(Part 3) Best wearable products according to redditors

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We found 1,038 Reddit comments discussing the best wearable products. We ranked the 388 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Wearable tech gadgets & accessories
Smart glasses
Smart rings
Body mounted video cameras
VR accessories

Top Reddit comments about Wearable Technology:

u/freudjung_deathmatch · 10 pointsr/xxfitness

I'm thinking about buying a fitness tracker watch, but I'm also worried that I won't use it enough to justify the cost. People who have bought fitness trackers- Do you feel like you've gotten a significant benefit from them?

EDIT: Thanks for all of the replies! Also, specific recommendations for a smart watch that will track swimming lap times?

u/OMGTehAwsome · 8 pointsr/fitbit

I bought three leather and one canvas watch straps by Barton, though any quick-release 22mm band will do. The pins on the Versa are just a tiny bit elongated, so you will need to replace the pins on the watch band with longer ones, though you can remove the pins from the FitBit silicone band if you're not using it. Here's a picture of mine, taken right now.

u/robisodd · 8 pointsr/pebble

The cached Amazon page is rather interesting.

The analog hands on all the PR shots are at 10:10 which makes me wonder how (if) it handles showing information on the e-ink display when the hands are covering it, whether moving the hands out of the way or moving the content around on the display.

u/z2k_ · 7 pointsr/pebble

Luna - $199

Meridian - $117

u/URPREY · 6 pointsr/WearOS

On Amazon for preorder at $295usd https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SRW3MCM/

u/Talulabelle · 5 pointsr/cyberDeck

I love how everyone says 'basic use', and then 'browsing' is the first thing out of their mouths. A browser is incredibly complex. Web pages take a ton of power to render, and require a display that approaches 'standard' resolutions to be useful.

Of all the things I'd use a near-eye display for, browsing is literally the last on the list. It's an application where more screen real-estate is always better, and you'll never get enough.

It sounds to me like you're just looking to buy something, and the bottom line is that regular people just don't want to wear a computer around. Especially when it'll be less capable for browsing than a phone, and that's all that most people want to do.

As for suggestions, there are things on the market at varying costs. Here are some links to things of different styles, maybe one of them will be what you're looking for.

  • Glyph headphones These were a big deal when they were first being introduced a few years ago, but they didn't sell well at all. I think people just considered them 'silly'. I just noticed they're under $200 now, and I've considered picking up a pair to try them out.

  • Blade AR These are more recent, and probably more interesting in general. Reviews for these kinds of things are always middling at best, so I don't know how well they really work. Personally, I wouldn't buy them because I'm not sure if I could hack the display for an external computer, and this looks like it's meant to be more like VR glasses than a near-eye display. But, if you want an out of the box experience, maybe look that direction?

  • VISIONHMD These are your pretty standard display glasses. Recent generations of these have just had their asses kicked by cheap VR. Most VR uses a phone display, which are easy to find and really cheap. That means a device like this, using actual near-eye technology is expensive to produce by comparison, and it can't do VR, the one application people think of when they pick up a headset. That said, the prices are dropping on these and the res is pretty good. I could see buying a pair just to remove the displays, personally, but if you just want a small computer you could probably add a pi to the strap and have something usable here.

  • Vuefine This is definitely something more my speed. This is a single eye, reasonably good resolution, basic HDMI interface display. Stripping these down isn't be that hard, and I can hang them off just about anything.

    So, depending on what you want, there are definitely options.
u/rhewitt2019 · 4 pointsr/WearOS

I was able to add it to my Amazon cart for $195 and then pre-order it by using the Google cache. I Googled the model number I was interested in, then selected the cached version, then added it to my cart, then checked out from the real Amazon. I received a confirmation email, so it seems to have worked. Ships in 1-3 months, though. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:aXr4wpGNbJMJ:https://www.amazon.com/Fossil-FTW7010-Hybrid-Model/dp/B07SY66F2L+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

u/B1tN1nja · 3 pointsr/WearOS

The Skagen looks SUPER thick from what I've seen.

Is this the Explorist you've got? Looks pretty sharp to me!

u/WrinkledKitten · 3 pointsr/WatchURaffle

BNIB Apple Watch, never worn, unopened box

Item Name: 38m Silver Apple Watch Series 3, with GPS

Price: $270

of Spots: 27 spots at $10 each

Price Justification: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/apple-apple-watch-series-3-gps-38mm-silver-aluminum-case-with-white-sport-band-silver-aluminum/5706617.p?skuId=5706617

Price Justification: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Apple-Watch-Series-3-GPS-38mm-Sport-Band-Aluminum-Case/706203065?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222228256776957&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=304471625701&wl4=aud-566049426705:pla-545525255987&wl5=9029721&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=706203065&wl13=&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsYvZyfzj3gIV1Bx9Ch2yIQCoEAQYAiABEgKf3fD_BwE

Price Justification: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K37HKT8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_rui9BbKWT8N5J

Call spots? Yes

Spot limit per person? No

Location/Country: USA

Will ship international? USA/CA only, winner pays additional costs for shipping out of US

Timestamp/pics: https://m.imgur.com/a/NB1b70Y

Description: Brand New In Box 38mm Series 3 Apple Watch. It has a silver case and comes with the white sports band. This watch is the model that has GPS functionality. The plastic on the box hasn't even been opened. I acquired this watch as a reward from my employer but I have no interest in owning a smart watch, so I immediately put it on the shelf so I could raffle it later.

Update: Sorry, I won't be able to run the raffle today due to some Thanksgiving related issues. I will instead run it on Saturday at 12pm MT, 2pm ET. I will tag you guys for that thread unless you'd like me not to, just PM me.

u/trkc · 3 pointsr/AppleWatch

This is on sale on Amazon for $230

I've been trying to decide whether the S4 is worth the extra $200 as well...

u/aprudencio · 3 pointsr/AppleWatch

You can get an S3 brand new on amazon right now for $230.

Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS, 42mm) - Space Gray Aluminium Case with Black Sport Band https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K387Y7K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_qxkCDb8ZD1JRR

Not that I’m explicitly recommending you get a S3. I posted this deal in here yesterday and got nothing but negative comments from people.

u/kbDL- · 3 pointsr/WearOS

honestly, i think it's some random cancelled project from fossil. it was listed on amazon as early as june 10 and was then supposed to be available september 7, except here we are. i've looked through several listings and not one says anything about wear os. they all say it's a hybrid powered by the fossil smartwatches app like all of their hybrids. don't think this is diana.

full cache page at amazon: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:aXr4wpGNbJMJ:https://www.amazon.com/Fossil-FTW7010-Hybrid-Model/dp/B07SY66F2L+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

note: how on earth does it track heartrate through that case back which has no sensor?

edit: high-res images - https://imgur.com/a/sa0N9K6

u/jsamhead · 3 pointsr/EDC

The wedding band is a new addition as of Sep. 29. Nothing else has really changed in well over a year. I've finally found the gear I'm content with. Not something I thought was possible when I was getting into this hobby.

Left front pocket: Olight M2R Warrior (clipped), Wallet, Leatherman Squirt PS4, Zippo, Gik-tek Ruk V1

Right front pocket: Spyderco Shaman (clipped), Google Pixel XL

Right back pocket: Tactile Turn Glider (clipped)

Left back pocket: Leatherman Wave (clipped)

Other: Fossil Q Explorist HR, Wedding Band, Cheap Aviators, Keys on Nite-Ize locking S-Biners

u/aamodb · 3 pointsr/india

how is ticwatch 2? Any users here? Seems like a good buy for 13k

u/Swarfega · 3 pointsr/moto360

For Amazon you can "Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available.".



u/bengrulz · 3 pointsr/pebble

i ordered a martian notifier watch for kicks because it was dirt cheap, i'll also be keeping my eye on the Vector watches, although they're a bit pricey: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0169MX2NE/

u/swordstool · 3 pointsr/moto360

Screen Protectors! iLLumiShield

u/umamiking · 2 pointsr/WearOS

I think this is the URL but the product page has been removed. https://smile.amazon.com/Fossil-FTW7010-Hybrid-Model/dp/B07SY66F2L

u/crueller · 2 pointsr/pebble

It depends what color you want. The gold ones can be had for much less. Amazon currently has it for $80


u/_ataraxia · 2 pointsr/snakes

what type of thermometer/hygrometer are you using, analog or digital? where exactly are you measuring the temperature? on the wall? on top of the substrate? on the floor beneath the substrate? a UTH that is not regulated by a thermostat will run somewhere between 100 and 200 F. you need a thermostat, like this. the probe can be sandwiched between the UTH and the outside of the enclosure, or it can be placed inside the enclosure secured to the floor by hot gluing the probe to the floor. you should have an infrared thermometer, like this, to accurately spot-check the temperature anywhere in the enclosure, which will help ensure your thermostat is on the right setting to maintain a floor temperature of 90 F. if your cool/ambient temperature is below 75 F [with 80 F being the ideal] you'll need some sort of supplemental heat source like a second UTH run on its own thermostat, a radiant heat panel, or a ceramic heat emitter.

glass tanks are not great enclosures for ball pythons. the glass doesn't retain heat, and the screen lid allows too much air flow to retain any humidity. glass tanks can work, but it's an uphill battle of modification, monitoring, and maintenance. plastic storage tubs or pvc reptile cages are much more suitable for BPs. plastic is a much better insulator for heat, and the minimal air flow means you should be able to maintain 50%+ humidity with no special efforts. substrates like aspen are very dry and will contribute to low humidity, though, so you may want to switch to something more moisture friendly like cypress mulch. going backto enclosure types, i personally have one BP in a 74qt sterilite underbed tub secured with a pair of luggage straps, and my other two are in pvc cages from boaphile plastics. tubs aren't pretty, but they're cheap and effective. pvc cages are nice to look at, but they cost somewhere between $150 and $350 depending on which manufacturer you buy from and what size you get.

even without knowing how much your BP weighs, i can tell you that you're severely underfeeding her. a hatchling BP is capable of eating prey the size of an adult mouse. at two years old, she should be big enough to eat small or medium rats. get a digital kitchen scale to weigh her. right now, while she's growing, she should be eating approximately 15% of her own weight, though you'll want to build up to that gradually so you don't shock her system. you'll also want to switch to appropriately sized rats ASAP, because feeding several mice per meal is impractical at best and just not going to happen at worst. on rare occasions, a BP will just take a rat with no hesitation, but in most cases they won't eat it because they don't recognize it as food. i wrote a simple breakdown of how to switch a BP from mice to rats here. you won't find rats that are smaller than small adults in places like petco, petsmart, etc, so you may need to find a different rodent supplier if she's not ready for smalls yet.

your hides are inadequate. there should be two, one for the warm side and one for the cool side, that are snug [little/no empty space around the snake], enclosed [one entrance, snake is actually hidden], and identical [except for temperature]. this is VERY important to fix. your snake needs to be able to feel secure and be able to thermoregulate comfortably. hides like this are ideal. half logs are not appropriate.

regarding your snake biting you: she's immensely stressed. everything from your poor enclosure, being underfed, being moved to a feeding tub, all of these things are contributing to her being stressed, scared, and defensive. right now, you need to forget about handling her unless you're taking her out to weigh her. she should be fed inside the enclosure, and she should not be handled at all for your own pleasure until she is 100% healthy.

u/_benjaninja_ · 2 pointsr/smartwatch

Sort by top > All Time>

(It's a little outdated, but still useful)

I currently have a Pebble 2SE, the Pebble 2 Heart Rate* could be a good option, but if you want the latest features it depends what phone you have/what you want. If you have an iPhone, just get an apple watch. If you on Android, good luck! 😅 Jokes aside (I have a Pixel, love Android) there are just so many Android Wear watches and none of them are as good as they could be. Wear OS needs some work...

If you just need fitness features maybe look into the latest from FitBit like the Versa.

Fitbit Versa Smart Watch: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B48SQGT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Gx5QBbS13JCC0

The AmazeFit Bip could also be worth looking into:

Amazfit Bip Smartwatch by Huami with All-day Heart Rate and Activity Tracking, Sleep Monitoring, GPS, Ultra-Long Battery Life, Bluetooth, US Service and Warranty (A1608 Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CRSK5DM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_6w5QBb5Z9D4VF

Edits: random mistakes

u/rolllingthunder · 2 pointsr/technology

I'm looking to step up my integration of tech and fashion and get a smart watch this winter. I'm currently looking at this: https://www.amazon.com/Vector-Watch-Smartwatch-30-Autonomy-Notifications/dp/B0169MX2NE

But I'm not sure. I like the traditional style, but at the price point I just want to ensure it isn't a crap smart watch that will break. I have zero brand loyalty or smart watch experience, so if it offers the same/similar features to other products in the market at competing prices, I'd love some direction. Also, given the number of products growing in this market, what features/build qualities would you recommend to look for?

u/ReviewMeta · 2 pointsr/dataisbeautiful

> I like this. It matched up very closely to my experience.

Thanks! That's awesome!

> It passed the test. http://reviewmeta.com/amazon/B00G9N3I7O

Technically it didn't pass; it got a "warn". There's 3 levels - pass, warn, fail. 3.2 stars is a pretty low rating, and since the ReviewMeta adjusted score stays at a 3.2 stars, it means that Amazon already did a pretty decent job of weighing the reviews to account for the unnatural reviews.

It's not always black and white, and often times we'll see products that have several fakes, but then a lot of honest reviews, and it doesn't makes sense to "fail" the entire product, especially if the rating is already pretty low.

I've bumped up the priority of the "full report" on this item to see if that changes anything. The reports that are generated on-the-fly in about 60 seconds aren't quite as perfect as the ones that take a few hours, so check that report again in a few hours and we'll see some more details about the reviews.

u/Paneachy · 2 pointsr/moto360

Are you sure? I can still see them same place as ever.

EDIT: It looks like they merged the black and the silver listings onto a single page now, maybe that's why.

u/Chedfo · 2 pointsr/TicWatch

here its 156$ cad for me on amazon!

u/thepeanutjelly · 2 pointsr/appleswap

These are going on sale new for 200$ on amazon right now. Here’s the link: Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS, 38mm) - Silver Aluminium Case with White Sport Band https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K37HKT8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9LIxCbQVE814F

u/NorTravel · 2 pointsr/CasualConversation

I've found that the best way for music (Apple Music for offling syncing), podcasts (with offline syncing), or audio books (Audible for offline syncing), especially in the Apple ecosystem, is using a spare (waterproof by default) Apple Watch 38mm S3 (currently $200 on Amazon) and the SwimBuds kit (currently $65 on Amazon) tucked under a swim cap.

It's not the cheapest setup, but syncing podcasts and books on the fly is priceless.

u/sdblakehill · 2 pointsr/WearOS

It's also up live on Amazon in case you didn't see it yet. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SRW3MCM/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_i_7z0rDbJG6QDNX

u/citypanda · 2 pointsr/WearOS

To the first question: yep! To the second: Amazon or Mobvoi.

u/JkStudios · 2 pointsr/raspberryDIY

Again, do you want a HUD like Google Glass, or you just want to have something similar to a VR headset?

The glasses you linked are very similar to a VR headset. Once you put them on, you won't be able to see the outside world. With that in mind, here are two suggestions.

Vufine Wearable Display https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MZ89QXF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_gVJSBbG0G0NM7

VISIONHMD Bigeyes H1 584PPI 2.5K Equivalent Screen 3D Video Glasses with HDMI Input https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072TY1FS2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_TZJSBbRJ5NGG8

u/PM_ME_YOUR_WATERMELO · 1 pointr/moto360

Which screen protector did you have on before? I bought the illumishield one, and it felt great. It felt pretty much the same as the glass.

link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J3BAR28/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

u/lightinthedark · 1 pointr/Whatisthis

That's the front. As someone else said, it's a Misfit Shine. $50 new on Amazon

u/joshromea · 1 pointr/AppleWatch

Amazon has the exact specs your looking for and cheap

Edit: Sorry realized your looking for Stainless steel and not Aluminum.

u/thatonesoarkid · 1 pointr/appleswap

Is this the same as this one on Amazon?

u/Friedguy18 · 1 pointr/frugalmalefashion

I want to get black straps for my fitbit versa. You said you'll be doing quick release in the future so I was just wondering what kind of time frame I'm looking at

Edit. these are the pins needed.

u/Nealon01 · 1 pointr/IAmA

What do you think of the Vector Luna Watch, and as a follow up, what do you think of the fact that Fitbit bought them today? Do you think they're serious about trying to improve their tech with the companies (Pebble) they're buying, or do you think it's just anti-competition?

u/lordderplythethird · 1 pointr/WearOS
u/Moosucow · 1 pointr/hardwareswap

If this is the 38mm its on sale for $200 in the US.


u/dprice76 · 1 pointr/moto360


This one sounds like it might be oleophobic.

u/adamfromwales · 1 pointr/moto360

Amazon right now. Amazon UK currently have six silver/grey Moto 360s in stock [2040 hours]


u/Alanrey00 · 1 pointr/smartwatch

Yeah I read about Rebble and make feel a little better about, anyway I'm thinking in buying this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FIAXHCO/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A9VBWN1Q1U6E6
as is $75 and has the amazon warranty

u/ulysnep · 1 pointr/moto360

I bought an ArmorSuit MilitaryShield for $7.80 (Amazon.com) and it was a complete let down. I bought this one which is much easier to apply, you can't even tell it's there and it's much cheaper: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J3BAR28/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

u/player007xt9000 · 1 pointr/learnprogramming

There are kits with sensors and some software enabling you to manipulate a simple switches with pure brainpower. You can tinker with the software to build more advanced stuff.


Look into that!

u/djeror · 1 pointr/pebble

Here's a link to Amazon
pebble time steel refurbished

Also been seeing off and on deals like this on eBay and other sites.

u/catchthemagicdragon · 1 pointr/leopardgeckos

I'm a broke college student as well, this is as good and cheap as you'll find I believe. Works well for me with my "medium" zoo med mat in a 20 gallon

u/scstraus · 1 pointr/dataisbeautiful

I like this. It matched up very closely to my experience. I put in a product from a company that had a lot of problems but that I knew worked very hard to impress me and get me to change my review. I know that they wouldn't put this much energy into trying to get me satisfied based off my negative review if they had fake ones there. It passed the test. http://reviewmeta.com/amazon/B00G9N3I7O

And another product which had tons of great reviews over a short time period but which in my experience broke the first day I had it. Extremely fragile if not used in the right way. I couldn't believe the reviews were so high.. And guess what.. Sure enough... http://reviewmeta.com/amazon/B00SWSZ3OK

u/PM_ME_CAMERAS · 1 pointr/WearOS

Other countries are also sale here:

Country | Link
Germany | https://www.amazon.de/dp/B077NSBVFN
France | https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B077NSBVFN
Italy | https://www.amazon.it/dp/B077NSBVFN
Spain | https://www.amazon.es/dp/B077NSBVFN

Disclaimer: I don't get paid by Mobvoi (anymore). Thought you guys might fancy a deal

u/ItsGer · 1 pointr/appleswap

Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS, 38mm) - Silver Aluminium Case with White Sport Band https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K37HKT8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_rib4CbR0DMZJF

u/malipupper · 1 pointr/AppleWatch

Enjoy your new watch! If def has enough if you were happy with the S2. It’s $200 right now on amazon. Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS, 38mm) - Space Gray Aluminium Case with Black Sport Band https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K39FRSL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JhA8CbT7VVT9B

I am sure bestbuy and or Costco has deals too. Or whatever major chain is in your area. Never bought or sold a used one. I give mine away to family members when I upgrade.

u/NotJimIrsay · 1 pointr/AppleWatch

The series 3 38mm is $199 and 42mm is $229 currently at Amazon



Edit: looks like they no longer offer at this price. I think it was a one day deal.

u/nickinsider · 1 pointr/barstoolsports

This smartwatch or one similar would be pretty solid.

u/jspurlin03 · 1 pointr/Whatisthis

This is the technology part of a Misfit Shine fitness tracker

u/dracoscha · 1 pointr/Eve

> people said the same thing about kinect

I'm not aware of those people, I worked with ToF cams and similar tech long before microsoft even announced the kinect. The problem here was simply the price. Before the kinect came out, you needed to spend thousands of dollars for a similar device. BCIs are already dirt cheap, but aside from researchers and some thinkers here and there they still aren't used as widely as the kinect, because they simply aren't practical.

u/wwwryan · 1 pointr/Watchexchange

Amazon has it on sale new for $370.

Apple Watch Series 4 (GPS + Cellular, 44mm) - Silver Aluminum Case with White Sport Band


u/xyster69 · 1 pointr/WearOS


Note the "Collider" and "Diana" in the same link.

Also, the Canadian Amazon link does not need caching to view:
($318 CAD to order on Amazon.com to Canada though; it let me do it for some reason)

u/jbaber · 1 pointr/gadgets

Thank you. I needed something to curb my uncontrollable urge to early adopt this and a link-from-a-link in the article showed me the vufine which I'm more likely to like.

u/charonpdx · 1 pointr/pebble

Original: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KWAFOGM

Steel: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M3YS4QL

Time: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CUV2ZA4

Time Steel: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FIAXHCO

Round: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FIFWC34

> Warranty: 2-Year Amazon.com Warranty provided by Asurion, instead of the manufacturer.

About watch warranties

u/redidtsmith · 1 pointr/tDCS

Similar.... I'd be interested in something that can be moved around to any position. That one looks like it's "stuck" in one position.

These reviews don't look so good...

I did run across this too. Also not what I'm looking for.

u/iatheist_KS · 1 pointr/kulchasimulator

Nope no one depending on one. But is ticwatch 2? Any idea when it has been looking for?

u/hindu_KS · 1 pointr/kulchasimulator

Same with the accused passed out the public speeches etc (and same time progresses I don't think outside my friends travel all the name tillari (village) has a stupid rule to the most probably pay through the same for freshers or before swallowing all being a smaller population growth should be attributed to split into whiskies? Wanted some point? That would be wary of random "bob vagena poo in quality saris *all the sarees to be set pieces of Redittors here. That DNA article is a higher than xcom 2. Very good if I have seen increase in the sidebar doesn't care about. And its most Redditors who manage it if it to handle. how you got a 'mishra' version and PW2; two are there 4 years before and how it last. how is ticwatch 2? Any other the weekend.

u/randia_KS · 1 pointr/kulchasimulator

there is ticwatch 2? Any laptop deals, but what you don't understand where it's funny, you linked to Panchkula is worth standing according to fitbit too. sat as a fair

u/jcash21 · -1 pointsr/conspiracy

Are you wearing one of these when you browse the internet?