(Part 3) Best home testing kits according to redditors

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We found 861 Reddit comments discussing the best home testing kits. We ranked the 191 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top Reddit comments about Home Tests:

u/DirteDeeds · 37 pointsr/funny
u/SuwanneeValleyGirl · 27 pointsr/InsanePeopleQuora

Tacking these on for anyone watching.
They're just as effective and easy to use as the $15 ones at the store, just without the fancy packaging and housing.
I've even seen them used at doctor's offices and hospitals.

It seems strange at first, but regular testing is an important part of taking care of your own health.
Even if you use birth control.

u/chrystalight · 13 pointsr/TryingForABaby

\> So it seems we’re both healthy and doing all the standard stuff, to have sex every other day, with the key day being 14 days after the first day of your cycle etc etc.

*note - skip to the last paragraph if you only want a response to your direct question*

I would strongly recommend tracking ovulation. 14 days after the first day of your period might be an accurate date for some women to ovulate, but it may very well not be for you. Also, you're most likely to get pregnant on the 2nd and 1st days prior to ovulation (because sperm needs to be in the fallopian tubes ready to meet the egg which takes time, the egg only spends 12-24 hours in your fallopian tubes, and sperm can last up to 5 days inside you), so its important to try and have sex before ovulation.

I track using a combo of tempting and using OPKs (ovulation predictor kits). I use [this](https://www.amazon.com/Basal-Body-Thermometer-BBT-113Ai-Temperature/dp/B07KB2QFDY/ref=sr_1_14?crid=2W5KN789ZPDMU&keywords=bbt+thermometer&qid=1569518618&sprefix=bbt%2Caps%2C768&sr=8-14) thermometer to take my temperature upon first waking up each morning and I use [these](https://www.amazon.com/PREGMATE-Ovulation-Strips-Predictor-Pregnancy/dp/B01G5WGNVQ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=pregmate+opk&qid=1569518667&sr=8-1) to detect ovulation. Tracking your temperature can only confirm ovulation after the fact, so if you're only going to use one method, I'd suggest the OPKs. The temperature tracking though for me is nice because it lets me see averages across my cycles and also gives me comfort knowing that I did actually ovulate (OPKs detect your lutenizing hormone surge, but you can have a surge and not ovulate). The OPK instructions will tell you what day to begin testing, but personally I'd recommend starting 2-3 days earlier than they recommend. The general advice is that once you get a positive, have sex every day for the next 3-4 days. However, if 3-4 days days in a row is a lot, do it the day you get a positive, take a day off, then do it again the next day.

Another option is to use what they call an "advanced" OPK. The ones I linked are only considered positive if the test line is as dark as or darker than the control line. So theoretically they are only detecting your "peak" LH surge. An advanced OPK is designed to detect both "high" and "peak" LH surges, and this can give you another day or two of "advance notice". Also, since your peak LH surge might be anywhere from 12-36 hours in advance of ovulation (this is another reason why tracking your temperature can be useful, you can narrow down about how much time passes between peak LH surge and ovulation), it may turn out that you have a bigger or smaller window to have sex after you get that peak OPK.

That said, even with the basic OPKs you can see the test line getting darker over time if you start testing early enough. So when I first notice the line getting darker, I let DH know and we have sex that day, then when the test line is most dark, and then depending on how my temps look and the time between the first and second sex, we might do it again the day after the super positive OPK or two days after (knowing that this last session is a "just in case" I ovulate late, and probably doesn't increase chances of getting pregnant).

Now for your actual question - I really, really feel you on the sex scheduling thing. Neither me nor my DH like it, and it does make sex feel like a chore. Especially for him because honestly I don't have to orgasm to make this happen. When we're not TTC, we're 1x per week people, which is just not going to work to make a baby. As of right now, I put on our shared calendar when I estimate my fertile window is going to be when I start the first day of my cycle. As we get close to the opening of the fertile window I remind him to refrain from having "personal time" and we also don't have sex in order to increase our motivation during the fertile window. Then when we need to have sex I am blunt and tell him that we're going to need to have sex that day (I do my best to tell him in the morning). Then later in the day (we're SUPER not morning sex people, plus we both work so daytime sex usually doesn't happen) I go out of my way to be as nice as possible and try to put him in the mood, which usually involves squashing the rage I feel when he complains about TTC not being very romantic (really? as if I don't know that? as if I don't put effort every single day into TTC while you only have to do it 3x a month, let along the effort I'll be putting in for the 9 months of pregnancy and the 12+ months of breastfeeding after, ohhhhhkkkkayyyy).

u/random_reddit_accoun · 11 pointsr/relationships

It surprised me how cheap one can buy a breathalyzer.

If she is willing to use it, that could solve the question of if she is legal to drive or not.


$100 for a breathalyzer, or $10,000 for a DUI. It's up to her.


u/TylerMcFluffBut · 9 pointsr/CrappyDesign

No idea how accurately, but it is a real product

u/sarowen · 8 pointsr/femalefashionadvice

Sounds like you're in for some exciting times!

I stopped taking birth control last October. We anticipated that it would take us awhile to get pregnant (I'm 32), and ended up getting pregnant after only two months. Soooo....be sure that you are just as mentally prepared for it to happen sooner than expected as you are for it to take awhile. I did use [ovulation test strips] (https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Home-Ovulation-Strips-Pregnancy/dp/B00F3IPBPS/ref=sr_1_5_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1496164880&sr=1-5&keywords=ovulation%2Btest%2Bstrips&th=1), so maybe that's why we were able to get pregnant so quickly....but it definitely happened sooner than we were expecting it to happen.

u/edman007 · 7 pointsr/AskEngineers

Its lateral flow test. The cheap ones are literally just that, the expensive ones have an optical sensor or something over the paper to read it.

As for a 24x7 type of thing, the main issue is getting the hormones out of the body, you probably don't want a catheter or IV to monitor your hormones. Also a lateral flow test isn't reusable. There are other ways that could be reusable, but it largely boils down to having those chemicals that bind to the hormones. For a pregnancy test i believe they use this and for an ovulation test they use this, and add markers and such. You could theoretically build a reusable test by storing the right stuff, mixing it up, checking it and cleaning up. But as you can see in the links, the raw chemicals are crazy expensive. If you wanted to build something like that at home get the cheap paper strips and build the reader around it (that can be done at home).

u/two-thirds · 7 pointsr/nursing

For future reference to whoever may need it:

You can easily test yourself using the same immunoassay method labs use for 10 dollars.


It's only when you trigger this do they test again with the more sensitive Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) for confirmation.

The cutoff for THC should be the same <50ng everywhere (but a few labs halve the cutoff for some of the other drugs)

u/TOUGH_LOVE_GAL · 6 pointsr/TryingForABaby

You can get a pack of OPKs from Amazon for $14:


Makes it cheaper/easier to test daily to figure out when you're ovulating.

u/emsers · 5 pointsr/TryingForABaby

I've been using Clinical Guard for the last several months. They seem to be accurate and are inexpensive.
ClinicalGuard 40 Ovulation Test Strips & 10 Pregnancy Test Strips Combo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009G4JCP0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ni03Bb3EPB4JQ

u/[deleted] · 5 pointsr/news

This is why things like this are quite amazing to have to keep yourself in check. For if you have an employer that likes to conduct drug tests every so often.

Also, if someone has not passed a drug test after two months of not smoking. Please pass that blunt around. As that truly is the finest chronic out there and should be shared among friends.

u/ParkRap · 5 pointsr/Petioles

I'd suggest picking up a home test kit and using that as your metric, just because it is entirely objective so you can't cheat yourself. 50ng/ml is the standard for employment drug tests, but you may want to go even lower to 20ng/ml for the "get my shit together break" as the longer you stay away the more you'll experience being sober.

To get a (very rough) idea of how long this will take, try this online calculator:


20ng/ml (more sensitive) test kit, may want to buy 2 of them (4 total test strips):


50ng/ml (less sensitive) test kit. 15 pack


u/manicuresandmimosas · 4 pointsr/thebachelor

Jesus yes. I finally got on board the train for those small tests you dip in urine? after going through maybe 15 First Response ones. If I'm ever going to have a baby, I can't spend $$$ trying to figure out if they're coming or not.

u/ErroneousFunk · 3 pointsr/TryingForABaby

I get these OPKs: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01G5WGNVQ and these pregnancy tests: https://www.amazon.com/ClinicalGuard®-Pregnancy-Test-Strips-Individually-Sealed/dp/B007VT3BUE
The pregnancy tests are a little more expensive for the 50 pack right now, but the prices vary. It looks like the 100 pack is less than 0.20/test!

u/thislittlepiggy19 · 3 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Welcome. A game changer for me was when I started using ovulation strips. I learned that I ovulate later than Ovia was guessing that I did, and within 3 cycles, I got pregnant. If you don't go with the fancy ones, they can be super cheap. You just also need to buy tiny cups to dip the strips into.

I found these to be SO much more helpful than the thermometer because I'm a fitful sleeper, so I struggled to get a consistent temperature.

u/pinkorblue13117 · 3 pointsr/tryingforanother

Hi!!! So my son has been exclusively breastfed (aside from introducing solids at 6 mos.) and my period came back at 4.5 months postpartum. Every woman is different in regards to breastfeeding/fertility. I've had 3 cycles since they first came back, but I just started temping this month so I can see if i'm actually ovulating. We don't want a big age gap so we are trying, but haven't had any luck. Breastfeeding can cause short luteal phases, but since you're done breastfeeding then this might not be an issue for you. My advice; get some cheap OPKs. Get a mabis basal body thermometer and start temping. Track your temps with Fertility Friend. This will hopefully give you some clarity so you can start to understand what's going on with your body! Good luck :)

u/XXMyNameIsPatrickXX · 2 pointsr/blackfriday

The shipping is $5 if you are not a member. Membership costs $5, so you might as well get a month membership for the same price as shipping. Membership gives you free shipping on all their items. this website has a new sale everyday, and I can say I'm addicted. Definitely a good website near the holidays.

here is the link to the breathalyzer on amazon, check out the reviews

I don't work for them in anyway btw. just a fan of the site

u/NetflixAndBrie · 2 pointsr/CautiousBB

NIPT is your best bet. It screens for trisomies and gender if you want. However, this sounds weird, but there is a decent gender test you can order through Amazon. Apparently it's fairly accurate, especially the further you are past 10 weeks. SneakPeek - Early Gender Prediction DNA Test https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016201HCG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_rvDkybJDS3RMW
Supposedly you get your money back if it's wrong. NIPT of course is best but this is a decent Plan B.

u/Zouden · 2 pointsr/Hue

This is the new white bulb. It's rounder than the old Lux bulb. The Lux name seems to have disappeared.

u/Mcnugget84 · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

You can get Midstream ones, but I would not pee on the Wondfo as they are not designed for that. See if you can return them?

u/This_River · 2 pointsr/TTC30

I prefer Clinical Guard to Wondfo test strips. You can purchase them here:

ClinicalGuard 40 Ovulation Test Strips & 10 Pregnancy Test Strips Combo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009G4JCP0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_XY5OCbP1PHHDW

Once you see the lines getting darker, use a digital test to get an 100% confirmation that you are ovulating. These are more expensive, so you only want to use them sparingly once you are getting closer to your ovulation date to confirm its time to get busy!

Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002VLYAOI?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

u/sasunnach · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Here are some links:

https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00SXCX28Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_.fYXCbBDART50 ($28 for 100, $24 for 50)
https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00OR75KMU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_AhYXCbEWGK21E ($22 for 40, $13 for 20)

And in case you're not using a BBT that goes to two decimal places (a regular themometer that goes to only one decimal place is not good enough):

Mabis BBT for $17

u/AgeOfAsparagus · 2 pointsr/LifeProTips

You can get very nice, professional quality breathalyzers from Amazon for less than a hundred bucks. Might seem like a lot to spend for something most people don't even own, but how much do you spend on alcohol? Taxis? Fighting DUI charges? Increased insurance? Ignition interlock installation and maintenance fees?

Totally worth having your own, high quality (non-trinket) breathalyzer if you enjoy drinking and also own/drive cars.

Edit: I bought one of these on a lark and discovered that sometimes you really ARE* impaired the next day, even if you only feel slightly groggy. It really made me rethink things and I'm really glad I did so before any bad consequence.

u/SimplyDaveP · 2 pointsr/gout


Just a spring loaded little finger-pricker. Heads up though, there are plenty of tips you need to learn to use it (super clean hands, wipe away the first drop-test the 2nd). Otherwise results vary widely, they say.

u/Legerdemainn · 2 pointsr/askgaybros

You have to wait at least 3 months after the encounter for most tests to work. However, you can order this on Amazon or at some pharmacies.

u/Godot_12 · 2 pointsr/BuyItForLife

I would say anything under $75 I wouldn't even bother with. I got a cheap one for around $60, and it works somewhat...but really if you're going to spend the money go ahead and get something decent. A couple of my friends have breathalyzers have the ones below:


Both of them seem to work well. Always keep in mind that if you test right after you have a drink, you're not going to get an accurate reading, and really you still have to use common sense. Although the legal limit is .08 here, I'd say you're really risking it if you drive on .05 or higher. I don't normally bring mine out with me because I don't drink enough to ever have to worry in the first place, but it's still a neat little toy.

Edit: by the way the more you use them, the less accurate they get over time, and you'll eventually have to have it recalibrated. I think the first one I linked to says you can use it about 1,000 times before it needs recalibration.

u/UnderdevelopedFilm · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps

You may have seen this already as well, but it has a pretty good amazon rating and reviews. http://www.amazon.com/SneakPeek-Early-Gender-Prediction-Test/product-reviews/B016201HCG/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewopt_srt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=recent&pageNumber=1

Though I ordered through their site and using a code for $20 off I found on their facebook.

u/WalkingGarbage · 2 pointsr/NoStupidQuestions

As for using it with your PC, refer to this article. For the light stuff, these bulbs are compatible.

u/Joey-T99 · 2 pointsr/CBD

Ignore my post. I just reread your question, and it is about hair tests, not urine tests.
From what I have read, hair tests are much more sensitive. I believe THC can be detected in hairs for up to 90 days.


As mentioned before, buy a THC Urine Test kit.

I purchased a 50ng and 20ng test kit on Amazon, out of curiosity. I am retired and don't need to pass a drug test.

Here are links to what I bought. There may be better deals/products, so look around.


I have been vaping four different vape pens with the following CBD/THC content.
1:1, 3:1, 4:1, and 10:1

These vape pens have a lot more THC than a Hemp CBD product, which I believe has no more than 0.3% THC (almost nothing).
But some folks have reported failing a drug test using the Hemp CBD. So you need to be concerned.

For about 30 days I was smoking these different vape products about every other day. On the days I would vape, I would vape about 2 to 3 times a day.

I then tried the 50ng urine test, which I failed.
I then stopped vaping for about 7 days and tried the test again.
This time I passed.
I waited a few days more, and tried the 20ng, which I also passed.

So, IMO, if you don't vape for 7 days or more, you should likely pass a 50ng test, and maybe a 20ng test.
But you need to test yourself to be sure.

u/RATFINK187 · 2 pointsr/Drugtests

urine tests cups can be obtained online or probably at a pharmacy here is a link to some home tests on amazon.

u/hailtotheno · 2 pointsr/cripplingalcoholism

I got this one off Amazon and I swear by it. BACtrack S35 Breathalyzer Portable Breath Alcohol Tester https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ESCFDPS/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_WhhBxbQ1MW0JQ

u/amaltheas2 · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps

It took me over a year to successfully conceive.

Start charting your cycle using BBT charts and an OPK (ovulation predictor kit). The OPKs are super cheap on Amazon and often come w/ a few HPT as an added bonus, this is the brand I used.

Also, don't stress. This takes time and you only have a 20% chance of getting pregnant during each cycle. If you think about it, the egg is only viable for ~12 hours, that is a very short period of time and easy to miss if you don't have a regular cycle or are not very familiar with your body.

And most important - Try to have fun! You're only 26, so you still have lots of time.

u/kwhybull · 2 pointsr/December2019bumpers

Looks like it’s actually on sale on amazon right now! https://www.amazon.com/SneakPeek-Early-Gender-Prediction-Test/dp/B016201HCG

u/cypherpunks · 2 pointsr/TwoXChromosomes

Er, actually, they are cheap if you get them in bulk. (50-pack, 60.)

And yes, there's very little difference; they're FDA-regulated. The main thing is that some are a little bit more sensitive, which can give you a few more days warning, but also more false alarms.

You can also get combo packs of ovulation and pregnancy detection, but some people think that takes some of the fun out of it.

u/TheCocksmith · 2 pointsr/gout
u/xtelosx · 1 pointr/Libertarian

You could always spend a little bit of money and throw one in your glove box.


I wouldn't rely on a reading from it in court but if it reads under .06 you are probably pretty safe trusting it in a .08 state. I've been looking to get a new one to trow in the glove box. The one I had in college for funzies broke.

u/armcie · 1 pointr/IAmA

Have you thought about something like these bulbs for your lighting? You (or someone who can reach the ceiling) can slot them into existing light fittings and they can then be controlled through their built in wifi by alexa.

u/randomuser659 · 1 pointr/TFABLinePorn
u/jwthrowaway01 · 1 pointr/CBD

This one:

I know it's a negative it's just odd because I've never smoked weed there shouldn't be any thc in my system

u/MileHighRox · 1 pointr/keto


Accurate for me is getting 0s on that and always being able to be good on my interlock. Definitely could be better ones out there.

u/Wolvenna · 1 pointr/TTC_PCOS

I've been using pregmate and the reviews say they work well. I haven't gotten a positive yet but I suspect it was due to mistimed tests on my part. One a day is not enough.

I use Fertility Friend to track everything. They have a section where you can upload pictures and compare them to see if the lines are getting darker or not. Ime, Fertility Friend will not give you cross hairs to indicate ovulation unless you're temping. I dont temp because my sleep pattern is highly irregular, so I just us fertility friend as a place to input all my symptoms so I can try to notice patterns on my own.

u/MindfulDrugHoover · 1 pointr/cripplingalcoholism

~~ According to bactrack's web site, their three professional range items have the same sensor and 4 digit read out. The biggest difference seems to be response time and case design - as well as the one you linked, there's one with a readout facing the tube, and a mini one that isn't really much smaller then the S80. The S80 wins out on response time - 3 vs 10 secs, but the Element is twenty bucks cheaper and more compact. They both~~

OK who the fuck cares, approved (and presumably used) by the DOT sounds pretty good to me, the price is reasonable, and these guys rate it the best on the market and they're not selling them (I was pleasantly surprised to find that site exists...).

u/kpbaby016 · 1 pointr/infertility

How awesome that the doctor made a calendar for you? My doctor was like here just remember 5-9, then start testing for O a few days after.

As for tests, they only did progesterone and the other basics. Then said, all is good. I have had PCOS for years, so he also put me on Metformin 3 months ago now. I've been taking baby aspirin too and taking Mucinex. I was wondering about the tube blockages but the doctor said that he doesn't believe that's an issue.

I used to buy the Clearblue ones, but that's so expensive when you are taking them everyday (as I am sure you know). So I buy these off Amazon and they are totally fine: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01C5O4UPY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1.

I know that I did read that you should only do 6 cycles on Clomid tops and then it increases chances of ovarian cancer after. So I think that's why my OB wants to pawn me off to an RE after 3 cycles.

u/UofHCoog · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Not gonna lie, it's super satisfying to pee on something and see 2 lines. I use these because I don't want to deal with peeing in a cup.

u/babycrazytoo · 1 pointr/pregnant

I would just buy some cheap tests from amazon and probably test every month or so. When I was on nexplanon (arm implant) I wouldn’t get periods at all either, so I would test every month or so.

I like pregmate brand, but any pink dye test will work the best. It’s better to dip these in urine, so you could get disposable cups. I got my positives on these ones the same day that I for positives with the most sensitive (and way more expensive) test called FRER. I think there’s like a 100 strips for $20 dollars.

u/1000Clowns · 1 pointr/gout

I used a Kernel meter.

Buying today, I'd probably go with one from UA Sure.

u/Miroet · 1 pointr/stilltrying

I get easy@home bulk pregnancy tests off amazon.ca! They are pretty cheap and it's prime eligible.

60 for the price of 2!

u/wjcroft · 1 pointr/fasting

I considered the KetoHealthCare meter, but there are other alternatives:

Here is a cool blog thread summarizing testing and experience on a variety of breath meters, https://www.ketogenicforums.com/t/test-breath-ketones-without-a-ketonix-using-a-cheap-breathalyzer/9450

Another helpful page, http://fellrnr.com/wiki/Breath_Acetone_Meters

The KHC meter 'appears' from the outside to be very similar to this one,


I have an email into KHC asking what is the difference, other than the white case vs black case. Amazon price is HALF the $40 for the KHC.

Reviews on Amazon of this meter are not so hot. I've also seen a review on Facebook of the KHC, which complains about erratic readings.


As far as the instructions / FAQ on the KHC meter, see: https://ketohc.com/pages/troubleshooting

u/cleggcleggers · 1 pointr/Austin

Amazon... Pretty accurate. I got a DWI when I was 21, nine years ago and promised myself I would never again.

Link to keychain: amazon

I know it's decently accurate because before that I had a $150 one that was not a keychain that I kept in my car.

u/ceruleanic · 1 pointr/askgaybros

>can it come back to haunt me if I do an HIV test through my insurance, even if it's negative? Would they put me on a 'watch' list or anything, or could I be denied future coverage?

No, not since the Affordable Care Act was implemented. Insurance companies can't discriminate based on health status. The only questions they're allowed to ask are your age, gender, zip code, and whether you smoke.

>Also, if on the off chance it does turn up positive, can I be dropped by my insurance, or denied future coverage, say if my husband changes jobs, or if I take insurance through my job?


If you're that worried, why not just order an at-home HIV test?

u/dreamgal042 · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Not Wondfo, but these are the ones I use.

u/TomahawkDump · 1 pointr/TFABChartStalkers

I'd say yes. It looks like you are temping at different times, so if you throw out the high ones that were early/late, it looks good.

A couple of things:

It's so so so important for me to take my temp at EXACTLY the same time every day. For me, if I temp even 30 min later than usual, it can be .5-1.0 degree higher! I am pretty religious with temping, so I usually just throw those out - it just screws up my chart more than it helps. But the point is that my chart would be impossible to read otherwise. I was really surprised, because hey, I still always take it as soon as I wake up.

That said, it's a lot of work to temp at exactly the same time every day, so maybe consider using OPKs - it helps SO MUCH with this kind of stuff and they really aren't expensive. Once you get the swing of it, I only use 3 - 5/month.

u/goldgecko4 · -1 pointsr/news

If they really wanted to be certain, they should stock every Red Cross can with a supply of these and make everyone take the test before donation.