(Part 2) Best erotic horror books according to redditors

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We found 664 Reddit comments discussing the best erotic horror books. We ranked the 158 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 21-40. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top Reddit comments about Erotic Horror:

u/chucktinglethanks · 669 pointsr/IAmA


u/TankorSmash · 79 pointsr/Art

>Escape the Island of Eldritch Lust (Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure 2)

Full title https://www.amazon.com/Escape-Eldritch-Princess-Pleasure-Adventure-ebook/dp/B075889FNB, so it's porn. I guess titles are effective:

>His words trail off as you slide from your bench onto your hands and knees and crawl over to him. You gaze hungrily into his eyes as you climb onto his lap. You pull your skirt up and settling your plump bottom atop him. You unbutton your shirt and expose the soft, ample mounds of your breasts cradled by the lace of your bra. He gazes up at you with a surprised grin on his face. You thrust your breasts into his face, smothering his nose and warm lips in the valley between your tits.

>Bog reaches around and grabs your ass with both hands. He moans with lust, his breath hot in your cleavage as he begins kissing the tops of your tits. You unbuckle your bra and shrug it off, feeling a thrill at exposing yourself to this man who is practically a stranger. He ogles your erect nipples and your creamy mounds, but keeps his hands squeezing and cradling your ass in his lap.

u/HermitPrime · 38 pointsr/Art

A little too tentacular for my tastes, but her eyes are amazing.

Also, the actual book itself is just as terrible as I imagined.

u/arachnophilia · 36 pointsr/CrappyDesign
u/amandaclover · 35 pointsr/Tentai

Oh, hey! This was commissioned for my book, Escape the Island of Eldritch Lust: https://www.amazon.com/Escape-Eldritch-Princess-Pleasure-Adventure-ebook/dp/B075889FNB

It's an interactive erotica book where you make the choices for the protagonist!

Love Yellowroom!

u/Kikaider01 · 20 pointsr/funny

Lorko the Black!?

I'm just sayin', bigfoot pirates are a thing. Just ask Chuck Tingle.

NSFW link (well, the book's NSFW. the page is Amazon).

u/Sochitelya · 14 pointsr/mildlyinteresting

I got this.

u/Stupid_Pink_Dog · 13 pointsr/YMS

Don't tell such lies... THIS is his favorite book

u/[deleted] · 12 pointsr/trashy

if this were on kindle i would so totally buy it. for all we know, this could be the next Pounded By The Gay Unicorn Football Squad!

u/Mitt_Romney_USA · 10 pointsr/politics

This is the closest I can get for you. Enjoy the trot, buckaroo.

u/candre23 · 9 pointsr/politics

> Peter Tingle

His brother Chuck is way cooler.

u/AMY_bot · 8 pointsr/IAmA

For less messy amazon links you can extract the part after "/dp/" in


and make it:



Plz send any recommendations via PM

u/demeteloaf · 8 pointsr/ofcoursethatsathing
u/doot_toob · 7 pointsr/neoliberal

You just reminded me to do my periodic activity of reading the titles of new tinglers. And oh boy is this one relevant here

u/Rezrov_ · 7 pointsr/MTB
u/Quatroking · 6 pointsr/thenetherlands

Living Inside My Own Butt For Eight Years, Starting A Business And Turning A Profit Through Common Sense Reinvestment And Strategic Targeted Marketing

>After a horrific car accident, Travis finds himself stuck with a seemingly insurmountable stack of medical bills. Desperate for work and drowning in debt, he’s left with nowhere to turn until the wealthy investor, Barko, enters his life.

>Barko knows a good butthole investment when he sees one, and soon enough he is hard at work turning Travis’s anal passageway into a successful vineyard and real estate development known as Plobus Valley, an attractive name that translates to “place of sweet riches” in the language of the natives who inhabit Travis’s body.

>Through common sense reinvestment, Barko and Travis develop this butthole into a thriving business, but as the two of them approach eight years of partnership, a dark secret threatens to tear them apart and pound their butts.

>This erotic tale is 4,100 words of sizzling human on gay sentient business strategy action, including anal, blowjobs, rough sex, and butthole investment love.

u/alicevirgo · 6 pointsr/nottheonion
u/vanasbry000 · 6 pointsr/totallynotrobots



u/djeekay · 5 pointsr/ChapoTrapHouse
u/TastyStarlight · 5 pointsr/audible

Dr. Chuck Tingle immediately comes to mind when I hear dinosaur erotica, and his stuff really does get SO much weirder than that! I've never read his books but I'm a fan of him as a person (or persona). Check out his AMAs! There is a surprising amount of depth and humor there.

Edit to add the strangest erotica I've ever seen on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Taken-Swarm-WEREBEES-paranormal-shapeshifters-ebook/dp/B00FP7OIMO

and it's available on Kindle Unlimited. Of course it is.

u/mostlikelynotarobot · 5 pointsr/UIUC
u/Venutius · 4 pointsr/furry
u/DeShawnThordason · 3 pointsr/neoliberal
u/Socrathustra · 3 pointsr/BannedFromThe_Donald

Domald Tromp Pounded In The Butt By His Fabricated Wiretapping Scandal Made Up To Redirect Focus Away From His Seemingly Endless Unethical Connections To Russia, a gripping tale of... uh... buttsex with a fabricated wiretap scandal, I guess. It's from a Hugo Award finalist (no, really).

u/whatnotery · 3 pointsr/BicyclingCirclejerk
u/L_laMaye_Balles · 3 pointsr/eroticauthors

Forced feminization by a demon in Succubus.

Oh, and Werebees. That one is unique. I should write it a friend. Then they could breeeeeeeeed.

u/ShyBiDude89 · 2 pointsr/pics


> Kent is a man with a problem, floundering in the gay dating scene as he looks for something that doesn’t seem to exist, a man who is wild, adventurous and rugged while still being smart, gentle and sophisticated.

>Just when Kent is certain that he’ll never find the best of both worlds, he meets Channing, a living gay dress who is famous online for appearing black and blue to some, and gold and white to others.

No, really...what?

u/BellaCara · 2 pointsr/electronic_cigarette

Is it from the same author as, Pounded By The Gay Unicorn Football Squad?

u/dreambutdoreality · 2 pointsr/eroticauthors

Evidently I was not imagining things.

Did you write this thing?

Oh god how do the stingers fit into all of this?

(Very carefully? I'll show myself out... ^No ^I ^won't)

u/TheOneTrueLala · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Here you go bee

u/AndrewBot88 · 2 pointsr/neoliberal

This one. This is the one. I don't know what the fuck to do with it but something needs to be done.

u/DrStalker · 2 pointsr/4chan

You're looking for Chuck Tingle's Bigfoot Pirates Haunt My Balls.

u/That_Guy_JR · 1 pointr/nba
u/Bullshit_To_Go · 1 pointr/gaming

This Chuck Tingle book is basically a documentary on the topic.

Further reading.

u/unthused · 1 pointr/FortNiteBR

Auto-mod wouldn't let me post the link directly, so here you go:


Chuck Tingle is hilarious, but definitely did not expect this. The cover art isn't especially relevant though.

u/fapsandnaps · 1 pointr/politics

Relevant reading material.

u/Billy_the_Kid · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

well I was going to include this but i decided not to

u/Nail_Biterr · 1 pointr/funny
u/FawtyTwo · 1 pointr/mildlyinteresting

Under Legacy:

>The dress was included on multiple year-end lists of notable internet memes in 2015. It was also the subject of a short story by erotica writer Chuck Tingle.


Edit: Here it is.

u/Meganstefanie · 1 pointr/CCJ2

I got "customers who viewed this also viewed..."

This: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/150758833X/ref=pd_aw_sim_sbs_236_3/184-1876981-7406364?ie=UTF8&dpID=5188FwPyorL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL100_SR100%252C100_&refRID=1P26TP03KD10KA4DVKSH

What the actual fuck

Edit: Looked further, it also recommends a 55-gallon drum of lube. Not a bad price, either.

u/BaconAnus-Hero · 1 pointr/beetlejuicing

OP went on to become hit buckaroo, Chuck Tingle, telling everyone about his adventures in Bigfoot Seduction.

u/StephasaurusRexy · 1 pointr/DallasStars

Check out the one for Pounded By The Gay Unicorn Football Squad - "Unicorns had gone mainstream"

u/Nietzscha · 1 pointr/TIHI

You need to read some of Chuck Tingle's books.. like this one. Some fine work he writes.

u/Horse_Named_Bradley · 1 pointr/thebachelor

God I love Chuck Tingle. The best case scenario for the date is definitely that one of the women writes about the federal government shutting down her butt or references Handsome Sentient Food Pounds My Butt and Turns Me Gay.

u/blhazzard · 1 pointr/AmazonWTF

My boyfriend got me one about food and I must say Dr. Tingle really has the market of inanimate objects banging dudes cornered.