(Part 3) Best children animals books according to redditors

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We found 6,173 Reddit comments discussing the best children animals books. We ranked the 2,497 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 41-60. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Alligator & crocodile books for children
Children books about monkeys & apes
Children bear books
Children bird books
Children bug & spider books
Children cat books
Children dinosaur books
Children dog books
Children elephant books
Farm animals books for children
Children fish books
Books on Foxes & Wolves
Children frog & toad books
Children horse books
Children lion, tiger & leopard books
Children mammal books
Children marine life books
Children mouse & rodent books
Children pet books
Children pig books
Children rabbit books
Reptile & amphibian children books
Children turtle books
Children zoo books
Children duck books
Children baby animal books

Top Reddit comments about Children's Animals Books:

u/DongLongson · 1632 pointsr/IAmA
u/XavierMendel · 353 pointsr/IAmA

Have you read The Enormous Egg? It's a children's book about a kid who gets a baby stegosaurus for a pet and has to deal with it growing up.

Late edit: It was pointed out that this was a triceratops, not a stegosaurus. I'm sorry, reddit.

u/Kangar · 119 pointsr/mildlyinfuriating

Sadly, the book: "Dinosaurs of Eden" is all too real, however, I am pretty sure that page has been doctored.

Here is one of the reviews of the book.

"This book is very interesting when it comes to tell your children about God, creation and fall. The Dinosaurs just became extinct, just like many other species, but that has nothing to do with particles to people evolution. My little daughter just loved it. I hope she will become a zealous creationist. Many people think that evolutionism is perfectly compatible with Bible teachings. The fact is that there are very good theological and scientific reasons that prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that evolution never happened and the whole concept in itself is incompatible with Bible teachings on topics such as creation, fall, curse, flood, Babel, dispersion, the emergence of civilitations, the alliance with Israel, the promise of a saviour, the life, death and ressurrection of Jesus Christ, redemption and restoration."

u/CreamyKnougat · 33 pointsr/atheism

Dinosaurs of Eden by Ken Ham, for those who are curious.

u/miparasito · 29 pointsr/Parenting

Carl is a very good dog.

Lol no it's a series of kids books where the only words are "take care of the baby while we're out" at the beginning then "Good dog, Carl" at the end. I always thought they were hilarious... Like seriously how has no one ever called CPS on these people??

u/GoodOmens · 21 pointsr/news

A similar thing happened to some penguins at the Central Park Zoo and someone turned it into a children’s book.

That or A is for Activist are our go-to baby shower gifts for friends.

u/Whitter_off · 19 pointsr/pics

Am I the only one who read Cat Wings as a kid?

^I'll ^be ^over ^here ^in ^the ^corner ^then

u/shiftyeyes29 · 16 pointsr/news
u/SchoolOfTheWolf93 · 14 pointsr/Sneks

Reminds me of Verdi

My favorite childhood book :)

u/tthorn23 · 13 pointsr/asoiaf

To: Drogon
From: Secret Santa
I'd Really Like to Eat a Child

u/Heavyweighsthecrown · 12 pointsr/brasil

Você vai ter que comprar o livro na Amazon pra saber! kkk

u/smooshie · 12 pointsr/tipofmytongue
u/miss-golightly · 11 pointsr/aww

oh wow, I'm getting Good Boy Carl flashbacks!

u/bunnylover726 · 10 pointsr/lgbt

My favorite is the one I linked, and another by the same author called Rosaline, but they're only available in Kindle format. I want hardcovers, darnit! >:(. They're also available as adorable short videos on Hulu, but only if you have Hulu Plus.

For books you can actually pick up and hold, I like The Different Dragon, because the fact that the main character has two moms isn't the focus of the story, it's just a "oh by the way" sort of thing that normalizes it, and one of his moms is important in the story.

I just got my board book copy of And Tango Makes Three in the mail. It's the story about the two male penguins who hatched an egg, and since it's a board book, my little one won't destroy it by chewing on it :P

I'm working off lists from The Advocate and Autostraddle to find more books. I don't want to recommend ones I haven't actually read through yet, so hopefully that helps.

u/GoateusMaximus · 10 pointsr/funny

It's Called Good Dog Carl. You can get it on Amazon.

u/sinascendant · 9 pointsr/atheism

The book it was taken from was linked right above you.


Its by Ken Ham, better known as the psycho behind that Ark amusement park

u/insomniac365 · 9 pointsr/booksuggestions

My favorite books as a kid that I remember fondly:

The Rainbow Fish


Longer books for when she is older

Amelia Bedelia


u/magdalenmaybe · 8 pointsr/zen

This is in one of my daughter's story books, called Zen Shorts, by Jon J. Muth, and it features Stillwater, a giant zen panda who entertains three children, siblings, with this and a couple other well-known koans. It won Caldecott honors. One of the most beautiful, gentle books I've seen for kids who understand.

u/questfulnessly · 7 pointsr/beyondthebump

My son is that age and he loves reading board books with mom and dad (and trying to eat them too). His favorite right now is Moo Baa La La La (and some of his other favorites are Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and The Pout-Pout Fish).

Around that age he also started wanting to climb out of the bathtub, so we were really happy with this The Fill And Spin Water Fountain Bath Toys - Flow Fill Spin Water Spout Interactive Baby And Kids Bathtub Toys - with Extra Orange Cloud . When he figured out how to spin the googly eyes with his finger, he just sort of cooed at it for a few minutes and it was unbelievably cute to watch (and of course he is now more busy playing with the toy to bother as much with climbing out of the tub).

A coworker gave us a stuffed animal (Friendship League 12" Plush Moose ) that our guy has also enjoyed playing with.

He also loves climbing up the stairs (with mom or dad) and throwing blocks (as well as everything in our recycling bin) down them.

An inexpensive item you could also gift could be a pack of tennis balls. Our son loves their bright color and since we have a lot of hardwood he’s super entertained when I show him how to bounce and roll them.

Hope this helps offer a few ideas.

u/ManilaGorillaZ · 7 pointsr/asoiaf

The WoI&F has a section on the shivering sea that mentions Ice Dragons, and even the magic skeptical Maester who is the imaginary author says there is some credibility to the stories, which is very unusual in the book.

GRRM's version of a children's book, The Ice Dragon, while written pre-ASoI&F, has enough similarities to the story that I can see him introducing the concept in a way that isn't just silly, and he could use it to eliminate all the dragons in one climactic battle. The Others will really be no match for the fire from the sky of Dany's dragons, unless they have something to counter it with, and I don't see the climax being a route on either side.

u/CaesarEvil · 7 pointsr/zen

Try "Zen Shorts" by Junh Muth. http://www.amazon.com/Zen-Shorts-Caldecott-Honor-Book/dp/0439339111/ref=la_B001H6UCHW_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1367845573&sr=1-4

I love the book. i read it to my kids so much the cover wore off and I had to buy another copy.

u/Waaaghette · 5 pointsr/namenerds


Seriously though, I actually like Stella more (it was also my great-grandmother's name!) but my husband doesn't like it :(

u/elizzybeth · 5 pointsr/tipofmytongue
u/JoshSuth · 5 pointsr/pics

One of the first books I ever learned how to read: http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Cat-Can-Read-Book/dp/0064440389

u/Ratman_84 · 5 pointsr/ArtPorn

Animalia by Graeme Base?

u/KlaatuBrute · 5 pointsr/books

Also (kind of) similar in a more entertaining and light-hearted way is Graeme Base's Eleventh Hour. It's a children's mystery book filled with marvelous illustrations that hold hundreds of hidden codes and messages that, when deciphered, help the reader solve the mystery of who ate all the food at Horace the Elephant's party. Worth checking out.

u/Jezebellejay · 5 pointsr/whatsthatbook
u/weed_in_sidewalk · 5 pointsr/Stoicism

Sure there are. But probably with a different name.

Zen Shorts are one. It's a series of books with short Zen stories and illustrations for kids:

Have You Filled a Bucket Today:
lets kids know that it feels bad to others to bully, but that you can "fill others' buckets" by giving compliments and saying nice things.

Heck, most kids can even understand The 4 Agreements: https://www.amazon.com/Four-Agreements-Practical-Personal-Freedom/dp/1878424319/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1486130060&sr=8-1&keywords=the+4+agreements

I'm sure there are quite a few others, but they are not coming to mind right now.

u/peas_ · 5 pointsr/Parenting

Some UK-based picture book recommendations:

Animalia by Graeme Base is an alphabet book with tons of intricate drawings that'll keep kids occupied for hours.

The Dark by Lemony Snicket and Jon Klassen is very stylistically interesting.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr is a classic here in the UK.

Gorilla by Anthony Browne is a favourite of the children I teach, of all ages.

You Choose and Just Imagine by Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharratt are brilliant to get children talking about all sorts of things.

I've got recommendations for older readers too, if you're interested.

Edit: I can't do hyperlinks.

u/wanderer333 · 5 pointsr/Parenting

Great questions! (from both you and your kiddo!). I came across this article - http://www.washington.edu/news/2013/01/08/the-philosophical-child-a-book-for-when-your-child-asks-why-are-we-here/ - which recommends a book for parents, but that doesn't sound like exactly what you're looking for.

In terms of philosophical picture books, the closest thing I can think of would be I Wonder by Annaka Harris. You might also check out the Zen Shorts series, though I don't think any of them really address "nature of reality" type questions directly. Also, while not exactly a picture book, the book Is Nothing Something? might give you some good starting points for discussion. Big Questions for Little People is similar but aimed at slightly older kids. You're Here For A Reason could also be relevant, although maybe not philosophical in quite the way you're looking for.

You could also take "How am I alive?" in a more scientific direction - you might enjoy You Are Stardust and Older Than the Stars, or a simple introduction to evolution such as Our Family Tree. You could also explore simple books about the human body and discuss how her heart, lungs, brain, etc allow her to walk and talk and stay alive - something like See Inside Your Body or Outside-In - or even go into a bit more detail about how she got "in mom's tummy" with a book like Who Am I? Where Did I Come From? or Before You Were Born - or talk about past generations (i.e. mom came from HER mom's tummy!) with a book like Me and My Family Tree

Hope some of that is helpful - of course this is a discussion you can continue as she gets older, and there are lots of great books for older kids that more directly tackle different beliefs and ideas about why we are here.

u/JGibel · 4 pointsr/tipofmytongue

Does it happen to be The Enormous Egg?

u/Cletus-Van-Damm · 4 pointsr/dndnext

Im gonna get one and name it "kittywings". Then my entire gameplay will revolve around assuring the safety of kittywings. https://www.amazon.com/Catwings-Tale-Ursula-K-Guin/dp/0439551897

u/chcampb · 4 pointsr/books

Missing the Eleventh Hour. Kind of a disappointment. Got a shout out in the comments, though.

u/spazz4life · 4 pointsr/raisingkids

Don’t forget the original animal gay couple: Tango Makes Three

u/RumpleAndBelle · 3 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

My kids would love I love daddy or Stellaluna Thanks for the contest!

u/cyanicenine · 3 pointsr/books


The crazy thing is that later in life Ursula Leguin became my favorite author, and I didn't realize she had written the Catwings books until I found my childhood copy of it in an old box. Boggled my mind when I saw who it was by.

u/picado · 3 pointsr/atheism

It's not totally fake, it's based on an image from a Ken Ham book, "Dinosaurs in Eden".

Here's a breakdown from a geology professor's blog.

u/sakti369 · 3 pointsr/Sneks

Oh, Verdi! I also love Stellaluna!

u/[deleted] · 3 pointsr/MGTOW

In the UK kids are being taught in primary schools that gay parenting is better than usual parenting. There's a book about penguins and how one penguin is being brought up by two male penguins and that this penguin is happier than all the penguins with normal parents. My teacher friend showed me and she's at the point of quitting education because she doesn't feel comfortable teaching political untruths to children. She says most of her colleagues absolutely hate straight men so have no problem teaching at and some are set to publish their own versions.

edit: this book

Indoctrination at 2 years old.

u/Solonys · 3 pointsr/pics

That story is actually part of one of my son's favorite bedtime stories, Zen Shorts.

u/ilovesojulee · 3 pointsr/tipofmytongue

Perhaps The Eleventh Hour or one of the other Animalia books?

u/epiphanette · 3 pointsr/breakingmom

When she gets older you must read her Catwings by Ursula Leguin. It's about cats with wings (shocker) and it's the sweetest story ever.

u/mDust · 3 pointsr/everymanshouldknow

Go easy on him; he's just a kid. He's probably at least read about bears and things in a book. Reading books about wildlife is pretty much the same as wilderness survival. He even saw an opossum once when he was taking out the trash! He's got this! Let him go out in the woods. Nature will take care of him.

u/TWFM · 3 pointsr/tipofmytongue

Shall we start by ruling out Time Cat?

(I know it doesn't really fit your description, but it's the one I instantly thought of.)

u/dregan · 3 pointsr/funny

This might be relevant to your interests. It's the most thorough compendium of giraffe facts that I know of.

u/IWantToBeNormal · 3 pointsr/recyclebin

The title is a tribute to a book that my dad used to read to me when I was in middle school. Yes, I was still being read to like a child at age 13. It was called "But No Elephants".

u/poops_mcgee · 3 pointsr/tipofmytongue

Are you sure the cat's name wasn't Pickles: The Fire Cat.

u/TinyJelly · 3 pointsr/whatsthatbook

I read this as a kid and it was pretty cool with a few different settings (which might make you think of CYOA) Time Cat by Lloyd Alexander

u/kempff · 3 pointsr/natureismetal

Is a children's book in the works? A sequel to the gay penguin one?


Or is that the wrong narrative?

u/marij4393 · 3 pointsr/skeptic

highlights puzzlemania!! i used to love them when i was 8-11yrs old.
i'd also recommend The Eleventh Hour by Graeme Base. Very challenging puzzle/mystery book with a ton of codes, hidden messages, and puzzles to solve. And the illustrations are awesome.

u/gnorrn · 3 pointsr/todayilearned

Ten Little Rubber Ducks. My two-year-old loved it.

u/RadioPixie · 3 pointsr/childfree

I also had those books, yes. :p

Formatting messed up because I'm on a phone: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0689817711

u/twinkies_and_wine · 3 pointsr/April2017Bumpers

It's Nice To Be An Otter

What A Wonderful World

That's Not My Monkey

Monster Parade

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Chicka Chicka ABC

Rainbow Fish

All are board books except Monster Parade and I couldn't find the board book link for Rainbow Fish but that's what we have. His favorites are the top 4 I listed. I've been reading those to him since he was a newborn and loves the pictures. He smiles and giggles at the otters (my fave animal!) and lights up when we get to "the colors of the rainbow" in What A Wonderful World, which is a very special song for my mom and me so it's pretty amazing to pass that onto my son.

u/Bean_Farmer · 3 pointsr/BabyBumps

Speaking of nanny-dogs... Not a pit bull but another dog that gets a bad rap being a complete love bug: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0689817711/ref=redir_mdp_mobile

There's a whole series!! Guess who's buying them all for her baby? This guy!

u/CryptidGrimnoir · 2 pointsr/suggestmeabook

I'd recommend the works of Eric Carle

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? is a classic, with all the amazing animals.

Can't go wrong with The Very Hungry Caterpillar either.

A House for Hermit Crab will always be my favorite. A hermit crab dislikes his shell for being too plain, and seeks to decorate it with all sorts of undersea life.

u/TheBlackCat13 · 2 pointsr/DebateAnAtheist

Giants of the Land, Sea, Air, Past & present. If you are talking about fiction, I very much liked the Whoever Heard of a Fird, Catwings, Ghost Train, the Hitchhiker's Trilogy, and the Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual at various stages of my childhood.

u/LeftMySoulAtHome · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

The Enormous Egg on my "Son" list. Thanks for the contest!

u/hotend · 2 pointsr/JordanPeterson

I believe that he has mentioned this book.

u/pertnear · 2 pointsr/catpictures

You'll be needing this book. My dad used to read it to me all the time. We lost the copy we had when I was growing up so last year I found one and bought it. Pickles the Cat has a special place in my heart.

u/PrettyOddish · 2 pointsr/tipofmytongue

Maybe Animalia by Graeme Base?

u/ChatGarou · 2 pointsr/WTF
u/CatchACrab · 2 pointsr/AskReddit


It's a story about getting older, basically, and why nobody should be in a hurry to grow up.

u/Mozingo · 2 pointsr/todayilearned

Holy shit. the first book I read as a kid was called "The Fire Cat" and was very similar to this. http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Cat-Can-Read-Book/dp/0064440389.

u/Happy_Cat · 2 pointsr/cats
u/acog · 2 pointsr/aww

I don't know if other people will get this reference, but when I saw his name and markings, I suddenly wanted to see him in a little cat-sized fire helmet.

u/Muttly2001 · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I really think my daughter and I would enjoy this book

Make me smile, Rasta!

u/CourtingEvil · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I loved reading as a kid and I still do! It was never a problem for me to meet the reading requirements in elementary school. Here are a few books I enjoyed when younger:

  • The Wednesday Witch

  • Catwings

  • A Wrinkle In Time

  • Watership Down

    I also had a large number of Berenstain Bears, Dr. Seuss, and Tintin books growing up. I returned to those many times! I'm going to guess that those last two books are a little too advanced for a five year old, but they're still really good reads (eventually).

    Get those kids some books!
u/bseymour42 · 2 pointsr/progmetal

If you like this band, you check out the nonsense book they are named after!


Also, they have american apparel tri-blend t-shirts in their store. The most comfortable shirt I've ever worn.


u/msktty89 · 2 pointsr/littlespace

As a kid, I always really loved Stellaluna and Verdi. Another favorite was Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse (and other Leo Leonni books in general!).

Big Brother has never read to me, though I've never asked him to. I'm more of a Middle most of the time anyway, though taking a bath and being read a story would be sorta silly and fun. ;P

u/barnes80 · 2 pointsr/doctorwho

Yes! This is it!

Thank you. You are right though, I don't think it has any other references though.

u/historymajor44 · 2 pointsr/gameofthrones
u/pancakeman157 · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

A Walk in the Woods is about my home hiking trail: the Appalachian Trail. This trail was basically in our backyard and I would hike there often before I went off to school in Idaho. We're now settled in Texas so to go hiking we'll need to trek a bit further.

A great book I read recently was Hawaii and it was marvelous. Its no wonder Michener was awarded the Pulitzer for his work.

For kids, I would recommend The Eleventh Hour. Its a mystery about a birthday party and a delicious meal. Very fun. Young kids will really like the pictures and the older kids will like trying to solve the mystery.

u/batfacecatface · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Sonya, Your Momma wouldn't tell you this but...

I'm not sure of your beliefs but what I will instill in my children from a young age is finding their identity in Christ. One you stand firm in the fact that you are a child of God (at any age), then nothing of this world can touch you. <3

Every 9 year old should have this.

u/ionlyjoined4thecats · 2 pointsr/namenerds

Too close to Stellaluna (one of my favorite children's books!) imo.


Edit: just saw that OP said she liked the Stellaluna link.

u/bennitori · 2 pointsr/aww
u/quagmireonfire · 2 pointsr/Parenting

Zen Shorts by Jon J. Muth

And it's squeals.

u/undercurrents · 2 pointsr/todayilearned

There is a really cute kids' book called Ten Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle that he wrote after reading about this news story. In some of the versions of the book, he includes the original newspaper clipping he read about it.

u/BookWol · 2 pointsr/Fantasy

There sure is!

It's a novella (not sure if he lengthened it or if it's the same story you mention) which I had been sitting on for ages. I really liked it - gorgeous illustrations and it managed to be a very touching story despite its simplicity. Plus the hardcover's dustjacket was a beautiful little poster in reverse. Well worth it IMO, but I love a good children's book. :)

u/Shmaesh · 2 pointsr/tipofmytongue

I loved Time Cat as a kid. It doesn't sound like the right match, but who knows.

u/flyingwolfpizza · 2 pointsr/Fantasy

The Theodosia Throckmorton series by R.L. LaFevers


The Ice Dragon by George R. R. Martin (it's a kids book set in the far past of The Song of Ice and Fire series, and 100% OK for kids).

u/Kittycatter · 2 pointsr/todayilearned
u/vickevlar · 2 pointsr/tipofmytongue

Sounds like The Eleventh Hour by Graeme Base. He also wrote Animalia.

u/adorabledork · 2 pointsr/RandomActsOfGaming

My favorite dragon is the little guy from the book There's No Such Thing as a Dragon. Seriously. He's adorable. And who can blame him for eating the bread from the bread truck?! Bread is delicious!

Just more proof that dragons rock.

u/Fuzzyphilosopher · 2 pointsr/ZenHabits
u/master_jeb · 2 pointsr/Art

Several of these remind me of Animalia by Graeme Base:


u/bayou_baby · 2 pointsr/funny

It's an illustration from a popular classic children's book.

u/TheRubyRedPirate · 2 pointsr/beyondthebump

My favorite as a child and hopefully my son will love it. Right now he just wants to chew on it. But No Elephants

u/TheJollyVereenGiant · 1 pointr/finalfantasytactics
u/Astronaut_Chicken · 1 pointr/Giraffesdontexist

Read the description Giraffes? Giraffes! (HOW) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1932416978/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ycdqDb2ZN42H3

EDIT: I dont know why the format isn't working, but if I fiddle with it anymore I'm gonna be angry.

u/Swarley515 · 1 pointr/books

It's called "The Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery"


u/baronvoncommentz · 1 pointr/gameofthrones

> It is unknown whether the Ice Dragon had ever existed in the Song of Ice and Fire world

It is known: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Dragon-George-R-Martin/dp/0765378779

u/call_me_cthulhu_ · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon
  1. song: Patrick Watson: noisy sunday. book: chuck Palahniuk- diary. favorite snack: lately saltines.

  2. my item is this book

  3. hal<3

  4. Hey howdy y'all!
u/fernando-poo · 1 pointr/skeptic

Is this the same Ken Ham who published a childrens' book called Dinosaurs of Eden which depicts humans and dinosaurs co-existing?

According to one page:

> Dinosaurs were playful, loving companions to Adam and Eve during their time in the Garden. They helped gather fruit and used their incredible strength to turn lemons into delicious, fresh lemonade!

> For centuries, "scientists" have tried to present the dinosaurs as violent monsters because they wanted to scare children. It's no coincidence that most of these men have been atheists or even homosexuals who are possessed by an intense hatred of young boys and girls.

Reads like parody, but it seems to be real.

Another page depicts Noah's family riding a Gallimimus. I'm pretty sure that's not Biblically accurate either.

u/ITdoug · 1 pointr/RandomActsOfGaming

Burnout Paradise or BF3 from Origin would be solid! I always LOVED this book as a kid for some reason.


u/Draco_Dormiens · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

-a hammock because the outdoors is awesome

-this sharpie is amazing

-these pens, although a little pricey, are AMAZING. Additionally, you can get refills for them on Amazon and those are inexpensive

-best coloring pencils imho

-Some really awesome book series one, two, three and four

-for math, here's some sodoku

-Some movies: Overboard, When Harry Met Sally, Burlesque


-Picnic basket

-Spirituality book

-some incense and an awesome fairy burner to go with them

I'll try and add some more later :)

Thanks for the contest

I really really want it! ( $5 and $10

u/bithead · 1 pointr/reddit.com

reminds me of "The Enormous Egg" first published I think in 1956.

u/Artuim · 1 pointr/AskReddit

There's no such thing as a dragon was one of my very favourites :)

Michael Rosen's The Hypnotiser was my favourite book of poetry ever (I still have my signed copy.) It is out of print, but the author has posted the full book in video form on his website or you can get it second hand.

u/sourdoughandwry · 1 pointr/funny

That and this one were my favorites.

u/dssx · 1 pointr/AskReddit

"Giraffes? Giraffes!" by Dr. Haggis-on-Whey

I don't know how to describe it. It's not so much a book as an assault on your brain. It will not make sense, but it will make you laugh.


u/Spitfires · 1 pointr/tipofmytongue

My sister has a book in her room that I believe goes along these lines, I'll go look when she wakes up.

Edit: Looks like i'm wrong, but Time Cat

u/WhatsInPandorasBox · 1 pointr/tipofmytongue

i was going to say this but couldn't remember if it hatched a dragon. apparently it hatched a dinosaur. really random book.

u/PaganPirate · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Green eggs and ham. Oh how many times have we read that book here? Millions? Surely. I think your daughter (aged 1) might love any of the Margaret Wise Brown books. Our personal favorite was Big Red Barn. Because children's books are my absolute passion though, I'm going to throw out a couple more. If your daughter loves to look at faces (mine did) - I loved this book, Global Babies. It's a picture board book and the photography is stunning. My daughter also loved Touch and Feel books, have you guys tried those? And if she likes bright colors, my daughter loved Planting a Rainbow.

Can I throw out a few for later? Just because I love these books so much. A lesser known book that came to me by chance and became my favorite thing ever is Open Me, I'm a Dog by Art Spiegelman. Also, make sure that you get Janell Cannon's books, Verdi and Stellaluna as she gets older, especially if she is an animal lover. Stellaluna can be scary though, or at least it was for my daughter, so in a few years might be best. OH and we love the Alexander books.

My son is a wee bit obsessed with the Lego Movie, which is odd since we still haven't seen it. But he's wanting to read this novel about it for $4.61.

Mostly though, I wanted to talk about books. And kids. Because I love them both very much. Thanks for a great contest!

u/PEE_EMM_ME · 1 pointr/AskWomen
u/kvetcheswithwolves · 1 pointr/suggestmeabook

How advanced is her reading? I was definitely somewhere under 10 when I read the boxcar kids... but...not sure how much under 10? Also it's not a set, but Time Cat was a childhood favorite. But maybe these suggestions are a few years out for her. Sorry if that's the case... I have no idea what 4 year olds are reading. OH! What about the Berenstain Bears books?

u/wildekat · 1 pointr/atheism

I think this is from a children's story book. I'm guessing the "answer" is on the next page.

Edit: I can't find a photo of the next page, but here's a link to the book on Amazon. I think the gorilla is there to justify how T-rex has big teeth and yet is a vegetarian.

Gotta love the Amazon comments:
>Finally a book about dinosaurs that doesn't rely on mubo-jumbo like: macrofossils, microfossils... ...so called "Scientific Method."

>Just the cold, hard, indisputable facts of The Bible. Which is THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD!. The wonderful thing is that you know its 100% true because there is only one possible way of interpreting The Bible!

>"Scientists" will have a hard time talking their way out of this one!

u/TheresAlwaysTheMoon · 1 pointr/AskReddit

In the children's book Zen Shorts, there are short meditations that come from Zen Buddhist literature. One of them is called Uncle Ry and the Moon. It is about a man who robs Stillwater's (the main character) uncles house. During the robbery, the uncle comes home and sees the house guest. Wanting to give something to the visitor, but being poor and having nothing he offers him his only robe. After the robber leaves the uncle says, "Poor man, all I had to give him was my tattered robe, If only I could have given him this wonderful moon." After the short meditation in the middle of the book, Stillwater is talking to a Addy, a little girl, who makes a comment about how if she had a robber come into her house she doesn't think she could have given up her only robe and Stillwater replies, "I know how that is, But there always the moon."

So there it is, TheresAlwaysTheMoon.

u/wanttoplayball · 1 pointr/whatsthatbook

There's I'd Really Like to Eat a Child, but the title doesn't even remotely match, and it's publication date suggests you would be very young.


u/axel4401 · 1 pointr/HelpMeFind

"Timecat" had a cat as a main character, no dog I think. It's been a while


u/PM_ME_YOUR_1080 · 1 pointr/JordanPeterson


EDIT: This is it! https://www.amazon.com/Theres-No-Such-Thing-Dragon/dp/0375851372 my Mum read it to me as a kid.

u/Drink-my-koolaid · 1 pointr/news

Me too! The Firehouse Cat was the first book I ever picked out myself in the library in first grade. I loved that book!

u/Harcerz1 · 1 pointr/JordanPeterson

This one: https://www.amazon.com/Theres-No-Such-Thing-Dragon/dp/0375851372

He gave a full lecture in Harvard showing students every page of this book(it's on YT). Said he tried to cut out some pages to shorten the lecture but they are too full of meaning to leave ony one out. It's great.

u/dirtypourart · 1 pointr/Wishlist

Someone got gifted this cute book yesterday and I'm jelly because we dont have it on my toddlers shelf yet.

u/meowymeowy · 1 pointr/RandomActsofMakeup

This is the link to Nayomi's wishlist

The gift I chose is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? By Eric Carle. I loved these books when I was little, and they still have the most beautiful illustrations that anyone, even adults, can appreciate!

Nayomi is a twin with a younger sibling. She just started pre-school and her family has been going through hard times. It sounds like one of her grandmothers just passed away after losing a battle to cancer, and her mom was injured and now can't work due to a spinal injury. The mom is also currently pregnant, and having a tough pregnancy. Their father luckily still has a job, but has to work a lot to make ends meet. They sound like a really sweet group of kids, I want to gift them all, but this book is something all could share, even if it does come off of Nayomi's list.

u/hannaHananaB · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

The Underland Chronicles sounds good. As does Not A Fan.

Tally It Up.

u/MeishkaD · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

The Underland Chronicles Didn't see that this was on the list last time. My bedroom walls are currently a sad rental white.


u/owlforlater · 1 pointr/reptiles

Aw, what a beauty. The spitting image of Verdi. http://www.amazon.com/Verdi-Janell-Cannon/dp/0152010289

u/KGreen100 · 1 pointr/PickASideStupid

Is the kids book “I’d Really Like To Eat A Child,” about an alligator that’s tired of eating bananas, wants to eat a kids but ends up getting his tummy rubbed by a little girl, the most brutally honest kids book title ever or a real life fatal accident waiting to happen?

I’d Really Like to Eat a Child

u/heymaa · 1 pointr/gameofthrones
u/Xanola · 1 pointr/pics

If you don't already own it, you REALLY need a copy of this book. It contains a wealth of knowledge on the giraffe, from when they first arrived on this planet via conveyor belt on through to their first Nobel Prize win. Of course it also covers the basics like how their necks work, what their spots mean, their roll in the oil crisis, and why they settled in Haute Terre Indiana.

u/jeroboam · 1 pointr/tattoos

That's what I was hoping you'd say. Verdi style.

u/dylan89 · 1 pointr/AskReddit
u/jsos · 1 pointr/IAmA

Have you read Giraffes? Giraffes! ?

edit: forgot to link to the book itself

u/Zifna · 1 pointr/Parenting

For little kids/board books:

I'm as Quick as a Cricket by Audrey Wood. It's one of those nice simple books that is still enjoyable for older ages. I remember thinking a lot about it when I was younger because I liked the idea that one person could contain so many opposing qualities.

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

But No Elephants by Jerry Smath - Funny and cute, a good story about finding the good in things that initially seem bad

Picture books for older kids:

Henry's Quest - Postapocalyptic neo-medieval period picture book. Yesssss. Yes.

Anything by Graeme Base, but I have fond memories of The Eleventh Hour and The Sign of the Seahorse. Super-duper-detailed illustrations you can pour over for hours in addition to the story. Lots of hidden stuff in the illustrations, too

u/Hippydippy420 · 1 pointr/todayilearned
u/Stardustchaser · 1 pointr/todayilearned
u/amadiro_1 · 1 pointr/todayilearned

So is 10 Little Rubber Ducks, by Eric Carle

u/carrymehome77 · 1 pointr/NoStupidQuestions

Is this the one where he keeps taking in every other animal but the elephant? And it keeps repeating “But no elephants!”?

But No Elephants (Once upon a Time) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1563832747/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_e7NWCbM67FJZW

u/jphoenix · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Gregor The Overlander #1! By Suzanne Collins. :D

Like Garfield, I also enjoy Lasagna. It's really yummy yummy!

u/FairyPoeline · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Gregor the Overlander or Beastly would be awesome to read.

My favorite food would have to be Chicken Alfredo, it's so yummy.

Thanks! :3

u/abby89 · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I'd like to try this one.

My favorite food... I really like fruit tarts. Anything with pastry cream, really :) so yummy!

Thank you!!

u/SaraFist · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I loved these giant bricks so much at that age! Superfun for basic stacking as well as advance building.

Should probably wait a bit on this one, but Cootie is the best game ever for the preK & K crowd. Another classic game is Memory.

Have some construction paper, brown paper bags (I cut the bottoms off, then down one seam and use the backside as kraft paper), markers, and crayons. Even the 2 year old can rip paper up and stick it to contact paper to make fun collages! Bonus, no need for scissors!

And please don't forget books! Board might be best for the little girl, but if she's not an eater/tearer, then go ahead and get paper or hard backs. Rikki Tikki Tembo, a Seuss collection, Where's Spot, some Eric Carle, Carl, Richard Scarry, Jamberry, and some Little Golden Books ought to be a good start! Protip: Thrift shops have tons of books for kids in great condition.

u/sterken · 1 pointr/todayilearned

Funny, my little boy has a book about this.

u/bookchaser · 1 pointr/books
  1. Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl
  2. The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth.
  3. The Story of Dr. Dolittle by Hugh Lofting
  4. The Borrowers by Mary Norton
  5. The Cricket in Times Square by George Seldon

    There are many wonderful old stories that get ignored today because publishers haven't updated the cover art and illustrations. Even the latest Roald Dahl and Beverly Cleary books have covers only parents could love. So, read these old stories to your kids now because they're not likely to pick them up at the library, and probably won't even see them at a Scholastic book fair.

    There are books kids choose, and books parents choose for kids. Except for Harry Potter, I'd stick to the older classics for bedtime reading.
u/WalterPPK · 1 pointr/tipofmytongue
u/worshipme3 · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon


Fuck it, Im human.

  1. I tend to leave my dish with half eaten food on the table in my room, my bf has to pick it up.
  2. I grind my teeth.
  3. I smell my armpits at least 10 times a day to make sure I smell good.
  4. I say "your mom" as much as I can
  5. I only drink my pops halfway
u/confusedash · 1 pointr/whatsthatbook
u/mourningreaper00 · 1 pointr/books

I remember as a kid pouring over the beauty of Animalia. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0140559965

u/Gungnir5 · 0 pointsr/WTF

I'd Really Like to Eat a Child by Sylviane Donnio http://www.amazon.com/dp/0307930084/ref=cm_sw_r_udp_awd_sI0stb0D1FNSG

u/Paddled · 0 pointsr/aww

So cute!

Have you seen any of the Carl books?





I love this one because it is apparently set at San Diego's Balboa Park/San Diego Zoo.

Anyway, I think Carl books should be issued with every Rott Pup. Just sayin.