsr/vegan
  • B12: I take this brand, which is a little pricey, but is very high quality. Contains both methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, and does not contain any additives. If you set a price alert on camelcamelcamel.com you can also get it for pretty cheap (I got a years supply for about $24 dollars a bottle). One bottle should last you a month or possibly more.

  • Zinc: this is a good brand.

  • Iodine: Spirulina is a decent source, a daily serving will get you about 30% of the RDA, and spirulina is kinda like a whole food multivitamin. High in protein too. Sea vegetables like dulse (would recommend getting atlantic only) are great sources of iodine. I put a tablespoon or two in a smoothie that I have regularly.

  • Omega 3 (EPA/DHA): Pure encapsulations is generally a good brand, though this particular formulation seems to melt/stick together. They'll probably fix that. You can also get them from flax seeds (either ground, or blend them), hemp seeds, stuff like that. Make sure you're getting a good balance of EPA and DHA-- some things just contain a lot of DHA.

    Those are the essentials in my opinion.
u/GaIaxyy · 2 pointsr/saplings

Manitoba Harvest Organic Hemp Oil, 250 ml https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00D7SL5CO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_C8RRAbKT07J87

Something like this helps with back pain?

u/lil-baby-gemini-man · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps

I found the prenatals with iron made me feel really crummy (even when taken with food or at night). I’ve been alternating between Olly Prenatal Gummies and Whole Foods / 365 Gummies (they have the same amounts of each vitamin and are both yummy).

I live in the PNW and Vitamin D deficiency is a real issue up here, so I’ve been taking an extra vitamin D gummy as well (doc gave me a high five when I told her).

Also on days that I don’t eat fish (which is most days these days) I’ll do a couple tbsp of Barlean’s Omega Swirl Fish Oil. The lemon flavor is DELISH. No fishy taste or aftertaste. Can’t really get too much fish oil, great for your joints and baby’s neural development.

ETA: because I’m not doing Iron supplements I try to eat plenty of iron-rich foods, and if you pair it with a vitamin C-rich food you’ll have better absorption.

u/Agricola86 · 2 pointsr/vegetarian

Others have already listed off some good sources and not a bad idea to grind up some flax seed and add it easily to things like oatmeal in the morning.

If you do decide to supplement this is a good example of a liquid DHA-EPA vegan supplement made from micro algae and there are many others so not a big deal to find animal free supplements.

u/angiemo2419 · 2 pointsr/Interstitialcystitis

I have had the same yucky experience with fish oil with lemon. Gross!! I'd been taking Now brand omega 3 from Amazon for years with absolutely zero fishy taste. I only tried the fish oil with lemon recently because it was cheaper. NEVER AGAIN! I'll attach the Amazon link. I promise you'll like it 1,000 % betterAmazon omegas

Good luck!!


u/bliss219 · 2 pointsr/CannabisExtracts

i think this is the lecithin you wanna use http://amzn.com/B00PD7FPVE no clue about the decarb or the fruit juice sorry..

u/[deleted] · 2 pointsr/vegan

the only nutrient that is harder to get on vegan diet is b12 as far as I know. everything else will just require you to learn and change your habits a little bit.

  • B12: I take this brand, which is a little pricey, but is very high quality. Contains both methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, and does not contain any additives. If you set a price alert on camelcamelcamel.com you can also get it for pretty cheap (I got a years supply for about $24 dollars a bottle). One bottle should last you a month or possibly more.

    as for other nutrients that are important to make sure you're getting, vegan or not:

  • Zinc: this is a good brand if you want to supplement with it. pumpkin seeds are a good whole food source.

  • Iodine: Spirulina is a good source, a daily serving will get you about 30% of the RDA, and spirulina is kinda like a whole food multivitamin. High in protein too. Sea vegetables like dulse (would recommend getting atlantic only) are great sources of iodine. I put a tablespoon or two in a smoothie that I have regularly.

  • Omega 3 (EPA/DHA): Pure encapsulations is generally a good brand, though this particular formulation seems to melt/stick together. They'll probably fix that. You can also get them from flax seeds (either ground, or blend them), hemp seeds, stuff like that. Make sure you're getting a good balance of EPA and DHA-- some things just contain a lot of DHA.

    I handle most of those just by taking b12 supplement in the morning, and sticking some flax, hemp, and pumpkin seeds as well as dulse flakes in my smoothie. Once it's a habit, you don't need to think about it anymore.

    As far as any other concerns, it's just about making sure you're eating enough, as vegan foods are less calorie dense and so if you eat the amount you're used to eating, you won't be eating enough; and eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables somewhat consistently. Adding a bunch of things like raspberries, frozen wild blueberries, spinach, kale, cilantro, etc to a smoothie in the morning also makes this easy.

    Making fruit a big part of your life also makes things easy. Apples, bananas, avocados, dates, mangoes etc are great, easy snacks.

    Make steamed potatoes or other veggies-- it is so damn easy! You just wash the potatoes, put some water in the bottom of the pot, steam for 15-30 mins (until a fork can go all the way through), and then toss with some herbs, olive or coconut oil, and sea salt, and you have a delicious filling dinner.
u/poNzi_ · 2 pointsr/Paleo

Sorry I meant to say some kind of meat or fish.

Also, I am supplementing with 2 Carlson's Fish Oil pills twice daily (each pill has 300 epa 200 dha).

Dessicated Liver Powder is just beef liver in powder form. The shit tastes seriously nasty but I don't have it in me to start cooking liver yet.

Good suggestion on the website as well, thanks for the response

u/kitikitish · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

We started that a week or so ago, the sunflower variety. Hasn't helped at all for us.

u/Phrenzy · 2 pointsr/Supplements

This is what I use.

u/RedMike9 · 2 pointsr/abv

They will not taste like rice crispy treats you know and love but will probably work. The butter has salt and milk fat basically in it that gives it the flavor. I like to put my avb in an open mason jar with coconut oil in a crockpot on low for a couple hours, freeze and repeat, though probably not necessary. I also use soy lethicin, which I didn't think would make a difference, but totally does. [Link for lethicin powder] (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074PW33NZ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) And then when I want some I take 2-3 teaspoon wait an hour or 2 and redose if I want more. But I just eat it straight up and wash it down with water. It used to be a struggle to eat avb but I think the lethicin really helps.

u/MiniMePlease · 2 pointsr/breastfeeding

I hope it helps!

If you have reoccurring clogged ducts, I highly recommend Lecithin supplements. I was having clogged ducts weekly, and now they are rare for me.

u/DrBattheFruitBat · 2 pointsr/waiting_to_try

This is what I have for DHA. Though I really don't take it often because I don't have any issues with my DHA levels, I'll probably start it up more seriously as we get closer to trying.

I'd start taking a prenatal and then see what's in it. Don't double up on anything, so if there's a lot of something in the prenatal that you are taking a separate supplement for, stop that. And make sure you are getting TONS of folic acid.

u/edbutler3 · 1 pointr/Fitness

I use these:

I take 2 at breakfast and 2 at night, for a total of 1600mg of EPA.

u/analogphototaker · 1 pointr/vegan

I have a question about vitamin supplements.

I am looking at buying this vitamin sup, DHA&EPA, and flax seed oil omega 3

Should I skip the flax seed and only take the vitamin and dha&epa pills?

u/Oneireus · 1 pointr/LucidDreaming

Can you detail how much you take nightly on average?

I bought these because it was 100 more pills for lesser than this one.

u/tychosdream · 1 pointr/PlantBasedDiet


This is the one I take. I only take one a day; 250mg of DHA per soft gel.

I buy it at The Vitamin Shoppe. :)

u/lynni98 · 1 pointr/xxketo

Someone in the main subreddit said that this helps


Your post reminded me to buy some to try. It certainly can't hurt. My rash has been ongoing for three months. Some days are better than others but when its bad its unbearable.

u/Neverlife · 1 pointr/Vegetarianism

If you decide that alternatives are okay, this is my go-to.


Was one of the highest rated on labdoor.

u/Black_Magic100 · 1 pointr/Fitness

> ement industry before. And with that many ratings, you have to be skeptical. You're better off going with oximega by controlled labs for their third party testing or Now Foods ultra omega because it's very reputable. I read some of these reviews on th

Thank you for the advice, I think I am going to try this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0015L2LBE/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER.

As for creatine, I am going to try this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IUHNCIW/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

u/Yarzospatflute · 1 pointr/Fitness

I have some of the Carlson's now, but I think when I run out I'm going to go with the Costco ones. I recently did the math and, even though I'd have to double up on the Costco ones to get as much EPA and DHA, it's still cheaper. If you do stick with the Carlson's though, get the regular ones from Amazon. You get 124 of 'em for about $16.

edit: by my math...

for the Carlson's that I linked to, it's 4,034mg of both EPA and DHA per dollar (124 capsules x 500mg/capsule @ $15.38)
for the Kirkland it's 8,000mg of EPA+DHA per dollar (180 capsules x 684mg/capsule @ $15.39)

Twice as much of the good stuff per dollar with the Kirkland brand.

edit2: hang on...

If you get the Carlson's you linked to but get it from Amazon and use the 15% discount, it's 6,259mg/dollar (12 capsules x 700mg @$13.42)

u/GregCanFast · 1 pointr/decaf

I'll give a bit of contrary advice/experience. I (37 yo male) had many of the same symptoms (and to a lesser extent still do, which I'll explain). Anyway, I "quit" coffee twice (cold turkey, month of Dec 2017 and Dec 2018) hoping it would be the fix for these, but honestly besides the first week of headaches didn't notice much difference. It was not the "miracle cure" I was hoping it would be. And I still wanted to have a 'hot drink' at hand all the time so re-filled mug with hot-water from the office coffee pot constantly each AM so it was just as compulsive.

You should probably still try and it may be great!! ...but for OPs list of symptoms you almost certainly need to do other things too. Especially increase water, regularly moderate exercise/fresh air, etc. So what did "help" for me?:

  • Intermittent fasting (16:8, where you do 16 hrs fasting or 8pm-noon no food and 8-hr eating (noon-8 pm), with 24-hr on some weekends...you may know about this but this FAQ is v helpful, it is simple https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/comments/biygsj/intermittent_fasting_faq/) Helped digestion too.
  • Vitamin D (as in here with omega 3 fish oil...my doctor said in our modern life everyone should take vitamin D) https://www.amazon.com/Carlson-Super-Omega-3-Lemon-250/dp/B003BVIALG or https://www.amazon.com/Carlson-Vitamin-2000-360-Softgels/dp/B001LF39UG/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_121_img_0?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=DMGSKPFWGA8TEG5D14KY&th=1
  • For a while I did magnesium for sleeping (for me it has been early awakening (3-4am) not falling to sleep or "golden milk"/turmeric but exercise (though not late evening) seems to be best sleep aid https://www.amazon.com/Doctors-Best-Absorption-Magnesium-Glycinate/dp/B000BD0RT0/ref=sr_1_3?crid=35HKXCW9CTD9K&th=1
  • Liver pills (can't decide if those helped or just piggybacked on the other stuff, but they are basically good dose of Vitamin B which is often recommended, sometimes called a B-complex)
  • regular exercise - I joined a $35 free-weight only gym, and do stronglifts 5x5 It is also very simple, and I can tell a difference the months I make it ~9-12 times and the months I make it 0-3 times https://stronglifts.com/5x5/#gref Outdoors, whether or not you are "forest bathing" :) is also obviously great. If anything else if you can get yourself up and out for a 20 min phone free walk before you get ready for day - after a big glass of water - 5 days in a in a row you may be surprised. Could do this before you ty quitting coffee or before you make your coffee if you still debating quitting. Huge help with energy throughout day and "resilience" vs giving up/defeatist by default, also some improvement with posture, tension in back
  • seeing a therapist re: "cognitive behavioral therapy & general (latch onto work projects or home tasks or anything) anxiety" - what flaws in thinking ("cognitive distortions" like catastrophizing (worst case), "thought projections" (my boss is probably thinking I am screwing this up right now...No! he's busy and not thinking of you at all!), ruminating, etc.
    • Much of it similar to the Stoic philosophy stuff ("Man is troubled not by events, but by the meaning he gives them. - Epictetus", know what is in your control and what you need to accept, etc), there is no shortage of this stuff online, like dailystoic, subreddits, etc),
    • personally doing this as a Christian with Catholic-intellectual-tendencies with a Catholic therapist has been helpful (e.g. your mind and body are both good, you aren't a mind trapped in a body etc, but need to undertand interaction and limits, also God's 'Providence (not trouble avoidance) in big picture, while reflecting on parable of the talents for small picture along with the Fr Roncalli/Pope John XXIII "just for today" list which is seriously great: http://www.appleseeds.org/Decalogue_John-23.htm)
  • Hope some of this may help.It's been discouraging feeling like Ive wasted some good months of life and so I empathize. Good luck!!! I'll prob try quitting coffee again soon too to see if that can push over the top, but for me needed "attack from all angles" and have been focusing on the "other sides" for last 1.5 yr.
u/Falconmcfalconface · 1 pointr/CBD
u/Griever114 · 1 pointr/Fitness


any sold directly from amazon?

u/764hero · 1 pointr/funny
u/bearpotato · 1 pointr/diabetes

You can google "diabetic room service menu" and look through what hospitals feed diabetics.

There's good ideas here: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/nutrition/includes/documents/RSPediatricMenu.pdf

Diabetic meal plans are the same as any healthy meal plan. You should eat 4-6 15g servings of carbs per meal, depending on how many calories you need. There's a picture of the proportions of types of food to get at the bottom of the PDF.

For tiredness and depression, be sure to eat your meals, and try some caffeine. I drink a half can of pepsi with my lunch if I want a pick-me-up. Take fish oil daily. Find a fun way to get exercise into your daily schedule. The human body and brain needs a vigorous 20 minute workout almost every day to stay healthy and feeling good. Perhaps there's a beach on your drive home you can stop by for a skate, or something. You'll have to search for what you find fun.

u/Augoctapr · 1 pointr/beyondthebump

I had many clogged ducts for the first few months until a lactation consultant recommended lecithin supplement pills. It was seriously magical and I plan on taking them from day 1 with this next baby!

u/DaMeteor · 1 pointr/StackAdvice

No prob. I actually linked the wrong thing lol, that actually isn't a very good brand per price/pill. Here's a better one (I think at least?): https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Vegan-DHA-Supplement/dp/B003B6Y0CE/ref=sr_1_7_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1522893925&sr=8-7&keywords=omega+3+dha+vegan
You can prolly look around on Amazon. In terms of brain development/health alone, DHA is the only Omega that really matters. Though ALA does convert to DHA, not very much of it does.

u/Abby_Sciuto · 1 pointr/eczema
u/elpwnerTheGreat · 1 pointr/veganfitness

Deva Nutrition has a vegan DHA+EPA drops. Here's an Amazon US link. I think the science is unclear on whether we need to supplement either DHA or EPA. But this is one that I have used.


u/collector_red · 1 pointr/kratom

I'm in the states XD

I'm just worried about wasting money on a product and it not working because it's not quality.

I tried turmeric or curcumin/piperine:


.. and didn't notice any difference in my burn.

Then I tried agmatine:


... and didn't notice much change in tolerance or potentiation but I did notice it was affecting my SSRI antidepressant almost boosting it so I stopped taking it.

I'm just trying to find something to give my burns that little extra kick when I need it. The only other supplements I've found are BSO and Cats Claw. Just wary of wasting more money but BSO seems promising based on the reviews I've read. I'm not worried about the taste I use to take oregano oil and that stuff was harsh lol.

Thanks again for the insight. I may just try the 1 oz version for $8.49 as a add on item next time I purchase something


u/political2002 · 1 pointr/Rosacea

Wow, that is interesting. Well, I hope the Accutane goes well.

Some other tips for you:
- Try taking MSM powder (mixed in with water, work your way up to 15g daily, stop taking at least 8 hours before bed). It really helps me. It shouldn't be an issue with Accutane.
- Take a Zinc supplement if you aren't already (use Labdoor to find a good one).
- Avoid the sun as much as possible. I drive with a visor on. Literally this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073WB185T/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
- Since you're avoiding the sun, you'll need a good vitamin D supplement. I take this with my salads: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003BVIALG
- Use this website to make sure whatever moisturizer/skin products you're using are safe by entering the ingredient list in and having it analyze them: http://www.cosdna.com/eng/ingredients.php
- Use this cleanser; it works wonders for me: https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Bronners-Pure-Castile-Liquid-Soap/dp/B000HJXQ9G

Good luck. :)

u/newguy8908 · 1 pointr/Supplements

I think I got that wrong. Hemp Oil Extract . Don't think this one has any CBD in it. Amazon doesn't sell any CBD items. Although the plant itself does have CBD. But if its seed oil it should be good.

u/Lemzik · 1 pointr/microgrowery

I used liquid...

Pure Liquid Soy Lecithin (Food Grade): Better Than Lecithin Granules as an Emulsifier Providing a Smoother and Larger Volume Finished Dough https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PD7FPVE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_owJ4CbAC53K6M

u/majordowners · 1 pointr/treedibles

Do I add the lecithin in powdered form? I purchased the this, and how much corn syrup should I add? would that be a good sugar/starch?

u/GelfSara · 1 pointr/Fitness
u/cd2020s · 1 pointr/Nootropics

So I'm gonna guess this Black Seed Oil by Amazing Herbs - 1 oz https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0006ZF1GW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_iT5mzb35M0BM6 is probably crap? Lol trying to find something more affordable

u/Torp211 · 1 pointr/Septemberbumpers2017

Ok...Here we go! This is a very relevant topic to me so get ready for a long reply ha!

I have cystic acne that only came up after going off of birth control a year ago. I've tried SO MANY things, but nothing worked! It wasn't until we started TTC when I was taking more vitamins that it finally got better, but it was still not great.

I found a routine that keeps it in check though and it involves Manuka Oil! My skin is in the best shape it has ever been! So here is what I found that works for me:

AM: I wash my face with Era Organics Natural Face Wash. About 3x per week I use their scrub. Then mix a little bit of Manuka Oil with CeraVe AM Moisturizer then apply Bare Minerals powder concealer.

PM: I remove my make up as soon as I get home from work with Micellar Cleansing Water and wash with the Era Organics face wash. Then I put a little bit of organic sweet almond oil along with the manuka oil on a cotton round and apply that to my face to moisturize. Sometimes I'll swap out the almond oil for CeraVe PM moisturizer, but the almond oil seems to help a little better.

Along with this routine, I take 30 mg of zinc and the recommended dose of vegan DHA every day, 5000 IU of vitamin D M-F, along with my prenatal. But I swear by the zinc. Here is a little information on why zinc helps with acne.

As for my chest and back (I get pimples there too but not cystic) I've been putting witch hazel and manuka oil on a cotton round every morning/evening and it has really helped clear it up! Granted I just started this routine a week ago so I hope it continues!!!

For someone who has struggled with this to the point of tears, I finally feel like I have it under control!!

u/---james · 0 pointsr/vegan

IMO: don't announce to your parents. Make it a transition, phasing animal products out as you learn how to follow a vegan diet. That way you'll probably avoid fears about your health and other related things, and it'll be easier for you (and more likely that you stick with it).

You could say something like you're working to reduce your consumption if you're asked. The word vegan can be scary to some people.

Make fruit a staple would be my advice for diet. Super easy + healthy + tasty. Steamed potatoes (with other stuff if you like, but I like them on their own with a bit of salt and cayenne) are a super easy satisfying meal, which you will crave as you make the switch. Also be sure you're getting critical nutrients (not that a vegan diet makes you any more likely to be deficient than the standard american diet)-- b12, iodine, and omegas are the big ones I think (the linked brands are the best ones I've found). Those supplements are expensive, but it helps that you don't need a lot. A bottle of the b12 could last you two months, and iodine could last you a year.

Spirulina is also like a vegan whole food multivitamin/mineral and good source of easily assimilable protein.

u/ThrowinStacks · 0 pointsr/Supplements

This is absolutely the best value


2-3 per day.

u/Life-in-Death · 0 pointsr/PlantBasedDiet

As far as I can see, this one is only algae oil, it is what I used to take


Also, if you start supplementing daily with flax, over time (I think in around six months) your body has sufficient stores of ALA to convert to sufficient DHA and EPA as needed. And there is no worries with the product being degraded.