Louise Campbell’s playful, experimental approach has brought her international recognition and the award of Danish Designer of the Year in 2005. Campbell was born in Copenhagen, raised by her English mother and Danish father and educated in both countries. This dual nationality is perhaps the source of her ability to twist everyday items and take materials in new directions.
The More the Merrier Candelabrum (2006) lets you step into her world and assemble this candleholder as you wish. The garland-like arms are made of coated steel and easily hook into the side of each rubber cup. The set comes with six arms and seven cups. Additional sets can be combined to make a centerpiece of any size. Working out of an old workshop in Copenhagen, Campbell always starts from scratch when beginning a project. “Everything is possible until the opposite has been proven,” she says, and her studio follows one simple rule: Dare to be different. Candles not included. Made in China.