
Pinterest Marketing 2-eBook & 3 Workbook Bundle

Pinterest Marketing 2-eBook & 3 Workbook Bundle
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A wealth of knowledge at your fingertips in a nice bundle! Pinterest 2-eBooks (Pinterest Marketing, Pinterest Marketing Amplification) & 3 Pinterest Workbooks included. Pinterest ebooks includes .mobi, and workbooks are in .pdf files, and are 70+ pages, 8+, and 17+ in length. Pin great images. Check. Use quality keyword phrases. Check. Follow boards and profiles that your audience will love. Check. You’ve done everything the experts have said to do, but are only getting marginal traffic on your website on Pinterest. What about amplification? How do you reach over 1 million, 5 million, or even 10 million viewers on a regular basis? Pinterest Marketing: 80k to 14+ Million in 3 Months focuses not just on the basic aspects of growing your blog into a business, but also how to amplify your Pinterest reach so that your website receives hundreds of thousands of viewers daily, growing your email list and makes the conversion from visitor to happy customer. Find out exactly how to reach over 10 million monthly viewers regularly with the 3 key things Kerrie Legend discovered in testing over 10 accounts and working with bloggers and writers just like you. There are three critical things that took accounts from growing in followers from single digits a day to over a hundred daily, increased monthly views, and brought higher conversion to domain pins. Pinterest has been through a lot of changes in the past year. It’s growing. It’s evolving, and looking at an ipo in 2019. And you can use this powerful search engine to grow and evolve your business as well, from one that is constantly marketing on the outbound to focusing on inbound marketing. If your email newsletter list is suffering or you’re not growing as fast as you’d like with your business, this is the book for you. Why Pinterest? Pinterest is an incredible search engine tool that is perfect for bloggers and marketers to grow their businesses online. The trouble is, most website owners either do not have their Pinterest account set up correctly or are not using Pinterest to gain followers, grow their blog and get free website traffic. Imagine a situation or your life if you could?

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