- Mugshot Photo Booth Propsxa0INCLUDES 20xa0Gold New Year’s Evexa0mugshot signs with unique crime prompts and space to write in the individual “crime.”xa0xa0Take entertaining and shareablexa0new yearxa0party photos of your friends and family while making memories with funnyxa0gold New Year’s Evexa0mug shot photo booth props!’, “perfect for any crowd! Funny mug shot photo booth signs include crime prompts – everyone will love posing with their accusation or party foul. Simply write in their violation with your own black marker and pose for the camera!xa0gold New Year’s Evexa0Mugshot Photo Prop Signs measure 11.5 inches x 7.5 inches.
- “FUNNYxa0MUGSHOT crimes: There are 10 uniquexa0new Year’s Evexa0crime prompts, one on each sign: won’t last a week, i don’t do resolutions, until january 1st, challenge accepted, who am i kidding, i’m serious this time, trying it… again, #yolo, i got this!, and why not?!
- “HIGH-QUALITYxa0NEW year’s EVExa0PARTY SUPPLIES:xa0Gold New Year’s Eve New Year’s Evexa0partyxa0mugshot photo booth props are professionally printed on thick cardstock paper. They will arrive cut out and ready to use with friends and family at your party or take out and use throughout the night at a variety of locations!
- “made in the USA:xa0Gold New Year’s Evexa0Party Mug Shotsxa0are designed and manufactured at our Wisconsin facility using materials that are Made in the usa. Gold New Year’s Evexa0mug shots use a No-Mess Glitter Print: Our mug shot props are designed with a printed image of glitter, eliminating glitter flake while maximizing bling effect! Please Note: The Mug Shot Photo Booth Height Chart Backdrop is sold separately.
New Year’s Resolution Mugshot Signs