Introducing the newest member in the Subwing family, the Subwing Honeycomb. This is a slightly smaller version of the traditional Subwing, designed for everyday use with minimal amount of maintenance.
The tough ABS polymer shell provides a durable construction that will take a lot of ‘beating’. The lightweight hollow design is equipped with honeycomb patterned core walls to achieve the best possible strength vs weight characteristics, making it incredibly stiff, light and strong.
Like our other versions, the Subwing Honeycomb gives you the opportunity to explore the ocean in a way never done before, choose your own pace and glide directly above the ocean sand floor, do thrilling twists and turns, or simply cruise along on the surface.
You can easily control the movement of the SUBWING by tilting the wings in the direction you want to go. This allows you easily to achieve dives (up and down), sideway-movements or spins.
The SUBWING is attached to a boat with a recommended rope length of about 15 meter. The recommended towing speed is safe and comfortable at 2 knots.