A revolutionary skating experience is here! Best of all it’s totally customizable for your indoor or outdoor space at home. Presenting the most innovative hockey tile ever made: HockeyShot’s Synthetic Ice – Revolution Tiles! The smaller, lightweight, flexible Synthetic Ice design means you can throw-down and pick-up your artificial ice surface anywhere! Take home ice advantage to a whole new level.
18” x 18” x 7/16″ tiles are sold individually with no minimum order.
Patented symmetrical tiles clip together in any direction. Assemble an entire surface in minutes!
New and improved formula offers our slickest and smoothest skating & puck handling experience.
Best coefficient levels of friction on the market. 10-15% greater than frozen ice means its perfect for resistance training!
Self-lubricating agent means no need for wax or add-on liquids.
Built with VHMW-PE for better performance and durability.
UV protected and weather resistant to withstand outdoor cold and heat.
Improved construction and lightweight, flexible design better accommodates uneven terrain while remaining strong enough to park vehicles on them.
Easier and more affordable to ship than larger traditional Synthetic Ice panels.
Enhance your tiles experience and keep the puck in play with our new Puck Stopper Edging Containment System or use our Smooth Edging for easy puck loading.