
Pet This F*cking Puppy

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Countless scientific studies have shown that simply petting a puppy can decrease your cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and boost your serotonin levels (the happiness hormone)! Thanks to this ingenious book you can now get allll of the wondrous brain benefits of petting a puppy without all the rolling in mud, howling in the night, attacking the postman, eating household ornaments, excruciating vets bills, picking up their sh*t etc. Pet This F*cking Puppy is a chunky hardback board book filled with bold images of puppies, blankets, rainbows and sunsets – each complemented with a different texture, smell or interactive element. It’s the perfect tactile, visual, smelly and sweary way to help us all calm the f*ck down. Take a break from stresses of the real world and treat yourself to a moment of fun, puppy-infused calm. Bright, bold images of puppies, blankets, rainbows, sunsets, and more, each complemented with a different texture or interactive element, are designed to give readers moments of quiet respite from the onslaught of real-world angst and responsibilities. Guaranteed to calm anyone from a neurotic New York businessperson to a harried soccer parent to anyone who watches the news, Pet This F*cking Puppy will make people smile long enough to feel a little better.

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